Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1) Page 53

by Bernard, Lynnette

  “It is very important, Lady Jayna,” Sebastian said as he came up behind her and touched her shoulder lightly. “I am greatly pleased that you have found Benton. He is a good man.”

  “He’s a wolf, too, Daddy,” Imari said excitedly, running toward her father and jumping into his waiting arms.

  “He is a very big wolf, Imari,” Sebastian told her, his golden eyes sparkling with happiness as his little girl hugged him and kissed his cheek. “He is a good mate to Lady Jayna.”

  “Do you think I’ll have a mate someday, Daddy?” Imari asked him in a soft whisper against his neck.

  “My sweet child, I know that you will be blessed with a mate who will value you,” Sebastian whispered, knowing how easy it was to love Imari.

  Juris and Kalem pushed out of Lexi’s arms so they could run to their daddy and grab his legs excitedly. They both sat down on his feet and wrapped their arms around his calves, laughing as they were taken on a ride as their father walked toward their mother.

  “I seem to have found two little boys who need help walking down the corridor to our rooms,” he teased them, smiling down at his sons as they looked up at him and glowed with happiness. “My children are covered in dirt. What have you been doing, little ones?”

  “We planted taytos, Daddy!” Kalem shouted, laughing as his daddy began to run with them down the corridor.

  “Lady Jayna, go home to your mate,” Sebastian called over his shoulder. “Lexi, come with me. We have children that are in need of baths.”

  Lexi laughed, waving to Jayna as she turned and headed home to the suite of rooms that she shared with her life mate. She followed Sebastian, loving the sweet giggles that were erupting from their children as he herded them into their rooms. She went into Imari’s room to settle her in her tub, glad to see that the clonar stones were glowing a healthy golden.

  Sebastian took his sons into their suite, laughing as his boys argued over who was going to go into the bath first. Juris put up a good fight, but Sebastian knew that his son always allowed his little brother to go first. He was such a giving child.

  The little family met in their main room, clean and dressed in their night clothes. Lexi called the area a family room. Sebastian liked that term very much. It was where they ended each night, sharing stories and plans. The laughter and fun that occurred there was something that was talked about throughout the kingdom. So was the love that they shared.

  “Imari, I expect you to be safe and to keep your brothers safe at all times,” Sebastian told her as their daughter sat between them on the large couch with burgundy cushions. He held Juris on his lap, and Lexi held Kalem on hers. He loved these moments.

  “I am careful, Daddy,” Imari told him, hugging her violet blanket to her chest. “Jayna is always with us. Uncle Torin makes sure that his warriors are there, too.”

  “That is good,” Sebastian told her, caressing her dark hair and looking into her beautiful eyes. “Mommy and I love you all very much. We want you to be safe and happy. Always.”

  “I love you, Daddy,” Imari whispered as she climbed up onto his lap and rested her head on his shoulder. She laughed softly as Kalem climbed up beside her and hugged her tightly before pushing between her and Juris so he could cuddle against their daddy.

  Sebastian looked over at Lexi and saw the happiness that was shining in her eyes as she watched their children show him their joy and affection. She remained silent, but he could see the love in her violet eyes. He would never grow tired of that look.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “I love you, you know,” Lexi whispered as Sebastian slipped into bed and drew her into his arms.

  “As you should,” he teased her, kissing the top of her head and laughing softly as she tugged on his hair. “Woman, you will stop abusing me.”

  Lexi laughed softly as she carded her fingers through his hair and massaged his head. “Is this better?” she asked him, loving the soft groan of pleasure that escaped him at her touch.

  “Much better, my love,” he whispered.

  She pulled his head toward her and kissed him, taking her time as she licked and sucked on his lower lip before opening to his seeking tongue. Slipping her hand down his muscled body, she cupped his sac and squeezed lightly, eliciting a moan from him.

  She loved the feel of him. He filled her hand, the precious contents inside his sac the objects of her thoughts. She fondled him gently, easing back to look down at him and seeing the sweet smile on his face as he looked at her with passion in his eyes.

  “Do you think your seed will find a home inside of me tonight, Sebastian?” she asked him quietly. “I would like it if you gave me another baby to love.”

  “That will not happen this night, my love,” Sebastian told her gently.

  “You don’t think so?” she asked, disappointed.

  “No, I do not, Lexi.”

  He took her hand in his and brought it up to his mouth to kiss her palm lightly then moved to turn onto his left side to face her. He touched her cheek lightly, seeing the sadness there.

  “My love, we will not make a baby this night,” he told her gently as he caressed her shoulder. Slipping his hand down her body, he covered her belly with his right hand. He smiled as he felt the warmth beneath his palm. “We have already made our baby. You are carrying our daughter, wife. I sensed her presence as you slept this morning.”

  Lexi covered his hand with hers and pressed closer to him. “I should have realized it,” she told him, thinking about the way he had been locked inside of her the night before.

