Scripted Love

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Scripted Love Page 17

by Karen Frances

  “Jess, you were a bit drunk. If you did mention it, I wouldn’t have understood because all you were doing was rambling on.” I want to laugh but I don’t. “Ella, tell me about Jack.”

  I fill Fletcher in. Connor takes my hand, squeezing it softly as I talk about Jack’s dad and his drug problems. I’m stating the facts as I know them. Fletcher’s face falls and I see sadness and confusion in his eyes.

  “Bloody hell! And I thought some of the women’s stories were bad at the refuge. This is awful. What can be done to help him?”

  I tell him everything Michelle has told me and he sits quietly, taking it all in.

  After I’ve finished, I change the subject back to the house, because I don’t want everyone feeling sad about Jack’s situation.

  “It’s time we make a move,” I say, when I realise we’ve been here for over four hours between viewing the house and just talking. “Let you both get on.”

  Fletcher and Jess walk us to the front door. Connor tells Jess he’ll pop into her office tomorrow after he finishes filming for the day. She tells him to give her a call and she will keep the office open in case he’s running late.

  “Ella, if there’s anything I can do to help with Jack, please let me know,” Fletcher says as I say goodbye. “I didn’t have an easy childhood with my mum and I ran away a few times, but I always ended up back with her after maybe spending a few nights at a friend’s house. I can’t imagine what that lad must be going through. I mean it, Ella. Anything at all.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Promise me?” Fletcher asks, kissing my cheek. I nod slowly before getting into the car. I know Fletcher had a tough life; his mum was an alcoholic. It’s been well documented in the press over the years. But I couldn’t miss that his voice was shakier than normal, as though he was living through my revelation about Jack. Maybe he was.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” I ask, reversing my car out of the driveway and stopping to look at the house.

  “Yes, of course I do, but I think we have a lot to talk about.”

  “Yes, we do.”

  “That’s fine. We’ll talk, but the house will be ours regardless of the conversation we’re going to have. And just so you know, you can talk to me about it when you’re ready.”

  I smile and drive away.

  He knows what I want to talk about, and yet he’s giving me time.

  Time for me to get this right in my own head. But this is a conversation for now.

  I think I’ve fallen for him all over again.

  I DON’T LIKE COMING HOME alone anymore. It doesn’t make any difference if it’s during the day or late at night. After seeing the house in Jess’s estate, my mind is made up, and my heart is happy to move on.

  Let go of the past.

  I park the car in my drive and stare ahead. I’ll always have good memories from my time here.

  Getting out of the car, I grab the bag of shopping from the back. Today, when Connor finishes on set, he has a meeting with Trevor. I thought I’d make a start on dinner. I’m not going out with Michelle tonight. I’m going to miss it, but I think Connor and I need some time together before tomorrow, when he gives his interview.

  I have to give Connor my support. God knows he’s always been there when I’ve needed him. He’s nervous about doing this and has already spoken to his parents and told them about the interview. It will be tough, but he’ll get through it with my love and support.

  Something catches my eye, making me pause as I walk toward the front door. I’m immediately on guard when I feel the hairs on the back of my neck spike. The wind is picking up and it’s probably just something blowing around. I put my bag down and walk toward the garage. I look out to the back garden and there’s nothing to see except the trees swaying in the wind. No papers blowing about.

  I know I saw something. I’m just not sure what it was.

  As I look out past the garden, I know without a shadow of a doubt that I’ll miss this view. Although, if we move into the house we saw yesterday, that view is pretty spectacular too.

  I draw in a deep breath, expecting the fresh air to hit my senses, but I’m taken by surprise when an all too familiar scent fills the air. My legs are pulled away and my body falls to the ground. I put my hands down to break my fall, but I land heavily and awkwardly on my hand.

  I bite down on my lip, trying to mask the cry that’s fighting to escape.

  Pain shoots through my wrist and I’m scared to move it in case I’ve broken it. My eyes dart along the ground and I see his feet.

