Barbarian's Tease: A SciFi Alien Romance (Ice Planet Barbarians Book 16)

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Barbarian's Tease: A SciFi Alien Romance (Ice Planet Barbarians Book 16) Page 15

by Ruby Dixon

  If so, I completely approve.

  “Is there a different way to tell a female you have stroked your cock? Is there a game I do not know? Perhaps more I Spy?” His eyes gleam with enthusiasm, and he pulls at the laces of my tunic. “I spy with my blue eye…something that is about to come off of my female.”

  I can’t help but laugh at that. “Is it…the blanket?”

  “No. Guess again.” He tugs the laces free and then makes a noise of frustration when he realizes it won’t actually remove my tunic. “How does this come off?”

  “Over my head. Want me to do it?”

  “Let me.” His eyes gleam with excitement. “I wish to undress my mate and lay her down into my furs.”

  They’re my furs, but I’m not going to spoil his fun on a technicality. “All right.” I sit up, and when he pulls on the hem of my tunic, I obediently raise my arms so he can take my tunic off. The moment it whisks over my hair, I’m completely and utterly naked in front of him. I’m practically quivering, imagining his reaction. Is he going to stare at my boobs? Touch me? What?

  Instead, he gazes into my eyes and touches my cheek. I think he’s trying to caress me, but when I close my eyes, he taps my chin. “Look at me.”

  “What is it?” I give him a curious look.

  “This is you asking for this? This is not…a bad drink? It is my Brooke, and her thoughts are clear?”

  The fuck? Is he asking if I got drunk to sleep with him? I start to get angry that he would even ask such a thing, but I pause and bite the words back. Even if it’s a little bit offensive, I can understand where he’s coming from. After last time, I don’t blame him for asking.

  And there is so much hope and wariness in his expression, as if he’s afraid that it’s all just a trick or a dream and the rug’s going to be pulled out from under him once more. My heart aches for him. He wants this—wants me—so bad. It’s humbling and flattering at the same time.

  For a second, I feel like the most powerful woman ever. I hold this gorgeous, fierce, strong man in the palm of my hand. It’s a heady gift, and one I intend to cherish.

  “This is your Brooke,” I tell him softly. “No roofies, no Spanish fly, no drugs, no alcohol. Just me, happy that I finally get to touch you like I’ve been dreaming about for days.” And I put my hand on his chest, over the hard plating that covers his heart.

  “Bah. Days? It has been days?”

  “Several.” I give him an impish grin.

  He makes an irritated sound in his throat even as he tenderly covers my hand with his. “To think of all the times I could have touched you instead of using my hand…you make a hunter weep, Brooke.”

  “I’ll make it up to you,” I tell him flirtily. “Should we play more I Spy? I spy something that should come off of my mate.”

  “Your mate?” His grin is huge and proud.

  “Yep, all mine. No takebacks.” I smile at him, loving his happiness. Is it possible for a big blue hunk of delicious man to be a ray of sunshine? I feel like he’s turning into one, and I adore it.

  “Very well.” He glances down, checking his body, but he’s only wearing one thing—a very small loincloth that looks like it’s not big enough to hold all the drama behind it. “This?”

  “That,” I agree with satisfaction. “It needs to come off.”

  I’ve never seen a man undress so fast. The laces fly through the air, and then the loincloth is flung across the room, and Taushen’s kneeling in front of me in all his blue glory. After weeks of carefully trying not to get naked around each other, seeing all this bare skin feels utterly decadent, and I sit up, unable to stop from putting my hands on him to explore.

  “I get to touch you, right?” I whisper.

  “As long as I get to touch you.”

  “Of course.” I flex my fingers, looking him up and down. There is so much to look at, too. Acres and acres of blue muscles covered by the softest, fuzziest skin. Tight, thick thighs and an equally tight bubble of a butt. A dick that goes on for days.



  This is a damn horndog buffet, and I intend on going back for seconds. “Mmm. Shall I go first, or should we do it at the same time?”

  “We can touch at the same time,” he murmurs, and I feel something flutter up the back of my thigh, then graze my butt cheek. His tail.

