Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1) Page 49

by Bernard, Lynnette

  “A little,” Lexi admitted. “It’s not that bad. Please don’t worry, Sebastian.”

  Jayna returned with a tray of baked deserts. She set them on the table in front of Lexi and smiled brightly.

  “They are all delicious. Lady Francie helped bake them,” she said happily. “This one is my favorite.” She pointed to the dark confection in the center of the tray.

  Lexi reached for the treat and took a small bite. Humming in appreciation, she offered a taste to Sebastian, laughing softly when he licked the morsel from her fingers. Even in something so innocent, Sebastian set her desires aflame.

  “Thank you so much, Jayna. That was scrumptious.”

  “That is good?” Jayna asked, confused by the word.

  “It’s absolutely wonderful,” Lexi told her honestly. “Thank you for choosing the treat.” She laughed softly as the baby moved within her. “I think our baby likes it, too, Jayna.”

  She reached out and touched Jayna’s hand, feeling the warmth of their baby’s love increasing at the connection. Lexi felt the spark of their daughter’s magic reaching out and wrapping a blanket of protection around Jayna. It glowed a bright white around the young girl. She turned to face Sebastian and saw the look of surprise on his face. He was feeling and seeing the same thing that she was.

  “Jayna, our child has chosen you,” Sebastian said quietly, standing before her and opening his arms to embrace her. “You have been chosen as protector.”

  “No, my king,” Jayna protested, her eyes wide with the fear that she was feeling. “I am not strong enough. I have no training that will offer protection. You must choose another.”

  “I have not chosen you, Jayna,” Sebastian told her gently. “Our child has.”

  Lexi struggled to stand, grunting as she gripped Sebastian’s hand and pulled herself up. Sebastian included her within his embrace, pulling Jayna closer to his little family. Lexi felt the rightness of it. Jayna had been such a kind and loving addition to her life. Jayna was always caring for everyone, no matter what job they did or what age they were. It was obvious that their daughter was an excellent judge of character.

  “I trust you, Jayna,” Lexi whispered. “You’ll be a wonderful protector for our baby. I wouldn’t want anyone else.”

  “Truly?” Jayna asked, completely overwhelmed by her queen’s words.

  “Truly,” Lexi whispered.

  She smiled as their baby moved within her. She could sense her little girl’s happiness. She could also feel the power of the magic that their baby possessed. Combined with Sebastian’s magic as well as her own, the triad that they formed was rich in the power of their love.

  In that moment, a shield of white light surrounded the three of them, layers of violet and gold contained and protected that white magic. Lexi closed her eyes and gave herself over to the power that the three of them were now sharing with Jayna. Their daughter’s protector was being given the best possible advantage of love and magic to share with them and protect their little one.

  “You hold great power within you, Jayna,” Sebastian told her as he looked down at her and smiled gently. “Your capacity to love is even greater. There is no better protector for our child. You would honor us if you accept this important position.”

  “Will you help me to learn how to be a good protector, Lexi?” Jayna asked quietly. “I need to be a skilled warrior like you.”

  “I will train you,” Lexi promised.

  “My love, we will both train her,” Sebastian said, releasing his hold on Jayna so that he could face his life mate. “Together, we are strong.”

  Lexi nodded. “We are,” she agreed, leaning against Sebastian’s chest and slipping her arms around his waist. “I’m hungry.”

  Sebastian’s laughter made her smile. The happiness that filled the Great Hall was instant. She tipped her head back and looked up at him, taken by the absolute love in his eyes as he gazed down at her. She pressed her lips against his throat, placing small kisses up to his ear.

  “After we eat, I’d like to spend some time in the healing pool with you, my king,” she whispered. “I have a need that only you can see to.”

  Sebastian held her tenderly, his love for her deeper than he could ever have imagined it would grow to be. Each moment spent with her gave him a life mate who was his friend as well as his lover. Her skill as a warrior was equaled by no other. The depth of her love was unending. Her tender touches, her sweet smile, and her quick mind made him look forward to waking up with her each morning, and going to sleep with her each evening. She was his—forever and always.

