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The Harper's Island Duet

Page 6

by Zane Morrow

  At first I think he’s about to lean in and whisper something in my ear. Instead, he leans past me and pushes our glasses toward the waiting bartender. “Two more.” Blake holds up his fingers. My eyebrow arches dangerously and his smile widens. “Knock it off, Princess, or I’ll make them doubles,” he threatens while wearing a smoldering look. The shots are poured and he passes me one. “Drink, then tell me all about how I don’t have a chance with you.” Blake nods and together we slam back another drink.

  My eyes close involuntarily. “What is this?”

  “Tuaca.” A smile plays on his lips. “Vanilla and hints of citrus. Nice, right?”

  I shake my head. “It’s a pussy drink. It’s turning my stomach.” I purse my lips. “Of course, there’s a chance it’s the company and not the alcohol.” I blink at him meaningfully.

  “I really do like your spunk.” His arm snakes around my waist and he pulls me up against his body. Blake stares into my eyes for a moment as if searching for something. I’m not sure if he found what he was looking for, but soon his lips are on my neck and he’s breathing on my throat.

  Somewhere in the middle of all that, my hand somehow finds its way to the back of his head and I lean back to soak it all in. Damn, it has been a long time. Too long, if I’m suddenly susceptible to his weakass charms. “Well, I don’t like you at all,” I grumble if only to remind myself.

  “I can tell,” Blake mumbles against my skin. “I bet if my hand found its way between your legs I’d find…”

  “That I have an amazing right hook.” I push him back and scowl.

  He frowns. “Just when I thought we were getting somewhere, coming to an understanding, even.”

  I jab him in the chest. “Understand this. I’m here for the wedding. I’m tolerating you for Miss Milly and Camp Hope.”

  I watch as the smile on Blake’s face falters. There’s a myriad of emotions crossing his face. One finally settles. It’s thoughtful, as if he just discovered something new.

  “What?” I glare at him. For some reason, he doesn’t seem to be taking me seriously enough.

  “I want you.” He speaks simply and stares at me evenly. His eyes drink me in, starting with my face and gradually moving lower.

  “Excuse me? Eyes are up here, asshole.” I sigh in frustration. “What makes you think I’d want anything to do with you, even if it was just one night of animalistic passion?” I study him and growl. “Fuck it. I doubt you have a night of passion in you.” I turn and start to stumble away. The shots definitely hit me. Guess they weren’t so weak after all.

  Blake grabs my shoulder and spins me back around. When I face him, his hands grab my upper arms and he effectively keeps me from hitting the floor. “You heard me. I want you in my bed tonight.”

  “Well, that’s romantic.” I smirk. “I bet you say that to all the girls.” I offer an exaggerated wink.

  He shakes his head. “Romance has nothing to do with it. We’re two consenting adults giving in to a mutual attraction.”

  “Wait. What?” I can barely wrap my mind around his words. “What makes you think I’m attracted to you?”

  “Grace, we’ve been flirting for days.” His face darkens and his grip tightens. “You don’t think I have any passion in me. I’m ready to prove you wrong. So very very wrong.”

  I bite my lower lip as I study his eyes which speak of both desire and determination. “I’ll think about it.” I attempt to shrug noncommittally, but his hold prevents it.

  Finally, Blake releases me and takes a step back. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out something hard and flat, wrapped in paper, and places it in my palm. Then he wraps my fingers around it, and brings my fist to his lips for a kiss. “This is for you, Grace. My spare room key. Take it.” He holds my hand in both of his while staring into my eyes. I may have to rethink my stance on his ability to stir passion within me because right now, my lady bits are on fire and I don’t believe for one minute, it’s all alcohol related. I swallow hard. “After the party is over, come to my room. Let me show you.”

  I pull my hand back slowly to study what he has placed there. I see his room number is written on the envelope. To hide a grin, I bite my cheek. Just as I suspected. This is as planned and calculated as any other move Blake Morgan makes. I sigh and shake my head. “Way to be spontaneous, Blake. You’re off to a great start.” Still, we lock eyes as I tuck it into my bra. I watch as he licks his lips. Then, I strut off without a backward glance.

