Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1) Page 18

by Bernard, Lynnette

  She had told Lexi that she had seen her living in a huge home that looked like the castles in Scotland. It was set high on a cliff that overlooked the vast ocean of the world called Altavesta. Her mother had seen Lexi walking out onto a balcony to stand at the stone railing. A very tall man with long dark blond hair had taken his place behind her and had slipped his hands around her body, settling them on her belly. Her mother had told her that she was newly pregnant in her vision.

  Lexi had been embarrassed that her mother had seen such an intimate future. She had also been secretly hopeful that she would have that future with a kind and loving man.

  That night, Lexi had had a vision of her own. She had seen the same thing that her mother had seen, but her vision had continued. She had seen the tall man in shadow. His faced hadn’t been revealed to her. She had also seen him kissing her and caressing her belly. She could almost feel the baby moving within her.

  When he stood before her, she reached up and threaded her fingers through the silky strands of her husband’s hair, loving the way it fell around her, almost curtaining them in privacy as they shared this time together. She looked up into his golden eyes and saw the tenderness, the hope, and the desire there. Experiencing that vision had been the nicest thing that she had ever been gifted. Until now.

  Sebastian held her so tenderly, her heart ached with the love she was feeling. She was his life mate. Hopefully, she would someday be the mother of his child. Looking up at him, she hoped that their son or daughter would have his golden eyes. Carrying his baby was going to be something that she was looking forward to. With Sebastian as hers, she could allow herself to hope for that beautiful vision to be her reality.

  “Have you seen our future, Lexi?” he whispered, smiling tenderly down at her.

  “How did you know?” She was shocked by his insight.

  “It is a gift that life mates experience,” Sebastian told her. “I have been given a glimpse into our future, as well.”

  “You have?”

  “When you approached me at the lagoon, I was gifted with a vision.”

  “What did you see?”

  “I saw you standing before me. Your belly was round with our child.” He smiled at the memory. “It is something that I am looking forward to sharing with you, my love.” He kissed her temple lightly, pressing his lips against her ear and whispering to her. “I saw our baby nursing at your breast and you looking at me with love in your eyes.”

  Lexi remained silent. Sometimes, she was afraid to voice her hopes. She had known many disappointments in her life. She had learned long ago never to assume that goodness and happiness awaited her. She had that same fear now.

  Before she could wallow in her worries, she felt Sebastian lifting her and standing up. She wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning softly as his shaft grazed her G-spot as he carried her toward the pool of water below them.

  She rested her head on his shoulder, trusting his strength to carry her since she had none left of her own. He had sapped all of her energy with her last orgasm. She couldn’t help but laugh softly as she nuzzled into his neck and kissed it softly.

  “You are enjoying yourself, Lexi?” he asked her, smiling as he carried her into the warm water.

  “Maybe just a little,” she teased him.

  Sebastian hugged her tightly as he carried her toward the cascading waterfall. He held them both beneath the curtain of water, loving the way Lexi leaned back to allow her hair to be swept back with the flow of the warm water. The way her body arched, her breasts were presented to him beautifully. He took full advantage, leaning forward and kissing each one tenderly.

  Lexi straightened and wrapped her arms around Sebastian’s neck. She kissed her way up the column of his throat, biting at his chin playfully before leaning back and looking up at him.

  “This is nice,” she told him quietly.

  “Very nice, my lady,” he agreed.

  “I like that you’re still inside of me,” she admitted.

  “I am pleased with that, as well.”

  Lexi laughed softly, moving her hips carefully, unsure if the water would affect the comfort level of their joining. She was relieved to feel that she was still able to move so that Sebastian’s shaft eased in and out of her without a problem.

  “I think your magic is helping us,” she told him, moaning softly as his thickness dragged deliciously within her and sent sparks of pleasure through her.

  “It will always help to keep you free from pain and filled with pleasure,” Sebastian vowed.

  “Will you be able to help me with your magic when I’m giving birth?” she whispered against his neck, hiding her face from him.

  Sebastian turned his head slightly so he could look down at her and smiled. He saw her shyness and was touched by it. She was incredibly sweet. He was a very lucky man.

  “Yes, my love. My magic will help ease your pain as you give birth to our children,” he promised her gently, kissing her temple lightly.

  “Children? How many children are we talking about, Sebastian?” she asked him as she tipped her head back to look up at him.

  The way he looked down at her, all sexy and wet from the waterfall, stole any sane thought from her mind. This man was entirely too gorgeous for his own good.

  “Never mind,” she told him before he could answer her. “As long as you’ll be there to help raise our kids, that’s all that matters.”

  “I will be there to raise our children and love their mother,” Sebastian whispered, hugging her tightly and kissing her forehead. “I vow this with my very last breath, my lady.”

  Chapter 11

  Sebastian lay on his back on the burgundy blanket. Lexi was asleep beside him, her upper body resting across his chest. Her head was snuggled perfectly against his throat. Each time he moved during the night, she adjusted accordingly, ensuring that her body was always in contact with his. Her need to be close pleased him.

