Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1) Page 9

by Bernard, Lynnette

  He admired her strength as she fought to remain calm and silent as the tearing pain raced through her womb and into her breasts. He saw the fine sheen of perspiration covering her forehead as she fought to breathe through each throbbing ache that echoed through her body.

  Her sisters watched her silently, each growing agitated as they saw their oldest sister struggling with her pain. She was their strength. She was the one who held them together. They had seen Lexi fight in many confrontations and sustain many injuries, but this pain was different. It tore at her from the inside, and they were at a loss to understand the true scope of its meaning. They rose to their knees when she rolled to her side and curled up into a fetal position, hugging her arms around herself as she moaned despite her best efforts to remain silent.

  Sebastian growled as he lunged for his mate. Torin grabbed him from behind and wrapped his arms around his king’s torso. It took every bit of strength that he had to contain the power of his friend. Torin knew that Sebastian could reduce him to a pile of ash with just the flick of his hand if he unleashed his magic. He also knew that it was only the love that Sebastian had for him as a friend and as a brother that kept his king’s power contained.

  Callie reached forward, uncaring that her ability to heal would be revealed. She had to stop Lexi’s pain. She placed her hands on her sister’s abdomen and closed her eyes to concentrate. A violet light of healing surrounding her and Lexi, but it did no good. Callie collapsed against Daria and looked at her sisters in frustration.

  “I can’t take her pain,” she whispered, her voice filled with fear. Never in her life had she been unable to heal her sisters or her niece.

  Lexi moaned, pulling herself into a tighter ball as the pain ripped through her body. Sebastian threw out his magic, determined to push from Torin’s grasp so he could get to his life mate. He did not want to hurt his friend, but if he had to in order to be released, he would.

  “This has gone on long enough,” he growled, reaching forward to touch Lexi.

  Torin’s arms tightened around his waist and held him firm, not allowing him to reach his woman. Sebastian struggled against his hold in earnest but Torin’s grasp never wavered. He held his king with every ounce of strength that he had, drawing upon his own magic to place a shield around Sebastian to keep him from Lexi.

  “Release me,” Sebastian demanded, his own pain weakening him. He pressed his magic outward, succeeding in throwing Torin off-balance. Still, his friend held him tightly.

  “No, Sebastian,” Torin told him calmly, the sweat dripping off his forehead—evidence of the effort it took to hold his king back. “My lady has demanded this of both of us.”

  He knew that the reminder of Sebastian’s promise to his life mate was the one thing that could contain the powerful forces that he could wield. He was depending upon Sebastian’s promise to push through the haze of pain that his king was experiencing to keep him in control.

  Sebastian struggled against his hold, fury making him stronger by the moment. Torin would not be able to hold him back from Lexi for much longer. He looked at Lexi’s sisters with eyes that blazed with anger. Lexi moaned suddenly and turned her head into the small cushion beside her as she began to cry.

  “What more must you demand of your sister?” he shouted at them. “Do you want her to suffer needlessly?” He looked to each of them, demanding them to understand what they were allowing to happen to their sister. “Know that I will not allow this to continue. She is my life mate, and I will protect her with my last breath.”

  “Sebastian,” Lexi called out softly, her voice weak as she moaned his name. “Help me.”

  With a roar, Sebastian threw Torin from him, holding him in place with his powerful magic, and pushed to Lexi’s side. Without hesitation he picked her up into his arms and held her to him as he knelt before her. Her whimper of pain as she curled into his body was almost too much for him to bear. With a groan of frustration, he turned to face the circle of women and his trusted friend. A sudden glow of gold surrounded him, protecting his mate with a shield of intense light and power.

  “Leave us,” he demanded. “And do not come back until I call for you.”

  He watched them stand before him and knew that they were overwhelmed by his power, but he was not about to diminish its strength to appease their fears. He would not hide his power. He had complete control over his magic at all times. Holding Lexi and connecting with her amplified that power. He was relieved that although his magic was now much greater, it was also more focused and calm. It had to be because Lexi allowed him to channel his magic.

  He felt her warmth within his soul. He felt her goodness within his heart. She was all that was good and kind in his world. He would never allow her to suffer again.

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. He loved that she settled her face into the crook of his neck and was breathing in deeply, taking in his scent. She was humming softly against his skin, sending waves of pleasure through him. The need to protect his life mate was strong. Now that she was in his arms, he was able to calm somewhat. He was not going to release her.

  “I will not harm her. I will take care of her,” he told her sisters, his voice hard and sure. “Now leave us. I will not tell you again.”

  “Sebastian, she’s our sister...” Bree began, about to explain that they could not leave her.

  “She. Is. My. Mate,” Sebastian told them, his voice low and deadly. “My life is nothing without her.”

  Bree looked at Torin, her shock obvious on her face. To have a man be so adamant about his dedication to a woman was unbelievable. They had only seen that degree of commitment in their parents’ marriage. Was it possible that the men of this world held such passion for their destined mates?

  “He will not harm her,” Torin told them all with certainty. “He would give his own life before any pain or unhappiness came to her. It is the way of life mates.”

