Death Has Fallen: Freedom Rock Chronicles: Book 1

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Death Has Fallen: Freedom Rock Chronicles: Book 1 Page 16

by Beus, Kris

  The room fell silent with only mild grumbles of objection. Seeing that both Earl and Aaron were outnumbers by skeptics and cowards my rage began boiling over once again.

  “So you all want to save your own asses and let this monstrosity happen in a town so close? What happens when they come attack us and take you cowards for slaves and your families? If you don’t attack now we might as well ship you all over there to get a firsthand knowledge of the brutal savagery. Your fear is putting everyone in this town at risk. They have already killed two guards and two citizens. They have Joseph’s entire family held captive and you all want to hide behind these walls pretending they won’t come. We saw some of the most ruthless people left in this world and if we don’t stop them they will destroy us.”

  As I finished my argument the men who had been rejecting war put their heads down in shame. I now could see both Earl and Aaron looking up at me with a smile. Seeing their cowardice slowly flow away it was now time to push them in action.

  “We have more people and guns. They are simply a group of bullies and when treated with the brutish violence they are so fond of using I believe they will flee in terror. Evil will not be victorious.”

  The room’s vibe changed drastically. I seemed to have tapped into that primal part of man where death is no longer a fear. The eyes all around me lit up with rage and cheers began spouting out from the group.

  Earl seeing the group’s courage had been restored and continued giving the plan. After an hour of arguing we were able to create a very good attack. We decided to have a group of people come in a truck fifty yards out from the front gate of Wellston. Then we would have Timothy set up a car so the steering wheel would lock and gas petal would stick letting the car become an unmanned battering ram. As soon as the car broke through the wall we would use the dozer to ram the less populated side and begin taking the town over. For the best chance of success it would have to be at night. It would be severely cold, but with the camouflage of night they will have a difficult time seeing what is happening. To stop from freezing we decided to have the cooks boil gallons of water then fill coolers so we would have something warm to drink. We also would gather all blankets and take them with us so if someone began going into hypothermia we could warm them. During the meeting both Aaron and I were appointed as snipers and while all the racket was happening we were tasked with bringing as many down as possible from a distance.

  Walking out of that packed office we were amazed to see hundreds of people lined up and down the streets. The story of the town had passed through all and many stepped up wanting to take part in combating the evils lying next door. It seemed that every man, woman, and child between the ages of nine and fifty had come. Seeing the mass huddled around us freezing, but vigorous put smiles on our faces.

  Looking into the crowd Aaron whispered to Earl, “Looks like we will have a bigger army than we thought.”

  Earl simply shook his head then stepped to the front of the group and began shouting, “We leave tomorrow night. Please come see us during the day and we will give you an assignment. Everyone able to hold and fire a weapon is allowed to come.”

  Hearing the confidence and authority of his voice made me feel less fearful. It also worked marvelously on the crowd. They all roared with excitement and being allowed to help with such a great task. As they dispersed I asked Earl what he wanted me to do.

  “We need every vehicle in the parking area checked. Make sure they have gas and will start.”

  I nodded as he said this and began following the dispersing crowd. Jaime had been following me through the entire ordeal. She walked a few steps behind me silent. It was easy to see she was very nervous for tomorrow night. As I walked into the parking area I looked to see the actual amount of trucks and cars we needed to check. It was actually amazing how many were already filled and started with the first crank. Jaime started on the opposite end as me and began. Walking from truck to truck I decided to keep count of them.

  Once Jaime and I finished altogether we had sixty trucks, twenty cars, and ten large vehicles such as buses and moving trucks that worked. The other fifteen vehicles were either torn up and being used for parts. Looking across the large parking lot I thought about how it would look with them all packed with the fighters roaring and waving their weapons.

  Not wanting to be without our choice of weapons Jaime and I walked back to the security office. I decided on Aaron’s sniper since I knew he would be using the 50. Jaime chose a large pump action twelve gage. We both grabbed a couple dozen bullets and began walking to our house.

  Upon arrival we crept inside making sure not to wake Amanda or Timothy if he was with her. Still exhausted even though we had slept quite a bit of the day Jaime and I laid together. We whispered for hours about every little thing we could think of. It seemed amazing how similar we were. Before the outbreak we wanted the same things. Both of us wanted families and to simply be happy. We both loved rap music and western novels. The more we talked the more we felt as one. I thought about how we could just sit together talking without losing a beat. We were perfect for each other.

  The night rolled along and after we were done talking we just laid back with our arms around one another watching our breath freeze midair.

  Chapter 25

  We both awoke and saw Earl with a small smile. He could surely tell we had been very comfortable with each other, but by the look on his face I doubt he knew we were this far along in our relationship.

  “There is a lot of work to do, you guys will have time for that tomorrow.” Earl said.

  Sitting up I felt extremely stiff from the cold and the hardness on the floor. It was nearly lunch time so Jaime and I decided to go grab a couple sandwiches which were being passed out in front of the kitchen. Rather than sitting and enjoying on our usual log we went into the security office. Earl stood behind a table still looking over the map. He was looking as though he felt there was something wrong.

  “What do you need Earl?” I asked.

