Kara's Dirty Dreams 2: an erotic short story Volume 2 (Kara's dirty dreams an erotic short story)

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Kara's Dirty Dreams 2: an erotic short story Volume 2 (Kara's dirty dreams an erotic short story) Page 1

by Annabeth Johnson

  Kara’s Dirty Dreams Vo. 2

  by: Annabeth Johnson



  An all-consuming need.

  A dream?

  Kara finds herself in a world beyond her wildest imagination. Where everything feels real, and the touch of a man leaves her breathless. Uninhibited, she lets herself embrace what’s been missing in her life all these years. A passion so intense it unlocks the key to her most hidden desires.

  Only one question remains: Just how dirty you can get in a shower?

  Copyright© 2016 by Annabeth Johnson

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are eithera product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Author: Annabeth Johnson

  Edited By: Starr Yarbrough

  Cover Art By: K.L. Donn

  Photo Credit @Shutterstock/Olimpik


  This one is for my mom, who always said to me that I can do anything if I set my mind to it. You have told me for as long as I can remember to reach for my dreams and not to let anyone tell me different. It might have taken me twenty years, but I finally got here.


  There are so many people to thank I just do not know where to start…

  Kaci: once again you walked me through another book and helped me get through those walls, I am honestly not sure what I would do without you keeping me sane.

  Krystal: Seriously, I love you so hard it is hard to even put it into words. You talk me off the ledge, help me brainstorm, keep me sane and send those daily messages that help me keep going. Even when I wanted to quit. You are a phenomenal person and the very best friend I could ever ask for.

  Jennifer: You my darling…what can I really say that has not been said in 20+ years. The friendship and support you have given me from day one is something I treasure. I swear, you know me better than I know myself even from halfway around the world. Distance is never a problem with us, no matter how far apart we are always together.

  Elena: I am struggling with words right now. Your belief, encouragement, and love have meant the world to me. I hope someday I can make you nearly as happy as your friendship has made me.

  Crystal: You are incredible. Such a wonderful person and I love you. Thanks for the kick in the ass I needed. I value your friendship more than you can possibly know.

  Sonya and Lynne: Thank you. For all the love and support and laughs.

  Naomi: I may not have given birth to you, but you are and have always been mine just as much as if I did. I am so proud of you and the mommy you have become my love.

  Jacqueline: No words, you helped me so much I can’t even tell you have much. When I was struggling, you helped me more than I can even tell you.

  My fans: Wow, I have fans, that really blows my mind. The love and support for me has been incredible and I am so thankful that you embraced Kara and want more. So many messages and questions pushing me for more. It’s a very humbling feeling.

  My kids: for kicking my ass daily and pushing me to be my best and show you that you are never too old to follow your dreams.

  Dave: you humble me sometimes with your love and support. I love you.

  Kara’s Dirty Dreams…

  Coming out of the bathroom and sliding into my silk nightgown, I climb into the bed. I am so short that I have to do a little hop to get up onto it. I have a passion for silk, so between the satin sheets and the silk nightgown, I have to be careful not to slide right back off onto the floor.

  Crawling into bed, I realize that I am just slipping and sliding on the sheets, so I take off the nightgown and throw it on the floor. I love the feel of satin against my skin.

  Laying back against the sheets, I realize that hubby is not going to join me for bed. He has chosen to go back to his man cave and do his own thing. I am so used to this that I don’t even question it anymore. I could throw a fit, get him to come to bed, and then we would both just toss and turn all night, or fight. I am not in the mood for either after that incredibly relaxing daydream. Instead, I reach beside my bed and pick up my kindle, intending to indulge myself in my trusty book boyfriends Nathaniel and Tyler from K.L. Donn’s Keeley’s fight.

  Who wouldn’t love two strong men to love and lavish her with attention? I swear the way they dominate her body in that book makes me swoon as much as she does. I snuggle down into my bed and read one of my favorite scenes...

  In my head I can see Keeley, begging Nathaniel for more, and him reaching up and wrapping his hands around her throat, giving her all she needs to explode. I think to myself, I wish someone took the time to give me that; To care for what I want and make me a priority.

  I lay back on the bed and close my eyes, just imagining the thought of two strong, dominating men walking through my door. Suddenly, the door is ajar and I open my eyes to see two sexy men walking toward me.

  “Little Bit, are you ready for me love?”

  “Yes Sir,” I respond, already wet and ready for wherever he wants to take this. I wonder briefly about the other man in the room. It is dark so I can barely make him out. I feel his presence more than actually see him.

  “I want something just a little different tonight. You know I will protect you and keep you safe, right Little Bit?”

  “Of course I do”, I respond at once. I know deep in my soul that he would never hurt me, always protect me, and keep me safe. But, he would also push me and my boundaries and take me places I have never been before.

  “I want you to lay back and close your eyes.” Nervously, I lay on my back, close my eyes, and wait to hear his next instructions.

