No Truer Love [Hondo, Texas Wolves 2]

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No Truer Love [Hondo, Texas Wolves 2] Page 4

by Claire Adele

  “Jesus, baby! I’m not going to last.” His raspy voice increased her sensual pleasure.

  “I’m not, either.” A cry escaped her once more as burning prickles consumed every nerve ending in her body, and every muscle tightened impossibly until she convulsed and climaxed. Her muscles clenched around his huge cock as she basked in pleasure.

  “God,” he growled. He pulled out and plunged all the way into her, pounding her with his hard-as-steel, satin-smooth cock, his thrusts coming faster. A deep feral growl rose from his chest, and he climaxed. His cum spurted so hard that it hit her womb even though he wore a condom.

  “Oh!” she cried as her orgasm caressed his pumping cock over and over with pulse after heavenly pulse. Her inner flesh milked his penis as the contractions of her pelvic muscles continued through her lower belly with intoxicating sensations.

  Gradually the wildness of her orgasm calmed inside her. His hands still held her hips as she moaned and savored every last little reaction of her body and each titillation.

  He obviously wasn’t finished yet. Still joined with her, he continued to surge inside her. She heard another low growl rise from his chest as he plunged in and out of her slick passage. Every ejaculation came so forcefully that she could feel each of them. It was the most fantastic, longest-lasting sex she’d ever experienced, and she savored the caress of his cock.

  Her body hummed as he continued to tantalize her. She reclined, completely relaxed on the mound of pillows, moving with every stroke. She panted, catching her breath as he finished and stilled.

  “Are you all right?” He sounded breathless, too, his words coming in pants.

  “Yes. That was incredible.” She felt his warm, damp torso cover her back as he leaned over her. His arms wrapped around her, hugging her close as he placed soft, warm kisses at the nape of her neck, dragged his lips to one shoulder, and squeezed her flesh gently between his teeth. She shivered and moaned softly with the gentle brush of his lips and the lick of his tongue. With one hand, she reached back and clutched his hip, making him jerk against her, bringing her more pleasurable sensation. She moaned with the erotic pleasure.

  Too soon, he pulled out of her, left the bed, and stepped into the bathroom. He probably disposed of the condom. She was too satisfied and lethargic to move. He returned and eased onto the bed beside her, gently pulling her off the pillows and against his side.

  “So, babe,” his voice whispered, soft and tentative. “Was that too kinky for you?”

  She turned to look into his dark eyes. “That was amazing. If that was kinky sex, I like it that way, and want more of it, even though I’ve never done that before.”

  “There are lots of ways to have mind-blowing sex, hon.” He shifted beside her and met her gaze with his.

  “Tell me. I’d like to hear about them.” She returned his even gaze, waiting patiently, although she was already shivery and excited.

  “For one, how would you feel about having some great sex with two guys at the same time?”

  She opened her eyes wide in surprise at those words. That had never crossed her mind. “Two guys?”

  “Yeah. Me and another guy like me who enjoys pleasuring a woman as much as I do.”

  He wasn’t joking. The look on his face and in his eyes was serious. She thought about what he was saying. It wasn’t as if she and Beau were an item, although she could certainly come to like him a lot. So what reason kept her from trying something new? There was no reason why they shouldn’t explore sex in different ways. Why not try sex with two guys? Would this other guy be as talented a lover as Beau? “I’ve never had sex with two men at the same time before.”

  “I think you’ll really enjoy it.” His voice came as a soft growl, and he smiled. “So, are you game?”

  “Yes. Will the second guy in this threesome be a good friend of yours?” She’d feel more at ease about this if he was.

  “Absolutely. What do you think about a ménage with me and Ty?”

  “With Ty?” He was definitely an easygoing guy as far as she could tell from the short amount of time she’d spent with him.

  “It’ll be fun. Ty’s a good guy, and he adores women.”

  She considered Ty and his friendly, sort of hyper-puppy-like personality. “I believe that would be fun. I think I’d like to give it a try with you all.”

  “If you don’t feel comfortable with it, just say the word. You’re in charge at all times. How about tomorrow evening? We’ll bring over some dinner, and the three of us can enjoy the night together.”

