Edge of Tomorrow

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Edge of Tomorrow Page 53

by Wolf Wootan

  Syd relayed the instructions to Karen and hung up after a few more minutes of chatting.

  “Thanks, Hatch!” said Syd as she leaned over and kissed him. “You’re the greatest!”

  “I know,” he laughed. “Hand me the phone. I’ll call the GS-V crew and make the arrangements. They’ve got an 800 mile flight to make.”

  “Is this a great imposition on them?”

  “Not really. It’s less than a two hour flight. They can do it tonight or in the morning. Depends on whether they want to do Amsterdam or not. It has a great red light district!”

  “That should thrill Janet!” laughed Syd.

  “Janet has no trouble getting what she wants—anywhere!”

  “Well, neither do I! I think my body has repaired itself. Are you up for a little lovin’?” giggled Syd, batting her eyelashes.

  “Up? What a choice of words! Come here and I’ll show you!”

  • • •

  The next morning, Hatch and Syd took the Triple Eye chopper to the airport in Rome to meet the GS-V. Syd wanted to take Karen to lunch in Rome so just the three of them could have some time together before going back to the castle. Hatch had agreed that it was a good idea. There were some things about his life, and Syd’s life in Israel, that were best discussed in private. Karen did not need a lot of strangers around when she absorbed this information.

  The GS-V taxied to its parking area at 12:30 P.M. Janet deplaned first, with Karen right behind her. Hatch looked Karen over carefully, noting that she would never be recognized as Syd’s sister. Whereas Syd was a classic beauty, Karen was more a Meg Ryan type—a cute, pretty blonde. She wore an Ally McBeal lawyer suit, dark gray with pinstripes, and a short skirt which exposed most of her shapely legs as she came down the steps to the tarmac. Syd ran to greet her and there was a lot of hugging and kissing. In her heels, Karen was about Syd’s height in her sandals.

  Syd hugged Janet and thanked her, then led Karen over to where Hatch was standing in the shade of an awning.

  “Sis, this is my future husband, Van Lincoln. Call him Hatch,” gushed Syd.

  “Wow!” said Karen. “I’ve seen your name a lot, but never thought I’d actually meet you! Very pleased to meet you!”

  “It is my extreme pleasure to finally meet you, Karen,” replied Hatch as he took her hand. “Was the flight all right?”

  “Jeez! Are you kidding! I was sorry when we had to land. Janet treated me like royalty!” replied Karen enthusiastically. “She makes a wicked Bloody Mary! She offered me Eggs Benedict, but I had already had breakfast. I’ve never heard of Eggs Benedict on an airline flight before!”

  Syd said, “How about some lunch before we go to Hatch’s castle? We have a lot to talk about.”

  “Castle? You live in a castle? So many surprises! Sure, I could use some lunch. I went light on Janet’s hors d’oeuvres. Besides, I’ve never been in Rome. How about my bags?”

  “Janet will have them transferred to the chopper. After lunch, we’ll take the chopper to Il Castello di Bragno,” replied Hatch. “I know a great sidewalk cafe that even Syd hasn’t been to. I think you both will love it!”

  Hatch waved to the driver of the Grand Cherokee, and the driver started the engine and drove over to them.

  • • •

  Twenty minutes later, the three of them were settled in a sidewalk cafe under a green, white, and red umbrella at Luigi’s Cafe and Pizzeria in the old part of Rome. Hatch knew the owner—Luigi Barone—from many previous meals here, so they were getting special treatment. Their red wine and a basket of freshly baked garlic bread twists were served immediately. Luigi told them he would give them a sampler platter of his specialties. They sipped wine, nibbled on hot bread, and made small talk. The temperature was 86 degrees, so Karen took off her suit coat and hung it on the back of her chair. She was wearing a white silk blouse and Hatch saw the men at the next table ogling her legs and her ample chest, as well as giving Syd the up and down. Karen was as endowed as Syd on top, and her miniskirt revealed all of her legs as she sat in the cafe chair. Her blonde hair was cut short, and her light blue eyes sparkled when she laughed.

  Syd said, “So, anyone special in your life now, sis?”