  “Really?” Bree asked softly, looking at Torin and seeing the pain and longing in his beautiful blue eyes. She had the sudden urge to card her fingers through his long black hair and brush it away from his face to soothe him.

  “I make you this vow, Lady Bree,” Torin said gently, looking down at the stunning woman and using every bit of strength within him to keep himself from reaching out and drawing her into his arms. “Every man in this world values the gift of their life mate. Nothing and no one will be allowed to hurt the woman that he loves.”

  The vehemence in Torin’s voice spoke volumes. She knew that her sisters were equally impressed and believed his words. She didn’t need to use her empathic ability to understand that Torin was speaking honestly and from his heart. It was obvious in the tone of his voice and the spark of determination in his eyes as he gave them his promise.

  “This world is proving to be an amazing place,” Gaiya said softly, stepping forward and reaching out to touch Lexi’s shoulder lightly. “I know I’m a romantic, but I believe that love is something that is treasured and honored here.”

  “I agree,” Francie whispered, knowing that her sisters heard her. She was a shy woman who didn’t speak much, but when she did, it was important. Like this situation was now. “Lexi needs to be given the choice.”

  The sisters gathered together before Lexi, reaching out to gently touch their sister. They needed the connection. Looking down at Lexi as Sebastian held her securely against his chest, they saw that Lexi’s pain was easing. She looked at peace as she leaned into Sebastian’s body. Bree touched the top of Lexi’s head while Callie took Lexi’s hand.

  “Lexi?” Bree called to her quietly. “What do you want us to do?”

  Lexi turned her face away from Sebastian’s chest to look at her sisters. She saw their worry and their fear, but she couldn’t think beyond the deep pain within her that was slowly lessening. Each second gave her more relief. The warmth of Sebastian’s body and the gentle firmness of his hold gave her a sense of peace and belonging. She didn’t want to be out of his a
rms or away from his comfort.

  “Leave me with Sebastian,” she told them weakly, the mere effort of it almost too much. Her head fell back against the comforting strength of Sebastian’s chest. Then she knew nothing else as blackness overcame her.

  “Lexi?” Daria whispered, concerned. “What happened?” The anger that filled her was immediate. “What have you done to her?”

  “I have done nothing,” Sebastian said quietly, his gaze never leaving Lexi’s face. “She needs to sleep. The pain has exhausted her.” He looked up at the women and saw their deep concern. “She will be well.”

  “Aunt Lexi,” Hanna called out, reaching her little arms out and leaning out from Gaiya’s arms as she fought to reach her aunt.

  Gaiya stepped closer so Hanna could go to Lexi. Her niece immediately squirmed out of her arms and settled onto Lexi’s lap. Gaiya couldn’t help but smile when she saw the way Sebastian immediately adjusted his hold so that Hanna could sit comfortably on Lexi’s legs as she sat sideways on his thighs.

  “Aunt Lexi, I love you,” Hanna said softly, reaching up and tugging on her aunt’s hair to pull her closer so she could kiss her cheek firmly.

  Lexi embraced Hanna as she slept, smiling softly as her niece cuddled against her chest. Sebastian felt a stirring within his heart at the sight. He wanted to see the same beautiful sight with their own daughter cuddling between them. He knew that Lexi was going to be a loving and caring mother. He saw her tender heart. He felt her strength and loyalty. She was his life mate. His love. His queen.

  “Love you, squirt,” Lexi whispered, never opening her eyes or coming out of her healing sleep.

  Hanna giggled sweetly, hugging her aunt one more time before easing back and looking up at Sebastian. Sebastian could see the intelligence in Hanna’s violet eyes. It was uncanny. This small child was someone very special. He knew it within his heart.

  She was the eighth warrior. It was her joining that was going to be the catalyst to all things good. Her bonding would be the final step in the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy. The worlds that Sebastian protected would finally know lasting peace.

  How was it possible that such a tremendous responsibility had been placed upon the shoulders of such a small child? He did not know, but he was going to do everything within his power to keep Hanna safe—to keep all of the women safe.

  “Sebastian?” Hanna whispered.

  “Yes, sweet Hanna?”

  “You like Aunt Lexi?”

  Sebastian smiled down at the innocent child, taken by her honest question. He could do nothing but answer her just as honestly.

  “I like her very much, Hanna,” he said quietly. “I believe I will love her very soon.”

  Hanna smiled brightly. “Yay!” she squealed happily, clapping her hands with excitement. She turned to face her mother and reached up, asking to be taken.

  Bree took her quickly and hugged her against her chest, loving the way her daughter always cuddled against her shoulder and buried her face against her neck. Hanna was a bundle of love and goodness. She counted her blessings for having such a wonderful daughter every day.

  “Mommy, Sebastian is good,” Hanna said quietly against the warmth of her mother’s neck.

  Bree looked at Sebastian and centered her empathic powers on him. She felt his goodness. She also felt the growing feelings that he had for Lexi. She felt his wonder at having found his life mate. She also felt his deep concern for their safety. Hanna was correct. Sebastian was a good man—a man who would put his life on the line for each and every one of them.

  “He is, sweetheart,” Bree agreed softly. She turned to face her sisters. “He is.” Her voice was gentle but firm as she spoke. She knew her sisters were waiting for her decision.