  “That sounds perfect. I’m planning on taking the day off, so why don’t you come over as early as you like?”

  “Sounds like a plan, babe. Now you’d better get some sleep so you won’t be tired.”

  She covered a yawn with her hand. “I think we’d both better get some sleep.”

  “Yeah, I could use a little myself.” He pulled her against his side and wrapped his arms around her.

  She closed her eyes, listened to his even breathing, and realized his nearness beside her made her feel completely safe.

  Chapter Three

  The next morning, Beau rose at dawn and headed back to the ranch to oversee the day’s chores and the ranch hands.

  He’d kissed Chloe real quick and mumbled he’d call her later as she slept on. She didn’t need to get up as early as he did since she was taking the day off.

  As he drove down the drive from the road to the stables, his phone rang and he answered it. Darlene said good morning.

  “Hey, Darlene. What’s up?”

  “I’m having a little poolside barbeque tonight and inviting family and friends. Can you come?”

  “Sounds great. Can I bring a date?”

  “Of course. We have plenty of food. Would you tell the ranch hands about it for me? We want them to come, too.”

  “Sure thing. They always enjoy your parties.”

  “That’s so cool. So, we’ll see you tonight then. And don’t forget your swim trunks.”

  “Thanks, we’ll be there.” Beau ended the call and slipped his cell back into his belt. Hopefully, Chloe would like to attend the party. He’d call her a little later to make sure.

  The morning chores held no surprises, and things went as usual. He let his crew know about the poolside dinner at Darlene’s. They all agreed it was a great way to have some fun. A couple of the older ranch hands said they already had plans with their families. Mark and Lance said they’d be there. It should be a great party and a good time for him to introduce Chloe to Darlene, Rafe, and Lucky.

  * * * *

  Chloe shouldn’t be nervous about meeting more friends and family of Beau’s, but she had to admit to herself that she was. Beau had checked with her about having Ty come with him to pick her up, and she had assured him that was fine. She appreciated that Beau asked her about including Ty.

  As they got out of the truck, Ty held out his hand to her and helped her step down.

  “Thanks, Ty.” She smiled at him, and he smiled back.

  “Anytime, Chloe. Always glad to help out a lady.”

  Beau strode around the front of his clean, white pickup truck and joined them. He slipped his hand lightly around the back of her waist. His warm fingers and palm felt good there. She was comfortable with both Beau and Ty and wondered what the night would bring.

  Ty knocked on the front door.

  “Come in,” came a woman’s loud welcome from inside the sprawling, ranch-style, redbrick home. Behind four white pillars at the edge of the front porch overhang, there were four white wooden rocking chairs. A large wreath decorated with white silk flowers and greenery hung on the front door.

  Ty opened the door. “After you,” he said, smiling at her.

  Beau gave a gentle press of her waist with his hand, and Chloe stepped inside the spacious entry. She hadn’t known what to expect, whether the home would be decorated expensively or not. She was pleasantly surprised to see that it was decorated for the comfort of the occupants
and their guests. The living room to the side of the entry was decorated in dark, neutral colors with two long sofas and several overstuffed chairs, with splashes of burgundy and blue in the plush pillows which rested on each piece. Curtains that matched the upholstery of the chairs hung from rods near the high ceiling above multipaned windows.

  They passed the living room and entered the den, another room with dark neutrals covering overstuffed sofas and recliners built for relaxation. At one end of the room was a fireplace built of light-colored local rock with a chimney that reached to the high ceiling. A natural-wood mantel decorated the fireplace, a few photos of prize bulls displayed on either side. Several metal sculptures of horses and their riders rested on a coffee table and end tables surrounding the sofa and chairs.

  The double sliding glass doors across the room opened onto an expansive patio and swimming pool area. Plenty of outdoor chairs and tables were waiting for the guests.

  “Come on in,” came a friendly woman’s voice to Chloe’s right. A smiling lady, a little taller than Chloe, with short auburn hair crossed the huge kitchen at the end of the den. She was dressed in colorful aqua shorts and a sleeveless blouse. She held out her hands and took hold of Chloe’s, giving them a squeeze. “I’m Darlene Lovejoy.”