  Oh, that is so cheating. Naughty, naughty, filthy man. I can’t help the little moan that escapes me. Of course, now he’s ahead of me in the touching, so I plant both my hands on his chest and contemplate where to go first. Appetizers? Main course? Head straight for dessert?

  Go slow, I think. Pace yourself. Enjoy.

  I put my hand on one bicep and squeeze. It’s rock hard, and I can’t put my hand around it. Hell, I can’t even circle it with both hands, and the thought just makes me all fascinated and aroused. How is it that I’ve been around this man for weeks and I’ve never realized how big his guns are? Or that touching him feels like touching the softest velvet ever? I sigh happily. “I don’t know where to touch first.”

  “It does not matter to me,” he says, and then drags me against his chest so he can nibble on my neck. All the while, his tail continues to flick against my thigh and bottom, almost as if he’s petting me.

  Doesn’t matter where I touch him, hmm? That sounds like a challenge if I ever heard one. I let my hands wander down his chest, stroking over his nipples, and I’m disappointed when I don’t get a huge response. Maybe those aren’t sensitive like mine are. I rub up against him, desperate to feel his skin against mine. Does his skin feel as incredible against my nipples as it does under my fingers?

  Oh god, yes it does.

  I moan, moving back and forth to drag my nipples against his chest. It might possibly be the best thing I’ve ever felt. He pulls me closer, his hands roaming up and down my back. “Brooke. My Brooke. This feels like a dream.”

  “It’s real,” I tell him, feeling a surge of absurd happiness. “What we have is real, I promise.” I move my hands down to his shaft, caressing him. I didn’t imagine those ridges, then, or just how big his spur is. It seems strange to have such a piece of anatomy, but when I lightly run my fingers over it and feel his shiver of response, I remember how good it felt sliding through the slick folds of my pussy.

  Weird or not, I can’t wait to experience it again.

  He nips at my throat once more and then lifts his head, giving me a heated look. “We did not finish our game.”

  “We didn’t?”

  Taushen shakes his head. “I spy with my blue eye…” His big hand smooths down my shoulder, across my collarbones, and then moves to cup one of my breasts. “Something pink that is about to go into my mouth.”

  “Hope it isn’t my hair,” I tell him, breathless.

  He just gives me a playful look—oh god, he’s so playful, and that’s so damn sexy—and then puts both of his hands behind my back. I’m about to protest that I want my pink things in his mouth when he leans in to kiss me, and I can feel him gently guiding me down onto my back in the furs.

  I lie back, arching as I do, because I know it thrusts my breasts into the air. I’m shameless like that; I want him to pet them. I want his mouth nipping at them, his lips on my skin. “What do you spy now?”

  “My mate,” he says thickly, and oh god, that makes me so wet.

  I moan, reaching for him. “How are you so sweet and so filthy at the same time?”

  “I am not filthy,” he murmurs, and lowers his head between my breasts. His horns are practically in my face, but I don’t care. I just want his mouth on my nipples. “My mate washed me, remember?”

  “All I remember is washing you and being frustrated that you didn’t pounce on me the moment I put my hands on you.” His mouth closes over one nipple, and I gasp, whimpering at the delicious sensation.

  “Clever,” he murmurs. “I did not realize.”

  “That much was obvious.”

  He mock-growls at my tone and cups my breast in one ha
nd, his mouth descending back down on the other. “It does not matter. You have me now.”

  I sure do. I love it, too. I love the way his big body feels over mine, the way his teeth oh-so-gently scrape over my nipple, the way he teases my other breast with his thumb. It makes me positively crazy, and I want him to stay there forever.

  But then he lifts his head and gives me a playful, heavy-lidded look that promises so many naughty things. “I spy with my blue eye something I should put my mouth on.”

  And then he begins to kiss lower on my belly.

  Screw the boobs. Did I want him to stay there? I want him to go south. A big, sexy man willing to do oral is like a unicorn in my experience, and if he’s willing, I’m going to take him up on the offer.



