Their Outlaw Bride (Bridgewater Brides)

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Their Outlaw Bride (Bridgewater Brides) Page 10

by Delta James

  Gavan chuckled, lust underlying his tone. “Have ye, now? I think, Cae, our bride’s getting a bit too big for her britches again.”

  “Best we get her back to our camp and get her out of them,” Caelan agreed.

  “Ye take her. I’ll deal with the sheriff…”

  “No,” said Lizzie. “I don’t want to be apart from either of you.”

  Gavan kissed the tip of her nose. “Nay. It’s not something I want you to see or be involved with. Ye go with Cae and be a good girl. If we’re to leave tomorrow, there’s work to be done at the camp, and ye can help him with it.”

  “But you won’t be long?” she asked.

  “Nay, lass, I’ll be back and, then, Cae and I will show ye how very much ye are loved by yer husbands.”

  “Come, Lizzie. Let Gavan do what needs doing. He’ll be along right quick now that he knows yer wanting some lovin’ from both of us.”

  He led her to his horse and helped her mount, swinging up behind her and nodding to Gavan.


  * * *

  Gavan waited until they were well away before taking his pistol and putting a bullet through the same hole as Sally. He tied the sheriff’s body over his horse and then found a likely spot to stage the sheriff’s death. When he was satisfied with the outcome, he turned the horse loose and shooed him on his way. The horse would run home, thus initiating the search for the sheriff.

  After he’d completed his chore, making sure no trace of what had really transpired remained, he returned to their camp to find Lizzie helping Caelan clean freshly caught fish. He was unsaddling his horse and putting him in the corral when Caelan joined him.

  “We need to talk about Lizzie.”

  “She seemed fine up at the cavern, did something happen once ye got back?” asked Gavan, concerned.

  “Not like acting out, but I get a sense that mask of bravado we saw at her trial has come back. I think she’s feeling bad guilty about Gutherie.”

  “She did what she had to do…”

  “I agree. She made a comment about if she’d been where we told her. And, regardless of what she’s says, I think she feels it was wrong to put her mouth on another man.”

  “She has a point, at least about having ventured past where we told her. Do ye think she feels like she needs to be spanked?”

  “Aye, I do.”

  “Then, it’s up to us to give her what she needs.”

  They finished getting the horses bedded down for the night.

  “Lizzie?” Gavan called and she looked up. “Come here, wife,” he said in a mildly stern tone.

  She joined them. “Did you see the riding skirt Cae got me, and the pretty blouse? He bought me a new chemise, corset, stockings, and boots as well.”

  “Aye, Caelan tends to spoil ye, even when ye’ve been naughty.”


  Gavan nodded. “Were ye not told to not go beyond the bend in the river?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “ ‘Tis yer butt that’s going to pay the price. Gavan and I talked it over and we think, if ye’d minded us, the sheriff might not have snatched ye. While we’re proud of how ye handled yerself, I think ye’d agree that yer still owed a spanking for your disobedience. Don’t ye?”

  Gavan’s heart broke when she nodded, tears welling in her eyes.

  “I wouldn’t have had to…” She stopped herself.

  “Ye wouldn’t have had to what? Do whatever ye had to in order to survive? Stall for time so we could find ye? Did ye lie to us about yer feelings about this afternoon?”

  “Maybe a little,” she admitted.

  “Maybe, then, we were wrong not to spank yer pretty bottom,” said Caelan. “Take yer clothes off, Lizzie, and come put yer hands on the log.”

  “I thought you said a spanking…”

  “I did. Get yerself naked and come get in position. We’re going to spank yer bottom in tandem.”

  Gavan realized Caelan was right. Lizzie needed to be spanked to atone for whatever she felt she’d done wrong. Even though they disagreed with her, she needed this, and they would provide what she needed.

  Once she was in place, they took up a position on either side of her.

  “I think her arse is the wrong color, Cae, don’t ye?”