  I don’t need to lift my eyes to know who is standing there, but I do anyway. I tilt my head upward until I meet the gaze of the man who has caused so much pain and suffering, not just to me, but to the man I love.


  He’s hovering above me with a metal pole in his hand. My eyes dart around, looking for something, anything I can use against him.

  “It took you long enough to come home. You left the set over an hour ago. Where have you been?” he shouts at me.

  He’s been following me.

  Stay calm, Ella. You need to stay calm.

  I drag myself back to my feet and stand, facing him. “I had a few things to get at the shops.”

  I want to scream at him, tell him to go away and leave me alone, but I don’t. Instead, I try to hide my growing fears that he’s going to hurt me.

  My stomach churns as various possibilities run through my mind as he stands there tapping the metal pole against the side of his leg. I’m scared, really fucking scared right now. I can’t even try and get help. My phone is in the bag with the shopping.

  “Aren’t you pleased to see me?” he asks.

  I want to grab that pole from his hands and hit him with it until all I see is red. I’m sure that’s what he plans to do to me, or why else would he have it in his hand?

  What or who will stop him?

  No one, because it will be a few hours before Connor is home. I’m on my own with this mad man and I think he knows it.

  There’s no one here to protect me.

  “No. I was hoping I had heard the last from you. Wishful thinking on my part.”

  “Now, Ella. That’s not what I expected. You should be welcoming me with open arms, not standing there wondering how you can hurt me. We have unfinished business to sort out.”

  “I don’t think we have.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. You’re moving house so we should discuss this place.”

  I laugh at him. Who the hell does he think he is? “Why would we need to discuss my house?” He’s not just been following me today. The only way he could possibly know about me moving is if he was following me yesterday. My heart beats rapidly in my chest and sweat drips down my back.

  With his free hand, he reaches out, touching the wrist I landed on. I flinch and pull back, crying out as the pain shoots through it and up to my elbow.

  “Because this is the home we shared. If you sell it, we should split the money.”

  I shake my head wildly because I don’t actually believe what I’m hearing. He expects me to give him money. “You won’t get a penny from me. This is my house. It was never yours. You never paid anything toward it, so you won’t be getting anything. Not now. Not ever.”

  “But we lived together, shared a life together.”

  “Yes we did,” I say, nursing my hand. “But you seem to be forgetting it was you that walked out on me. You that stole from me, and I was left to pick up the pieces.”

  “You haven’t done too badly. Sleeping with my best friend. Got yourself a new job. And I know you’re, once again, the talk of Hollywood. All because of me. You can thank me later.”

  He’s delusional. Yes, I might be the talk of Hollywood, but only because I refused to keep quiet about what he did.

  “You are on every director’s radar. ‘Ella McGregor, the bonnie lass from Scotland.’ The girl everyone wants to star in their movies.”

  “That’s good to know,” I say
smugly. I’m terrified right now, but he doesn’t know that. I won’t let him see my fears. “We have nothing to talk about.” I’m inches from his face. I can feel his breath. I can also see the puzzled look on his face. His eyes widen.

  “Ella, we have lots to talk about, so why don’t we start with Connor? You need to end things with him. Stop leading him on. He has loved you for all these years and you’re going to break his heart. His heart is delicate, as you now know.”

  I take a step away from him. “I’m not listening to this crap.”

  He grabs my wrist, squeezing it tightly. Tears sting my eyes and I cry out. “If you want me to stop hurting you, I think you’ll listen to me and do as I say.”

  I nod, not knowing what else to do.

  His eyes run up and down the length of my body, and when he looks into mine, a new, deeper sense of fear sets alarm bells ringing in my head. The look on his face haunts me. I close my eyes when I feel the metal pole against the side of my body.

  “You were always beautiful, Ella. And even now, when you’re trying to hide your fears, the beauty still shines from you.” The way he says my name has me looking around for a way to escape his clutches. My entire body shakes, and any hope I had of being strong and standing up to him all but vanishes.