  “Make sure the cooks have all the water we will need. Once that is done begin loading up trucks with supplies. We will be moving out two hours before dark. Jaime you go with him.”

  We both nodded and walked out of the office. The cooks had not yet been informed of the plan. Once we explained everything they gave us thirty gallon coolers which looked to be well insulated. They told us the creek they use for water was two or three hundred yards out into the forest behind the quarry. It took four or five trips, but we got the water back to the kitchen.

  Once we were done collecting the water we began taking everything to the trucks. We did our best to make sure all the trucks had a sufficient supply of food, water, blankets, and melee weapons. Nearly finished Earl came walking into the parking area letting us know everyone was getting ready so to expect people coming in and getting into the vehicles.

  Joseph was the first one in and smiled as he jumped into The Dozers passenger seat. He was holding a 30 30 in his hands. It took an hour to get everyone assigned to a vehicle. The majority would be taken on the larger vehicles. The bus alone would fit around a hundred.

  My gun had already been placed into the white Chevy. Aaron was sitting in the back looking over his 50 Cal rifle. It was easily the largest gun we had.

  After a small briefing from Earl, everyone jumped in their trucks ready for the journey ahead. My main focus was on Jaime. I was a little upset she was going to be sent in with the close quarter soldiers rather than be with me. Our large group moved very efficiently even though there were so many vehicles. Timothy was driving the car that would be rammed into the side of the wall.

  The move was slow going and we only had an hour or so before dark. Unlike the night before zombies had begun showing themselves. When we passed they would gain a hunting posture waiting to strike. Luckily staying on the road allowed us to move fast enough to avoid the dead who were taking interest in our caravan. The cold began falling with the sun. People riding in the backs of trucks began g
rabbing blankets and covering themselves to stay warm.

  We came up to the turn which caused us to slow. Dead began flowing out of the trees forcing us to begin firing. Shots were ringing out of every vehicle. From the bus I saw a rifle barrel out of every window. The dead never stood a chance. They all began dropping as they stepped away from the trees. Slowly the shooting came to an end. Over a hundred dead littered the ground. The group fell silent we all began listening for bikes. After a few minutes we began again headed towards the Wellston.

  The Dozer took lead and Earl was in back. We followed close in the Chevy and as we reached the gas station Earl pointed towards us and then to the mountain. Pulling away from the group I looked back worried about the girl I had begun falling in love with. She was two trucks back standing in the back with her shotgun. Looking at her somewhat fearful I was able to manage a smile and wave.

  Within several minutes I could no longer see Jaime. The truck was barreling through the rough terrain. The trees we headed to were thick and would provide excellent cover for sniping. We followed the tree line, but slowed because of the dark. Wellston was coming into view. Sounds of bikes were heard within. It seemed they had caught wind of our attack and were preparing.

  The closer we got the more rumbling we could hear within the walls. The truck pulled up to the tree line closest to the city. Even without going up the mountain we sat at a higher level than the town. Rather than risk of going into the trees Aaron and I decided to have the truck park with the back pointed towards the town.

  Looking through the scope I was able to see where Timothy was setting up the ram. Once the wall came down it would be easy to begin picking off bikers. I set focus on the other side of the town and tried to find the portion of the gate our group would be breaking through. It was difficult to see it. The town had erupted in chaos. Fires were being built to lighten the area. Bikers were running in and out of an armory attempting to equip everyone.

  My scope pointed to the front gate then I followed the road catching site of the first distraction. A large truck with a couple gunners was roaring their engine. The gunners were firing aimlessly towards the town. Looking back at the front gate the distraction seemed to be having the desired effect with many bikers running for the front gate.

  Everyone seemed to be in place the town below was in complete chaos.

  Chapter 26

  My heart raced as Timothy dropped the gas pedal sending the small silver car towards the wall. I held my breath as it collided with the wall. The car easily penetrated and began rushing towards the middle of town. Section after section of the wall began falling. Enough of the wall had fallen to nearly give me a view of the entire town. As the bikers came from the front gate to the side Timothy broke through and after the crash I saw the dozer break through the other side of town.

  Aaron tapped my shoulder pointing to the two bikers standing on the tower near the front gate. “Take the right,” He whispered to me taking aim with the .50 cal. Pulling my scope down I took aim on the right. The men were looking through their scopes into town and luckily holding very still. Taking a breath in I slowly pulled the trigger. The bullet hit the man in the side of his head shooting a mist up behind him.

  Aaron’s rifle shot with a power that shook the truck under us. Still looking through the scope I watched the man he hit fly off the other side of the tower. Looking over to Aaron I saw he shared my shock. With the tower cleared we focused on the battle in town.

  Our troops were still pushing through past The Dozer. Earl was still in the back yelling at the men below attempting to direct them. The distraction worked giving us a strong foothold in the town. The bikers were able to gather themselves and realized where the attack was coming from. Wellston was quickly cut in half with our soldiers on the far side. Our position as snipers was excellent allowing us vision of anyone who took cover from the attack.

