Dragon's Fake Wedding Date (Dragons of Mount Atrox Book 3)

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Dragon's Fake Wedding Date (Dragons of Mount Atrox Book 3) Page 6

by Riley Storm

  “Gayle? Is everything okay?” she asked. “I heard you yelling.”

  Wordlessly Gayle handed the phone over to Claire.

  Then she sighed. “This is what’s going on. Last night Mikey left me for Karen. And they said they wanted to be friends still. Now this.”

  “What the fuck?” Claire snarled as her eyes flicked over the screen while also processing what Gayle had just told her. “This is a joke, right? They have to be joking. Nobody is this delusional and oblivious…are they?”

  “I can’t believe they think I would go,” Gayle said, shaking her head, sniffing loudly, and blinking back tears. “In what world do they think I would ever say yes? I mean, come on.”

  “You should go.”

  Both Rann and Gayle stared at Claire in shock.

  “What?” they exclaimed in near unison a second later.

  “Yeah,” Claire said, her tone growing darker. “Go in spite of them.”

  “What?” Gayle repeated. “No, I couldn’t.”

  “Do it,” Claire urged. “Go rub it in their faces. Attend their wedding, eat their food. Drink their booze. Hell, take someone as your plus one as well. Show everyone you don’t give a shit about it and have the time of your life on their dime. Pretend to have fun, and it will make them uncomfortable as hell. Make both of them jealous.”

  “I don’t know,” Gayle said.

  Rann remained silent, watching the two of them, not speaking. He didn’t know how to feel about Claire’s idea. It appealed to him on one level, but he didn’t know if Gayle going to their wedding was a good thing overall.

  “If she’s trying to replace you,” Claire said. “Then go and show her that you don’t care. That you’ve already replaced him, and that you have something she can’t have.”

  “But I haven’t replaced him,” Gayle said.

  “She doesn’t know that,” Claire countered. “Just go show them that you don’t care.”

  “But I do care,” Gayle pointed out.

  Claire nodded. “I know, dear. Because you’re a decent human being, unlike these two scumbags. Go have some fun at their expense, though, and act like you don’t. Rann will go with you.”

  Rann blinked. “I will?”

  “Yes,” Claire ground out. “You will. You will show up in a suit and escort her there. You will dance with her, and you will make sure she has a good time. Or are you going to let the bullies win?”

  As much as Rann hated being put on the spot, he was forced to admit Claire had used the one card against him that might work. He hated bullies. Hated those who tried to push others around just to get what they wanted.

  And that was exactly what Michael and Karen were doing to Gayle.

  His dragon roared. It wanted nothing more than to protect Gayle and to ensure nobody treated her badly.

  “Fine,” he said reluctantly. “I’ll do it. I’ll take you.”

  Gayle’s head bounced from side to side. “I don’t know, guys.”

  “Don’t let them get the better of you,” Claire said tightly.

  Gayle bit her top lip nervously, but she started to nod. “Okay. You know what, screw it. I will go to the stupid wedding. I will have the time of my life, and so what if they hurt me? I am not gonna let it get to me.”

  Before Rann could say anything more, Gayle pulled out her phone and filled in the RSVP form.

  “See you next week,” she said. “No going back now.”

  Rann opened his mouth to say something, but someone else poked their head out from inside the huge canvas tent.

  “Hey! You. Get to work unloading that truck. We need the supplies unpacked!”

  “Crap,” Gayle said. “That’s our supervisor. Um, sorry. I have to go.”

  Claire was already hurrying back inside, Gayle following her.

  “Hey, Gayle,” he called.

  She turned back to face him, standing in the tent opening. “Yes?”

  “We still on for Monday?”

  She paused, reaching up to run a hand through her crimson hair while her face flushed a similar color.

  Rann’s heart skipped several beats as he watched. She was so beautiful…


  Then, she was gone, fleeing back inside, leaving Rann to start unloading. He smiled after her.

