A Week for Love to Bloom

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A Week for Love to Bloom Page 11

by Wolfe, Scarlet

“Fine, but that’s what you get for springing this on me. I’ll go to your parents’ for dinner, but I’m going to be a ball of nerves.” Lauren climbed off of him and sat on her legs facing him.

  “I’ll be right by your side. I want my parents to see how special you are.” Justin tried to readjust himself in his jeans. “I could tell you had a feisty side when we met, but you’re taking it to a whole new level.”

  “I’ve learned from the best,” she said with a wink.

  “Woman, one of these days when your mom’s not home, I’m giving it to you in this bed.”

  Lauren swiftly straddled him again. “Promise?”

  Staring him down, she grabbed his finger and slid her wet mouth over it. She began sucking on it like a Popsicle before she slowly pulled it out. She knew she took it too far when she was flat on her back in a second.

  Justin lay on top of her, penetrating her with his intense, carnal stare. “I warned you not to push me, Lauren. I wasn’t joking. I love you, but I also lust you, and just like the jealousy thing, I don’t know how to stop myself after a certain point.

  “I’m trying to be respectful to you and your mother, but you must not care. I’m also seeing you don’t know what the word restraint means,” Justin said angrily before he got up and walked out.

  The breath she was holding escaped her as she lay stunned. She thought it was the hottest thing ever, and then she became infuriated. Lauren went through the motions of getting ready that morning but at an accelerated pace. After she dressed, she looked out her bedroom window and saw Justin on the tractor. She let the kitchen door slam behind her before she barreled through the yard. He turned it off and looked at her.

  “What the hell was that, Justin? You started all of it, so you’re not leaving me in my bed to feel like shit! It wasn’t fair. How the hell am I supposed to know when you’re at your breaking point?”

  “You want to talk about fair. You straddled me in your fucking panties and sucked on my damn finger like you wanted to suck on something else!”

  Lauren clenched her hands into fists as tears began streaming down her face. “You’re the one who came into my bedroom and insisted on climbing into my bed when I was only wearing purple—fucking—panties!”

  Justin jumped off the tractor and grabbed Lauren by the back of her hair, pulling it out of its ponytail as his other hand wrapped around her body, slamming it against his. Inches from his face, Lauren saw someone else’s eyes. Never before had she seen what was now living inside them. She tried to resist, but he turned and pinned her between his body and the tractor. He grabbed her head with both hands, assaulting her mouth with his tongue, as he released his hot breath.

  Lauren couldn’t ward off the desire that chained her to him. She kissed back, shattering against the tantalizing force of his ravishment. Quivering from the passion, her legs started to buckle, so she delved her fingers into his hair and grabbed hold. She felt him shove his hand inside the back of her jeans before he clenched her flesh. Held her up. Crushed her whole. He was the predator and she was his prey.

  “You. Are. Mine. Lauren. I’m the only one who gets to taste this sweet mouth and my dick’s the only one that gets to feel you wet and tight around it, and it’s going to stay that way,” he groaned against her mouth.

  He released her and grabbed her wrist, pulling her behind him into the last greenhouse. Justin’s urgent eyes scanned the area and locked in on a table. He swooped her up and carried her over to it, dropping her to her feet before they both reached for each other’s jeans.

  She jumped up on the table, moving her hips close to the edge as she leaned back and rested her elbows on it. She saw the look of anguish before Justin grabbed her by the hips and thrust inside her, letting out a loud growl. She threw her head back and wrapped her legs around him, lifting up her hips to give him full access to go even deeper, to fill her entirely with his manhood.

  She moaned and rocked beneath his thrusts, driving his rhythm as he slammed against her repeatedly. Every crash echoed the pent-up, unrelenting lust freeing from her. The rush of delight caused her head to spin, sending her arms out from under her, dropping her back onto the dirty table.

  She saw the desire in his eyes only grow stronger as he yanked her even closer to him. It caused the pleasure to build until her shuddering climax exploded around him. Lauren could see Justin’s body shaking as it tried to buckle from the pleasure.

