Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1) Page 5

by Bernard, Lynnette

  “No, not today,” she answered him quietly. “They need it though. It’s been a long journey, and they haven’t had much fun in their lives. They deserve the freedom. I don’t know when they’ll get a chance to enjoy themselves again.”

  Despite the closeness of this big man, Lexi felt no fear. She only felt a peacefulness wrapping around her at his nearness. That he should be standing so close to her and holding her hair in his hands, made her feel something that she was at a loss to truly understand. She felt like she belonged. It was weird. She felt as if she were exactly where she was meant to be. With Sebastian Mathieson.

  “What about you?” she teased him. “I think we interrupted your swim before. Did you want to swim some more?”

  Sebastian smiled and tugged on her hair, nearly groaning when she leaned into him and placed her hands against his chest to push him away. The feel of her gentle hands on his body lit him with a fire of need. He desired her very much, but it was more than that. He wanted to experience her gentle kindness and caring. It was obvious that those attributes were so much a part of her. He could feel it through their growing connection.

  “Okay, Mr. Caveman,” she laughed, pulling away and gently removing her hair from his hand. “You can let go now.”

  “Mr. Caveman?” he asked, puzzled. “I have told you, my lady. My name is Sebastian.”

  The startled laugh that escaped Lexi could not be contained. She couldn’t help herself. There was definitely going to be a cultural barrier between them, but she knew she was going to enjoy every minute of it, just like she enjoyed touching his muscled chest—even if it was only for the briefest of touches. What she really wanted to do was run her hands all over his body.

  Now where the hell was that thought coming from?

  How could her sudden desire for him be possible? It shouldn’t be, but she wasn’t kidding herself. She did desire him. Very much.

  She took a step back and looked away, blushing deeply at her thoughts and her physical reaction. She knew fear in that moment. She was opening herself up for a massive hurt. She knew that to the depths of her soul. She was not like other woman. She was a soldier. He was a magnificent specimen of a man who was a powerful leader. He might need her strength or her skills, but he would never need or want her as a woman.

  Sebastian watched her silently, sensing the change within her as she stepped away from him. He could see the humor and joy fading from her as she turned to walk the beach along the water’s edge. He was at a loss to understand what had prompted her sudden sorrow, but he was determined to find out what it was that had made her pull away from him. She would soon learn that they were meant to be together and share their thoughts, their worries, their fears, their joys, and their love.

  Was it too soon to think that they would grow to love each other? Mayhap. But Sebastian knew that the love that life mates shared would grow quickly and deeply. He had seen it in his parents. He had seen it in the bonded couples of his kingdom. When a person was lucky enough to find their life mate through that first touch, the friendship and love that was formed was almost instant. It was also deep and lasting. He wanted that with Lexi. He could only hope and pray that she would want that with him, as well.

  He had much to tell his life mate. She had every right to know everything before she made the choice to be his. She also had to understand that what would happen to her was not something to be feared. He hated that she would experience pain until she made her choice, but there was nothing that he could do to prevent it. Being by her side throughout their journey back to his camp would help her. It was all that he could do to aid her—for now.

  “Are we remaining here for long?” Torin’s voice brought him back to awareness.

  “For a while,” Sebastian answered quietly. “It seems that my life mate and her sisters are in need of some joy. And I will see that they have it.” He looked at Torin and nodded. “We will keep watch to ascertain their safety.”

  Torin faced him silently. His face was etched with concern for the powerful man before him. He understood and supported what Sebastian told him. He could do nothing else. He was his king, and he had dedicated his life to him. That dedication would now extend to his new queen and her family.

  “I believe you are in need of happiness, as well, Sebastian,” he told him quietly, his deep voice filled with concern for his friend.

  Sebastian looked at Torin and smiled slowly. “I believe I have just found the one who will be my source of joy for the rest of my life.”

  Torin smiled back. His ruggedly handsome face was transformed in that instant from the stoic warrior to the childhood friend who truly was his brother.

