Enemies on All Sides (Maraukian War Book 4)

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Enemies on All Sides (Maraukian War Book 4) Page 22

by Michael Chatfield

  They weren’t lights attached to the ceilings but rather the guiding lights on the completed battleship and carrier.

  Light strips started to appear from the sides as nanites formed light strips across the massive hangar.

  Taelyon started to come out of the merge with everyone else. The mental strain was high with the sheer amount of information that they had shared.

  Clamps came out of the cradle, connecting to the Moby and discharging it as other clamps started to connect.

  Taelyon opened her eyes and started using her terminal to power down the flight systems.

  “We’re locked in,” Liang said.

  Everyone looked a bit shaken up from the journey in but they were quickly recovering. A few were even sporting massive smiles as they’d survived the ordeal.

  “Nice flying,” Francis said to Taelyon.

  “Good read on those sensors,” she replied. Without them working together, it would’ve been a much rougher flight.


  Mark and the Vanguard were piled into the drop-ships. The atmosphere was sobering as they all looked at the Pluto crates that had one of the sixty-three names that had come before them.

  The drop-ships moved through the main bay and shipyard building area of the Ark.

  It passed through a large hatch and reached another docking area. The drop-ships came down, landing in this area.

  Mark and the mergers stood, releasing the crates as the drop-ship’s doors opened. They exited, each group of mergers marching with a floating crate between them.

  This was their new headquarters. The outer air lock opened fully; there was no air in the facility yet. Silently they moved forward in their pitch-black Pluto armor that absorbed light or wearing their black and purple fatigues, not needing to bleed atmosphere.

  They marched together perfectly—for the fallen, in their memory and honor. The hall into the base had holes cut into its walls.

  Sixty-three of them.

  The floating crates came to a halt at their different resting places. The new members of the Vanguard stood next to the wall; each drop-ship group was spaced apart. Those nearest the wall marched to fill the gaps.

  Mark and the leaders of the Vanguard turned around as one, looking at the Vanguard looking at them, the crates to their side, between them and the wall.

  “Left and right, turn!” Mark yelled.

  The Vanguard faced the crates and the wall.

  “To the fallen!” Mark and everyone snapped their right fist to their heart.

  The crates slowly turned and moved backward, matching up with the slots cut from the walls. They drifted backward into their final resting place.

  “Release!” Mark said after a few moments. Fists snapped down to their sides.

  The net was filled with complicated emotions.

  “Forward face!”

  The Vanguard turned to look down the hall.

  “Forward march!”

  Their feet and hands moved as one. As they continued forward into their headquarters, their movements were quiet, almost silent, but the hall shook with their footsteps. They entered their new headquarters for the first time with heavy hearts and minds. They stood straighter, knowing that they stood in boots that men and women greater than them had done before and given the ultimate sacrifice. That kind of emotion and powerful feeling gripped one’s heart, calmed their soul, and forged their determination.

  To make it to this hall was an honor; they wouldn’t dishonor their service or those who were remembered here by doing less than giving their all.

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Freighter O-41 (Wind Snapper)

  In Transit to the Hellenic System


  The office Moretti paced up and down was getting smaller by the minute. He was totally sure of it. So much was going on, so much needed to be coordinated, but he never seemed to get any further down the list. Something came up, something else came in, and he was spread as thin as he ever could be.

  He’d spent most of the last month making sure the VCF Promise and his people were safe. There’d been some tough decisions planetside and a few of them hadn’t wanted to be uprooted, even with all the hope that the new system of Emarl could bring. That meant he’d spoken in great length to some of them to bring them around. This had taken a lot of time, and he’d not minded doing it at all. Better than sitting, moping around the ship like a lost puppy. Even with all the training he was doing, he still felt sluggish and out of shape.

  Staring at the 3D holo of everything and everyone on his list, he finally saw what a mastermind he truly was. A long time ago, he’d seen Hall doing something similar—watching the threads of coincidence, as he’d put it. Now it was his turn. Slowly but surely these threads were winding their way through to where they should be. Somewhere they could live new lives.

  It had only been when talking to one of Masoul’s founding fathers that Moretti had wondered whether they’d all been doing the right thing. Not once had it crossed his mind beforehand. Convincing them, he’d re-convinced himself that this was for the best.

  Now, tracing promise out of all those threads, he could see their progress and he felt all their panic and hard work paying off.

  “Mark is still waiting for you to pick up,” his NIAI informed him.

  Crap, he’d forgotten.

  Sitting in his chair to calm himself a moment before he accepted Mark’s incoming call, he breathed in, out. Waiting for some other divine intervention that wasn’t going to happen.

  “You good?” Mark asked.

  “Yeah, you know.”

  “That I do,” he replied. “I’ve got some updates for your ship—think that will brighten your day somewhat.”

  Moretti felt himself smiling. “Charles?”

  “Of course. Winging them over to you right now. Get the captain on it with your fabber and install it as quick as you can.”

  Moretti received the files, and quickly passed them and the new instructions over to the captain. He opened them up and read through quickly, not understanding the science behind them, but seeing the math.