  Two hours later, I lead the bachelorette party as we drunkenly return to the Jasper Inn. After some struggle, I manage to get Brooke upstairs and into our room. She immediately claims the bathroom to get ready for bed. Once she wanders back into the room, she flops down on the bed and stares at me. “So, are you going to go do the nasty with Blake?” She gives me the side-eye. “I would if I was in your position.”

  “Oh? And what position is that, Brooke?” I narrow my eyes at her, daring her to respond.

  “That position would be...far too long without some dick.” Her chin juts out for a second before she bursts out laughing and rolls onto her back.

  I splutter for a moment, unable to find the words to express my shock. Unfortunately, she’s right. “Seriously, it’s a damn shame, especially since there seems to be so many assholes around.”

  Brooke snorts. “So, you’ll be leaving me to join him, right?”

  “I doubt it. Come on, this is our last chance to hang out together. Soon you’ll be happily married and our sleepovers will be...just over.” I giggle before growing serious again. “Meeting Blake would just be wrong.” I stroll over to my suitcase and start rifling through the contents absently.

  “Please, I saw him give you the key.” Her brow arches in challenge.

  “So?” I avert my eyes.

  She chuckles. “So, you took it.”

  “I didn’t want to be rude,” I lie. In honesty, the card has been burning a hole in my skin ever since I stuck it in my bra. As casually as possible, I grab my toiletry bag and wander into the bathroom. Once inside, I study my reflection in the mirror. My makeup has all but melted off my face. Grabbing a washcloth from the towel bar, I turn on the water and gently wash it off. Then I blot my skin dry and apply my moisturizer. If I decide to visit Blake’s room, I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard. Then I brush my teeth while I play over in my mind the various outcomes of using the key.

  By the time I exit the bathroom, I’ve made up my mind. “I’m just going to talk to him.” I shrug to show it’s no big deal, which would’ve been a lot more convincing if I wasn’t shaking slightly.

  “Talk? Is that what you kids are calling it now?” Brooke snickers.

  I inhale deeply, hoping to collect myself. “No, seriously, he has been drinking. Maybe he’ll listen about the camp.”

  “We’ve all been drinking.” Brooke rolls her eyes.

  I grab the key to our room and stick it on the other side of my bra. Then I reach in and grab Blake’s key from where I tucked it beside my heart. As I hold it, I find myself turning it over again and again. My decision has been made. I want to sleep with him in the worst way. My heart roots me on while my head holds me back. This will either be the best or worst decision I’ve ever made. “Yeah. So, I’ll be back.”

  “I won’t wait up,” Brooke mumbles while face down on the bed.

  As I pull the door shut behind me, I can’t help but note the finality of the click of the keep.


  Wandering down the hall, I soon find myself in front of Blake’s hotel room. I eye the card in my hand, but decide to knock anyway.

  He opens the door, his brow raised. “I gave you the key, so you wouldn’t have to knock.”

  “I could’ve, but we’re not there yet.” I roll my eyes.

  After smirking, he motions for me to enter the room. “Please, by all means, come in. Now that you’ve alerted the whole floor to your presence, I feel rather foolish in my feeble efforts to protect your reputation.” Bl
ake slowly shut the door behind me and leaned against it casually.

  I look around and realize his suite is like the one Brooke and I are sharing. My brow furrows. “Where’s Brett?”

  With a grin, he emerges from the bathroom. “I’m here, and I’m leaving.”

  “You don’t have to.” I shrug. Brett and Blake exchange a look. “Oh, so I’m here because you wanted to spend the night with your future wife. Got it.” I sigh and disappointment washes over me.

  “Just give me the key to your room, woman.” Brett laughs. “We’re gonna switch places for tonight.”

  “Fanfreakingtastic,” I grumble.

  Brett snatches the key from my hand as soon as I peel it out of my bra. He leans down, gives me a peck on the cheek, and hurries out the door. For a minute, Blake and I stand there eyeing each other across the room. Finally, he breaks the silence. “Can I get you a drink?”