  “I envy you that, Sebastian,” he told him honestly. “But I give thanks to the heavens that you have finally found your life mate.”

  Sebastian nodded and turned to watch Lexi as she walked toward the small patch of land that jutted out into the lagoon. When she bent to unlace her boots and toe them off, his body reacted in appreciation. Her strongly muscled legs and attractive backside beckoned to him.

  All he could focus on was the fact that he wanted to feel every muscle of her body and touch every sweet curve of her feminine figure. He needed to taste every part of her. He wanted to bury himself deeply inside of her and pump furiously until he released his seed inside of her. He ached for the time when his seed would take root and their child would be growing within her. His life mate. His future.

  He willed his heart to beat slower and his breaths to even out. He closed his eyes momentarily to force himself to take hold of his thoughts and keep his desires under control. Lexi deserved tender wooing. She was his gentle warrior. She was also the woman who would stand by his side and be the miracle that he desperately needed. She and her sisters and her niece would fulfill the prophecy of salvation, but she would also fill his life with love and children.

  When he opened his eyes, he watched her as she gently tossed her boots up onto the sand, rolled her pants to her calves, and silently walked further away from him. He admired her grace and her strength as she climbed up the small embankment of the raised, lush strip of land that led out into the lagoon. An aura of goodness radiated around her.

  He pictured her standing there, her belly swollen, filled with their baby. Her body glowed with the beautiful life within her. It was amazing to him that the picture was so real. His father had once told him that when he had first met Sebastian’s mother, he had pictured her in full royal garb, smiling at him and touching her belly. He had seen the moment that would be the catalyst to his future. The baby within her belly had been Sebastian—the future royal heir. His father had told him that in that moment, he knew that his life mate was before him.

  Sebastian had always thought that it had been a really nice story, but he had also thought it was just that—a story. Now he knew better. As he looked at Lexi, he realized that she was the perfect woman for him. Seeing her standing there and watching her family as they enjoyed their time in the lagoon, he sensed the warrior in her guarding the people that she loved. He also sensed the appreciation that she had of the beauty of Altavesta. Using his magic, he skirted the feelings within her heart, careful not to intrude. He needed to know that she was well.

  He felt the sadness that surrounded her, sensing that it was her strength that kept it at bay. He felt her longing for love and a family of her own. That made him smile. He was pleased that she wanted those things in her life. He did, as well.

  He heard her laugh softly as she saw the joy on her niece Hanna’s face as she splashed about in the water. It filled him with happiness. She looked over her shoulder suddenly, catching his eye. The flash of desire that was displayed in her eyes in that moment nearly brought him to his knees.

  She desired him.

  “My lady, I pray that you desire me as both a man and as a life mate,” he said quietly.

  He knew that the need to be close and to touch was great since the initial touch, but he wanted the connection to be more than jus
t the physical need that was a result of the bonding process. He wanted Lexi to want him as a life mate, a friend, a confidant, a lover, and a father to their children.

  “Sebastian,” Torin’s voice called to him.

  Sebastian looked at Torin briefly, unable to maintain eye contact with him for very long. His gaze was immediately drawn back to Lexi. He saw her shade her eyes against the mid-day sun to watch her sisters swimming out into the deeper water of the lagoon.

  “I am fine, Torin,” Sebastian assured him. “She will soon know that she is mine. I am just concerned that I will not be able to speak to her privately to help her understand what is happening between us.”

  Torin nodded and rested his large hand on Sebastian’s shoulder, squeezing it briefly before dropping it to rest it on the hilt of his weapon. “All will be well, Sebastian,” he assured his friend. “All will go as it was meant to. This bonding is fated and will bring you great happiness.”

  Sebastian smiled softly as he watched Lexi laugh at the antics of her youngest sister and niece. How quickly her joy had become his.