  I’ll protect you, he vowed to himself as he flicked up the latch on the truck and let the door slide up.

  From being hurt at the wedding or anything else. I might have failed that woman the vampires got, but I swear Gayle, I will not fail you.

  His dragon trumpeted its agreement with a fervor and intensity that surprised Rann.

  Now what does that mean?

  Chapter Eleven


  Her birthday party was a whole lot different than she’d expected it to be for a Saturday night get-together.

  “I’m glad you still decided to have us over.”

  Gayle looked over at the blue-eyed brunette seated next to her in the middle section of the couch. They were all in her living room, and while it was crowded, they all fit.

  It would be a lot easier if all the bloody men my friends seem to find weren’t well over six feet and packed with muscle.

  “Thanks, Kristin,” she said.

  Kristin Glenn was one of her oldest friends, and the two had been through a lot together. Gayle had even been present the night at the bar that they’d made her go talk to her man, Blede, for the first time. Now that had been a night!

  “No, I mean it. This can’t be easy for you,” Kristin said, blue eyes flashing with compassion. “But we’re here for you, okay? Most of us aren’t like that.”

  “I know,” Gayle said, meaning it.

  Everyone in the room had denounced what Karen and Mikey had done, and there was a slight vindictive nature to the glee that Gayle felt, knowing that many of them would also be ending their friendships with Karen.

  The bitch deserves it.

  Still, as she looked around the room, Gayle felt a wave of sadness threaten to rise up and crash over her again. Everyone looked so happy.

  Kristin and Blede were a fantastic couple, of course. They practically radiated love, much like Claire and Ro, Lilly and Trent, and of course, Samantha and Sache, the lovebirds. Her friends Andrea and Jamie were also there with their guys, both of whom were clearly feeling somewhat self-conscious next to the chiseled physiques of the other men.

  But they all have partners. They’re all in love. Everyone but me.

  The event almost felt like more of a wake for Gayle’s dead love life than it did a birthday party.

  “Are you going to be glum for the rest of the night?” Claire asked, leaning in from the chair on Gayle’s left.

  “I am not glum,” she protested.

  Claire lifted her eyebrows in silent question.

  “Glum is far too nice of a word to describe what I am,” Gayle said, managing to laugh at herself without having to fake it. “I’ll be okay though, I promise.”

  “Are you sure?” Claire asked, reaching out to pat her knee in physical support.

  “I may not be the happiest person right now,” Gayle admitted. “But I’m being completely honest when I tell you that I am happier now, with all of you here, than I would be just moping around here on my own.”

  “Well, that’s good,” Lilly said from her spot across the coffee cable. “I’ve never been called a party-pooper before, and I certainly don’t intend to start now. That will be on my birthday, thank you very much.”

  The group had a laugh, Gayle included.

  “No, seriously,” Gayle added, addressing everyone. “Thank you all for coming. This is without a doubt been the shittiest birthday weekend I may have ever had—and that includes my sweet sixteenth when my crush left the party instead of having to make out with me during spin the bottle!”

  More laughter ran through the group, and once more Gayle joined them, her spirits temporarily lifted.

  “You were no good for him anyway!” Jamie called
across the room. “It never would have worked out.”

  Gayle stuck her tongue out. “That’s only cause you had the hots for him too. He had no problems kissing you in the closet. Of course, that’s probably because you let him feel you up, you hussy!”

  Jamie gasped in mock surprise. “It was over the shirt!” she protested, even as the crowd all burst out laughing.

  They all devolved into smaller conversations after that. Many of them turned to their partners.

  Partners Gayle didn’t have.

  The darkness loomed up over her again. She tried to fight it back, but she couldn’t.

  “Back in a sec,” she said to Kristin as she got up. “Need some more ice.”

  Kristin gave her a look but just nodded, as if sensing that Gayle needed a moment.

  Her walk out of the living room into the kitchen was slow and calm, but once she was out of sight of everyone, Gayle slumped back against the cupboards.

