The Wilson Mooney Box Set

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The Wilson Mooney Box Set Page 58

by Gretchen de La O

  “I don’t know what the hell to do, Max. I tried calling Dan but his phone when straight to voicemail. Should we call Dad’s lawyers, or Buck for that matter, and find out what the hell is going on? All I know is we can’t tell Mom; it would just push her over the edge.”

  Calvin collected the papers and began to tap them on the counter. The sound of him straightening the pages and the rhythm with which he banged the edges against the granite became the only thing I could focus on.

  “No, don’t call Buck. And you’re right, it’s best not to say anything to Mom yet. Shit, Cal, I just know Dad wouldn’t do this. There is no way he would sign these papers without talking to his lawyers. If Dad signed them, he must have had a good reason.”

  “Good reason? Max, do you really think Dad just gave Buck the same percentage of ownership that we all have? And where does Dad’s remaining fifteen percent go?” Calvin said as he plopped the stack on the counter and began to pace the kitchen.

  “I assume Mom will absorb Dad’s remaining fifteen percent. Hey, let’s take a breath and wait to hear from Dan. Maybe he knows what’s going on. Where is he, anyway?”

  “Who the fuck knows. He always seems to disappear when the shit’s hitting the fan. That’s just Dan,” Calvin accused.

  I knew where Cal was coming from. He was still bitter that our dad chose to teach Dan the business and give Calvin the freedom to be who he was. Okay, well, freedom is too strong a word; Dad’s disappointment at Calvin’s lack of interest in working for the family business took its toll. But nothing like the pressure Dad had given me before I left for California.

  Somewhere in my mind I was clinging to a small sliver of hope that Dan would know exactly what was going on and how to handle the situation so I didn’t have to be involved. I looked across the island at Cal. His eyes were vacant. Fuck, he obviously doesn’t know what to do. Dad was right; he just doesn’t have it in him. I’m gonna have to head back to California with Wilson, make sure she’s okay, pack up what I need from the condo, sign my resignation papers, and come right back here. Fuck, hold on, I’m getting ahead of myself. I just need to talk to Dan.

  “Why hasn’t Dan called back yet?” I demanded.

  “I never really trusted Buck,” Calvin muttered.

  Cal’s words didn’t even register. And even though it felt like my fate was sealed it didn’t stop me from trying to figure out a way I could get Dan and Calvin to deal with this situation without including me.

  I heard Wilson’s voice, then, mingled with my Mom’s. Both of them were smiling. Oh, thank God. I noticed my mom was holding Wilson’s hand as they came in. When Mom wrapped her arm around Wilson’s shoulder my heart dropped from the middle of my throat back down into my chest. My whole body relaxed and the world stopped for a moment as Wilson’s eyes met mine and she nodded. I didn’t even realize my expression has been asking a question.

  “Maxi, Wilson and I talked about it and we both agree…you’re worth hanging on to,” my mom teased as she gave a quick squeeze to Wilson before she came over and wrapped her arms around my torso. I felt every word she uttered soak into my skin and enter my blood, giving me an opportunity to relax a little. I took a deep breath. One down, one to go, I thought as she looked in my eyes. I could tell she’d been crying. Immediately I looked over at Wilson. Her eyes were also damp with faded red around her eyelids.

  “Everything okay?” I asked hesitantly. Wilson nodded her head.

  “Um-hum,” my mom answered with a delicate tone. Yeah, there’s no way in hell that I’m gonna drop the Buck bomb on her right now. The last thing mom needed to hear was that Dad signed away a portion of GP before he died. I was just glad to see her arm around Wilson and that she was smiling again.

  ~ Wilson ~

  Oh my God, I’ve never done anything so difficult in my life. Yeah, dealing with death is scary and a notch too close to unmanageable. And I would never think of minimizing the kind of pain I went through when I lost my grandparents, and even Frank; but to stand across from Nancy, the mother of the man I love, and listen to her tell me how devastated Max was when I left and then continue to tell me how horrible she felt when she found out it was her words that drove me away…the whole idea was too much. Here she was, with her husband just dying, and she had to deal with me and my freak-out moment.