  “This is Chloe Campbell,” Beau offered before Chloe could answer.

  She smiled back at Darlene. “Thank you for inviting me.”

  “I’m so glad you could come. I hope you’ll make yourself at home. What would you like to drink? We have sodas and beer, fruit juice, lemonade, whatever you want.”

  “Lemonade sounds delicious,” Chloe said.

  “I have some right here in the kitchen. Follow me.”

  The three of them followed Darlene into her kitchen area. It was the grandest kitchen Chloe had ever seen. The ivory-painted cabinets were trimmed in beautiful wood molding. The appliances were all top of the line, and the amazing hood over the huge stove had a beautiful horse-head sculpture in the center. It seemed as if the horse’s eyes looked right at her as she entered the kitchen. Shiny, granite countertops rested on the lower cabinets and topped an expansive center island where buckets of ice, pitchers of lemonade and other fruit juice rested among a few dozen glasses.

  “Help yourself to whatever you like. Beau and Ty, the beer is out on the patio in a cooler, and the sodas are in the cooler beside it. There’s chips and salsa on the long table outside the doors. Also, chili con queso is in the big Crock-Pot. If you need anything else, let me know.” She grinned at them and started helping Chloe fill a glass with ice and lemonade.

  Refreshing drink in hand, Chloe thanked Darlene and walked out to the patio with Beau and Ty. They both grabbed sodas from one of the coolers. Half a dozen guys were playing water volleyball in the pool. They laughed and kidded each other loudly while hitting the ball back and forth.

  Chloe recognized only two of the guys, Mark and Lance. They jumped up at the same time to hit the ball. My God. Both of them were ripped. Their arms and shoulders looked like they lifted weights. Their chests and torsos rippled with sculpted muscles revealed by streaming water and golden, early evening sunshine. Lance slammed the ball across the net, the sound echoing like an explosion. His opponents were sarcastically insulting in response.

  “Want some chips?” Beau asked at her side.

  She broke her gaze from the intriguing sight and turned to look at Beau. His look was perfectly confident and at ease.

  “Yes, I’d love some.” She followed him over to the long table holding dishes of food, and he and Ty mounded their plates with chips and dips, enough for a meal. They found an empty table with chairs that weren’t covered in towels and pieces of clothing. Beau and Ty dragged a couple more lounge chairs over.

  “Chow’s ready.” The announcement came from a loud, deep voice at the far end of the patio.

  Chloe saw a big guy dressed in a Western-style chef’s apron, shorts, and sandals. He was handsome in a rugged way with dark hair.

  “That’s Rafe Wolfgang, one of Darlene’s significant others,” Beau said.

  “One?” Chloe looked at Beau, her eyes widening in surprise.

  Beau nodded. “Lucky, my brother, who is her other partner, is in the pool on Lance and Mark’s team.”

  “Oh.” Chloe was speechless. Lucky was built just like the others, although not as tall. He was good looking, too, with startling blue eyes that she could see from where she stood, sandy-brown hair, and a friendly smile. So, Darlene was a daring woman. “Do they all three live here?” She kept her voice lowered.

  “Yeah,” Ty offered. “They’re crazy in love with Darlene, and she loves both of them equally, as far as we can tell.”

  “Wow. That’s amazing.” Chloe didn’t know what else to say. What an independent woman Darlene must be. A free spirit, evidently, who knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid. She heard laughter from the pool area and glanced over to see Mark, Lance, and Lucky pounding each other soundly on the back.

  “We won,” Lance declared.

  “You owe us a rematch, amigos,” one of the guys on the opposing team declared.

  Beau nodded his head toward him. “That’s Gregorio Suarez, in the black trunks. Greg for short. He’s one of the best overall ranch hands in this part of Texas.”