  “Aye, it’s far too fair. And she’s an arse just made for her husbands. There’ll come a time, Lizzie, that ye’ll get yer arse fucked when ye’ve misbehaved on top of yer spanking but, since yer not ready for that, we’ll just have to put enough sting in yer tail to make it count.”


  * * *

  She placed her hands on the log, making her body perpendicular to it. She took a deep breath and exhaled it in a yowl, propelling her up on her tiptoes when both of their hands landed harsh strikes to her ass at the same.

  Caelan took off his bandana and stuffed it into her mouth. “Ye’ll take yer punishment with a bit more grace and a lot less noise than ye usually do.”

  They began landing one blow after another on her backside. First Gavan and then Caelan; first one side and then the other.

  She bit the kerchief to keep from screaming. Nothing had ever hurt so bad or felt so good and so right. Left! Right! Smack! Thwack! They walloped her behind until she couldn’t tell if she was in heaven, or hell.

  The pain was intense, but so was the arousal knowing they loved and cared for her enough to give her what she needed. With each swat that landed, her pussy throbbed in anticipation and need. Desire for these two men coursed through her veins and, each time one of their hands landed, it not only added to the fire they were ignighting all across her ass, but deepened her commitment to them and increased her need for their passion and dominance.

  She hadn’t realized they had stopped until she felt Gavan’s two fingers penetrate her.

  “Ach, Cae,” he chuckled. “Our wife’s cunny is drenched.”

  Gavan brought his finger up, teased her back entrance for a moment before sinking in up to his second knuckle.

  Lizzie lost her grip on the kerchief and screamed as her body convulsed in a powerful orgasm, almost driving her to her knees.

  Cae leaned down and whispered, “I can’t wait to get ye home and in our bed, Lizzie, and sink my cock deep into yer arse. And, after ye’ve had both of us that way a couple of times, Gav’s going to fill yer cunny while I fill yer arse. Feel this?” he said, withdrawing his finger and spanking her ass again, followed quickly by Gavan striking the other.

  They returned to their rhythmic spanking as she began to howl and her tears fell freely.

  “Ye were a naughty wife. Now, instead of being over in our bed having supper and fucking, we have to deal with yer disobedience. Do ye think that’s fair, Lizzie?” Gavan growled.

  “No, Gavan, I’m sorry. I should have stayed where you told me.”

  “Aye, lass, ye should have,” agreed Caelan.

  They continued to spank and scold her for venturing past the point they’d told her to stay until she was sobbing and wailing, promising to never do it again.

  “Ye think she’s learned her lesson?” Gavan asked Caelan.

  “Not quite. Give her cunny a good finger fucking while I get the bigger plug. I’ve got supper almost ready. We’ll put the plug in, and she can wear it the rest of the night.”

  Gavan nodded. “And she wanted to be fucked until she couldn’t walk. I’ll sit her on my lap with my cock up her cunny and she can eat that way. When we’re done, you can have her first.”

  “That’s generous of you.”

  “ ‘Tis only fair. I’ll have her soft sheath embracing my cock through supper, and I suspect she’ll come a time or two, especially if we suck her nipples.”

  “That usually does it for her.”

  “So you fuck her first.”

  It was Gavan’s turn to lean down to their bride. “When he’s done with ye, I’ll make sure ye canna walk tomorrow.”

  Lizzie had no time for any kind of words to form. She had already be
en practically incoherent and telling her what they planned only inflamed her lust.

  When Caelan left them, Gavan immediately began to finger fuck her with two fingers, ensuring his fingers were spread wide as he did so. As he thrust them into her, her inner walls quivered and shook as she tried to make sense of what had happened. She had disobeyed her husbands and almost gotten killed for her trouble. She was being punished in the most wickedly sensual way.

  Her breath sped up, and the noises she was making became little whimpers as her orgasm approached faster than she could fathom. Her muscles tensed, and her toes curled in anticipation. Her breathing became labored and she began to pant, terrified of the amount of pleasure her husbands were set on inflicting.