  “That’s all I need to hear,” Evie said without hesitation.

  “Me, too,” Callie spoke up.

  “I thank you,” Sebastian told them, bowing his head slightly. “Please give us time alone. Lexi will be taken care of. I will allow no harm to come to her. You have my vow.”

  Bree nodded, turned, and walked toward the tent entrance. Her sisters followed her silently. All of them knew that Lexi would be safe. Sebastian was her life mate. He would be certain to care for her and protect her. They needed no further convincing.

  Lexi’s sacrifice to show how she experienced real physical pain from being kept apart from Sebastian was enough to convince them that the unbelievable tale that was told to them about needing the touch of your life mate could not be denied. This world held traditions and miraculous possibilities that they could never have imagined.

  Torin followed quickly behind them, his anger deep that the situation had gone as far as it had. His queen had suffered greatly because of her sisters’ doubt. He understood that they had to be convinced of the ways of their world, but he would be forever angry that not only did he have to stand by and watch his queen’s pain, he had also been forced to prevent Sebastian from going to aid his life mate.

  Once outside, he followed the women to the center of the camp. He turned to give orders to his men, knowing that their routine of security had to be doubled now that they had these new warriors to protect.

  “Surround our king’s tent at a respectable distance to ensure the privacy of the royal couple,” he commanded.

  “Sebastian is your king?” Gaiya asked, surprised by the revelation.

  “He is,” Torin said, nodding. “Your sister is now our queen. I am proud to serve such a strong and brave woman.”

  His anger eased slightly as he met the concerned, violet eyes of Bree Gallagher. He could not release it completely, however. He had seen his king and queen suffer because of their doubt.

  “Do you intend to remain angry with us?” Bree challenged him without fear.

  “I am not angry with you,” he denied.


  Torin blinked in surprise. This little slip of a woman dared to call him a liar? She was either very brave or very foolish.

  “I am not foolish,” Bree told him firmly.

  “I believe that you are, my lady,” he told her, doing his best not to speak to her too harshly.

  “You will find that my sisters and I are capable warriors,” Bree told him firmly. “Do not underestimate us.”

  “I do not.”

  “Oh, I think that you do, Torin,” Bree said, laughing softly. “I will enjoy proving you wrong.”

  “Will you?”

  “Very much.”

  Torin took a calming breath. This woman had already affected him far more than he was comfortable with. He could not risk the interaction with her. She was too beautiful, too kind, too brave, and entirely too tempting. He did not know if he could resist her for much longer. But resist her, he must. For her own good.

  “You will occupy the tent across the camp,” he told them all sternly, pointing to the tent on the other side of the main campfire. “Food will be brought to you, and your comfort will be seen to.”

  He turned to face Bree, his face softening only briefly as he looked down at the small woman as she held her adorable child tightly against her shoulder. It was quickly masked, and a look of severity that would make any man pause, replaced it.

  “You are now the one responsible for your sisters. Guide them well, little one, until my lady queen has regained her strength.”

  Bree couldn’t contain the small laugh that burst from her. She saw the confusion on Torin’s face and could only laugh harder. She reached up and tugged on the long length of his black hair as it hung over his left shoulder.

  “You’re really into giving orders, aren’t you, Torin?” she asked him, running his silky hair through her fingertips. She liked the thickness of it.

  If she were to be honest with herself, she really wanted to touch his face and soothe the worry lines that creased his forehead, but she couldn’t be that bold—to be honest, she had never been so forward before. She knew that because of the traditions on this world, it would be reckless to touch
him. That didn’t make the thought or the need to do so diminish in the slightest.

  “Lady Bree,” Torin said softly, the warning clear in his voice.

  “Torin, you worry too much,” Bree told him, sighing. “I understand your concerns. I also understand that your duties put a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders. I’m in a similar position. My sister Lexi and I share that responsibility, but it doesn’t lessen the weight of it. When people’s lives are counting on your actions, it’s daunting and fills you with worry. Maybe we can figure things out together without causing the other more stress. What do you think?”

  Torin was touched by Bree’s words. He saw the sincerity in her eyes and felt himself being pulled into her soul. He could not allow that to happen.

  Taking a step back, he felt a small tug on his hair as she reluctantly released her hold on it. He crossed his arms across his broad chest and looked down at her with the most threatening look he could muster. He weighed his words and came up short. There was nothing that he could say. He could not accept her offer of friendship, but he could not reject it either. It would hurt her.

  Nodding slightly, he was glad to see the expression on her face turn from upset to calm acceptance. Ending this relationship before it began was the only way to protect Bree.

  “I thank you for your offer of friendship, Lady Bree,” he said quietly. “I wish you well in your future on Altavesta. I am certain that you are a strong and capable warrior who will do great things for our people.”

  He hesitated a moment, wanting to say more, but knowing that he could not give her any encouragement in her efforts to form a friendship with him. That friendship would link them in a way that would lead to a bonding.

  He walked toward his warriors who were standing by the main campfire. They waited silently for him, their attention divided between him and the cadre of women warriors. He could not allow the distraction—not if he wanted all of them to remain safe.


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