  He knows I’m weak.

  He leans in closer, his forehead against mine. His lips are almost touching mine as his grip on my wrist tightens. I don’t move or make a sound. “I think now is a good time for you and I to sort out our unfinished business inside. Although . . . we could do that out here. I know you’re happy to have sex outside. Maybe we should wait until sunset.”

  Heat rushes through my body as I hear his words. Anger fills my veins and I take a step back, raising my uninjured hand, and slap him hard across the face. He’s been here, in hiding, watching my every move.

  He strikes my hand with the pole and then laughs. Tears flow freely down my cheeks as I cry out in pain. “If you’d behave, I wouldn’t have to hurt you. Do you think I like our situation? I don’t, but I have to make you understand that you belong to me, not him.”

  My heart races as I think of what to say to him. We stand for what seems like forever, with me not talking and him watching and waiting. His back is to the front of the house and we’re not far from my car.

  I see something. Movement.

  “We’ll talk, but here,” I say, suddenly aware that someone is here.

  “I want to do more than talk, but talking is a start,” he says, and I feel the bile rising in my throat.

  “Why can’t you just accept that we’re over?” I ask, looking over his shoulder and seeing a man coming slowly toward us. I think it’s Cole, Alex’s security. He puts his hand up and mouths, ‘everything will be okay.’

  I’m too scared to believe him. I’m face-to-face with a mad man, and another man I don’t really know is creeping up behind him.

  “We’ll never be over. You and I are good together.”

  “I don’t think we are,” I say as Cole comes into focus and lunges at Donovan. I take a step backward and watch on helplessly as Cole takes him to the ground. Donovan fights against him.

  I lose all focus.

  I’m dizzy.

  I’m scared.

  And so bloody confused.

  Darkness surrounds me and my body crashes to the ground.


  Connor? My head is foggy but I hear his pained voice and feel his hands on my arm. My body feels heavy. “Ella!”

  I’m surrounded by darkness, and it’s safe. Hearing Connor’s pain, I open my eyes, tears already filling them. Connor is the first thing I see and I focus on him. His eyes meet mine, deep lines of concern around them. He offers a forced smile; not the one I’m used to seeing on his handsome face.

  “Ella, you’re okay. You’re okay,” he tells me over and over, rubbing the top of my arm and giving me a kiss on the tip of my nose.

  I close my eyes and everything hits me all at once. Donovan, at my house, lying in wait for me. Following me for weeks. Cole . . . he saved me. Opening my eyes, I try to sit up, putting weight on my hands. I cry out with the pain.

  Connor sits on the bed beside me and holds me close. “It’s finished now. He can’t hurt you again,” he says softly.

  We sit like this for a few moments and I try to calm myself. My heart is beating so fast, and I can’t control it.

  “Deep breaths.”

  I pull back from his hold and he fixes the pillows at my back. I get as comfortable as I can. My eyes glance around the room. I’m in hospital.

  “There’s my girl,” he says, pressing another kiss to my nose before smoothing down my hair and tucking it behind my ears.

  “Where is he?”

  “The last I saw he was handcuffed and being pushed into the back of a police car.”

  “You saw?” When did Connor get home?

  “Yes. I arrived shortly after you fell to the ground. He was struggling against Cole until the police arrived.”

  I shake my head. “How long have we been here?”

  “Not long. I promise I’ll fill in all the missing blanks once the doctor has checked you over.”

  “Okay.” I take a deep breath as Connor moves and a doctor comes into view. I grab Connor’s hand, wanting him to be with me. He smiles, and this time it’s not forced or fake.

  “Miss McGregor, my name is Doctor Hardy. Can you tell me where you have pain?”

  “My wrist,” I say, holding it out. “And my head, at the back.”