  “You mean besides Carla?” laughed Karen. “We spend so much time together that most people think we’re a lesbian couple! I’m just so busy. I guess that’s good—means we’re making some money for a change. I date a couple of guys when I have time, let them bop me when I’m horny. Nothing serious though,” laughed Karen, her blue eyes flashing again. “So tell me about you two. How’d the world’s richest man meet the school marm?”

  Syd answered, “Well, it’s a complex story. Before you meet the people at the castle, there are some things I need to tell you about me and Hatch. They know most everything, so you should, too. My story first. It started when mom and dad were killed. But first, to protect you, I want to hire you as my attorney and, also, as Hatch’s. Hatch dear, give her two dollars—one for each of us. I want this discussion to be under client/attorney privilege.”

  “Christ! This I have to hear! Consider yourselves covered,” replied Karen, very curious now.

  Syd gave Karen a quick synopsis of her vendetta against the Wrath of Allah terrorists, and ended with her deadly rendezvous with Hatch at The Blue Grotto.

  “Jesus Christ, Syd! You should have told me! I could have shared your pain with you! All that time … all alone!” exclaimed Karen as she covered Syd’s hand with hers.

  “I couldn’t involve you, Karen. You’re an officer of the court! It’s not like I’ve done anything illegal—not in this country anyway. The Blue Grotto thing was ruled to be self defense by the police, and most of the events in Israel are covered under Israel’s Espionage Laws. I just want to make sure you don’t ever have to repeat any of this. Besides, it just sort of happened, and I got in deeper and deeper. Once I was in the MOSSAD, I was sworn to secrecy, of course, so I couldn’t tell you anything then,” explained Syd.

  After a pause, Syd continued, “After awhile, I really believed I was doing the world some good by ridding it of those terrorist bastards!”

  The three of them were silent for a moment, just sipping wine. Hatch lit a cigarette, and then so did Karen.

  Syd continued, “Now, there are some things about Hatch that you should know before we go to the castle. He is more than just the richest man in the world.”

  She and Hatch took turns telling her the basics of Hatch’s CIA days, and a little about Lincoln’s Liberators without discussing specific missions.

  Karen finally said, “Well, shit! Aren’t you two a pair! I’m afraid to ask why you’re in Rome!”

  “Funny you should ask,” laughed Syd and she proceeded to tell her about the Carfagno letter and the international mess it was causing. Syd left out the carnage Bocca’s people had suffered during their attack on the castle.

  Karen said, “So prim Professor Steppe has had a more exciting life than I could have ever fantasized! And has found true love with her knight in shining armor! Well, that’s just great, Syd!”

  Hatch ordered some more wine, then said, “Karen, since you are a specialist in international treaties and the World Court, I wonder if I could buy a few hours of your time—for real. I have a lot of questions that I would like to run by you.”

  “Ask away, Hatch. I’ll answer them for free. Or at least a dollar’s worth,” laughed Karen with a flip of her head as the breeze blew her hair across her face.

  “No, I’m serious. I would like to retain your services on an as needed basis. I’ll give you a large retainer as soon as we get to the castle.”

  “Oh, sure! You probably have a jillion lawyers just panting to do your bidding!”

  “And not one of the assholes could find a treaty if I gave them a map. They’re tax lawyers, and civil litigators.”

  “OK. More privileged stuff, eh? I have your dollar retainer, so shoot.”

  Hatch went into more detail about the treaty between Italy
and the Principality of Monterra, and after about five minutes, his pager vibrated. He looked at it and saw that it was Carmelo. He pulled out his Blue Phone and called Carmelo.

  • • •

  Syd said to Karen, “Nobody can leave him alone. He’s a very popular man. You’re looking good, sis! I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed you since I went to Israel! We’re going to have to stay in closer touch.”

  They talked sisterly talk while Hatch spoke to Carmelo. When he put his phone away, he looked at Syd.

  She saw the look and said, “What? I don’t like that look!”

  “That was Carmelo. A news report just broke on TV. The car Lucchese was riding in just blew up! He and three of his henchmen are in little pieces!” Hatch reported.

  “Shit!” said Syd.

  “Who’s Lucchese?” queried Karen.

  Hatch continued, “It looks like Tessitore listened to me after all!”