  It took every ounce of restraint I had not to tell her about drinking too much and kissing Nick. Good thing Joanie’s voice flooded my mind and somehow subconsciously talked me off that ledge, making me realize that my mistakes would only hurt her needlessly. Besides, if Max could forgive me for my transgressions, then that was all that mattered…I think.

  I was taking inventory of the room when my eyes met Calvin’s. I nervously tucked my hair behind my ear and tried to hide the fact that I wasn’t really ready to see him.

  Calvin was leaning against the granite counter across from Max. His sheepish expression begged for forgiveness while his strong body language told me that Nancy and I were interrupting something important between him and Max.

  “Wilson,” Calvin attempted as he looked down at the stack of papers in front of him and began to straighten them into a pile.

  I didn’t want to answer him. Even though there was this tiny part of me that had already forgiven him for what he did, the rest of me really wanted to kick his ass. I wanted him to feel the pain he’d created in my life with his actions. But instead I played the bigger person and answered back.


  Max noticed the tension between his brother and me and hurried to intercede.

  “Sweetheart, it’s been a long day. Why don’t you head upstairs? I’ll grab your bag from the car.” Max strode toward me before bending down to take off my boots. I felt the heat of his hand against my thigh and the weight of my leg become light as he slipped off my Uggs one foot at a time.

  “Let me fix something to eat for everyone,” Nancy piped up, looking at Max before nodding her head and heading around the island and into the kitchen.

  “Okay, Ma, that sounds good. You hungry, Wilson?” Max said delicately, knowing that is exactly what his mom needed to do.

  I nodded my head. I was a little hungry, and even though I wanted to go upstairs and be alone with Max, there was something making me stay down here and be a part of his family.

  “It’s settled, then. Maxi, go out and get Wilson’s bags, then come back and be with us. Where’s Camille?” The Nancy that I remembered before Frank’s death began to shine through the Nancy who was grieving her losses.

  “Who the hell knows? She’s just like Dan,” Calvin sneered.

  I caught Nancy as she shot Calvin a look. He glanced over at me, cleared his throat, and agreed to go look for his sister. Max pushed his lips to my temple. His kiss was so warm, so inviting, I felt my body regret not following him. He exhaled as he pulled away, taking my breath with him.

  “I’ll be right back. I love you,” he growled breathily before he exited into the garage.

  “Wilson, come on over and help me,” Nancy said, snapping me out of the trance Max set me under. Her hands were filled with ingredients I couldn’t even begin to understand how to mix let alone make into something edible.

  “Are you sure you want my help? I have burned water you know,” I answered sarcastically.

  “Well, lucky for me, we aren’t fixing water tonight. Bend down to that cabinet and grab me the black-handled fry pan. I’m going to teach you how to make one of Frank and Maxi’s favorites: blackened sea bass,” she stated as she freed her hands from the garlic, salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, and olive oil—all the ingredients that must make cooking sea bass edible. “Oh, and grab me a couple of lemons out the fruit bowl,” she pitched her hand in the air, pointing toward the dining room table as she turned and grabbed a small container of paprika.

  “Okay,” I answered, unsure as I set the fry pan on the front burner of the huge Viking stove and left to fetch the two lemons we needed for the sea bass.

heard the door stretch open with its off-key song as it stopped and started again. Nancy’s voice filled the room with the pleasure of having a new pupil in the kitchen.

  “Oh, honey, I am so excited…I’m teaching Wilson how to make you and your father’s—favorite,” her voice cracked.

  “Macaroni and cheese?” Max teased.

  I grabbed the lemons and was turning to enter the kitchen when I decided to lean against the doorway and watched them.

  “No, guess again.”

  “Frozen pizza?” Max asked sarcastically.

  Nancy took a dish towel from the counter, wound it tight, and snapped it at his butt. “Wrong again, smarty,” she barked as I noticed tears starting to swell in her eyes.