  “I will always see to your needs,” he vowed, helping her to sit in the cushioned chair. Picking up the platter of food, he offered it to her and waited. “You must eat, my love. You and our child need the nourishment.”

  Lexi took one piece of meat that was cooked to perfect tenderness. The glazed sauce that coated it was absolutely delicious. It was exactly like the meat that her father used to barbeque on a grill in their small yard when they had been young girls. The memory and the taste gave her sustenance—both physical and emotional. It was exactly what she needed.

  “This is wonderful,” she said around a mouthful, wiping at the sauce that clung to her lips and licking it from her finger. “I really like this.”

  “I know you do, my love,” Sebastian told her, his golden eyes twinkling with joy. “Eat your fill. We will go to the healing pool after the sharing of our meal. Then you will tell me what it is that you require of me to fulfill your other needs.”

  Chapter 38

  Sebastian held Lexi as she slept soundly beside him. He loved these moments in the quiet time just before the sun of Altavesta lit the sky. It was then that the land hummed with rejuvenating power and his people grew strong. He drew the magic into himself, shielding their world, and surrounding his life mate with the protection that his magic afforded them.

  Their child grew stronger with each passing of the sun and the moons of Altavesta. He loved touching Lexi’s belly and feeling each kick and poke that their little girl made. Her magic was powerful. So was her love. The way she sent her feelings to him and to Lexi touched his heart. He loved their little one deeply.

  As much as he wanted to meet her, he was worried about the pain that Lexi would endure during her labor. He also held deep fear for her safety during the birth itself. He knew that women had been delivering children since the beginning of the worlds around them, but that did not prevent him from thinking about the many things that might happen. Life was unpredictable. Birthing a child was a miracle, but it was filled with uncertainty and the very real possibility of losing the mother, the child, or both.

  Sebastian pushed the thoughts aside. He could not allow fear and darkness to fill him. Only positive light should fill their world. It was that light that would call goodness and happiness to them.

  Pushing aside the soft nightdress of the lightest pink that Lexi was wearing, he slipped his hand over the swell of her belly. Pressing against its firmness, he felt their daughter moving slowly. He smiled as he pictured their baby stretching. What a little sweetheart she was.

  Caressing Lexi’s belly lightly, he hummed softly, crooning to their child with the song that his mother had sung to him every night as a child as he lay in his bed. His mother had been a loving woman who had raised her three sons to be honorable men. She was strong and fun and smart. Sebastian missed her. So did Bryden and Tristen.

  Their father was equally missed. He had been a good and just king who had used his magic to protect the worlds that were in need. He had taught his sons to be thankful for their gifts—the highest of which was the good people that they protected. Sebastian and his brothers were just as dedicated to help them. Through the merging of their worlds, they had grown strong. Together, with the help of the Gallagher family, they would defeat their enemies and bring peace to their worlds.

  “You bring happiness to our home, sweet baby,” he whispered as he leaned forward and kissed Lexi’s b
elly lightly. He turned his face and rested his cheek against the warmth of his wife’s skin, laughing softly as their daughter kicked once again. “I love you, little girl.”

  He felt Lexi’s fingers slipping into his hair and holding him gently. He loved her touch. She gave him such tenderness. He would never take her love for granted. He looked up and smiled at the soft look that she gave him.

  “I’m loving our baby,” he whispered.

  “I can see that,” Lexi told him, smiling.

  “I love feeling her move.”

  “Me, too.”

  Sebastian moved carefully to lie beside Lexi and ease up onto his forearm to look down at her. He loved the way she slipped her right arm beneath his back to hug him. He felt her slow caress and hummed with contentment. She had a way with her touches that sent him to a place of complete peace. He had never felt that way—until her.

  “Did I wake you, Lexi?” he whispered, looking down at the sleepy expression on her beautiful face.