  I sigh. We’ve been drinking for hours. The last thing I need is another drink. I tilt my head. Actually, the last thing I need is to be here. I close my eyes and inhale deeply. Brett and Brooke need alone time. I’ll take one for the team.

  “Hey, Princess? Did you hear me?” Blake takes a step closer to me.

  My eyes fly open and fix on him. “Are you always this impatient? I’m trying to decide how hung over I want to be and how big a mistake I want to make, but I’m here, so it’s already too late for me,” I grumble.

  His lips twitch. “Is that a yes?”

  “Sure, make me yet another mother fucking drink.” I cross my arms over my chest and scowl.

  “Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” He makes a feeble attempt at teasing me while he pops a bottle of bubbly that was sitting on the side table.

  I roll my eyes. “I haven’t kissed my mother in years. Oh, but I kissed you earlier and it seemed perfect for that.” I snicker.

  With a grin, Blake wanders over to me with two flutes in hand. “For you, Grace.” He passes me the drink and I’m taken aback. He hardly ever uses my name.

  As I wrap my hands around the stem, I stare up into his eyes. “What are we drinking to now?”

  “How the most beautiful girl in the room?” Blake clinks his glass against mine and prepares to drink when I interrupt.

  “I’m the only girl in the room unless you have someone hidden somewhere.” I pretend to glance around.

  “Not just this room, Grace, every room. Every room you enter, you steal the spotlight.” He must’ve caught my frown because he lifts my chin and forces me to meet his gaze. “I mean it. I was too sober to tell you before. I know why Miss Milly chose you.” His fingers trace my jawline and soon curl around the back of my neck. “You have a presence. There’s something about you that elevates you to a whole different level. No one can compete with you.” Blake leans in to kiss me, but I’m stunned by his proclamation.

  “I never tried. I don’t even like the spotlight.” I try to twist out of his grasp, but he tightens it instead. “I don’t want to be the Princess. I don’t want to run Harper’s Island. I want to save Camp Hope.”

  He purses his lips. “And your precious Trent has done this, right?”

  I shrug. “For a year. I want to save it forever.”

  “One night.” He sighs. “Can’t we just table this conversation for one night?” He sets his flute on the nightstand.

  My chin juts out. “And then what? Say I agree to let it go for tonight. Say I don’t mention it again until…”

  “After the wedding,” Blake suggests. “Not a word. Not a whimper. Not even the ‘ca’ sound can come out of your mouth.” His frown softens. “Do this for me, for us, and I promise we’ll have a serious conversation on Monday. Hell, we could even have it on Sunday, if that makes you happy.” He rakes a hand through his hair then collapses on the bed.

  I stare down at him, and consider his words. “So...we table it?” He nods and I decide to test him. “So ca--”

  His face darkens. “Not even the ‘ca’ sound, Grace.” His tone is stern.

  For a moment, I dance out of reach feeling wildly empowered by his words. “Let’s say we table it. Then whatever do we have to talk about?” I purse my lips playfully.

  As Blake leans forward, his eyes sparkle with excitement. “Bed. We talk bed and everything I want to do to you in it.”

  Frozen, I study him a second too long before reacting. I realize my mistake immediately. His arms were longer than I anticipated. Blake grasps my wrist, yanks me toward him, and knocks me completely off balance. Soon, I’m stumbling and he’s catching me. I bite my lower lip nervously.

  He hones in on it and offers a wolfish grin. “Relax I won’t bite you…unless you want me to.”

  “I’m not scared.” Yet my body betrays me and I can feel I’m trembling slightly.

  “You sure?” Blake lowers his head and buries it in my throat.

  Instead of tensing, I relax into his attentions. “Yea.” My words melt into a moan.

  He draws me closer. My heart rate increases. Already, I can feel my panties getting damp and he hasn’t even touched me in any of my naughty spots. How is that even possible?

  “Princess.” Blake whispers against my skin, tickling me and causing tingles to travel down my spine.