  Looking down upon the town it was hard to believe how many targets we had. I began shooting as fast as possible hitting anyone wearing black leather. Aaron’s rifle was letting bullets fly just as quickly. After the first ten or so dropped they discovered our position and began firing towards our truck. Most were carrying pistols, but we still heard the bullets coming close. We started focusing on the ones firing towards us.

  We thought the battle would be over quickly because of our numbers, but we missed one flaw. The first fighters through the wall were able to find cover, but quickly the buildings began filling up leaving many in the open. Men that were in cover were being forced out by those trying to find it.

  For every biker we killed they dropped five of our men. These were the people I had been living with for quite some time and as each man fell the anger grew inside me. Without remorse I unloaded my rifle. The rage blocked out the cold. My heart was racing as the battle raged on. The biker’s numbers began to dwindle and our forces were making their way throughout the town.

  Now the majority had been killed I got out of the truck and began walking toward the town. Aaron shouted at me, “Where are you going?”

  “I need to find Jaime.” I shouted back.

  In the heat of battle I had lost sight of her and now I was terrified she was one of the many who fell. The thoughts of Jaime lying dead in town turned my walk into a run. It was hard to keep up the pace with the thickness of the brush covering the ground. I also noticed we had caught the attention of dead which were now pushing their way through the holes we created in the wall. I waited a hundred yards away from the hole Timothy made. As the last of the dead flowed into the town I continued.

  Walking up to the hole gunfire from both inside the town and from Aaron’s rifle pierced the silence. Creeping in behind the buildings I could hear the dead gorging on their victims. The darkness gave me excellent cover. I walked into the first building I came to. The smell reminded me of a bistro. Slowly stepping in the entire place was wrecked. Bullet holes and corpses laid waste to what looked to be the camp’s kitchen. Quickly going through and seeing she wasn’t here I stepped out the front door into the street.

  The dead had turned this battle into a chaotic free for all. Everyone lost focus on the other and chose to battle the dead instead. From my position it seemed the majority of bikers had been killed. The rest of the living including the sex slaves and men who had been nearly beaten to death helped our soldiers fight off the horde. It took hours, but I was able to find Jaime with a group of people clearing houses finding any who needed help.

  We did what we could to protect the ones who had been injured and were unable to defend themselves. As morning approached our forces had destroyed the last of the dead and remaining bikers. Our town had suffered huge losses totaling seventy three. The bikers had kept well over a hundred slaves and when they learned they could come with us almost all accepted.

  The last of the dead were loaded into the trucks. Jaime and I were sitting on the side of the street talking about everything that transpired. We were both happy the other made it and were glad we were going home. The convoy was beginning to be loaded with all the supplies the bikers stored.

  I went with Jaime and a group to clear every house. We started with the shop that the group kept the girls. Walking through the smell was horrible. To ensure the girls didn’t run they used chain link cages. A couple of the cages the girls inside lay dead. The travesty was beyond belief and as we walked through scavenging the entire group remained silent. We gathered those left there and took them to be buried. The next building was a house. Earl had finished loading the trucks with the arsenal we found in town so he decided to join us.

  Something about the house didn’t sit right with me. The walls were intact and the windows unscarred. In a town which housed a major battle this house sat uninjured as if impervious to war. The windows were blacked out with tin foil blocking any light in or out. I walked in first with my pistol pointed. The inside was as eerie as the out. Behind me a couple of the people had brought flashlights and the sun also helped pierce the blackness when we
ripped the foil from the windows.

  The front room was barren. The only thing I could see was blood stains across the wood floor. Jaime was standing behind me following closely. We walked up the stairs and I took the first room. No heat or light in the room added to the fear. Quickly going through the room it seemed to be unused. The only thing in the room was a cage like the ones used to hold the slaves. Jaime and the rest of the group began down the hallway. The bedroom I was in had a large walk in bathroom. Walking in I couldn’t believe my eyes. Not only had this town beaten and forsaken humans they had done the same to animals. The pile of diseased dogs and cats were piled knee high and covered the entire bathroom. Looking down on them all the white film covered all the eyes.

  Realizing they had been experimenting with the virus on animals I ran out to tell the group. Hitting the hall I heard gunshots. Running into the next room Jaime was lying on the floor with a wolf locked onto her throat. The entire group was shooting the animal in an attempt to free her. As the fire stopped and the beast fell over dead I kneeled down next to her placing my hand across the bite wound on her neck.

  The woman I loved was dying before me. Her breath became shallow, she began choking and spitting up blood. Earl placed his hand on my shoulder seeing that I was in shock.

  “You don’t want to be here for this.” He whispered.

  I knew if she died she would come back as one of them. Earl pulled my shoulder and I backed out of the room still looking in. Standing in the doorway I couldn’t leave her. Earl pointed his pistol towards her head. Tears began swelling in my eyes. I was looking at her and she at me. Her arm reached out. The gun fired and her arm fell. The room began darkening as if a veil was being lowered. Looking around I couldn’t believe what happened. Everything seemed surreal the only thing that felt real was the gun still in my hand.

  I lifted it up towards Earl. Turning to me his eyes widened and his hands went up in a defensive posture. Looking to him I knew it wasn’t him who killed Jaime. I could have saved her and I should be the one lying dead on the ground with a bullet through my skull.


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