  “Yes,” she whispered back. “You’re a horrible person to wake your pregnant wife.”

  Sebastian laughed softly. “I am.”

  Lexi opened her eyes, showing him the golden glow of them that he had become so used to seeing. He loved it.

  “You enjoy teasing me, do you not?” he asked her, touching her left eyebrow and tracing it with the index finger of his right hand. He continued his exploration of his woman’s face, caressing her cheek and slipping his hand down the column of her throat.

  “I do,” Lexi admitted, a lazy smile on her lips. “I love to see you trying to figure me out.”

  “Only you would dare such a thing, my queen,” he told her.

  “Good. Only I can know this side of you,” Lexi said firmly, reaching up with her left hand and gripping his long hair. “You’re mine, Sebastian Mathieson. Mine to tease. Mine to love.”

  “I would have it no other way,” he told her, slowly lowering his mouth to hers and kissing her with tender thoroughness.

  Her lips were soft beneath his, opening to him and giving him every bit of gentleness and caring within herself. His heart was filled with the love that she freely gave him.

  “You make me smile,” he told her seriously. “I do not know how it is possible, Lexi, but I love you more and more every moment of my day.” He leaned forward and kissed her forehead lightly. “When I am not with you, I think of you. When I am with you, I need to touch you to know the realness of you.”

  “Oh, boy, you’re going to make me cry,” she told him softly, her pregnancy hormones flying wild and making her more emotional.

  “I do not want you to cry, my love.” He rubbed his cheek against her temple and sighed softly. “I want you to be happy.”

  “I am happy.”

  Sebastian looked down at her, hoping she could see and feel the love that he had for her. He needed her to know the depth of his caring.

  “Lexi,” he began.

  “You need to stop talking, Sebastian,” she told him gently. “Show me what you want me to know.”

  The fire of desire that lit his eyes was immediate. Need flooded Lexi in that moment. She wanted him. She needed to show him just how much she loved him, too.

  When his arms slipped beneath her body and pulled her up so that she knelt before him, she was once again reminded how his incredible strength was always tempered. He had never hurt her, nor would he ever. It wasn’t in his soul. He was a true gentle man. Her man.

  “There’s never a day that goes by when I don’t thank the heavens for you, Sebastian,” she whispered as she kissed his neck lightly. “I love you.”

  Sebastian hugged her carefully, kissing her temple, her cheek, and finally claiming her lips. The spark of magic that lit around them was instant. Each and every time they touched, it was beautiful, loving, and powerful.

  “I need to be inside of you, Lexi,” he whispered.

  “Who’s stopping you?” she challenged him, laughing as he flipped her so that she was kneeling with her face resting comfortably on the pillow below her.

  His thoughtfulness was astounding to her. For the past few weeks, it had been uncomfortable for her to make love while lying on her back. By kneeling and placing her head on her pillow, the pressure of her swollen belly was eased considerably. At first, Sebastian had not wanted to love her in that way. He worried that she would feel some sense of disconnect. He didn’t want to have her turned away from him. He needed to look into her eyes and see her emotions.

  Lexi laughed softly as she felt her husband pushing her nightgown up her body and pulling it over her head to toss it to the side of their bed. Her man had quickly adapted to the new position, his desire growing each time they made love. He loved to pull her up and hold her in place with her back against his chest as he pumped into her from behind. When he plunged inside of her and pressed deep over and over again, it made her crazy. His shaft rubbed against a spot inside of her that made her lose all strength. Every. Single. Time.

  She moaned as he kissed his way from the nape of her neck to her lower back. The way he caressed her skin made her know how he valued her. His tenderness was beautiful. She loved it. She also loved when his desire gave fire to his power.

  She cried out in pleasure when she felt his fingers pushing inside of her. She knew he was testing her readiness, but he needn’t have worried. She knew she was wet. Hell, she was dripping! She wanted him inside of her. Now!