  “Torin,” he said very seriously, looking at his friend and seeing the genuine happiness that Torin had for him. He also felt the deep sadness that was so much a part of his friend. “The sisters will bring all of us great joy and salvation.”

  “What do you mean?” Torin questioned, turning to watch the women who were new to their world.

  “They are the eight warriors who will join with the Guardians as foretold in the ancient prophecy.” He watched Torin’s face as it registered shock, then relief, and finally happiness at the revelation. “It seems we have misunderstood the prophecy.”

  “I would agree,” Torin told him, smiling at the band of sisters. “The shame is ours for thinking that the warriors spoken of in the prophecy were men.”

  “And we incorrectly interpreted how the warriors would join with the Guardians,” Sebastian pointed out, chuckling softly at the confusion on Torin’s face as he turned his blue gaze back to him.

  “Explain,” Torin prompted.

  “We thought it to mean that the warriors would join us in our fight,” Sebastian began. “While that is apparently true, I believe the deeper meaning is that they will also join us as life mates, truly joining with us physically.”

  Torin stepped back from him and bowed. “I truly hope that your brothers will be rewarded with such a gift, Sebastian,” he said sincerely.

  “It may be true that my brothers will find their intendeds among these women,” Sebastian offered quietly. “I wish happiness for Bryden and Tristen.”

  “I do, as well, my king.”

  “I also hope that these women will find happiness in the bonding with the men of our world.”

  “That would be a great gift,” Torin said quietly.

  “I think that these women will find their mates among our warriors. Perhaps you will find yours, Torin,” Sebastian continued, watching his best friend with interest.

  Torin’s spine stiffened, his eyes blazed with anger, and a low growl left him. He took a step away from his friend. It took every measure of control that he possessed to keep himself from howling at the thought of any woman being mated to him.

  “That is not possible,” he insisted finally, his voice low so as not to be heard by anyone but his king.

  Sebastian looked at his friend briefly, seeing the tension that immediately overtook Torin’s body. He would not press the matter now. He knew Torin’s life had been difficult. Torin had never dared to allow any weakness or hope to invade his mind. He carried great guilt and sadness.

  Time would tell if he was also going to be given the gift of a life mate. Sebastian secretly wished that one of Lexi’s sisters was indeed Torin’s match.

  Before he had a chance to address Torin’s denial, he saw Lexi stiffen and turn her head abruptly toward the center of the lagoon. He started moving toward her immediately, knowing that something was wrong. He saw Lexi running, tearing her weapon belt and vest from her body as she picked up speed before she reached the end of the embankment and executed a perfect dive into the water to quickly surface and swim with hard, powerful strokes to reach her sisters.

  The pain and fear that wrenched his heart was so severe it was nearly debilitating. Without thought, Sebastian’s ran after her. His strong legs drove him toward the water and he lunged into it, his mighty strokes cutting through the calm water to get to his mate.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Lexi walked along the embankment, finally calm and content after such an arduous journey. She cautiously allowed herself to relax and enjoy the beautiful setting, the crystal blue water, and the soft warm breeze that gently tossed her hair around her body. The sky was a beautiful blend of light blue, pink, and purple. The white puffy clouds added to the storybook quality of the view.

  The colors and the textures reminded her of the sweet treat that her mother had given all of them every summer as they traveled to the outskirts of the city and away from Brendan Port to take lazy picnics. Cotton candy had been that treat, and it was Lexi’s favorite. It not only tasted delicious, it brought such wonderful memories of happy times with her parents and her sisters.


  Gaiya’s voice screamed in her head. Lexi’s gaze whipped toward the water and saw the one sight she dreaded. Both Gaiya and Hanna were struggling in the water, unable to keep themselves above the surface.

  I’m coming, Gaiya! she called out as she tore off her belt and vest as she broke into a run. She reached the end of the embankment in little time and dove off the end in one smooth movement that sent her hurtling into the water.