  Suddenly, she fell over the edge as he gave one hard, ferocious thrust deep inside her. Screaming in ecstasy, her pussy spasmed. Clamping down hard, her legs trembling as she fought to remain standing, bent over at the junction of her body and thighs. The orgasm went on and on, until she was begging for it to end, not sure if she could take any more. The little tremors racing through her body afterwards made her whimper.

  Caelan held the plug in front of her. “Suck and lick it, Lizzie, as though it were my cock. If I were ye, I’d make sure it was plenty wet as that is all the lubricant ye’ll get before I shove it in your bottom hole and fuck ye with it before I finish in yer pussy.”

  “You’ll pull it out before Gavan…”

  “That’s up to Gavan.”

  Gavan’s malevolent chuckle told her there’d be no respite there.

  Caelan held up the plug, and Lizzie began to suck and lick it, making sure it was plenty wet. Once it was sufficiently slick, Caelan slowly inserted it into her bottom hole.

  She took deep breaths, forcing her body to relax and take the plug. “Caelan,” she moaned.

  He chuckled. “Ye know, Gav, I canna tell if she wants me to stop, or see if I canna get it deeper.”

  “Caelan, please, I need…”

  “What do ye need, Lizzie? Do ye need me to fill yer pussy with my cock? Do ye want me and Gavan to ride ye hard until ye decide yer going to mind yer husbands?”

  “Yes, please?” she mewled.

  Lizzie was in desperate need to be fucked, and fucked hard. Caelan knew he and Gavan could more than satisfy that need.

  Caelan stepped squarely behind her and swatted her pussy with his hard hand. She yowled but remained in place.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Gavan watching them intently, his cock straining against the front of his trousers. There was no doubt in Caelan’s mind that Lizzie was going to get the fucking she needed.

  “Nay, lass,” he growled. “Ye were warned not to go beyond the bend of the river. Ye disobeyed Gavan and almost got yerself killed. I mean to mount you like a stallion mounts his mare and fuck your pussy raw before Gav does the same. Yer lucky we aren’t at home, else Gav would be in yer pussy, and I’d be having yer arse.”

  With no other preliminaries, Caelan stepped forward, guided his cock to the entrance of her core and thrust forward ferociously, forcing her sheath to accommodate all of him and extracting a powerful climax just from his possession. He grunted with satisfaction as he gripped her hip with one hand and slid the hand that had been on her neck to the top of her shoulder to hold her in place as he began to take long, deep strokes.

  Lizzie felt as though she had been split her in two. Each time as he drove forward, she could swear the head of his staff rammed into the end of her sheath. There was no relief for her, as he had her trapped. All she could do was submit to his rough claiming, to soften her body so as to make it more receptive to his and to agree without words to his dominant possession. She knew, if Caelan was this intent on fucking her as part of his punishment, Gavan would be far worse, and she needed him to be.

  Caelan’s cock stroked her over and over as he grunted and groaned in satisfaction. “Jesus, Lizzie. Yer cunt squeezing my cock feels so good.”

  Without warning, her entire body convulsed, and her pussy contracted all along his length pulsing in the same rhythm that he plunged in and out of her. She could feel him pushing her to the edge. He was forcing her to accept pleasure from him in the same way as he forced her obedience. She winced each time his hips slammed into her heated backside as his cock scraped her cunny walls.

  Even her repeated climaxes, and the copious amount of her honey that he demanded she give him, were not enough to completely negate the ravaging his cock was giving her pussy. Roughly, he began fucking her with more fury and speed. She felt her body gearing up to meet his in triumphant climax.

  Plunging in and out of her he roared.

  She screamed his name as she tumbled over the abyss into an ecstasy she had never known before. She felt her mind and spirit leave her body and watched as if from above as he thrust into her three more times before his cock erupted, emptying his essence deep inside her.

  When he was finished, he withdrew from her, his cock was covered with their comingled creamy response to his possession and dripping the last remnants of his seed.

  “Yer a good lass. Ye give Gavan the best fuck he ever had.” He grinned at his friend as he jiggled the butt plug, making her wail. “She’s primed for ye, Gav. Fuck her hard and see that she takes to heart the lesson of what happens to disobedient wives.”