  “I want you to watch you and see you come undone. There is little more I get pleasure from than to watch you fall apart for me.” His voice is a low murmur.

  I lay there and wait for his next instructions with anticipation. I do not know what to expect from him tonight, but I have a feeling he is going to push me outside of my comfort zone. I am not sure I am ready for this, but I trust him, so I will follow where he leads.

  “Open your eyes, Little Bit, but keep them only on me.”

  He pulls something out of his pocket that I can’t quite see. Turning, he shows me; It’s a blindfold. I am curious and a little apprehensive as well. I have never used one, but always wanted to.

  How can I keep my eyes on him while being blindfolded, I wonder? I watch as he comes closer, leaning over me and pushing his weight down upon me as I sink further into the bed; I wait breathlessly while he raises his arm and wraps his hands around my neck, pulling me even closer to him.

  “Are you ready, Little bit?” he asks.

  “Whenever you want Sir,” I respond breathlessly.

  “I am going to blindfold you. You will not know where or when I am going to touch you or taste you. You will feel me where I want you and when I want you to. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “Close your eyes for me; show me you trust me, Little Bit. I want you to know, deep in your soul, that no matter what I do to you, it will always be done first and foremost with your pleasure in mind. Always. Know that I will keep you safe and protected at all tim
es and that I do this to bring you pleasure. To bring me pleasure.”

  I tremble as he lowers the blindfold to my eyes. Reaching behind me, he ties it.

  “Can you see, Little Bit?”

  “Nnnooo” I stammer, a little apprehensive about what is going to happen.

  I know there is another person in the room, but I still have not seen him, and now, with the blindfold on, I really will not be able to see him. Why is he here I wonder? Will he be able to see everything that is done to me?

  Just at that moment, I feel the softest touch against my skin. It is such a light touch that I wonder if I imagined it, or if I really felt it. There, again, I felt it. Like a fingertip gliding against the skin of my neck.

  “You are lovely,” I hear a voice murmur in my ear.

  I freeze. This is not the voice I know and love, this is someone new.

  “Thank you,” I whisper, not really knowing what else to say. I hold myself stiffly, not quite sure what to do with my body, but knowing I am going to enjoy whatever is about to happen.

  “Tonight, I want to indulge your fantasies as well as mine, Little Bit. I want to share you with my brother. Are you comfortable with this?”

  “Yes, Sir…”

  It does not make me less nervous, but it does ease my mind to know that he is there with me. Guiding me, I know he won’t let anyone hurt me, so I am free to give myself over to the experience. I am determined to not let nerves ruin this. I feel a strong arm wrap around me and pull me toward a body that seems to be made of steel.

  “Are you nervous, Little Bit?”

  “Yes,” I whisper; “I have never done anything like this before.”

  “Good, I want you to wonder what is going to happen next,” he whispers against my skin. “I want you to not know where, or from whom, the next touch is going to come. Make no mistake, Little Bit, you will be touched and you will be touched by both of us. Because I want this, and I know you do as well.”

  “Oh god,” I whisper as I feel his lips against my neck. I feel the touch of a hand going down my back, tracing my spine and sending goosebumps down my skin. I shiver, with not fear, but anticipation. I cannot deny this feels good. I know I want this.

  Suddenly, I feel a mouth against my ear, telling me “Open your mouth, Little Bit”. I obey willingly just as I feel a soft touch upon my lips. I feel a tongue invade my mouth; his lips are soft, but his kiss is demanding. I will give over to him. I feel him sink his tongue into my mouth and start to duel with my tongue for dominance. He will win, I know this, but I try to keep up anyway. I moan deep in my throat as I feel my legs being pulled out from underneath me.

  I have a brief moment to wonder what is going on, but no way to get the words out or ask, as the tongue in my mouth over takes me and plunges deep into my mouth. Almost choking on it I try to gasp for air, but his tongue is so commanding, I’m not sure I am going to be able to breathe, let alone be able to ask a question. I feel something against my legs and realize that I am being tied down to the bed.

  Oh my god, I think to myself. I am not sure I am going to survive this, but I won’t be given much choice. I feel the weight of a second body on me for just a split second before I feel a mouth come down on my breast. A light lick of the nipple, swirling around my areola and rubbing back and forth against my nipple. I moan even louder and arch my back, trying to get him to take more of me into his mouth. I can barely breathe, but I am begging in my head for more.

  Just as I think I am going to explode with just a kiss and a lick of my nipple, I feel someone suck my nipple into their mouth. I feel a sharp bite of pain and realize that he has bitten my nipple but, even as it stung, he was easing the pain with a tongue against it. Licking the pain away. Oh god, that pain only added to the pleasure. I was squirming against the sheets begging wordlessly for more, when I heard a voice say, “I believe our little girl wants some more attention, shall we give it to her?”

  “Are you ready for more, Little Bit?” I hear asked

  “Yes, god yes, please…” I beg.