  He gripped the sides of her thighs as he drove into her one last time and stilled. Lauren felt his release bursting as it spilled deep inside her. He fell over onto her, and she could feel his pounding heart above her. There was nothing sweet about their sex. It was an uninhibited answer to the lust that possessed them. It was wild and erotic with pangs of passion; everything they craved to feed their mad hunger. They’d become each other’s addiction.

  Justin pulled Lauren up off the table before he dusted the dirt from her backside. Both gasped for air and said nothing. He pulled her into a snug embrace and kissed the top of her head, stroking her fallen hair.

  “I love you, Lauren, and I’m sorry about this morning ... and this. I don’t expect you to talk to me, but I need to at least know you’re okay and that I didn’t hurt you. This is what I feared. I’ve teetered on a cliff with you, trying to be gentle, but I’ve wanted you in a way that’s indescribable.”

  “I’m okay,” she said, still buried against his chest.

  Justin released her abruptly. “Fuck, Lauren. I didn’t even use a condom. I’m sorry, but I have to get out of here. I don’t know who I am anymore.” He rushed out of the greenhouse.

  “Justin, stop. Please don’t leave me like this.”

  She watched him freeze. Lauren ran to stand in front of him and wrapped her arms around his waist before she leaned up and planted her pulsing, blood filled lips on his cheek. “I’m sorry about this morning, too. I love you, and don’t be sorry for this. Now I’ve given you every part of me.”

  “Please don’t try to make me feel better about this. What I did to you was wrong. Shit, Lauren. You were innocent before you met me.”

  “I’m a woman. How old am I supposed to be to have sex, Justin? You’re being ridiculous.”

  “I have to go. We can talk later.” Justin got into his truck and left.

  She didn’t move as she fought back tears. She was beginning to question if they could handle their volatile passion and each other’s stubborn personalities. She imagined Justin feared the same.


  Lauren hadn’t heard from him when she closed up, so she drove to his house to see him. He let her in with the same concerned look on his face. It bothered her that he didn’t try to hug or kiss her.

  “Can we talk?” she asked.

  “I know we need to.” Justin pointed to the table. Lauren narrowed her eyes as she reluctantly sat down. She was used to them talking on or in his bed. She didn’t like the distance he put between them.

  “You’re right, Lauren. I started everything when I wanted to get into your bed this morning. Once I was turned on, I became angry because I couldn’t have sex with you right then. I crave you like a drug, and if an addict has their drug of choice waved in front of them long enough, it’s going to drive them insane until they just take it.

  “I’d stop myself no matter what if you told me to, but I’m scared one of these days, you’re going to let me take my craving too far, and I might hurt you somehow. I have to admit, after having sex with you on that table, I was sure we were done.”

  “This is all I want to say about it. I know you struggle with the desire you have for me, but you need to stop fighting it and stop feeling guilty. We’re consenting adults who’ve made a commitment to each other. And like you said, I know you’ll stop if there’s anything I don’t want to do.

  “The sex in the greenhouse was intense, erotic, and mind blowing, among a lot of other adjectives, and I loved every second of it. Since we met we’ve made out, touched each other, showered together, had sex, made lo
ve, and explored.” Lauren grinned. “All of those times were different. Some were hot and steamy, loving and sweet, sexy and playful, but for me, every time our skin touches, it’s magnificent, Justin.

  “In two weeks, I’ve realized if I push you too far, you take on another side to you, and I love him, too. Having sex with you on that table was hotter than hell, and I will fantasize about it every day until we do it somewhere else.”

  Justin gazed at her with yearning. “That’s what I’m talking about, Lauren. When you talk like that, it drives me wild. If you can handle the greenhouse this soon, then you do have a bad girl side, and she’s hot.”

  “I didn’t know she was there until you came along, and I love her, too. I’m a little concerned though, that our stubbornness is going to cause some problems, but I guess we’ll get to enjoy a lot of make-up sex. Now, let’s hope your swimmers aren’t as ravenous as you are.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s something else that’s never happened before. I wasn’t thinking. I just wanted you.” Justin got up and walked over to her side of the table. Lauren stood and threw her arms around his neck before they shared a passionate, heated kiss. She was relieved to see the Justin she loved return.