  “Get out of the way, Cae,” Gavan growled.


  * * *

  He pulled Lizzie to her feet and tossed her over his shoulder, transporting her back to their bed. He meant to give her a good ramming. He knelt, laying her down none too gently and palming her breasts, tweaking and pinching her nipples. He climbed over and lowered himself between her thighs, mounting her with one, hard plunge to her depths.

  Lizzie screamed again just as she had when Caelan had mounted her. She reached up and clutched at him as she came hard from nothing other than his ramming his cock home. Her legs wrapped around his, and he settled into a strong rhythm of thrusting.

  He stroked her, feeling her pussy quiver and tried to remember if there had ever been a time he’d enjoyed fucking a woman even half this much. He reached under her and took hold of her sore bottom to hold her steady so he could extract the maximum amount of pleasure she could give him.

  He heard her breathing speed up and lose its rhythm.

  She began to pant shallowly in unison with his grunting as he plowed her.

  He focused on the way she responded to keep from spilling himself too soon. Gavan felt her body stiffen in anticipation of her rapidly approaching orgasm.

  She threw back her head and cried out in ecstasy as he thrust ferociously into her hot, wet heat.

  Giving one final thrust, her pussy spasmed and trembled all along his cock as he pumped his seed deep inside her. His climax seemed to last forever.

  She clung to him and whimpered as her cunt continued to have little mini-climaxes and encouraged him to deposit every last drop of his cum and stay coupled with her.

  He uncoupled from her, sat up with his back against the headboard, and then dragged her over his lap, forcing her down on his semi-erect cock.

  Lizzie collapsed against him and lay her head on his shoulder.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist, allowing his hands to rest lightly on her ass.

  “Ye didna mind me today, and it almost cost ye yer life. Come tomorrow morning, ye’ll be sore and tired, but we’re leaving for home, anyway. I don’t want to hear one word of complaint from ye. If ye ever blatantly disobey me again where it’s a question of safety, I’ll welt yer ass before Caelan fucks it. Understood?”

  Lizzie nodded, nuzzled his neck, and settled herself in his lap, on his cock, and in their lives.

  Caelan joined them and handed Gavan a bottle of whiskey he had with them. He kissed her head.

  “Ye scared the shit out of us. Ye could have been killed. Never do it again,” he scolded.

  She reached for Caelan’s hand with hers. “I won’t. I’m so, so sorry.”
br />   Both men kissed simultaneously. “Forgiven,” they said in unison.

  “Let that be the end of it, Lizzie. Ye ken?” admonished Gavan in a soft, but stern voice.

  “Aye,” she said, cuddling up even closer as she fell asleep.

  Gavan never moved that night. Lizzie slept and, for the first time, didn’t have bad dreams to disturb her rest.


  * * *

  The next morning, she woke in their bedroll alone. Alarmed, she sat up and called for them.

  Caelan stood up by the campfire, “Lizzie, ye all right?”

  She stood, ran to him and wrapped her arms around his body. “I woke up, and neither of you was there.”

  “Of course not, ye lazy bones, ‘tis well into the morning, and we’re leaving for home today.” Caelan saw the concern in her eyes and kissed her gently. “What’s troubling ye?”

  Lizzie snuggled against him. “Nothing,” and then yelped when his hand connected with her backside.

  “What have ye been told about lying?”

  “Truly nothing. I’m just not used to at least one of you being there snuggling with me.”

  “Ye didn’t have a lot of snuggling or affection when ye were growing up, did ye, lass?”

  She shook her head. “No. You and Gav are the only ones I ever remember caring about me, wanting to make sure I was happy.”

  He squeezed her tight. “Then, we’ll just have to make up for lost time.”

  She smiled up at him. “Where’s Gav?”

  “He had a quick errand to run. I suspect he’ll be back any time now. There he is,” he said pointing to the opening in the canyon.

  Caelan was right. Gavan was astride his big appaloosa horse leading a beautiful palomino behind him. Not just any palomino, but her palomino. The one that had been taken from her when she was captured and jailed.


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