  Although he knew that a large part of her need to touch him was the newly-formed bond that they had made, he also knew that it was her natural tendency to be close and offer her tenderness to him that made her seek the closeness. It was a personality trait that he truly appreciated. She was a natural nurturer. She was a giving lover. She was also sweet and shy. His gentle warrior was the perfect combination of strength and tenderness. He had truly been blessed.

  Lexi moved slightly, cuddling closer. He loved the way she lay so relaxed against him. She was more than warmth in his lonely world. He had spent the better part of his thirty-eight years isolated and disheartened. He had long since given up on finding the woman who would complete his life. He had never dared to hope for such happiness, but here she was, within his arms, in his life, and bringing gentleness and kindness to heal his lonely and cynical heart.

  He had seen too much cruelty. He had experienced too many years lost to wars between his Guardian Warriors and their enemies who were determined to control the people of his world and the many worlds that he and his warriors protected.

  The Gorin were growing stronger and more daring with each attack. Sebastian did not know how much longer his magic and the magic of his men would be able to shield the innocent lives of the people of the worlds that were under his protection.

  Mayhap, now that the cadre of warriors with the violet eyes had arrived on their world, their situation would improve. The ancient prophecy had spoken of the warriors with the violet eyes joining with the Guardian Warriors and increasing the power of good. It was a true gift that they had finally arrived.

  His bonding with Lexi was his personal gift. It was also a gift to his people for it began the path toward achieving peace and happiness in all of their worlds. He wondered who would be gifted with the love of Lexi’s sisters. He had some ideas, but he would not dare to interfere in the natural progression of destined life mates.

  He nuzzled against the top of Lexi’s head, breathing in the scent of her hair and rubbing his cheek against its silky softness. He felt renewed
hope with her pressed so closely against him. He also felt a sense of deep peace surrounding him and filling him.

  Lexi moved slightly, getting more comfortable as she slid from Sebastian’s chest to settle against his side. She sighed softly as she turned onto her left side and pressed back against him, mumbling something that he could not quite understand. He knew from her tone that she was not happy that he was not pressed against her back. He remedied that at once. Turning toward her, he wrapped his right arm around her waist and pulled her back against him, settling her comfortably against his chest. He soothed her with gentle caresses against her stomach and could not help but smile at the thought of their child already growing within her.

  She turned slowly, wrapping her arms around his back and pressing closer. He could not help but moan as she lifted her leg and hooked it over his hip, effectively drawing him closer and welcoming his shaft against the heat of her body. Even in her sleep, she desired him. He closed his eyes and concentrated on controlling his need for her.

  They had made love throughout the night. Despite his use of magic to aid in her healing, he was hesitant to bury himself inside of her again. She deserved kindness, tenderness, and caring. He would be certain to give her all of those things every moment that they were together.

  “We have bonded, Lexi,” he told her quietly, kissing her forehead lightly.

  “Mmmm,” Lexi responded, wanting to sleep more than anything.

  “I have released my seed deep inside you,” he added. “It has found a home within your womb and has joined our lives forever.”

  “What?” Lexi answered, snuggling against him securely and kissing his shoulder lightly.

  “There is no stopping this now, Lexi,” he told her seriously. “You are my life mate, and I am yours.”

  “Shhh,” she whispered, not wanting to pull herself out of the haze of contentment that she was in.

  “Lexi,” he whispered, caressing her shoulder as she lay in his embrace.

  “Yes, Sebastian,” she told him, humming against his neck as she tried to settle back into the warmth of his arms and fall back asleep. “I’m your mate, and you’re mine. Now go to back to sleep. I’m tired.”

  “You have accepted this, my lady? You will stay with me and be my queen?”

  “I don’t want to be queen,” she mumbled against his neck. “I just want to be yours.”

  Sebastian chuckled at her statement. His sweet woman was truly his. He knew that she did not fully accept her role in his world now that she had bonded with him, but he did. She would soon share the worries of their people and the worlds that they protected. He felt guilt that he had placed that responsibility upon her.

  “You are mine, Lexi,” he told her gently. “You are also my queen. Now that we have bonded, there is no changing that. I offer you my apology.”

  Lexi leaned back and opened her eyes, squinting to make out his features in the moonlight. He was bathed in a blue light that made the magic around him sparkle lightly. It was beautiful to see him surrounded by such a miracle. Who would have ever thought that magic could exist? But it certainly did, and it was wielded with strength and purpose by this incredible man.

  She looked up at him and saw the hesitance in his golden eyes. She also saw the worry. She didn’t want to cause him to worry. She could feel the pressure that he was under. Although he was very much in control and was a good and powerful leader, she could feel the pressures that came with his role as king. She was going to do everything she could to help him so that he didn’t have such stress weighing him down.

  The best thing she could do for him right then was to take his mind off of his worries. She had to fight to keep the smile from her lips. He was going to find out soon enough that she knew how to play ball and win the game.

  “You’re apologizing for bonding with me?” she asked him, her eyes flashing with irritation that she had to admit to herself was very real.

  Yes, she wanted to pull him out of the concerns that he had, but she was in no mood to have him question their bonding. It had been beautiful and tender. She had never felt so loved in her life. He was not going to take that away from her even if it was because he was feeling great worry for her.