  She didn’t know why she didn’t realize when they had achieved zengin . It had been the same for each of her pregnancies. She guessed she was so caught up in her love for her husband that she could think about nothing but the beauty of every moment that they made love.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked him, laughing softly at the wide smile on his face.

  “Our trio of excitement interrupted us this morning. Do you not remember?”

  Lexi laughed softly. She loved it when the kids climbed into bed with them in the morning. Sebastian was right. They had come in like a cyclone this morning, jumping into bed with them and hiding under the covers, demanding stories and hugs. It had been wonderful.

  “I remember.” She looked at her husband and saw the gentle glow of his golden eyes as he smiled down at her. “You’re happy about this pregnancy?”

  “I am.”

  “Me, too.”

  “I love everything about it except the pain that it will cause you,” he told her honestly. “I swear to you, each time you give birth, I nearly lose my sanity.”

  “Each time is easier, Sebastian. Your magic helps me with the pain. The healing pool helps me afterward.”

  She thought about each of their children’s births and was thankful that Sebastian had been the one who helped her deliver them. To see him hold their babies right after they were born, cut the cords, and cuddle them against his chest made her love him fiercely.

  He had been by her side through every part of her pregnancies. He changed their babies’ diapers, carried them with him throughout his busy day, and helped them learn so many things. He read to them, played with them, and advised them on the importance of their roles in guiding their people. He also helped them learn to control the magic that each of them possessed. There was not one aspect of their lives that he did not take part in.

  She loved the quiet times they spent together with their babies. When they awoke in the middle of the night, he was the one who went to get them and bring them to her so she could nurse them. He held them and rocked them when they fussed. He sang them songs and whispered words of love and devotion as he settled them into their beds each night.

  He was a wonderful father. He was a wonderful husband. He was a giving and tender lover. Just thinking about the many times they had made love was enough to send her desire for him skyrocketing.

  When she was pregnant, he was always careful to see to her comfort as they mad
e love. After the births of their children, he was always aware of her tiredness or her aches. He had taken her into the healing pool daily to ensure that she was well. He had done the same for their children. Lexi couldn’t ask for a better man.

  She pushed at his shoulder, knowing he would lie back without question. Straddling his body, she reached between them and took gentle hold of his shaft. He was velvet warmth over hardness. Her body clenched with need. Stroking him slowly, she felt her need for him increasing as he moaned softly at her touch.

  When he gripped her hips and held her tightly, she knew that she had pushed him enough. She leaned forward and kissed him passionately, knowing that he would hold her so that she wouldn’t fall. She wasn’t about to release the prize she held in her hand. Instead, she squeezed his shaft with just enough pressure to elicit another moan of need from him.

  Positioning the head just right, she slowly lowered her body and took him deep. He gripped her hips tightly and held her still, making her smile. He was always making certain that she didn’t take him too quickly. He worried that his size would hurt her. Lexi knew that would never happen. When he made love to her, he took his time, made her crazy with need, and sank deep inside of her only when her body was ready for him.

  He slid his hands up her back and pulled her forward, kissing her left breast slowly and placing loving kisses and gentle bites around the fullness of it before opening his mouth and drawing her nipple inside. He sucked slowly, each pull on it caused a corresponding tug on her womb. He was driving her crazy.

  “I am looking forward to drinking from your breasts again, wife,” he whispered as he gave equal attention to her right breast.

  “I like it when you do,” Lexi told him, moaning as he slipped his hand between their bodies to gather her wetness and circle her swollen bud. It was as if a jolt of electricity sparked through her body.

  Before she could put her thoughts to words, he started to move, raising his hips and plunging deep over and over again. Lexi leaned forward, resting her head on his chest and holding onto his shoulders. She loved that he wrapped his arms around her and held her in place as he loved her.

  The movement of his body caused his pubic bone to rub against her just right, sending her soaring toward her release. She screamed his name against his shoulder, biting down as she lost herself to the pleasure that he gave her.

  Sebastian’s groan filled the room as he found his own release. She felt the pulsing of his shaft as he emptied his seed deep inside of her. He caressed her back over and over again, murmuring words of love and happiness. He told her of her importance to him, how much he loved her caring and her kindness, and how much he valued that she was his woman and the mother of his children.

  The words were beautiful. His emotions were true. The love he gave her lit a fire within her that would never burn out. This man, this incredible man, had shown her what it meant to love and be loved.

  She felt his gentle caresses against her back and sighed. He gave her so much. Their destiny had been fulfilled on this wonderful world of Altavesta. Her heart had found a loving home with this wonderful man.

  She kissed him tenderly then settled her head against his shoulder, hoping that he somehow could know the depth of her love and the thoughts within her heart. Sometimes, words weren’t enough. She was going to spend the rest of her life showing him just how much he meant to her.

  “Sebastian,” she said softly, needing to tell him how much she loved him and how much he meant to her.

  She felt him slip his hands into her hair and tug on it so that she would look up at him. His eyes searched hers. He smiled as their souls merged. He pressed her head against his shoulder and nuzzled into her hair.

  “I know, my gentle warrior,” he whispered against her temple as he held her tenderly. “I know.”