  Karen asked, “Who’s Tessitore?”

  Hatch looked at Syd, then at Karen. He shrugged.

  “We better go back to privileged conversation, Karen, just in case. You should know what’s going on in a little more detail.”

  He explained who Lucchese and Tessitore were.

  • • •

  Karen digested the story, then exclaimed, “Shit! You mean you set it up for the Mafia to kill this guy?”

  Hatch stroked his beard and thought for a moment, then answered, “Karen, I know this is foreign to you, but an assassin is able to do his work only if he believes some people deserve to be killed. Lucchese needed to be killed for several reasons, the least of which was three attacks against Syd, which pissed me off personally. Who should kill him? Me? Syd? Or one of his own kind? The Catena and the Mafia are sworn enemies, killing each other all of the time. I just prodded Tessitore a little.”

  Karen, wide-eyed, said, “He tried to kill Syd? Why?”

  “We can go into details later. I think we should get back to the castle now, get you settled in, and call a little pow-wow. I’m sure you’ll enjoy a tour of my castle, Karen. It’s the real thing,” said Hatch. “I would like to show you that treaty, too. Pick your brain—meter running, of course. When do you have to be back in San Francisco?”

  “I wasn’t due back for several more days, but I won this case sooner than I expected. Carla is scheduled to handle things till I get back. I sent her a fax and told her I was coming here. I need to call her and give her a telephone number. I need a vacation anyway, and what better way to spend it than with my sister and her hunk?” laughed Karen as she flipped her hair again. “I need to hear more about how my prissy, reserved sister broke out of her academic shell!”

  Karen peered at Syd and could not believe what she saw. Syd was wearing a light green, tight tank top—braless—and black shorts. Her raven hair was cut short now and was very stylish. She looked radiant and sexy.

  Who are you, lady? What have you done with my sister? Where is stuffy, straight-laced Professor Steppe?

  • • •

  The three of them walked into the small dining room at the castle at 3:13 P.M. Hatch summoned Gina and arranged for Paolo to take Karen’s luggage to her chambers on the second floor—next to Bruno’s quarters.

  Karen exclaimed, “Chambers? My God! I only need a bed and a bathroom!”

  “There are only ‘chambers’ here, Karen,” chuckled Syd. “Let me take you up so you can change out of that dreadful lawyer uniform. Then, there are people I want you to meet. You know old ‘prissy’ here was never quick to make friends, but I’ve made some good ones since I met Hatch—here and in Florida. Come on, we’ll talk on the way upstairs.”

  • • •

  When they entered Karen’s quarters, Teresa was there. She had put fresh sheets on the bed, dusted, and stocked the small refrigerator and wet bar. There was a vase filled with fresh flowers on the coffee table in the sitting room. Syd introduced her to Karen.

  “I am very pleased to meet you, Signorina Steppe. Oops! Now there are two Signorina Steppes!” giggled Teresa.

  “We have first names, Teresa. Use them,” laughed Syd.

  “OK, Syd. Make yourself at home, Karen. If you need anything, dial 22 on the phone and I’ll fetch it for you. I’m the official serving wench and gopher until school starts next month,” said Teresa, slipping into her perfect American accent. Karen was taken aback.

  “My! I thought you were an authentic Italian chamber maid!” said Karen.

  “I am, in the summer. My grandmother, Gina, runs this place, so she lets me make book money here as long as I behave myself,” laughed Teresa.

  “I just met your grandmother. She’s very charming,” replied Karen.

  Syd said, “Teresa is a senior at the University in Rome. Her major is English and her minor is Drama. I think she wants to be the next Sophia Loren.”

  “She’ll have to get an Italian accent then,” laughed Karen. “This place is incredible! I didn’t bring any shorts. I think I can still wear yours. Can I borrow a pair? And a tee shirt or a tank top.”

  “Sure, I’ll be right back,” Syd answered as she left and went to her quarters.

  Karen wandered around checking out her medieval chambers. Teresa followed her, pointing out things of interest.

  “Teresa, do you know Syd well?” asked Karen.

  “As well as I need to. She saved my life. I would do anything for her!”

  “She did? Tell me about it,” said Karen, trying to ferret out more information.

