Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1) Page 25

by Bernard, Lynnette

  “Now!” Sebastian growled into her ear.

  She pushed the energy through her body with all of her strength, a scream of power escaping her as the wave left her body and joined with Sebastian’s. It shot from their hands in a blinding white light that was directed at their enemy.

  The bolt of energy filled each Gorin, lighting them up with pure white magic and expanding outward through their chests and into their heads. There was a roar of an explosion, a blinding flash of white light, and then silence.

  Lexi sagged against Sebastian, grateful for his strength as he held her within his embrace. Sebastian’s men and Lexi’s sisters turned toward them as one unit, surprise evident on their faces. Every one of the Gorin was gone, taken quickly by the white light that Lexi and Sebastian had hurled at them. All that remained was a soft glow of gold and violet that surrounded the encampment. The combination of their two powers was protecting them all.

  “Lexi?” Bree questioned, unsure what to ask. They had all seen what had happened. It was just unbelievable.

  Lexi smiled at them all, suddenly exhausted. It took every bit of strength she had within her to remain on her feet. Were it not for Sebastian’s arms around her holding her securely, she would have surely landed on the ground in a heap of quivering muscles. She rubbed her hands across his forearms, needing the connection. She soaked up his strength and his warmth.

  “My mate kicks ass!” she said proudly, pulling herself up to stand a little more steadily as she faced them all.

  “I did not touch one ass,” Sebastian protested, stepping back and turning Lexi within his arms to look down at his life mate.

  After a moment of stunned silence, Lexi and her sisters erupted into laughter. Sebastian’s confusion just made them laugh harder.

  “Sebastian, you are too funny,” Lexi told him, wiping the tears of joy from her face as she slipped her hands behind his neck.

  Leaning up, she kissed his lips tenderly then hugged him to her tightly. She pushed her face into the hollow of his throat and kissed it, humming happily as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her against his chest.

  Sebastian’s words of confusion died in his throat. How could he even think about asking his life mate anything when she was cuddled against him so sweetly and kissing him so tenderly? He looked out among his men and Lexi’s sisters and smiled as he saw the way each of them was looking at him.

  “It would seem that I have kicked ass,” he told them seriously.

  Lexi giggled, she actually giggled, against his chest, shocking herself. She had never known such total joy in her entire life. She certainly had never thought such an emotion was possible for her. Until now.

  “It would seem that you have kicked ass, as well, Lexi,” Sebastian told her proudly, chuckling against the top of her head.

  Lexi leaned back to look up at him and smiled. “We’re good together,” she told him quietly, her eyes sparkling with humor and love.

  Sebastian watched her silently, his chest tightening with emotions. He saw the depth of her feelings shining back at him from her beautiful eyes and knew her sincerity.

  “Yes, we are,” he agreed, leaning down to kiss her lips lightly. “I am greatly concerned that our enemy had been able to penetrate the shield of protection that I had set in place around the encampment. It seems that their power to breach our defenses is increasing.”

  He looked at Torin and saw his brother-in-arms nodding in agreement. All of them were in a perilous position. To have the Gorin so close to success in their attack on them, put fear into their hearts.

  “The prophecy states that with the joining of the warriors with the violet eyes with the Guardian Warriors, the power of good will overcome evil,” Torin reminded him. “With the joining of you and our queen, that prophecy is being fulfilled. We all saw what your combined magic has done, Sebastian. What the two of you did together was astounding.”

  Sebastian looked at Lexi and smiled, hugging her possessively. The power of their magic was still rushing through him. The feelings that she felt for him served to keep that level of power at its highest. Torin was correct. Together, he and Lexi could do incredible things.

  “I need your help in surrounding our encampment with a stronger shield of protection, my lady,” he whispered against her forehead before kissing it lightly.

  Lexi nodded, closing her eyes and resting her head against Sebastian’s chest. She reached deep inside of herself and fanned the golden flame of magic that was surrounded by her violet power, opening her heart to Sebastian. She felt him tenderly embrace her gift and join it with his own. In an instant, it heated through her and she felt the need to release it. Opening her eyes, she looked into Sebastian’s golden eyes and saw the violet within them sparkling. It was absolutely beautiful.

  The rush of magic that left them both was intense. It illuminated the area around them with a golden flash of light before settling into a soft glow of violet that dissipated slowly. Lexi could see the shield holding firm around the encampment and allowed a breath of relief to escape her.

  “We did it,” she whispered.

  “Yes, wife. We did,” he whispered back, loving the smile that she gave him at the use of the word from her world that named her as his. “We must see what we are able to do in order to strengthen our shield around our world in order to protect us from the Gorin.”

  Lexi nodded, looking at her sisters and wondering when they were going to find their life mates and be able to help her and Sebastian in the defeat of the Gorin. Her mother had seen that they would, and Lexi had faith in her mother. It was just a matter of time.

  “Lexi? How is it that you knew how we could kill the Gorin?”

  Sebastian’s deep voice pulled her from her thoughts. She looked up at him and was gifted with the most wonderful smile. It reached his eyes and made his soul glow bright with happiness.