  “Okay. I’d like to check you over and make sure there are no other injuries and then I’ll get you sent for a scan. I think your wrist is broken, but an x-ray will confirm this. And I’ve been told you banged your head when you fell.”

  “Will she be okay?” Connor asks.

  “Yes. The scan is just a precaution and we’ll wait and see what the x-ray says about her wrist. Hopefully it won’t need any surgery. Now, I’ll go and organise this and I’ll have a nurse come in and check your blood pressure. Miss McGregor, if you have any concerns, all you need to do is ask.”

  “Thank you,” I say.

  “What about security?” Connor asks.

  “No one knows Miss McGregor has been admitted, but your own security is outside the door.”

  “Thank you,” Connor replies as the doctor leaves.


  “Cole. He’s here.” I don’t know what’s going on. Why is Cole here? Why was Cole at the house to start with? Not that I’m complaining, because he saved me. Was I always in danger? Has he been following me as well?


  An older nurse comes into the room, smiling.

  “I told you. I’ll tell you everything when you’ve been thoroughly checked over.”

  I huff. “Miss McGregor, this young man of yours is right. Plenty of time for talking later. Now, blood pressure first. Then I have a few family members who would like to see you and there are two police officers who would like to speak to you.”

  “Miss McGregor, you’re really not a patient person,” the nurse says to me with a warm smile. Connor stands by the window, nodding his head. Traitor. All I want to do is get out of here, and all everyone else wants to do is keep me here. It’s been a long night. “I’ll be back in about an hour to check you over, but if you need anything, press the buzzer.”

  “Thank you,” I say, trying to sound cheerier than I feel as she leaves the room. My wrist is in a cast, a clean break the doctor said, so I don’t need surgery.

  With a smile on his face, Connor sits down on the bed beside me. “She’s right about you; you’re not very patient.”

  “I don’t suppose I am. You should tell my dad and Callum to come back in and then I think you should tell me everything. I’ve waited long enough. I feel as though when I was telling the police officers what happened I was lying to them.”

  “Fine,” he says, typing out a message on his phone. It buzzes instantly. “Your
dad and Callum are on their way back from the canteen. But you didn’t lie, you told the officers the facts as you knew them.”

  Connor wraps one arm around me and I lean back into the warmth of his body. I take a moment to think about how today has turned out and how much worse it could’ve been. But I’m not going to dwell on what might have happened. I’m going to stay positive.

  Tonight was meant to be about me being there for Connor. About us spending some time together. Well, we’re still spending time with each other. It’s just not how I imagined it.

  Connor’s fingers run up and down my arm and I know if I were to close my eyes, I might just fall into a restful sleep.

  The door opens, pulling me from my thoughts. “You look fed up,” Callum says as he comes into view.

  “I am.”

  “Sweetheart, there’s no point in being fed up. The doctor will let you go home soon enough,” Dad says, before giving me a kiss on the cheek and taking the empty seat by the bed.

  “I know. Now that you’re all here, would anyone care to tell me what the hell happened today and why Cole was at the house?” I look at each of them, waiting for one of them to start talking. “Well?”

  Connor clears his throat. “Cole was there because, as much as I wanted to believe that Donovan was going to leave us both alone, you still had doubts, and when I spoke to Cole about it, he agreed with you. He said someone that has gone to all the trouble of following you and frightening you wouldn’t just give up and vanish, even though I hoped and prayed he did.”

  “But Donovan has been watching me for weeks at the house.” I keep my eyes on Connor and hope he understands what I’m about to say. “He said he saw me early morning outside.”

  “Ella, if I had known he was following you, I would have taken you far away. I’m sorry.”

  His eyes leave my face. I reach up with my good hand, tilting his chin so he sees that I don’t blame him for any of this. “You have nothing to be sorry about,” I whisper, pressing a kiss to his lips.

  “Sweetheart, we all hoped we had seen and heard the last from Donovan. Now, hopefully we have,” Dad says. “I’m just thankful that Cole was still investigating.”


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