  She surfaced quickly and began swimming in earnest toward her sister and her niece. She knew nothing but that she had to reach them to save them. She was unaware that Sebastian was by her side until he reached out and pulled Gaiya to the surface just as Lexi reached for Hanna and dragged her above the water.

  Both Gaiya and Hanna were coughing desperately but neither Lexi nor Sebastian hesitated in their efforts to pull them back to shore. When they finally dragged themselves onto the sand, they were instantly surrounded by the rest of the sisters who had somehow managed to swim with amazing speed to come out of the water directly behind them.

  Torin and the rest of Sebastian’s men were beside them at once. No one moved at first, shock stilling them all. Finally Bree fell to her knees before Lexi and wrapped her arms around both her and Hanna. That was all it took. The rest of the sisters fell to their knees around them and embraced Lexi, Sebastian, Hanna and Gaiya. Their combined hug was tight and sure. All of them were determined to share their love and their relief.

  Lexi had never been so thankful that Gaiya possessed the gift of being able to speak to others within their minds. Only Lexi was able to speak back to her in the same way, though. None of them really knew why. Their mother had told them that there was a reason for everything, and that reason would reveal itself when the time was right.

  Sebastian was aware that Torin and their men were surrounding them all. He was also aware that none of the men knew what to do to help comfort the women. Sebastian nearly laughed at the thought of his strong warriors so helpless, but he knew that he was of the same mind. He was just as confused. He did not know how to aid them.

  He felt immense relief as he reached out and held Lexi’s hand before her sisters enveloped him and Gaiya within their loving arms. He could only look at Lexi and found that he had difficulty breathing as he saw her eyes filling with panic and fear as she looked at him. He felt her hand squeeze his, and his automatically clenched around hers to offer her comfort and support. He was not about to let go. The very thought that he might have lost her just as he had finally found her was enough to nearly kill him. His heart was still pounding as he remembered the sight of her diving into the water.

  It was only moments until the sisters were able to pull themselves together and take up their weapons to once again strap them to their hips. Sebastian stood and backed away, giving th
e women the space he knew they needed to regroup and focus. He admired their strength and their obvious love for each other. He also recognized the capable training that they had to have received. They acted as a well-choreographed team. Each one depended upon the other and was exactly where they needed to be to help, protect, and defend.

  Lexi relinquished her niece to Bree and walked quickly to Sebastian. She stood before him silently, looking up at him, unable to form words. Her hair was plastered to her face and her clothing was clinging to her body, but she didn’t care. The help of this man had been quick, sure, and freely given. She had to somehow express to him how much what he had done for them meant to her.

  “Thank you,” she told him softly, knowing those two words hardly did justice to the level of gratitude she had for him. “I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to them.”

  Sebastian smiled and reached out to touch her cheek gently. He brushed back the wet hair that covered her face and settled his hand against her neck, caressing it gently in an attempt to comfort her.

  “I would not have been happy if something had happened to you, either, my lady,” he told her softly.

  His deep voice sent shivers of need throughout her body. She lowered her eyes and stepped away from him and his touch. She walked away from him to join her sisters, quickly retrieving her vest, weapons, and boots and carrying them with her to stand and wait with them.

  Sebastian watched her silently. He waited for her to reclaim her spot beside him, but she never did. He saw the fear in her eyes and realized that they held a deep sadness, as well. He would not push, but he was determined that he would know why she felt those things before the night was through.

  The sight of her in the wet clothes that were conforming to her body, sweetly exposing every curve to his intense gaze, was breathtaking. It took every bit of his willpower to push aside the intimate thoughts he had of reaching out and running his hands over her body to caress every lush curve. He ached to hold her within his arms. He wanted to caress her breasts, span her waist with his hands, and follow the feminine contour of her hips. He wanted to taste her mouth, her neck, and her very essence. His desire flared at the thought of feeling the wetness he knew would await him to ease his passage deep into her body. He wanted her. He needed her.


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