  “My mother had a vision about them. She told me the only way to kill them. She also told me that they were evil creatures who fed on the lives and the souls of the people of the worlds that they conquered.”

  “Yes. These are not honorable men,” Sebastian agreed.

  “They’re not men, Sebastian,” Lexi interrupted him. “They’re demons.”

  Sebastian remained silent as he thought through Lexi’s words. He turned to Torin and saw him looking directly at Lexi. He also saw the golden aura of Torin’s magic glowing brightly. He was using his gift.

  “Torin?” he asked, concerned.

  “My queen is correct, Sebastian,” Torin spoke firmly. “These were not men. There was no humanity within them. I could not sense their presence until they were nearly upon us.”

  He turned to face Bree and folded his arms across his chest as he stared down at her. His expression was fierce as he glared at her. When she faced him with equal fierceness, he was pleased. This woman was a breath of fresh air. She did not waver in her stance before him. She showed no fear. What she showed him was a strength that he admired.

  He was also drawn to the way she challenged him. No one ever challenged him—except Bree. He had a feeling that all of the members of the Gallagher family were going to challenge him. Thinking about his warriors, he hoped that they would not follow suit.

  “How did you know that there was danger, Lady Bree?” he asked her, determined to get to the heart of the matter. “You knew these demons were near our camp far sooner than I did.”

  “I just had a feeling,” Bree said, passing off her ability lightly.

  “I do not think so, my lady,” Torin told her, taking a step forward and crowding her space.

  “Back up, Torin,” Bree told him, warning clear in her voice. She held her ground. She would not move away from him. If anyone was going to move, it was going to be him. He would soon learn that she would not fold under his command or be afraid of the fierceness in his blue eyes—no matter how beautiful those blue eyes were.

  “I will not,” Torin said, clearly agitated.

  “Oh, I think
that you will,” Bree said, aiming her pulse gun at his shoulder. “I won’t permanently hurt you, but I’ll give you a reminder never to challenge me again.”

  “I believe it is my mission in life to challenge you, Lady Bree,” Torin said quietly, almost afraid to voice what he knew in his heart was the truth. “You must accept this.”

  “Good one, Torin,” Bree said, laughing. “I don’t think so, buddy.”

  “I do not understand,” Torin said, honestly confused by her words.

  “You don’t need to understand. You just need to back, the hell, off.”

  Torin looked down at the pulse gun in her hand and knew that Bree Gallagher was not a woman who bluffed. She was a strong warrior. She was a gentle and caring sister. And she was a tender and loving mother. She was all that he had ever hoped for in a life mate.

  Everything within him told him to turn and walk away. No. It told him to run. As fast and as far as he could in order to keep himself from her. She was not meant for him. He would cause her nothing but pain. He would not allow her to be hurt because of him. She was too special.

  He took one step back, nodding to her and waiting while she lowered her weapon. He should have known better than to crowd her. She was a warrior with great skills. She was also a woman who had been hurt.

  He did not want to be the reason he saw fear in her violet eyes. If he were to be honest with himself, he would have to admit that he wanted those eyes to look upon him with respect, happiness, and caring. But what he wanted did not matter.

  “I respectfully ask you to tell me how you were able to know that the Gorin had infiltrated our camp,” he requested calmly. “I would also like to know what powers you and your sisters possess that you have kept from us.”

  Chapter 17

  Torin’s voice was firm as he spoke. He held Bree’s gaze with unwavering patience. He saw the flash of uncertainty that clouded her eyes before determination and stubbornness replaced it. Oh, this sweet woman was going to challenge him at every turn.

  He stepped back another step then turned to look at her sisters as they gathered closer to the main fire of the encampment. They were all calm and had schooled their features to present themselves as distant with nothing to hide, but he knew better. He had been able to sense things from the time he had been a young child. This situation screamed secrets.

  He knew without a doubt that these women had come to this world to help them. He also knew that they were good, honest women. There was no way they could hide that from him. But he could also sense their determination to keep themselves hidden behind a shield of protection that he truly believed they did not even know they had the ability to construct around themselves.

  He looked at Sebastian and saw that his king saw their power, as well. Sebastian nodded at him. He knew that his best friend was allowing him to take the lead in this investigation.

  Sebastian knew that Torin would be able to sense the truth of everything that the women told him. Sebastian could, as well, but Torin’s ability had been honed to a level that was so powerful, he could sense the presence of others by their heartbeats. Because of that ability, Torin had always been able to know when the enemy was near. It was what had protected them all.

  The attack today was of great concern to Sebastian. Somehow, the Gorin had been able to shield themselves from Torin’s gift. They had also been able to slip through their world’s defenses to land and infiltrate their camp successfully. That meant that their world was no longer protected.

  Torin looked around him and was sickened by the thought that they had been very close to losing their lives because he had not sensed their enemy’s nearness before they had invaded their encampment. The warriors under his protection had been caught unaware. Many had been injured because he had failed them—just as he had failed Myrana so many years before. Looking at sweet little Hanna, he could picture his little sister at the same age, and was heartbroken that Myrana would never grow up to experience the gifts of the future that had been stolen from her. He blamed himself for what had happened.