  “Hey, fine, Chinese chicken salad, but that’s my last guess,” he teased as he grabbed the dish towel. “Ha, what are you gonna do now?” Max was trying to make light of it the moment he realized she was starting to cry.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t say—”

  “Blackened sea bass?” Max interrupted her.

  “Your dad’s favorite,” Nancy choked as she looked at him, tears streaming down her cheeks while her delicate hands tapped his chest. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed the top of her head. I watched as a moment of sadness radiated through her expression.

  “Mine too, but only the way you make it,” Max mumbled as he squeezed her tighter.

  My heart melted down into my toes watching the love he had for his mother. The moments of warm banter they shared in a time of cold loss. They were the home I was glad to have. The comfortable place I was going to land and hopefully be with forever.

  Max leaned his cheek against the top of his mom’s head. He noticed I was standing in the doorway watching them together and reached out to me. I meandered over to their embrace and they both wrapped their arms around me. It was just the three of us, in a moment of pure love for each other. Yeah, I’d found the mother I never had.

  “Alright, you guys, break it up,” Calvin scoffed. “I found your sister,” he continued, pointing to Max.

  “Well she’s yours too,” Max countered as he pulled away from his mom and me.

  “No, I signed all the papers giving you full ownership of that title when I was nine,” Calvin teased.

  “Oh, quit flappin’ your lips. I think they’d be better used for kissing my ass,” Camille said as she came into the kitchen and rack-a-popped Calvin in the back of the head.

  “Oh, Camille, now come on, that’s not very lady like,” Nancy lectured as she wiped the tears from her cheeks.

  “Tell him,” Camille countered.

  Max ignored the jousting that continued between his siblings as he crept up behind me and wrapped me in his arms. His firm, warm body pressed against my entire backside.

  “You really want to stay down here and cook? Mmmm, I could think of so many more things I’d like to do with you,” he whispered, his words tickling every tingling space in my body.

  I pushed my rear against him and felt the blood flow that filled him.

  “Max, I told your mom I was going to cook with her.”

  “She’ll understand. I’ll get Camille to help her,” he tried to convince me. “I need a moment alone with you,” he asserted in a low rumble.

  “I don’t want to hurt her feelings.”

  I could feel my body begin to tingle as he ran his hands down to my hips and pulled me back again to feel his excitement.

  “Ma, I need to borrow Wilson for a moment. Do you mind?” Max asked from behind me. He kissed my neck before even waiting for an answer from Nancy.

  “Oh, heck, you two. I’ll just call you when dinner is ready.”

  “Are you sure, Nancy? I feel bad. I told you I’d help,” I asked, embarrassed.

  “Oh, sweetheart, I’m sure Camille won’t mind helping me. Where’s Dan?” Nancy’s attention shifted to Camille.

  “He’s on his way,” Camille said.

  “I don’t know why Dan’s parents didn’t just stay here,” Nancy offered.

  “Oh no, Mom, they are perfectly fine in a hotel. Dan just texted me,” Camille said after she cleared her throat.

  Suddenly the thought that Joanie hadn’t called or texted me yet flashed across my mind.

  “I haven’t heard from Joanie,” I whispered to Max. In all the things I was dealing with, it hadn’t crossed my mind that she was still over at the Browlers’ with Nick.

  “Well, why don’t I take your bag upstairs and you can have some privacy to call Joanie,” Max said loudly.

  I looked over at Nancy. She was preoccupied with plopping fish into the power-marinade concoction that was supposed to make it desirable. Camille had her head buried in the fridge, and Calvin was standing glued to his iPhone. Nobody would even notice if we left.

  “See, they want us to be alone,” Max breathed as he retrieved my suitcase and snatched my hand before dragging me through the dining room and up the stairs.

  “Damn, I feel like I’ve done this before,” he teased as he hoisted my suitcase in front of him. I watched in reverence as his shoulder blades and biceps flexed.

  “That’s because you have. But the second time…is a charm,” I answered as I slipped my hands low on his waist and felt the muscles of his butt as we climbed the stairs together…again. God, I love to watch his body move and feel his ass flex.

