Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1) Page 46

by Bernard, Lynnette

  It was obvious to him that Lexi was the keeper of powerful magic. He was not certain that he held the same level of power. Only time would tell. For now, he remained silent and watched as the clonar stones rejuvenated his woman.

  She was lying back against the side of the pool. Her eyes remained closed, and there was a soft smile on her lips. He did not know if she was smiling because she was relaxed in the warm, healing water, or if she was smiling because her thoughts had turned to him. He hoped that he made her smile.

  Removing his clothing, he stepped down into the pool and knelt on its floor. Slowly easing toward Lexi, he waited silently as he searched for the right words to speak to her.

  “Lexi,” he said quietly.


  Sebastian smiled the moment she opened her eyes and her beautiful violet orbs met his. He saw the depth of her feelings for him, but he also saw the anger. Most of all, he saw the hurt.

  “I have hurt you.”

  “Yeah. You did.”

  Sebastian nodded. “I know that there is nothing that I can say to you that will take away that hurt,” he told her quietly. “Please accept my apology and know that I respect you as both a warrior and as a woman.”

  Lexi searched Sebastian’s eyes for the truth. She saw his sincerity. She also saw his sorrow, but she had to harden her heart toward him. This was a very important moment in their lives. If she allowed him to command her and limit her actions, it would only worsen over time. She could not allow him to make her lose herself.

  “Sebastian, I will not be told what to do by you or any other man,” she told him, her voice quiet but firm. “I have taken care of myself and my sisters forever. I’m a trained soldier.”

  “I am well aware that you are a noble, skilled warrior and can fight to protect yourself and your sisters,” he said quietly, hoping she could hear the sincerity in his words. “I am honored to fight beside you. I take pride in your ability and am thankful to know that you are with me to help keep everyone safe.”

  “You are?”

  “I am.”

  “Then you have to know that you can’t stop me from doing exactly what you do, Sebastian,” she pointed out. “How can I not be what I was trained to be?”

  He sighed softly, resting his forehead against hers and closing his eyes. This connection was what he needed. It settled his nerves and calmed his heart.

  “I know,” he said finally, fighting within himself to accept her words while still protecting her.

  “Sebastian, don’t worry. I’ll be fine. I know what I’m doing. My father trained me from the time I was able to hold a sword and aim a pulse weapon. My sisters and I have done this many times before. We’ve all been injured at one time or another. I’m not foolish. Neither are they.”

  She hesitated a moment, knowing that she had to finish what she was saying. Sebastian had to know. If she caved, her future would not be one that she wanted.

  “You will not tell me what to do or what not to do. I won’t allow it.”

  Sebastian eased back and opened his eyes to look down at her. There was no anger in her eyes—only calm and determination. He had to admit that her strength was one of the attributes that drew him to her when he had first seen her.

  “I know that, my love.”

  “You know it, but will you accept it and allow me to be who I am?”

  Sebastian reached up and brushed her hair back from her forehead, leaning forward to kiss it lightly before easing back and looking at her very seriously. He had thought about what he would say to her. He had no choice but to be completely honest with her. It was important. It was the only way to get beyond this hurt and move forward.

  “Lexi, you hold my heart. Your sisters and your niece are my family and I will love and protect them just as I am dedicated to loving and protecting you.” He took her hand in his and brought it to his mouth to kiss the back of her knuckles lightly before pressing her open palm to his chest. “I will endeavor to keep myself under control when you are in battle, but it is very difficult.”

  “Why is it so difficult?” Lexi asked, confused. “You didn’t have trouble with me fighting beside you before.”

  “That is true,” he agreed. “But when you fought beside me before, you were not carrying our child within your womb.” He slipped his left hand across her hip to settle it upon her abdomen. “I now have a life mate and a baby to think about and protect. I cannot change my instincts. I must care for you both. I love you both. My desire to live would cease if you and our baby were taken from me.”

  “What?” Lexi whispered, freezing. She felt his large hand covering her belly and felt the warmth of the connection.

  “Our daughter made herself known to me as I held you in your slumber,” he told her, smiling tenderly. “A beautiful white light drew me to her.”

  “A white light?”

  “Yes. The purity of her soul was bright. She gave me strength with just that tiny connection.”

  “Sebastian,” Lexi whispered, shocked by what he was telling her.

  “Do not question it, Lexi,” he told her gently. “Our baby is growing within you. She is a beautiful soul, just like you.”

  “You’re sure I’m pregnant?”

  “I am.”

  He caressed her belly tenderly, closing his eyes and concentrating on the new life. He followed the white flicker of their daughter’s soul and was filled with the love of their child. He felt Lexi’s forehead resting against his shoulder and was aware of his woman’s magic joining with his to seek out their baby. She gasped in surprise when she made the connection to their daughter.

  “I can sense her,” Lexi whispered.

  “She is gentle, but she is also very strong. I can feel the power of her magic.”

  “Sebastian, when I was with Bryden and the warriors and the Gorin attacked, I reached deep inside of myself to draw on your magic and mine to try to defeat them,” she told him, easing back and looking at him with wide eyes. “I wasn’t strong enough, but I saw a spark of white light between your magic and mine. I fanned it, and it blazed to life. That was how I was able to send out the magic that saved all of us.”