  Teresa told her story of the attempted kidnapping, and the subsequent shootout in the castle. Syd had not told Karen any of this.

  “Shit!” exclaimed Karen. “Are you sure you mean Syd? My sister?”

  “Yes, she is a very brave and dangerous woman!”

  “Who is this Sara Smith who saved you the other time? She sounds tough as nails.”

  “She is an ex-Marine. She runs Lincoln’s Liberators.”

  Karen shook her head in awe and confusion.

  “I thought I was the tough sister—being a kick-ass lawyer and all. Little did I know!” murmured Karen.

  • • •

  Syd returned with a pair of blue denim shorts, a white tank top, and some tan sandals.

  “Try these. You look like we still wear the same size,” said Syd.

  Karen started unpacking her suitcase, hanging things in the armoire and putting other clothes in the ancient, hand-carved dresser. She put her toiletries in the bathroom. She took off her blouse and skirt and hung them up, then stripped off her pantyhose. The sisters chatted while this was going on, and Syd fixed them both a glass of Snapple tea over ice.

  Karen said finally, “Teresa told me some things you left out about this Lucchese guy. If her story is anywhere near true, he was one vicious son-of-a-bitch who really needed killing, like Hatch said.”

  “Yes, he was,” replied Syd, not knowing exactly what Teresa had said.

  Karen pulled on the shorts, stripped off her bra, and put on the tank top, then sat down and sipped her drink.

  “Do you really love this man, Syd?” queried Karen.

  Syd sat down next to Karen and looked at her. “I love him with my entire being, Karen! I’ve never been in love before! True love is simply overwhelming! I can’t explain it, and don’t intend to try. Just accept it. I’m gloriously, insanely happy!”

  Karen hugged Syd and said, “I will, Syd. I do! Let’s go down and meet your friends.”

  “It’s an hour till cocktail hour, when they all congregate. Grab your drink and I’ll give you a short tour of the castle first. It’s a great place!”

  Chapter 33

  Il Castello di Bragno, Italy

  Wednesday, August 22, 2001

  5:30 P.M.

  By 5:30 P.M., Karen had met Sara, Carmelo, Angelina, Bruno, and Colonel Coffer. She was particularly attracted to Bruno—not unusual, since he was the only available man there. Bruno found Karen to be extremely charming, not to mention quite beautiful and sexy. They sat ne
xt to each other and talked mostly to each other, though they did chat with the others occasionally. Hatch, Syd, and Sara sat across the table from them.

  Hatch turned to Syd and said, “I’ve been thinking. With Lucchese out of the picture, maybe we should go to Monterra and meet with the Prince—see what his thinking on the subject is. I was just going to go over and nose around, but now I think a more direct approach could prove fruitful. And I want Karen to review that treaty and give us an opinion: is there anyway to defeat it without an armed conflict? You know, defeat it in court.”

  “She’s the one who will know,” agreed Syd. “Let’s give her copies of everything we have and let her look them over and apply her legal mind to the problem. Then we’ll have a better idea of what our options are.”

  “I agree. First, let me call my office in Virginia. I want Lincoln Industries to arrange a visit with the Prince of Monterra. Van Lincoln is going to Monterra to visit the casinos and do some gambling,” said Hatch.

  He got up, took out his Blue Phone, and headed for the door. Syd got up and followed him. Out in the garden, they lit cigarettes and Hatch called his office outside Langley. While Hatch was talking, Karen appeared and took a pack of cigarettes out of her handbag. She joined Syd and lit up.

  “When did you start smoking, sis?” asked Karen. “After all that shit you always give me about it.”

  “I’m not really a smoker. I just have one now and then.”

  “Be careful. You’ll get hooked like I am.”

  Syd told her they were going to give her some documents to look over.

  “Fine. Glad to help. Tell me about Bruno. Is he available?” queried Karen.

  “Very! He’s sure been giving you the once over. Why?”

  “Nothing. He’s cute,” laughed Karen. “I didn’t want to give him any signals if he was taken. What about Sara? The two of them seem close.”

  “She’s his boss. There’s a no-frat rule that keeps them from forming a sexual relationship.”

  “His boss, eh? She really is a big wheel.”

  Hatch hung up his phone and joined the women.


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