  About the Author

  Lynnette Bernard is a fan of Broadway, the ocean, science fiction, romance, music, movies, books, and babies. She has two babies of her own who were the perfect children who have turned out to be outstanding adults. She is a staunch advocate of happily ever after and changes the endings of any movie that she sees or book that she reads that doesn’t follow that rule. The cowboys of Colorado will always hold a special place in her heart.

  For all titles by Lynnette Bernard, please visit:

  E-mail Lynnette Bernard:

  [email protected]

  Lynnette Bernard on Facebook:

  Published Novels

  by Lynnette Bernard

  (It is suggested that all novels in each series

  be read in order of publication for continuity.)

  Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation

  Alexa’s Warrior Mate

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Beckett’s Wolf Pack, Triad Mates

  Laurie’s Loves

  Babies for Nikki

  Susannah’s Saviors

  Abbey’s Protectors

  Meeka’s Reluctant Mates

  Shelly’s Forbidden Mates

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections

  John’s Vision

  Touching Deuce

  Claiming Lainey

  Jake’s Angel

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Mates of Destiny, Angel Chosen

  Lover of My Dreams

  Also from

  LM Dreams Publishing and Designs, LLC

  Burke’s Law

  Burke’s Pack,

  Mates of the Lost Wolves 1

  Lyssa Samuels

  Copyright © 2015 by Lyssa Samuels

  Chapter 1


  Burke Chastain looked up from his seat behind his desk in his office of the alpha home. No one was in the office but him. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and scratched at his close beard. He’d been working non-stop for the past twenty-four hours. He was so exhausted, he was now hearing voices. He was seriously needing some sleep, but his bed held no rest or solace for him.

  It wasn’t that he had a construction deadline that he had to meet or paperwork that needed to be completed. He was restless. No matter how hard he tried to relax, he couldn’t. Something was niggling at him and made a real ache throb within his chest. A picture of a man he had often seen in his dreams kept replaying in his mind. That handsome man had been his source of comfort for many years.

  The thing of it was, the man was not some vision of a romantic fantasy for him, although, heavens above, he was the epitome of sexiness. This man was very real. Burke had seen him in his dreams since he had been a teenager. At first it was the sight of a boy much younger than himself who could be his friend. As the years had passed, that young boy had grown and matured into a handsome man with blue eyes that showed his kindness and humor. That small scraggly boy had become a tall, muscular man who exuded power. He also blanketed Burke with caring and tenderness. Burke looked forward to his dreams each night so he could exist in the presence of the man he already thought of as his.

  Lately, those dreams had stopped being comforting. He still dreamed of the man each night, but the dreams had turned into nightmares. Now, there was fear within the man’s eyes. There was sorrow. And there was pain. Each night, the man reached out to him, silently begging him for help.

  It had eaten away at Burke’s gut. He had no idea who the man was or what was causing him such agony. He was frustrated by the fact that he could not go to him and help him.


  The feminine voice called to him again, pulling him from his thoughts and frustrations. He looked up, growling. His wolf was agitated. His man was just as pissed off.

  “Whoever you are, show yourself,” Burke demanded. “I’m not in the mood for this shit.”

  The area directly in front of his desk shimmered with an iridescent light. Burke’s brown eyes narrowed in annoyance. This was
not what he needed right now.

  The woman who suddenly appeared before him as if from nothing was stunningly beautiful. She was small in stature, but great power radiated from her like a beacon to his soul. He could sense her goodness. When she smiled at him, her brown eyes twinkled as if she knew some secret that was giving her great amusement.

  Her long, golden brown hair was floating around her as if she was being caressed by a gentle breeze. She wore a dress of the softest pink that hugged her body like a fitted toga with a satiny sash of white tied beneath her breasts. On her right bicep, there was an armband of highly polished metal with several trinkets that hung from short chains. He had the sudden urge to kneel before her.

  “You need not kneel, Burke,” she told him gently, her voice soft.

  “Who are you?” Burke asked, his voice softening noticeably.

  “I have come to you to ask for help,” the woman told him, reaching out to touch his shoulder lightly.

  In that moment of contact, he felt a rush of understanding wash over him. This woman was the goddess Lanaya. She was someone he often prayed to as a young wolf when he had been afraid. She was the one who always made him feel as if everything was going to be all right—and then it wasn’t. He hadn’t prayed to Lanaya in a very long time.

  “I think you’ve come to the wrong guy, Lanaya,” Burke said, his deep voice gruff once again.

  “Alpha Burke,” Lanaya stopped him. “The very fact that you know who I am should prove to you that you are meant to help me.”

  “Help you do what?”

  “You and your pack are needed to help a group of men who are escaping from a life of cruelty. They are traveling from the hidden plane of Tuath to seek refuge on your world of Andivoy.”

  “Why do they need refuge?”

  Burke knew of Tuath. It was said to be home to many magical creatures. He couldn’t imagine what could cause such powerful beings to flee that beautiful world.


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