  Panting, I lift my hips, encouraging him down. Hell, I’ll put my hand on his head and push him farther down if that’s what it takes. “You can do anything to me,” I tell him encouragingly. “I’ll like all of it, I promise.”

  “They say there is no taste sweeter than the cunt of a mate,” he whispers, kissing a trail down my belly.

  “Do they say that? God bless your ancestors.” I wriggle underneath him, impatient. “They knew exactly what they were talking about.”

  “I have dreamed about tasting you,” he tells me, moving lower down my belly. His lips tickle my skin. “Dreamt of what you would smell like when I parted your folds. Last time, you did not let me touch you here, remember?”

  It’s all a haze, but I vaguely remember something along those lines. “I must have been crazy to turn that down.”

  “I am glad,” he says, and lifts his head to gaze at me with steady, intense blue eyes. “We saved it for now. It will be special that we experience it together and your head is clear.”

  I’m melting at his sweetness…and impatient for him to talk less and use that tongue in other ways. “Me too.”

  His hand presses over my heat, and then he looks up at me, as if checking to make sure I’m okay with this. Oh boy, am I ever okay with this. To show him just how okay I am with it, I slide one leg over his shoulder and dig my heel into his back. “Touch me, Taushen.”

  My barbarian groans low, and his mouth is so close to the curls over my sex that I can feel his breath. It sends a shiver arching through my body. “I want to savor this,” he tells me. “Tell me if I do it in a way that does not please you.”

  I don’t think that’s possible, but I reach down and touch his cheek. “I will. You don’t have to do this, you know. Not every man wants to touch a woman there—”

  He gives me a look like I’m talking crazy. “I want this more than anything.”

  Which is good, because I want his mouth there more than anything. “All right. I’m just letting you know that if it’s not your thing, I understand—”

  My words die in a squeak because he lowers his head and licks me. Just flat out licks my pussy like I would lick an ice cream. It’s ticklish and startling and I squirm, waiting for him to do more. He looks up at me to check that I’m still okay with things, and then lowers his head again.

  This time, it’s a more exploratory lick. He parts my folds, licks me long and slow, and then growls low in his throat. “They were right,” he murmurs. “You taste like nothing I have experienced before.”

  “I guess that’s a good thing,” I say nervously, feeling a little on edge at this thorough perusal. “I mean, if it tasted like quill-beast, hunters would be bringing those back all day long and we’d be super tired of it—”

  Laughter breaks from him, and he gives me a startled, pleased grin, his mouth wet with my juices. And the sight of him like that makes my heart give a crazy little flip. I love this man.

  “Do you distract me from my game?” he murmurs, flattening one big hand over my belly and dipping his thumb into my navel, as if fascinated by it. “Because I am not finished. I have only started.”

  I shiver at the promise in that. “Not distracting,” I whisper. “Go ahead.” I reach out and caress his cheek again, just because I want to touch him.

  Taushen grins at me like I’ve given him a gift, and then his mouth lowers again. I feel his tongue slick along my folds, exploring. He takes his time tasting me, and I try to hold as still as possible so I don’t derail him once more. I concentrate on other things, like his tail flicking back and forth against my leg, the press of his body on my thighs, the strands of his long, black hair that fan over my lower half. The soft sounds he makes that tell me he’s enjoying himself.

  I’m so fixed on him that I’m startled when his tongue flicks against my clit. It sends a rush of pleasure through my body, and I make a startled noise.

  He lifts his head, and the look on his face is so pleased and smug that I nearly laugh. “Third nipple,” he says, a triumphant note in his voice.

  “Third…what?” What on earth is he talking about?

  I open my mouth to ask what he means exactly, but then he lowers his head again and drags his tongue over my clit with renewed enthusiasm. A cry is wrested from my throat, and I forget all about not moving and not distracting him. Fuck distraction. “More,” I pant, breaking my vow not to push down on his head. I plant a hand there and guide him back between my thighs. “You’re doing amazing, Taushen. You’re…ooooh. Oh god, you’re really good at this.”