  Sebastian felt the power of their child growing between them. To hear Lexi’s explanation of what had happened to her made him know that their little girl was going to be a force to be reckoned with. He could not be more proud.

  “We are truly blessed,” he told her, leaning forward and kissing her lips lightly.

  “You’re happy about this?”

  “I am.” He hesitated, worry filling him that Lexi might not want this blessing so early in their bonding. “Does this displease you, my wife?”

  Lexi shook her head, unable to voice how completely wonderful this was. She looked down and saw Sebastian’s hand covering her belly and had a glimpse of the loving man he was going to be during her pregnancy. She could picture him welcoming every change and every movement that would occur as their baby grew. She knew it was going to be a beautiful experience to share with him.

  She slipped her right hand beneath his so she could touch her skin and felt the warmth of their baby. She was gifted with the sight of the white light of their baby’s magic. Her eyes filled with tears as she connected with their daughter.

  “Hello, little girl,” she whispered. “I’m so happy that you’re in our lives. I can’t wait to hold you.”

  Sebastian’s entire body relaxed at her words. Knowing that his woman was pleased that his baby was growing within her, eased his worries and gave light to his heart.

  “We’ve made a baby, Sebastian,” she whispered, looking up at him and smiling despite the tears that made her violet eyes glisten.

  “We did.”

  He smiled, unable to contain his happiness or his magic as it sparked golden all around them. Lexi’s violet magic joined his, but it was when the white magic of their daughter danced throughout the water that he knew the true strength of their child. She was glorious. He could not wait to look upon her
face and hold her within his arms.

  “You’ve made a baby for me,” she told him, reaching up and touching his cheek lightly.

  “You had something to do with her creation as well, my lady,” he told her, his voice gentle. “I thank you for this wonderful gift.”

  Lexi pressed forward and rested her head against his chest. When he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly, she was finally able to relax now that she was where she was meant to be.

  “Please forgive me, Lexi,” he whispered against her temple. “I should never have commanded your obedience in staying out of the battles with our enemy—especially in Bryden’s presence.”

  Lexi nodded, turning and kissing his shoulder lightly before settling against his chest once again. “You won’t do it again, right?” she asked warily.

  “I will not,” he promised. “I will afford you the respect you deserve. Never will I command you again.”

  “It was not only upsetting, it was embarrassing, Sebastian,” Lexi told him very seriously.

  Sebastian nodded. “It was wrong of me,” he said quietly. “I have disrespected you. There is no excuse for my actions.”

  Lexi took a moment to think. She believed the sincerity of his apology. Honestly, though, she felt that there was an excuse for his actions. He had acted out of concern for her and their baby. Yeah, he went about it in the wrong way, but didn’t we all, at one time or another, say or do something that we regretted when we were worried or afraid?

  “Okay. Just make sure you take a breath and think before you react in the future,” she advised.

  “I will do my best, Lexi. Understand that I will still worry for you. I must admit that every time you are carrying, I will have difficulty with my control.”

  “Every time?” she asked, leaning back and looking up at him in surprise. “How many times are we talking about?”

  Sebastian’s immediate grin sent butterflies through her stomach. Oh, this man was trouble.

  “We shall see, my gentle warrior,” he whispered, kissing her temple lightly. “We shall see.”

  Chapter 35

  Lexi turned over and snuggled against Sebastian’s chest. The steady beat of his heart soothed her. She turned her lips toward his warmth and kissed him, smiling when she heard his satisfied grunt. Who would have ever thought that she would enjoy a man who grunted? But, she did.

  “Are you well, my love?” he whispered, reaching up and brushing her hair back from her cheek.

  “I am. I feel great.” She looked up at him and was lost in the tenderness that reflected back at her from his golden gaze. “How are you?”

  “I am happier than I have ever been in my life, Lexi,” he told her honestly.

  He moved slowly, turning her gently so that he pressed her back against the softness of the bed that they shared. He smiled at the way her expression softened with the love she could not hide from him.

  “I guess I’m a little happy, too,” she told him, concentrating on changing her eyes so that they glowed golden. She needed him to know that she was teasing.

  Sebastian laughed softly, loving the way Lexi pushed him to relax and enjoy himself. She was wonderful.

  “I have a loving mate who enjoys teasing me,” he whispered, leaning forward and kissing her lips lightly.

  “You’re so much fun to tease,” she told him, laughing softly as he kissed his way down her neck.

  “This, I understand, wife. And you are so much fun to love.”

  Oh, he was going to make her cry. This man held her happiness within his hands. Such sincere words spoken from his heart filled her with warmth and love.

  Pushing at his chest, she pressed until he lay on his back. She covered him with her body at once, straddling his hips and leaning forward to kiss him soundly. Sebastian wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to him tightly, making her moan softly at the readiness of his body to love her.

  Kissing his lips slowly, she pushed herself across the muscled expanse of his chest, kissing each and every part of him as she moved downward. Sebastian kept his hold on her as she moved, caressing her and sending his love to her through his touch. Lexi knew the depth of his feelings for her through each and every caress and every sound he made for her and because of her. She knew real love—because of him.