  I hear them both chuckle as I feel their bodies come down on top of me. I realize that the man who has been kissing me is the stranger. I have no idea who he is, but he seemed to be able to read my body like an open book. I was almost shaking in my need for more. I was not at the point of begging yet, but had a feeling I would be before the night was over.

  “I am going to tie you down now Little Bit,” I hear him say, “Arms up and out, NOW.”

  I respond by wordlessly holding up my arms up above my head. Waiting to hear any more instructions, I feel my hands being gently grabbed and the feeling of silk wrapped around them. I am not sure what he is using, but when I try to move, I have very little leeway. I know I will be able to twist and turn, but not be able to get out of the hold, until they decide that I can be.

  This both excites me and makes me nervous. Before I can feel the nerves take over, I feel two hot mouths against my neck; one on each side of my ear, licking, nibbling and kissing that spot that just turns me into a puddle of goo and makes me lose my mind. I am not even sure I could say anything if I wanted to right now.

  I am so turned on I can’t stop my legs from trying to rub together, only they are tied spread eagle on the bed, so there is no way to get any friction against my clit or relief of any kind.

  “You won’t get touched until I decide it. Do you understand me?”

  “Ye, ye, yes, Sir,” I stammer.

  I am not able to make a complete thought, let alone try and articulate anything with them sucking and licking on my neck in tandem. I feel them start to move down my body, working together like a well-oiled machine, reaching my collar bone and licking their way down my breasts. They make sure to cover every single inch of me with kisses, nibbles and licks but don’t come near my nipple.

  I am twisting and turning, trying hard to get them to my nipples. I know if they just get there, it will set off an explosion that I need, just to get some relief from this feeling building inside of me. I am not sure how much more I can take. I am almost at the point of begging when I hear the other man lean up and whisper in my ear.

  “When we suck on your nipples, then and only then may you cum. Do you understand me, Little One?”

  “Yes, Sir, please,” I beg.

  I am hoping he will bring some relief from this fire burning inside of me. I can’t move, all I can do is lay there and squirm while they bathe every single inch of my breasts in their tiny little licks and kisses, driving me insane with need. Suddenly, I feel them latch onto my breast and suck, one, two, three sucks are all it takes for me to lose it and feel the explosion in my body.

  “Oh my god,” I scream as I cum. I can feel it dripping down my ass and my legs but tied to the bed there is nothing I can do about it.

  “That’s it Little Bit, let go for us,” I hear whispered in my ear.

  “So beautiful,” one breathes in my other ear.

  I feel a mouth against the underside of my breast. Little nibbles and licks again, teasing me and bringing me back from my orgasm gently. I think to myself, Holy shit. I have never had an orgasm just from my nipples being played with before. If it was that intense, what is it going to be like when I get them inside of me?

  “Just wait, Little Bit, we are not done yet,” I hear just as I feel a mouth on my stomach. Soon I feel another one, trailing kisses down my lower body, coming ever closer to where I need them.

  I squirm and struggle against the bonds, trying to direct them to where I want them, but it’s not happening. All I can do is lay there and wait for them to decide when and where I get touched and kissed.

  I feel hot kisses trail down my mound, to that point where your thigh and pussy meet. At that moment I feel a kiss and little lick of tongue against both spots at the same time. I can feel myself catch my breath and hold it, as I wait for more... more tongue, more kisses, more touches, anything, just more…

  I feel like I am waiting for an eternity before hands lift me up off of th
e bed. I feel the restraints pull, not enough to be uncomfortable, but definitely no room for me to move anymore. Not able to do anything but wait, I get a little anxious. I can’t see, and they are being so silent that I have no clues as to what is going to happen next.

  I realize that I love this; Feeling like I am on the edge and not knowing where I am going to go next. I have no control and I absolutely love it.

  In that moment, I feel a tongue take a lick, from my dripping wet hole to my clit. I feel a shiver slide down my spine and can’t help but tremble and let out an involuntary moan with the sensation. I have no idea which of them is holding me and licking me, and right now, I really don’t care.

  Again, I feel that tongue gently lick around my dripping pussy and at the moment he hits my clit, I feel another tongue latch onto my nipple as a hand pinches my other nipple. I scream from the pleasure and slight bit of pain it causes, losing myself in the feeling. I am trying to arch my back and get closer to them both, but the way they have me tied both hands above my head on a swiveling ring, with my legs tied spread eagle to the ends of the bed, I have absolutely no give at all.

  All I can do is lay here and take whatever it is they want to give me. Blindfolded, I can’t really tell who is where, but realize that I am okay with that. I am enjoying it and it really does not matter to me who it is.

  “Like that, Little Bit?” I hear asked from somewhere below me.

  “God yes! More please,” I beg.

  I feel a tongue deep inside my pussy at that point. I strain against the bonds, trying to get closer and I feel his tongue come out of me.

  “Noooo!” I cry, desperate for more. “Please, please, please, lick me,” I beg under my breath. I know I need more, but I am not sure what more I need.

  “Don’t worry, Little One” I hear the other man say. “We know just what you need.”


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