  “What am I doing with myself?” she moaned silently, her brain filled with pictures of her friends and their men.

  I will not have a breakdown yet. Not until after everyone leaves!

  She took some deep breaths, trying to calm herself.

  Sam came into the kitchen about a minute later.

  “Hey,” she said, walking right up to Gayle and wrapping her in a hug.

  Neither of them said anything. Sam just held her, a support, a true friend, someone that wouldn’t betray her. Gayle shuddered several times, but she fought back the actual tears.

  “He’s a dick,” Sam said. “Forget him.”

  “It’s not just him,” Gayle said, sighing. “It’s everything, Sam. I’m turning thirty tomorrow, and I have nothing.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m feeling lost. I don’t know what I’m doing with my life. I’m thirty, no children, no man, not even a dog. Nothing that I envisioned I’d have by now. Mikey and I dated for two years. I was ready to get engaged, plan a wedding, and think about having kids soon. All of that. Yet here I am with absolutely none of it.”

  “Oh,” Sam said.

  “Honestly, in regards to splitting with Mike, I’m doing better than I expected when it comes to that. It’s more feeling lost. Alone. A bit of a third-life crisis,” Gayle finished with a hiccupy-laugh.

  Sam grinned. “You’re still young enough to figure this all out without issue though. Certainly better than getting a dog, kids, and a marriage to someone and then finding out he’s a douchebag.”

  Gayle nodded. “I think that’s part of the reason why I’m maybe not as heartbroken over Mikey in particular as I might have been. It’s more just feeling alone that’s getting to me, I think.”

  “You aren’t alone though,” Sam said. “You’ve got a room full of people back there that love you. That are here for you.”

  “I know. You’re the best, all of you. I’ll be okay eventually, just right now…you know?”

  Sam nodded. “But don’t worry too hard either. I was in a similar spot before I met Sache, you know. Now we’re already discussing marriage and kids, and I couldn’t see myself with anyone else.”

  “Yeah, I suppose that’s true.”

  “Things can happen in a flash,” Sam said. “It can scare you, but sometimes it’s just so good.”

  “You, Claire, and Lilly are all lucky like that,” Gayle said with a smile. “Having these super hunky men come and sweep you off your feet.”

  In her head, an image of Rann picking her up and carrying her off played out, bringing a tinge of heat to her cheeks that Gayle hoped Sam wouldn’t pick up on.

  “Maybe that’ll happen to you too,” Sam said with a grin.

  “Ha,” Gayle said. “I don’t know. I’m not sure I’m ready for another man so quickly, you know what I mean?”

  “Of course,” Sam said. “But sometimes fate chooses the worst times to give us the best gift.”

  Gayle looked sharply at her friend. “That’s awfully powerful.”

  Sam smiled. “Someone I care for very much told me a similar message. Sometimes that’s what we need to hear the most.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, okay,” Gayle said, nodding, feeling a bit better about herself and her situation. “Thanks for the chat. I suppose I should get back to my own birthday party now, shouldn’t I?”

  “You’d better, before I start handing out shots to everyone.”

  “I’m going, I’m going!” Gayle said, laughing as she headed back into the living room, the black cloud of despair lifted for the time being thanks to her friend.

  She noticed the conversation had shifted while she was gone. People were focused, intent on the subject. The women were at least.

  “What are we all talking about?” she asked, looking around.

  “That video that was on the news earlier,” Jamie said. “The one where the guy killed the woman. Did you see it?”

  Gayle shivered. “Yeah. That was realistic-looking as hell. Some damn good CGI.”

  Several of the others looked uncomfortable.

  “What?” she asked. “Wait, you guys don’t actually think it was real, do you? That some creature out there actually sucked that woman dry of her own blood? There’s no way it was real.”

  Kristin, Sam, Lilly, and Claire all looked tense, but nobody replied to her with more than a shrug.

  Okay. Note to self: don’t have conversations about possibly dead women on the news during your birthday party.