  Chloe couldn’t help but notice Greg was a handsome guy, about the same height as Lucky, with a big grin and square jaw, and the darkest brown eyes she’d ever seen. His black hair curved around his ears, and one lock fell over his forehead. The water streamed over his buff body. No extra fat on him, either. She could easily see that he would be a talented cowboy with those strong arms and muscled chest and thighs. His narrow hips and waist and ripped torso that flared out to his broad, muscular shoulders were sexy as hell. Almost as sexy as Beau. He joined a beautiful blonde at a table at the side of the pool and gave her a quick kiss.

  Beau pointed in a different direction. “That’s Dallas, Ty and Rafe’s brother, and Colt, my other younger brother.”

  Dallas was tall, wiry, and strong-looking like the others. His wavy, dark hair outlined his long face. He smiled easily and headed toward a cute, blonde, college-age girl sitting at the same table by the pool. Colt, Beau’s brother, was good-looking, but unlike Beau, Colt had dark-blond hair. He wasn’t as tall as Beau either, but although he was actually the smallest guy in the group, he was pretty cute, also built, and obviously very confident. He gave one of the other girls sitting at the table a big grin and strode quickly to join her. Chloe couldn’t see her face, but she had long hair that was damp from swimming.

  “Are they all married?” she asked.

  “No,” Ty said. “Those are their girlfriends. We’ll introduce you. They’ll want to meet you, too.”

  Everyone mingled as they made their way to fill their plates with barbeque and steaks. Introductions were made all around.

  Wearing towels around their waists, Gregorio, known as Greg by everyone, Dallas, and Colt headed to their table near the pool with their girlfriends, and Lance and Mark joined Chloe, Ty, and Beau. After they were all served, Darlene and Rafe joined them at their table as well.

  Darlene proved adept at keeping the conversation light and interesting. She easily turned the subject from what was happening on their two ranches today to how Chloe happened to come to this part of Hondo.

  It was the perfect time for Chloe to mention her flower shop, and she gave a brief description of it.

  “I’m going to have to see your shop as soon as possible,” Darlene said.

  “I’d love for you to come by anytime,” Chloe assured her.

  “I want to take you to one of my favorite places for lunch,” Darlene said. “The owner has a little business for small gifts in her restaurant.”

  “Sounds like fun. I’d love to go there. I’m always interested to see other small businesses. There’s usually something new I can learn about that will help me with my business.”

  Conversation bounced back and forth during their meal.
They took their time finishing their tall glasses of beer, and afterward most everyone headed back into the pool for more fun.

  Chloe watched as Lance dared Mark to race him into the water. They leaped into the shallow end and shot back to the surface, grabbing each other in a bear hug and going under again.

  The picture they made, with water streaming over their muscular frames, was enough to arouse any woman. She couldn’t tear her gaze away as the two handsome guys continued wrestling good-naturedly in the water.

  “Ready for a swim?” Ty asked beside her.

  “Well, I…”

  “Come on, it’ll be fun, and the water’s cool,” Beau said.

  “All right, I will.” She’d worn her suit under her shorts and top and only had to slip out of them.

  “There are towels on the chairs by the pool when you want them,” Darlene offered.

  “How about a game of doubles volleyball?” Beau suggested to everyone. They all agreed.

  She watched as the other couples in the water helped each of the girls mount their guys’ shoulders.

  Beau ducked down in the water in front of her with his back to her. “Climb on, babe.”

  “I’ll help you up,” Ty said as he cupped his hands around her waist and lifted her as if she weighed nothing. These cowboys were sure strong and capable.

  She almost lost her balance and grabbed on to the top of Beau’s dark head to keep from falling off. The sensation of sitting on his muscular shoulders, her thighs hugging his neck, was another rather erotic sensation she’d never felt before. Beau was giving her a great education in erotic sex. She’d seen people play this game at pools before, but she’d never taken part.

  The game began, and she held on, trying to help her team as much as she could. Most of the time she felt off-balance and worried she squeezed Beau’s neck too tight between her thighs. His physical motion against her sensitive flesh aroused her until she worried she’d be distracted and miss a shot. The game was both wildly exhilarating and exhausting. At last it was over and their team had miraculously won. She caught Ty watching with hunger in his eyes. She had a feeling he would have liked to take part.


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