  “So … no more sulking. I love you just the way you are, and I don’t want you to change,” she said.


  Lauren needed girlfriend time to help process everything that happened the previous two weeks, so she shared with Ashley the details of her whirlwind love affair, keeping the most intimate parts to herself.

  “It’s an infatuation between you two,” Ashley said as she gave a French manicure to one of Lauren’s nails.

  “I know, and it’s intense. To go from never having a boyfriend to this is overwhelming.”

  “He’s the one, Lauren, and you know it. What you two have is rare. It’s not going to happen twice. You need to wait for him while he’s away at college. The semesters fly by.”


  Lauren was about to fall asleep when her cell phone buzzed.

  Justin: Goodnight, beautiful. I can’t wait for my parents to see what I see in you ... an amazing woman...

  Lauren: I might have to hold that man card of yours if you get any sweeter. Goodnight, babe...

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Lauren’s nerves were raw Saturday. With her stomach in knots, she didn’t eat a bite all day. Claire told her she’d close up, so Ashley could help her get ready. Her yellow, wrap dress hung on the closet door.

  Ashley braided the front of Lauren’s hairline, pinning it loosely to the side as curls sprawled over her shoulders and down her back. Her make-up was flawless and earrings in place. She slipped on her dress that had a V front revealing a modest amount of cleavage. The dress tied on the side and hung a few inches above her knees. She looked polished.

  “I hope he doesn’t think I’m trying to be something I’m not.”

  “Lauren, all he’ll see is your beauty.”

  “I thought your wedding would be my first time to play dress up. Even though I want to look elegant for his family, I’m still me inside.”

  Ashley held Lauren’s shoulders. “He’ll know that. Stop worrying.”

  “I can’t thank you enough for helping me.”

  “You’ll get to pay me back. I can’t imagine the wreck I’ll be at my wedding.” The two hugged and said their goodbyes.


  Lauren opened the door for Justin. He was wearing khaki pants, a navy polo shirt and his black shades.

  Justin took one look at Lauren and stood frozen in time. His eyes blinked fast. He’d seen Lauren dressed down, dressed up, undressed, dirty, but never the way she looked that night.

  “Justin, are you OK?”

  “Um, yeah, are you ready?”

  Lauren grabbed her small purse and walked out the door. Justin let her walk in front of him to the side of his truck. He started to open her door, but he just stood in a daze with his hand on the handle.

  “Justin, what’s wrong? Am I overdressed? I knew it. I was afraid you’d think I’m trying too hard to impress your family, but I swear I’m not. I just never get a reason—”

  Justin took hold of her face and placed a gentle kiss to her lips. It caused a rush of heat to surge through his veins.

  I’ll never love or desire another woman the way I do her.

  “I’ve been searching for a word to describe how beautiful you look, but there isn’t one that says enough. You take my breath away, Lauren. You’re gorgeous, and you don’t even know it. It’s one of the many things I love about you.”

  Lauren blushed. “Thank you.”

  Justin never let go of her hand on the way to his parents’ home. He wanted that memory imprinted on his brain forever, so he looked over frequently, soaking her in. He couldn’t wait for Jonathan to see her. Justin knew his brother would eat his words from the day at the nursery when he said Lauren was plain and dirty. It made him angry just thinking about it, but he believed Jonathan would see that night what an angel she was.

  Susan Garrison’s eyes lit up when she opened the front door.

  “Lauren, please come in. It’s nice to meet you. I’ve seen you many times at your garden center, but now I can put a name with the face,” Susan said warmly.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too.”

  Justin led Lauren into the living room where she was greeted by Jeffrey, Jonathan, and Emily. Little Jack was smiling as his legs wrapped around Emily’s waist.