  Her chin touched the tip of his shaft, wetness coating it. Lexi couldn’t contain the moan of desire that left her as she leaned back and licked at the mushroomed head slowly, gathering the taste of his essence there.

  She wanted more. She needed more. She wanted to give Sebastian pleasure, and she was going to do exactly what she had wanted to do for a while.

  Opening her mouth, she engulfed the head of his shaft, sucking and licking, drawing more of his taste into her mouth. She moaned softly as she pressed deeper, taking him into her throat and swallowing. His responding moan of pleasure sent a thrill through her. She was determined to make him mindless with the pleasure she was going to give him.

  Easing back slightly, she pressed deep once again, using her tongue and her teeth to stimulate him. Reaching between his legs, she cupped his sac tenderly and caressed its fragile contents.

  Releasing his shaft with a long, low moan, she kissed it tenderly before opening her mouth and carefully pulling his sac inside. She ran her tongue beneath the orbs that were already drawn tight and knew Sebastian was on the edge—exactly where she wanted him to be.

  She sucked slowly, pulling away and releasing her prize only to capture it once again within the warmth of her mouth. She ran her hands along Sebastian’s thighs, the corded muscles of them proof of his strength and making her desire for him spike. He was masculine and sexy, yet he held a tenderness and a caring deep within his heart that brought beauty and happiness to her.

  She adored him. She respected him. She ached with the knowledge that she had been given him to love.

  Kissing his inner thigh, she bit it gently before soothing away the sting with the flat of her tongue. She continued up his hard length, tracing the heavy vein all the way to the head, and kissing the tip lightly.

  Sebastian tensed beneath her. She could tell he was doing his best to remain in control, but she didn’t want him in control. She wanted him mindless with pleasure. His strength was beyond measure. So was his capacity to care. He was powerful, yet he contained such gentleness and compassion that he showed to everyone. He was hers to love—always.

  Taking him deep inside of her mouth once again, she increased the suction, pulling on the velvet, hot length of him over and over again. Her right hand held his shaft in place, pumping in tandem with the movement of her mouth. Her left hand cupped his sac and pulled on the sensitive flesh.

  “Lexi, release me, my love,” Sebastian groaned out.

  Lexi ignored his command. She almost laughed. She was going to have to have a talk with him about ordering her to do something again once she gave him the ecstasy that she was determined to give him.

  She doubled her efforts, aware that Sebastian had gripped her head with his strong hands. He tried to pull her away from his shaft, but she was having none of it. She pressed deep and swallowed, rewarded by the low moan that escaped her husband and the rush of his seed that filled her mouth.

  Swallowing as quickly as she could, she moaned as the sweet flavor hit her taste buds. There was a hint of saltiness to his flavor, making her hum with pleasure.

  Sebastian’s grip on her hair tightened, and a soft groan escaped him. Lexi eased off his length slowly, tenderly kissing it before climbing up to cover his chest with her body.

  “You taste good, Sebastian,” she whispered, lowering her mouth and hesitating a fraction of an inch from his lips.

  She didn’t know if he wanted to share in his taste. She wouldn’t make him do something that he wasn’t comfortable doing. Before she could speak or move, he wrapped his arms around her, slipping his hands into her hair and pulling her close. He devoured her mouth, sweeping it with his tongue and sucking her tongue into his mouth. Le
xi was thrilled by the intimacy of the act.

  When Sebastian flipped them so that she was beneath him, Lexi pressed tighter against him, kissing him deeper. His growls against her mouth kicked her need for him even higher.

  “Are you wet for me, Lexi?” he asked her, breathing hard as he looked down at her.

  “You’ll have to check to find out,” she told him softly, gasping in surprise when he moved down her body and lifted her legs over his shoulders in an instant.

  “It is my pleasure to do so, my lady,” he told her as he leaned into her core and prepared to do just that.


  All words and thought left her as Sebastian’s mouth did wondrous things to her body. She felt his fingers sliding deep within her as he sucked and licked her into a frenzy. Before she could tell him how he was driving her crazy, she saw stars as her orgasm bowled through her, whimpering as her body detonated with pleasure and every muscle in her body shaking as pure bliss exploded within her. She nearly forgot to breathe as the level of ecstasy increased with each passing moment.

  She felt Sebastian moving, unaware and unable to do anything but lie there. When he pressed deep inside of her and began to move, she somehow found the strength to grip his biceps and hold on as he loved her.

  He looked down at her with a fierceness in his expression that melted her heart. The love he had for her was obvious. She released her grip on him to slide her arms around his back, slipping her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck.

  She held him gently, caressing him lightly as he pumped into her. The pleasure was incredible. It coiled within her once again, building to a pitch that exploded in a crescendo of joy. She moaned out Sebastian’s name, leaning forward and biting into his shoulder as pleasure burst through her.

  Sebastian groaned and pushed into her love bite, holding himself still as he found his release and filled her with his seed. He reveled in her tightened hold as she experienced the pulsing of his shaft as it emptied within her. He smiled with satisfaction as each pulse triggered a smaller orgasm within her.


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