  “That’s almost a whole two months earlier than we’d planned. You’ve no idea what a difference this might make to my goals in Hellenica.”

  Mark’s voice came back clear. “Any news from your contacts?”

  “It’s been a little quieter than I’d like. But, some of the operations need to be. There have been developments in and around the palace. Word on the streets is the Shadow Legion is waking, and I’ve been in close talks with Legate Zedra.”

  “I thought you were trying to not be seen?”

  “I got caught—no idea how when she’s so far behind everyone with the tech, but I did. I was introduced and we’ve had a few talks.”

  “What’s her plan?” Mark’s interest piqued here, and Moretti sensed the bigger question.

  “Waiting for her to make it. Like I said, I’ve seen movement that’s trying to sneak about under even my radar.”

  “That’s impressive, if anyone can sneak past your eyes and ears.”

  “Like I said, try.”

  “Smartass.” Mark laughed. “See what else you can get from her, and let me know as soon as possible. I’m not liking Rimateus, and his recent ‘quiet,’ so we’re not waiting—we’re preparing.”

  “That’s the best way. I haven’t heard from them in a while, so I’ll get in touch with Damus and see what’s been going on. I like to have both their views. Once I arrive, it will be much easier to complete some of my jobs.”

  “I think we’ll both be more comfortable with you on the ground,” Mark replied. “Keep me posted on those upgrades. If you need anything else, just let me know, too. Charles knows you’re the top priority. Talk if you need.”

  “Thank you.” And then he was gone. Moretti didn’t quite feel as hemmed in now. With the extra speed to get to Hellenica, he would move just as fast. Now he’d so much more to do. Quickly bringing up comms into the palace, he star
ted with some of that organization.

  There was no weight hanging over his shoulder any more, just sheer determination. Several families would be happier that he would get in sooner. With the way things were moving in Roma and some choices different families had made when Nerva was planning his leave, there were people who had changed their minds—they wanted out of Hellenica. Doing that and moving people to Emarl with the Union in the state it was might not be a good idea. He’d been trying to organize a couple of freighters and managed to get one. Couple that with the one he was in, he might have enough room. His gut instinct told him that once he was there he could judge it better.

  The last thing he or Cassius would want was even more people to openly leave. Moretti hoped that Legate Zedra and her Shadows would be able to help put a stop to the madness creeping in. There were no answers to his communication requests, so instead Moretti made a move to leave his office and go talk to the captain and engineers.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Emperor’s Residence

  Roma, Hellenic System


  Cassius was almost sure that Damus and Zedra would have received the same message he did, so he automatically made his way across the palace to his office. Damus was out of the grounds for a couple of days, but he’d sent him a quick message. “Heading to see Zedra. If you have time, we’ll confirm there.”

  The message came back quickly. “Link me in.”

  Cassius knocked on her door and she opened it.

  “Get the same message?” She moved to step aside for him.

  “I think we all did. Just waiting for Damus. He wishes to join us.”

  Zedra moved to take a seat, indicating for Cassius to do the same. “You should get used to sitting. I know there’s a lot going on, but standing doesn’t do any of us any favors.”

  Cassius took a seat before her and waited for Damus to indicate he was free.

  Once they were secure, Zedra played the message. “As information comes through, it’s clear there’s several ships moving toward the Emarl system, ships that aren’t on the roster to arrive. No matter how the Victor Corp will take this, I’m taking it as a clear violation of terms. If those ships attack Emarl, there will be huge consequences. This is going out to all contacts.”

  Zedra looked to Cassius first. “I know the signal and the location of this transmission aren’t available, but I think we all know who it came from.”

  “Do you want him in on our conversation?”

  “No, not yet.”

  “I’ve reached out to four of my men. They’re confirming for me now that the message is correct.”

  “So Rimateus is going after Emarl with guns blazing?” Damus asked.

  “It seems so. In an underhanded way, but yes.”

  “Do you have any idea how many ships?”

  “I have confirmation on at least eight.”

  Zedra then pulled up a file, and motioned toward Damus. “I’m going to pass all the information I have collected so far onto Moretti now. It seems that he’s not only trustworthy but that he’s got the legion and our people foremost in his mind. I had two families request that they speak with me a couple of days ago. When Nerva left, they’d asked to stay. Now they want to leave.”

  Cassius noted Damus’s frown. “We don’t want anyone else to leave, no matter how scared they are, or how much they’re projecting our demise.”

  Damus then sent on a report for Zedra.

  When she opened it, she nodded. “Thank you. I’ll make sure that there’s enough food for the sectors out there.”

  “Julio and Fabius have been keeping the peace well, but some of the locals are getting restless, they’re in dire need of supplies. If we can get them out there, this little problem I’ve been delegating will go away.”

  “Then there’s this...” Zedra pulled up a list.

  Cassius couldn’t see all the names of those who were on it, but he saw enough. “Are these the ones you’re wanting to eliminate?”