  Then he pulls my face towards his. Finally, our lips collide and I know. My eyes shoot open and I swallow hard. I’m in huge trouble. No guy has ever made me feel like this before and I don’t think it’s a good thing. I pride myself on my restraint, my control. Yet with him, it disappears. Mostly, I don’t care, which absolutely terrifies me. Then we lean into each other and again lips meld and tongues probe. My pussy is completely drenched. His hand runs down my side, my skimpy tank not hiding much. Hell, he can probably feel my goosebumps through the flimsy fabric. Maybe not though, since his hand continues moving toward my breast. At last, he cups it in his hand, massaging gently, eliciting a new moan from me.

  As we break apart, I sit back on the bed and stare at him. He stands, and without a word, begins undressing me. “Hey!” This is my last-ditch effort to create some distance, to save myself.

  “Yes, Princess.” An eyebrow shoots up as Blake cradles my calf and begins kissing his way up my leg.

  “Wait.” This time my word is little more than a whimper and he ignores me altogether. I try to tug out of his grasp and I’m rewarded with a sigh.

  “Something troubling you?” His eyes narrow.

  “There were supposed to be words. You were going to tell me…” My mind is cloudy and I can’t concentrate.

  Blake nods. “I know.” His voice turns seductive. “You want some pillow talk.”

  I open my mouth, but I can’t find the words. See, I want to object. I want to reject his attentions. Unfortunately, my body refuses to fall in line with my head. I don’t even want to consider where my heart stands on the matter. This guy is a challenge and just like it has been a while since I’ve been with a man, I’ve been far too long without a challenge too.

  “You’re so much more than I expected.” He reaches out to brush my cheek with the back of his hand. “You’re nothing like anyone I’ve ever known. I feel like I could spend forever trying to get to know you.”

  “You’re wrong,” I whisper. “I’m nothing like that. I’m simple. I’m boring. I’m…”

  “Deflecting and trying to distract me from my intentions.” Blake chuckles. “It won’t work.”

  “It won’t?” I swallow hard.

  “I’d never force myself on you, Gracie.” He averted his eyes, positioned himself between my legs and stared at the juncture of my thighs. “The truth is, I’m certain you want this too.”

  “I do?” I barely choke out the words.

  He nods. “Oh yes. You do.” As if to prove a point, his hands run down my inner thighs, under my panties, and then one finger slides between my labia and gently slips inside me. My back arches and my head falls back onto the bed. “Am I wrong?”

  “Nope.” I look a
way and refuse to meet his gaze.

  I’m a goner. I’m done for. Blake helps me undress and removes his clothing too. I try not to stare, but the man is hiding a seriously fit body under those boring suits. Without thinking, my fingers scrape up his washboard abs. When he shivers, I draw back and bite my lip.

  “You can touch me, sweet Princess. Tonight, I’ll deny you nothing.” He leans down and presses his naked torso against mine.

  My brows raise and part of me wants to press him, but we’d agreed no camp talk. I can’t even think about the place at the moment. No, I’m far away. I’m no longer in control. Blake is, and for the first time, I’m not worried.

  I watch as he rips open a condom and rolls it on with surprising deftness. He crawls into bed and kisses the side of my neck. Then he positions himself to enter me. “There’ll be more foreplay next time. This time...I can barely hold back as it is. I’ll make it up time.” With one thrust he enters me, filling me, making me forget everything I’m supposed to remember.

  All I can think about is next time.

  When I wake up the next morning I’m aching in all the right places. I didn’t dream it. If I needed further proof, I only needed to look to my right because I’m curled up next to Blake. His arm wraps around my waist and holds me close to him. There’s something remarkably intimate about his touch. So much for this being about two consenting adults.

  Apparently, he realizes I’m awake because he’s soon whispering in my ear. “Morning, beautiful.”

  I mumble and moan in response since I don’t want to talk yet.

  “There’s something I want to discuss.” Blake releases me and rolls out of bed. He’s still naked and I’m transfixed by his morning wood. When I glance at his face, I discover he’s grinning. “I’m going to order room service. Go get dressed.”

  I blink a few times as I try to process his words. What the hell is he up to? I find my clothing where he tossed it last night. Once I dress, I shuffle out to the living room where I find Blake staring out the window into the morning sky.


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