  It feels like my eyes are going to roll back in my head if he keeps going like that, too. What he lacks in finesse and expertise, he makes up for with enthusiasm and a ridged tongue. Those two things combined? It’s maddeningly delicious, and I quickly lose all control. Within moments, I’m panting along with every swipe of his tongue, moaning in frustration when he changes his rhythm, and curling my fingers in his thick hair, need overtaking me.

  I’m surprised when the orgasm bursts through me, because he hasn’t even used his fingers yet. I’ve come just from licking alone, and I’ve come hard. I cry out his name, shuddering with the ferocity of it all.

  He lifts his head, a smug look on his big, handsome face. “I want to do it again.”

  Panting, I put a hand to my forehead. “Give a girl a moment to catch her breath. Jesus.”

  The expression on his face turns from masculine superiority to boyish pleasure. “I pleased you, then?”

  “Oh god, yeah.” I sigh happily, still breathless. “Pleased doesn’t seem to be the right word.” Wrecked might be better.

  “Good.” He lowers his head again, ready to go for round two.

  I grab his horns before he can. “Wait,” I tell him. “I need longer than that. My toes still haven’t uncurled.”

  He looks a bit disgruntled at my lack of stamina and slides back up next to me, caressing my breasts. “Tell me when you are ready again. I am eager for more.”

  It’s hard to concentrate when he’s playing with my boobs. I’m trying to catch my breath, but he seems fascinated with my nipples, toying with them in gentle, maddening ways that soon have me squirming and panting all over again. When I can’t stand it any longer, I roll onto my side, fling my arms around his neck, and take him down in a fierce kiss.

  Taushen chuckles against my mouth, rolling us again until I’m underneath him, and his tongue slicks into my mouth. Cruel thing. So much for letting a girl rest. I’ll complain later, I decide. Much later. His tongue tangles with mine, and he strokes one hand down my body, and I want more than just this. I want everything.

  And as he reaches for my breast again, I realize I want to blow his mind. I want to make him come as hard as I just came. An idea strikes, and I suck in a breath. Do I dare? Will he think me awful and slutty? Or will he love it?

  He pulls back, a curious look on his face. “What is it?”

  “Just wondering if you want to try something a little…naughty.” I bite my lip and give him my most winning smile.

  “Is it…acceptable?” He cups my breast. “Do I get to touch you?”

  “Oh yeah.” I chuckle at the thought. “You get to touch me a lot.”

  “Then show me.”

  “You have to promise me you won’t think I’m sleazy if we do this, though.”

  “Slee-zee?” He frowns. “What is this word?”

  Ugh. Having to explain everything makes it somehow ten times worse. “It’s where you think I’m a bad person because I have more experience in the furs than you.” I inwardly cringe, waiting to hear his response. Truth of the matter is, I do have a lot more experience in the furs than he does. I’ve had my share of poor choices and regrettable one-night stands. I’ve had boyfriends where I thought I was in love and I’ve had stupid, meaningless flings. I’m a normal modern girl. But what if that’s too much for him? What if he finds the thought appalling? I hold my breath, waiting for him to say something. Anything.

  His expression grows concerned, and I swear I feel my heart breaking into a million pieces. “Brooke,” he says softly. “I do not have such experience. I do not wish for you to think less of me because I am no expert in the furs.”

  “No. That’s silly. Why would I think less of you?” I give him a teasing smile. “That just means you’re trainable.”

  He doesn’t smile back. “Then it is not a flaw in your eyes?”

  “Only if you don’t find it a flaw that I’ve been with other men.”

  Taushen’s expression darkens. “I do not like the thought of another male touching you. Touching what is mine.”

  “That’s the past, though,” I tell him softly. “You’re my future.”

  He nods and leans in close to me for another kiss. “And that is all that matters.”

  I kiss him ferociously at those words. Most guys are not so understanding, but then again, I’ve always known that Taushen isn’t like anyone else. Even on this planet, he holds himself just a little differently than the rest. I love him for it. “I adore you,” I tell him, caressing his cheek.

  “You have my heart, my Brooke.” He nuzzles me gently, lips caressing mine.


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