  When we reached the landing I tugged at his crisp white dress shirt, pulling it loose from his black pants. He stopped, inviting me to slide my hands across his lats and up to the first button on his shirt.

  Without warning, Max twisted and bent down in front of his door, dropping my suitcase. He stayed crouched longer than expected.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, bending down low to talk to him. He raced his hands up the outsides of my legs. Quickly he caught my hips, lifting me up and causing my feet to leave the floor. I felt my body begin to sway back as he pinned me to his bedroom door. His lips were automatic and hot against the bend of my neck as he mapped his way around my skin. My phone fell to the floor as my hands tangled in his hair. My breath soared above me as I lifted my face to the ceiling, exposing more places for him to explore.

  His breath scorched my skin as he growled my name, the suggestive motion of his hips converging with mine as my body slid down between the door and every bit of evidence that he wanted me. Max ran his hands across my arms and down to my fingers before he pushed them up and over my head, trapping them there. My shirt lifted, exposing the space between my navel and my jeans. Chills licked at my waist as my lower body steamed.

  “I’ve missed you,” Max said breathily. His lips caressed my ear before he traced a line down to my mouth. He kissed me like never before, biting and pulling my bottom lip between his teeth before he tangled his tongue with mine, kissing me with such passion that the apex between my legs dampened and my knees buckled.

  Max skimmed his hands down my arms, around my body, and toward my waist. He dragged his fingertips across my exposed stomach, causing goose bumps to ripple across my body. I shivered.

  “You cold or just turned on?” he asked before floating his hands up under my thin shirt, stopping at the front clasp on my bra.

  Ohhhh my God, let’s pray nobody decides to come upstairs and look for us. Wait, don’t stop! Please touch my breasts. My nipples instinctively surged in anticipation of my appeal. I wanted to feel the warmth of his mouth devour my body. I just needed him to take me out of that hallway and into his room to make love to me. I didn’t even realize my hands were still against the door above my head. I dropped them and tangled my fingers into his hair as I moaned in a low, bawdy tone.

  “Maaxxx, God, I want you,” I exhaled achingly.

  “Tell me how much you want me,” he growled in a visceral breath against my neck.

  “I want you so bad; in the worst way.”

  “In what way? Against this door or in my room?”

  “I want you to take me—in your room. Please, Max, let me in. I need you right no
w,” I urged, nibbling on his earlobe.

  He had me so frickin’ turned on, I was about to explode with him just whispering to me. I couldn’t take it any more. His hands grazed low on my waist as I felt his fingers creep behind the button on my pants. Please just unbutton my pants and let me feel your fingers between my legs. Just read my mind and take me into your room now. I want to feel your mouth discover me. I want to feel you inside me.

  My button unsnapped and my zipper gave as I felt Max’s hand push behind my panties and his fingers found me. Please God, don’t let anyone find me here with Max’s hand down my pants!

  “Damn, Wilson, you’re so excited. Mmmm, I want that,” Max demanded in a sexy tone as his kiss became hurried and urgent.

  I reached for the door knob, knowing the door would open under our weight.

  “Dan? Is that you?” I heard Camille shout from downstairs.

  “Hey, Cam, yeah, it’s me. Is Cal or Max around?” I heard Dan’s voice carry upstairs.

  Suddenly Max stopped kissing me and dropped his hands to his sides. His whole intention changed instantly from getting me into his bedroom to slamming on the brakes. It was like someone had thrown a huge bucket of ice water on a raging fire.

  “What’s wrong? Why is Dan looking for you?” I murmured.

  “Aaahhhh, son of a bitch,” Max snarled as he pounded his fist on the door. “Wilson, I’m so sorry, babe, but I need to talk to Dan,” Max apologized.

  “Really? Right now? It can’t wait?” I groaned as I tried to convince him to stay with me by rubbing my hand across the front of his black dress pants. He was so ready to go.

  “Yeah, sweetheart, as much as want to stay right here with you I need to talk to Dan.” Max caught my hand before he pushed his fingers under my chin, pulling my face up to his and kissing the tip of my nose.


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