  “Are you, Sebastian?”

  “No. Not at all.” He was surprised by her misunderstanding of what he was trying to tell her.

  “Are you sure?” Lexi reached up and slipped her left hand into the length of dark blond hair at his temple and made a fist, pulling him closer to her and kissing his lips lightly. “You’d better be sure, Sebastian.” The words were whispered against his lips, but there was no question that she was speaking them in clear warning.

  “I have never been more certain of anything, Lexi,” he told her gently. “I only worry that you will be overwhelmed by your role as queen.”

  “Yeah, that’s something that I’m a little worried about, too,” Lexi admitted. “I have to be honest, I’m not really sure I can do what you need me to do as queen. I don’t want to be the reason your people are put in danger.”

  “You will not be,” Sebastian assured her.

  “I’ll try to be a good queen, Sebastian,” she promised him. “I’ll really try.”

  “I have no doubt that you will be a capable queen,” he told her gently, easing forward and kissing her forehead tenderly. “You will be strong and caring. You will help me watch over our people and keep them safe.”

  He pulled the blanket around them both and sighed, content to lie next to his life mate. He caressed her shoulder lightly and kissed her temple, settling her securely beneath the softness of the blanket, pressing his magic all around her so that she was completely cushioned and comfortable.

  “You will be a good queen,” he told her as she settled against him. “You will help me to be a better king.”

  “You’re already a good king,” she told him, yawning as exhaustion seeped into her bones.

  “You will make me a better one.”

  Lexi smiled and settled onto her back, sinking into the unbelievable softness of the blanket. She felt as if she was lying on the most decadent bed instead of on the ground beneath the stars and beside the gently cascading waterfall. She knew in her heart that she would not want her first time with Sebastian to be in any other place. It was beautiful. It was romantic. And it was loving. Because of him.

  He hummed lightly as he settled against her. He was looking forward to sleeping beside her for the rest of their lives. A deep sense of satisfaction enveloped him as she slowly slipped back into sleep.

  Gently, very gently, he traveled his hand down her body to rest carefully upon her stomach. He felt the warmth of her body beneath his hand and wondered if their baby boy was already resting comfortably within Lexi’s womb. Mayhap it was a girl. Only time would tell.

  Closing his eyes, he called upon his magic to surround them with an even stronger shield. He would not take a chance that any harm would come to her. After putting it permanently in place around Lexi, he concentrated on her womb, bathing it in a golden shield of protection.

  Nothing and no one was going to harm his life mate or their child.

  Chapter 12

  Lexi opened her eyes slowly. Next to her was a site that made her heart race. Sebastian lay beside her on his back and she was tucked snugly against his side. Her hand rested on his chest. She was amazed that even in sleep, his body screamed strength.

  Carefully, she stretched her arm across him to hold him tightly against her. Without hesitation, she leaned in and kissed his chest lightly, smiling as he pulled her closer to him.

  “Good morning, my love,” he whispered sleepily, nuzzling into her hair as he turned on his side to face her and gather her within his embrace. He groaned against the top of her head as her naked body settled comfortably against his. His eyes flashed with desire as he covered her body with his, smiling as her legs opened to accommodate him as he shifted his hips to nestle between her spread thighs.

  Lexi couldn’t prevent the m
oan from escaping her as his erection nudged at her core. She found that she was needing the connection to him. She didn’t know if it was because of the bonding, but she knew it was something that she felt deep within her heart.

  “Are you sore, Lexi?” he asked her worriedly.

  “A little,” she admitted. “But in a wonderfully, satisfied way.” She had to add that fact, smiling at the immediate look of pleasure that came across his handsome face.

  “Did I satisfy you?” he asked, admitting to himself that he was shamelessly searching for compliments.

  Lexi couldn’t help the blush that stole across her cheeks as she looked up at him. It was a little overwhelming to be having such an intimate conversation with him. Despite her hesitation, she knew that this man would keep her secrets, cherish her emotions, and protect her feelings. She could do nothing but share everything with him openly. The bond that they now had, made everything different.

  She had always kept her feelings and emotions hidden. She was the oldest of her family and was responsible for their safety. She had to be strong for them. She couldn’t show them that she had fears or worries. But with Sebastian, she didn’t feel that she had to do that any longer. Now that they had bonded, she truly felt that a great burden had been lifted. She could honestly share her worries and feelings now. For once, she didn’t have to hide them—especially not from the man who was her life mate according to the traditions of Altavesta.

  Sebastian felt the conflicting emotions within his woman and was concerned. He was worried that he had done something to make her upset.

  “Lexi, what is troubling you? I can feel your distress. Did I hurt you?” he asked her quietly, reaching up to gently brush away the lock of hair that was covering her left eye.

  Lexi turned her face into his hand and kissed his palm lovingly, holding it with her own hand to keep it against her cheek. “Sebastian,” she began quietly. “I’ve been taking care of my sisters for so long. I’ve lived the life of a soldier. I’ve had to keep my worries inside, control my emotions and remain strong, and always be unemotional so that I could make decisions that would protect all of us. It’s very difficult to keep everything inside so I that won’t burden my sisters with the struggles I’ve had to work through.”


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