  Justin immediately looked to Jonathan to see his reaction to Lauren’s beauty. He struggled not to laugh when he saw the stunned look on his brother’s face. Justin grabbed Lauren’s hand, pulling it up to his mouth to kiss. Although he felt it childish, he wanted Jonathan to see she was his.

  While they were waiting for dinner, Lauren sat on the sofa. Justin noticed her looking around the room. He was fully aware that his parents had a pristine home and imagined she was admiring the detailed woodwork and the massive stone fireplace, along with the furniture that appeared untouched. He loved Lauren’s old, country style home and hoped she wasn’t feeling out of place.

  Jack wobbled over to her with his arms stretched, insisting she pick him up. Aside from at work, Lauren seldom had a chance to be around children. She swooped him up and sat him in her lap. He started hitting her knee with his stuffed toy hammer, and Lauren smiled at him.

  “For eighteen months, you sure are smart,” she said in a sweet voice. She laughed with him and picked up the hammer he repeatedly threw on the floor.

  Justin stood in awe of her. Once again he was soaking up a moment, a loving memory he didn’t want to forget. The day before, lust for her coursed through his veins, but at that moment, warmth flowed through him as he felt only love and adoration for Lauren.

  I need her to have my children.

  Justin realized he’d been gazing intently at Lauren and felt exposed, so he went into the kitchen.

  “Justin, she’s very beautiful,” Susan said.

  “Don’t think I haven’t noticed. I think about her every minute of the day.” Justin leaned against the kitchen counter and tilted his head back against a cabinet.

  “Honey, are you OK?” Susan asked.

  “I’m great, Mom. Lauren makes life perfect. It’s overwhelming at times.”

  Susan walked over and patted the side of his cheek. “You feel vulnerable son, and men especially, are uncomfortable with that emotion.”

  Justin hugged his mom and went back into the living room to get Lauren.

  They were seated at the table, and Jack seemed pleased to have Lauren sit beside him, evident from the grin on his face as he kept trying to give her food off his high chair. Lauren continually blushed from all the attention he was giving her.

  “Lauren, Jack genuinely likes you. Do you have a lot of siblings?” Jonathan asked.

  “Actually, I’m an only child. I wish I had siblings. Of course, if I had siblings I wouldn’t have received all the attention I did from my grandparents and wo
uld probably not run the nursery. I say that because they taught me everything I know about horticulture.”

  “It shows you’ve had a lot of training. Every plant we purchase from you grows wonderfully,” Emily said.

  “Thank you. I devote a lot of time and care to them.”

  “Lauren, have you ever wanted to have any other career?” Jeffrey asked.

  “I think all children imagine different jobs they’d like to have when they grow up but by the time I was a teenager I knew this would be my life. I was raised to believe you do what you love, and I’m fortunate to get to do that every day. It’s why I endure the hard work. I love bringing something to life.”

  “You’re well spoken, Lauren,” Susan said.

  “Thank you, ma’am.”

  “Please call me Susan from now on,” she said, giving Lauren a welcoming smile.

  “I’m sure Justin told you his plans to go back to Vanderbilt. We’re anxiously awaiting his graduation,” Jonathan said.

  “Yes, he told me, and I think it’s great he’s going to get his degree. I always thought I’d go to college for horticulture, but then my grandparents became ill, and I had to step in full-time at the nursery.”

  “Justin, why don’t Lauren and you tell Mom and Dad how you met,” Jonathan said with a smirk.

  “I think we can save that story for another day.” Justin shot him a glare.

  Lauren blushed and excused herself to the restroom. Justin gave Jonathan another glare, signaling him to knock it off. Jonathan let out a chuckle. Questions were thrown at Lauren once again when she returned.

  “How is business this summer, Lauren? I ask because we have a business, so I wondered how things were for you. We’re having a pretty good year,” Jeffrey said.

  “Um, business is good. It seems the same as years past, although it seems harder to stretch the money these days.”

  Jonathan choked on his bite of food after her response.

  “My parents separated last year, so my father moved and left me in charge. I’m still learning how the business side works. I imagine it would be hard to compare our businesses since they’re so different.”


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