  Zedra flicked through it, stopping on the one they all knew: Rimateus. “There’s also these two—Tertius and Hesra. Though I think Tertius and his more recent dealings have still been under the pressure of Rimateus, I think these two are the most important.”

  “Hesra’s not returned yet.”

  “No, but he’s slated for a trial when he does. I’m working on making sure that it’s public. I want everyone to see the internal workings of why Roma started to collapse in on itself. This will go down nicely with some of the other information and proof we have.”

  Cassius looked out the window. He hadn’t wanted it to come to this. There was a great need for the evil to be wiped out from Roma, the senate, and those working to defeat her to make her something she originally wasn’t.

  Damus coughed. “I have some other harrowing news...”

  Cassius and Zedra turned to him, and though his image flickered, his face stayed stoic. “The reason why I left the palace and came out into the city.” He pushed a package over to them both. “I’ve been working closely with my own men to get to the bottom of this. I wanted to make sure this information was correct and try to stop it. Honestly, I think this operation needs to be handled just as quickly as Rimateus, but I think we need to bring in Mark Victor on this. This is something that, as a merger, he needs to know.”

  Cassius opened the file, and the shock rushed through him like no other. “Fuck.”

  Damus didn’t respond to the curse. “I’ve coordinated men to watch their base. I’ll return to the palace now that I’ve seen the outside for myself.”

  “Do you have any information on how possible it is for him to create mergers? What will the Victor Corp’s reaction be to this?” Zedra pointed to the first line of the file. “‘Volunteers sought’?

  “Come back to the palace. I’ll get back in touch with Moretti and we’ll ask him, before we let this information loose to Mark.”

  “I agree. Just waiting on transport. I will be with you in less than a few hours.”

  “I’m re-tasking Sertoria.” Zedra pulled up a comms channel. “Wait there till she arrives. Then return to us. Give her all that you need to for her to watch over this base.”

  Cassius saw Damus’s face flicker. It wasn’t so much anger, but that there was a slight reason for distrust.

  “She’s the only one I’d put there. Trust me, this isn’t for any other reason. If you didn’t have to return here, I’d be happy without her. But that...” She flicked to the next image of a body bag being removed from the facility. “That has me very worried.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Damus’s image faded.

  Cassius watched Zedra carefully. “This changes thing, doesn’t it?”

  “No, just a couple. I need to organize a few other operatives, and the sooner we speak with Moretti the better. This is now my top priority. The senate cannot ever, ever have control over these things.”

  “Those things are some of the best men and women I’ve had the honor to get to know. They fight and continue to fight to protect people. That’s more than what I can say for Roma at present.”

  This time it was Zedra who acknowledged her mistake, lowering her head. “Then I look forward to getting to speak with Mark. I’ll weigh up that comment later.”

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Freighter O-41 (Wind Snapper)

  In Transit to the Hellenic System


  Moretti had expected the next call. Leaving that message out for his contacts to get meant that Rimateus and those he was working with in the senate would too. It had to come from an anonymous source and he wanted it to look as though they weren’t threatened by this maneuver.

  Cassius had been the one to reach out to him, and he sent back a quick message to agree to the meeting. “A few hours. I’ve a couple of things I’d like to get in before we talk properly.”

  The truth of the matter was he didn’t just want to rush into this. Zedra was a very clever woman. He wan
ted to make sure that he was just as clever. To push her in the right direction hadn’t been any way near as easy as he’d liked. She’d asked all the right questions, prompted him in every single way that he might do to someone himself. He admired her a lot, but then he also knew that she couldn’t be underestimated.

  Moretti wanted what was best now for his people—those from Masoul and those in Emarl, and those heading there. Zedra wanted what was best for the people of Roma, and he wasn’t sure what that meant for him just yet.

  Even though the fabber had been working overtime, there were still a few things they needed and needed to do fast. Moretti knew some of what he wanted to do couldn’t be done like this. 3D holo meetings were good, but there was nothing like seeing someone in person.

  At the knock at the door, he allowed the door to open. There was a little talking, and then someone left. Moretti checked the time. No doubt it was his food delivery. If he hadn’t had it regulated by his NIAI and the staff on the freighter, then he had no doubt in his mind there would have been many, many meals missed.

  Cronus stepped inside, holding a tray of food.

  “Taken to food delivery?” Moretti laughed and indicated the table.

  Setting down the plate, Cronus smiled. “No. Just seemed wrong not to bring it in.”

  “Anything I need to know?” Moretti picked up some rich-looking red meats and chewed while Cronus gave him a report on the ship’s upgrades. He listened, nodding when he needed to. Then waved a hand. “Thank you. We should be arriving within the time frame of our new schedule.”

  “Anything else I can help with?”

  Moretti shook his head. Hael’s son was inquisitive, but it would take him a lot longer than this trip to start to trust him, even if he knew the people on the ship had started to. He knew the young man was driven as crazy as he had been on this trip. “I’ll have lots of things for you to do, when we get into Hellenica,” he said. “We’re arriving earlier. Just keep your training up with the men below and as soon as we’re in the system, I will let you know your mission. For now, nothing is concrete, you understand.”


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