  Yes, he had been a young man who was still learning to harness his magic, but he should have been able to save her. He should have been able to save the lives of every one of the innocents who had had their lives stolen away from them that night.

  Sebastian had shouldered the blame, but Torin knew the truth. He would not share the guilt. It was his alone to bear. He had not sensed the Gorin then, and he had not sensed them soon enough this night. But Bree had. It was her warning that had allowed his warriors to arm themselves and fight.

  He turned to face Bree once again and was impressed by her calm as she looked back at him with defiance. He took a step toward her and looked down upon her with his fiercest scowl. It had no effect on her. He had to fight to keep the smile from his face.

  “I am waiting, Lady Bree,” he said finally with as much calm as he could muster. “I believe it is time for all of you to be forthcoming with your secrets.”

  “I believe that, as well, Torin.”

  Sebastian’s deep, commanding voice echoed Torin’s thoughts as he stepped forward and looked at all of the Gallagher women with a raised eyebrow. Torin felt the power of his king, and allowed the support and the strength of it to wash over him.

  “Lexi? Will you tell me what it is that you and your sisters are so determined to keep from us?” Sebastian asked of his life mate, the flecks of violet within his golden eyes flashing as the magic within him surged.

  Lexi looked at her sisters and waited. She would not make this decision alone. Her father had told them to keep their abilities secret until they met the warriors who needed their help. They had promised to do exactly that. None of them would break that vow.

  “You can trust us to keep your secrets,” Torin told them, never taking his focus from Bree. “I will protect you with all that I am.”

  “Torin,” Bree whispered, overwhelmed by the declaration.

  Torin’s deep voice was strong as he made the promise, but it also held a tenderness that touched her heart. She had to fight to keep herself from reaching out and touching the dark scruff of the close beard that adorned his face.

  “My lady, I promise that no harm will come to you or your daughter,” Torin told her quietly, doing his best to keep himself from gathering the sweet woman into his arms.

  “Every one of us would lay down our life for each of you,” Sebastian vowed, his deep voice carrying across the encampment. He heard the murmurs of agreement coming from his men and did not have to turn to look at them to know that they were supporting him in his declaration.

  “Daddy would have said it was time,” Gaiya spoke up, stepping forward and handing Hanna to Bree who settled her on her left hip and cuddled her against her shoulder.

  “I think so, too,” Francie said, nodding as she lowered her weapons and looked at each of her sisters to see that they were in agreement with her.

  “Daria?” Lexi asked, looking to her sister for advice. Daria’s visions had never been wrong. She had inherited their mother’s gift, and each of them knew they could trust Daria’s guidance, and did so at every turn.

  “It’s meant to be, Lexi,” Daria said quietly, careful to keep her words vague so that she would not give away her gift until they came together on a mutual decision to reveal themselves to the warriors of Altavesta.

  “Evie?” Lexi asked, turning toward the last of her sisters. It had to be unanimous.

  Evie looked around the encampment, her gaze settling on the warrior named Browen who had captured her attention. She saw his strength and his fierceness, but she had also seen his tenderness and protectiveness as he had watched over all of them. He was a good and honorable man. Everything about him impressed her, but what completely astounded her was the way that he looked at her.

  Desire burned brightly within his strikingly beautiful blue eyes. She had never been on the receiving end of such a look. There had never been any man in her life. She and her sisters trained every day. The
ir lives had been filled with both physical and mental drills as they prepared for their destiny. Their lives had also been filled with isolation and loneliness. They had kept to themselves because it was the right thing to do. It would have been unfair to anyone on Earth to form attachments when they all knew that their destiny would be realized on this new planet called Altavesta.

  But that loneliness and isolation was already disappearing. She felt a kinship to the people of this world. She felt accepted and respected by them. Seeing Browen before her, calling to her soul and creating havoc within her mind, she knew that she was no longer meant to walk her path in life alone.

  She felt the belonging. She felt the rightness of his presence in her life. She had to trust her heart. This man was going to be important to her. His outwardly rugged appearance, long black hair and close beard, and body filled with muscles, hid a kind soul that needed love.

  Returning her attention to Lexi, she nodded and smiled. “We’ve met the warriors that Mom and Dad told us we would meet,” she said with confidence. “I don’t think any of us have any doubts about that.”

  Evie looked around to silently question the rest of her sisters and saw that they were nodding in agreement. She was filled with relief. Looking back at Browen, she winked and laughed softly at the surprise that appeared on his face before a distinctively sexy smile curled his lips. She couldn’t wait to kiss those lips, slide her fingers through his long, black hair, and hold him close so she could look directly into his beautiful blue eyes and declare him as hers.

  She was about to say something to him just to keep him off-balance when he surprised her with a slight bow with his right hand placed over his heart as he did so. His silent declaration delighted her. That kind and caring man was going to be a wonderful taste of sexiness and sweetness.


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