  “Sebastian, please,” she moaned.

  “What is it you want, my love,” he asked, taking firm hold of his shaft and rubbing it through the cleft of her lips, growling softly as he easily slid through her wetness.

  “Please, I need you inside of me.”

  “As I need to be there,” he told her, his deep voice filled with love for her.

  He pressed the head of his shaft to her core and pressed slowly inside of her until he was fully seated. His hips kissed her behind, and he pressed even closer, feeling the warmth and wetness of her body surrounding his length.

  “Are you well, my love?” he asked, his concern for her making him halt all movement.

  “Yes. I’m fine. Move, Sebastian. I need you to move.”

  He pulled out partway, looking down at his shaft and seeing it glistening with her wetness, he growled as he plunged deep once again. With each press and retreat, he gathered the moisture onto his thumb and index finger. Rubbing it slowly around her tiny rosette, he pressed his thumb inside it. He was not certain who groaned louder or was affected more because of it—him or his woman.

  He executed long, slow drags of his shaft in and out of her body, running his left hand over her back and soothing her as he loved her. With his right hand, he slid his thumb deeper, gasping at the tightness.

  “Do it, Sebastian,” Lexi demanded, pressing into his touch.

  “Are you certain?”

  “Yes,” she moaned as he dragged across her G-spot over and over again.

  She reached out and slapped her hand at the side table to the right of their bed, searching for the jar of slick that she had asked Sebastian for. He had been confused by her request, and she had taken full advantage of that confusion. She had spent many nights using that lube to give him pleasure. She loved bringing him to hardness and stroking him until he lost control.

  She also loved it when he used the lube to prepare her. She was glad for his gentleness. He always made certain that her body was ready for him. Whether he used his mouth to make her drip with desire, or the slick to prepare his way, she was always the recipient of incredible pleasure.

  The first time he had made love to her in this way, she had been nervous, but she needn’t have been. He had made it just as incredible as any other way that they had made love. He was going to give her that pleasure again right now. She knew it. She craved it. It would always be beautiful because she trusted and loved him.

  Pushing the jar toward her hip, she mumbled his name into the pillow, relieved and excited when she felt his large hand take the jar
from her. He squeezed her hand tightly, telling her with that touch just how much he cared for her.

  When she felt the coolness of the slick touch her body, she moaned again, giving herself over to the pleasure and the need that spiked through her. He pressed the fluid deep inside of her, stretching her with his thumbs.

  The feeling of fullness came in waves as he pressed deeper. Sebastian kept pumping his thumbs inside of her over and over again as he prepared her. The sight of her body so open to him was enough to make him lose his seed, but he needed to hold onto his control. He wanted to give her every bit of love and pleasure that he could.

  When he was certain that she was stretched sufficiently, he pulled his thumbs out of her and pressed the spongy head of his shaft against her sweet rosette. It slipped inside easily, the lubrication helping to ease his way. His shaft was coated with her desire, aiding in the slow glide into her.

  He loved the soft moan that left her and answered it with one of his own as he buried himself to the hilt inside of her. Holding still, he waited until her body relaxed around him then pulled out slowly until just the head remained inside of her. He pushed back inside, groaning as her tight heat squeezed him once again.

  He took the small, wet cloth from the bowl on the side table and wiped his hands, careful to clean himself before he touched Lexi’s body. Her safety and her comfort was his priority. He felt Lexi’s left hand squeezing his thigh and experienced the depth of her love for him washing over him. It was glorious.

  Reaching down, he slipped his left arm beneath her to hold her securely beneath her swollen breasts. He pulled her up carefully, pressing her back against his chest and holding her firmly as he pumped into her. Slipping his right hand across her right hip and caressing her warm skin, he spread her carefully and gathered her cream.

  Making small circles across her swollen bud, he pumped into her in tandem with his rubbing. Increasing the pressure of his fingers and the quickness of his thrusts, he pushed her toward the pleasure he needed her to experience.


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