  “Right. So, Sam said we’re doing shots,” she said, changing the subject.

  “NO!” Kristin yelped, throwing up both hands. “Absolutely not!”

  Laughter ensued. The doorbell rang.

  Gayle frowned in surprise. She wasn’t expecting anyone else. Her parents were coming for brunch in the morning, but that was it. Who would be at the door?

  A part of her wished it would be Mikey or Karen because she knew that if they did show up, the others would absolutely eviscerate them for being so rude.

  She went over to the door and pulled it open.

  “Hi,” Rann said, smiling wide as he waited with one arm behind his back. “Happy Birthday!”

  Chapter Twelve


  She stared in shock, not saying anything for long that Rann began to shift uncomfortably from side to side.

  “What are you doing here?” she finally managed to get out, her voice croaked and tight.

  Rann’s smile got broader, though she wasn’t sure how that was possible, and he pulled his hand out from behind his back.

  “It’s your birthday tomorrow,” he said. “I thought you could use some flowers.”

  “Oh, Rann, they’re beautiful,” she said, taking the proffered bouquet of assorted brightly-colored flowers—not roses, she noted thankfully—and giving them an appreciative sniff. “They smell so good!”

  “I’m glad,” he said happily. “I didn’t want to get you a real gift because I have no idea what you need. But I wanted to get you something.”

  Gayle’s mind flashed back to ten minutes earlier, when she’d been in the kitchen talking to Sam.

  Sometimes fate sends us the best things at the worst times. That had been Sam’s words, or something like it.

  This is not what she meant, Gayle tried to tell herself, but she couldn’t stop from smiling up at Rann.

  “Is this all because you couldn’t wait until Monday? Is that why you’re here?” She frowned. “Also, how did you know when to come by? Or where to come?”

  Rann winced. “Umm…I had a bit of help on that one.”

  “Aren’t you going to invite him in?” a voice drawled lazily from behind her.

  Gayle turned, giving the speaker a long eye. “You don’t seem overly surprised, Claire,” she said accusingly, though there was no heat in her voice. “Is this your doing?”

  Claire shrugged. “I felt you two needed to hang out some more before you stick it to that bitch Karen. Get your stories straight on how you met and all that stuff. Besides, I had no
idea you two had plans to hang out Monday. You never told me that.”

  Blushing, Gayle turned back to Rann, not ready to tell Claire why she’d kept her plans to see Rann to herself. That was a later conversation, perhaps.

  “Would you like to come in?” she said nervously.

  Why am I nervous? He wouldn’t show up like this if he didn’t have any intentions of coming inside. You know he’s going to say yes. So calm down.

  Unless her nerves were because she knew he would come in. Which meant that she would be spending more time with him. Several hours, perhaps. Far more time than she’d spent with him so far.

  “I’d like that,” Rann said gently. “I’d like that a lot.”

  Gayle stepped back from the door, letting him into her home—and into her life.

  The next hour passed too swiftly for her to remember. Rann came inside, and she introduced him to those that didn’t know him, and then they all resumed casually drinking and chatting about life.

  “This seat taken?” Rann asked as he returned from the washroom, his question breaking through Gayle’s blurred mind.

  She glanced to her right, where Kristin had vacated the couch at some point and was now sitting on the floor in front of Blede, who was idly massaging her shoulders with his fingers while they talked to Jamie and Ben, her fiancé.

  You totally did that on purpose, she thought, directing it at Kristin.

  The other woman remained oblivious, very carefully looking away from Gayle. Giving her privacy.

  “Um, no,” she said, remembering she actually had to answer Rann, lest he remain standing in the middle of the room. That would draw even more unwanted attention to her. “You can sit there if you want.”

  “Well, maybe I do want,” he teased, sitting down, careful to leave some space between them.

  It wasn’t much though. With the other two occupants of the sofa besides her being Rann and Sache, there was a bare minimum of space between them—even with Gayle pulled up into a ball in the corner. If she bent her big toe, the two of them would practically be touching.


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