Waiting for the Chance

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Waiting for the Chance Page 22

by Marie Cole

  Chapter 39

  A few days after the blow up with Jen I finally heard from Kent. I was getting ready for work when I heard the tweet from my phone.

  Kent : Hey. I’m closing up shop tomorrow. How about we have some lunch?

  I set the phone down as I put the finishing touches on my eye make-up. Did I want to have lunch with him? Yes and no. After all that shit went down with Jen I was halfway curious to ask about her, to see if she’d come crawling back with her pointed tail between her legs. But as it was I was busy tomorrow, so I was off the hook.

  Me: Can’t. I’m working tomorrow.

  I put the phone down and as soon as I did it tweeted again. I felt a little bad for not picking it up right away but I was going to be late for work if I didn’t hustle. After putting on my shoes I looked again.

  Kent: What about after work then?

  Me: I have band practice. We have a gig this weekend.

  I stood up and stuffed my phone into my purse. As I was walking out of my building I heard the tweet.

  Kent: Is there any time in your busy schedule to allow me to cook dinner for you?

  Me: I’ll let you know.

  I stuffed the phone back into my purse and walked quickly down the couple of blocks to the restaurant.

  I was halfway through my shift when I looked up and noticed that Kent was sitting at one of my tables. When I realized it was him my smile faded a little. It wasn’t that I wasn’t happy to see him, I was, I just… I didn’t enjoy being bombarded at work. I pushed my smile to be brighter and leaned against the seat opposite him. “Hey Kent, what are you doing here?”

  “I figured that since you were busy with work today that I’d just come get some lunch. That way I could eat and see you. Kill two birds with one stone!” He smiled at me warmly and I looked down briefly, feeling the embarrassment of not feeling so glowing towards him.

  I looked back to him, “Sounds good. So what can I get you for lunch?” I looked away for just a moment as I checked my other tables, trying to keep myself in work mode.

  “Think I’ll go for a chicken caesar wrap with potato salad. Sweet tea to drink.” He offered me a grin as he handed over his menu. I took it gently, winked at him and then pushed off the booth. “No problem. I’ll be right back with your tea.” I felt his eyes on me as I made my rounds. I put tea in front of him and smiled, “Anything else I can get you while you’re waiting?”

  “Yeah, how much extra does a hug from a best friend cost?” He took a sip from his tea and then slid it in front of him on the table.

  I smiled softly as I gazed at his tea. I glanced around and then whispered, “I can’t hug you here, if I hugged you I’d have to hug every other guy who asked. The older guys think it’s still 1950 and that it’s still acceptable to ass-grab the help.”

  “Fine. Guess I’ll just deduct a little from your tip then.” He winked at me playfully. “Go on, I’m good. I just wanted to see you, even if it was just in passing since you’re so busy.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I wasn’t expecting a tip anyway. Best friends eat free. Your lunch is on me. Your food should be out in a couple of minutes.” I smiled, winked and then turned around, walking quickly to my other tables to make up for the time lost speaking to Kent. I heard him chuckling softly and felt his eyes on me.

  I brought Kent his food and then went about with my other customers, schmoozing as necessary to get the most tips. When I stopped back at Kent’s table he was halfway through his lunch. “Everything okay?”

  He nodded with a smile, “Food is good as always.”

  “Can I put in some dessert for you?”

  “Nah, better not do dessert.” He pat his flat stomach. “I haven’t worked out in a few days, but thank you none the less.”

  I rolled my eyes, “Doesn’t show. What the hell have you been doing with yourself?”

  “Playing video games, reading, leaving work early…” he shrugged his broad shoulders, “I found someone to manage the store so I don’t have to be there nearly as much.”

  “Working out would make you feel better, you know. Get your confidence back up so you can find your next wife.”

  He rolled his eyes and grinned. “So, I know you’re busy, but if you could find yourself with some free time in the next few days, we should work out.”

  “Maybe. I can run laps around you now.” I smiled sweetly at his smug face.

  “Sounds like a challenge. Like I said, when you get some free time and you’re feeling froggy, then we’ll see.” He winked at me and I only grinned wider.

  “Don’t hold your breath for me to feel...froggy.” I laughed at him, who said that? What did that even mean? I glanced around at my other tables.

  “I’ll let you get on with work. Don’t forget about me,” he said.

  “Never,” I said as I saw him pulling bills from his back pocket and shook my head. “No way.” I grabbed the bills that he placed on the table quickly and shoved them against his rock hard chest. Not that I was feeling him up or anything.

  He grabbed the bills from me and stuffed them into the little pocket in the front of my half apron and I froze, his hand so near...my core. He didn’t seem phased in the least, just like always. “Later, Elly.” He grinned as he walked away from me towards the exit.

  I got my wits back about me when he was almost there. I cupped my hand and yelled, “This isn’t over!” And then I quickly got back to work because I noticed my manager at the bar, glaring in my direction.

  Chapter 40

  I groaned as my alarm went off at five am. What the hell was I thinking? I slapped it hard and then got dressed for my run. I wasn’t going to get dressed but then I remembered that I had set my alarm to kick Kent’s ass in a friendly competition. The last time I’d beat him at something had been my 16th birthday and it was high time I did it again.

  After I’d had my morning Joe I called him from my phone. He picked up after a couple of rings.

  “Morning, sunshine. What you want this morning?” His voice was groggy, still filled with sleep. I grinned at the thought of interrupting his beauty sleep.

  “Ribbet. Get your ass out of bed and meet me at Slater Park in ten minutes.” I hung up and walked briskly there, already warm by the time I arrived.

  I popped my earbuds in and started stretching while I waited for his SUV to pull into the parking lot. I closed my eyes as I pulled my chest to my outstretched leg. Today was the day. I could feel it. Today was the day I finally bested Kent. I felt a tap on my back and I jumped up and spun around quickly. Kent’s grinning face was there. I pulled out my earbuds and punched him playfully on his chest. “Jerk! I almost peed my pants.” It’s true, I almost did.

  “Look, it’s not my fault that you’re such an easy target.” He snickered as he stretched. “So what’s the plan this morning? A brisk run?” It was my turn to grin.

  “Yep. Run ’til we drop since you think you can outlast me. Hope you got some good tunes on there.” I was a winner damnit, even if I had to cheat a little. I pushed him to ruin his stretch and then started at a slow jog, warming up.

  “Sounds like—HEY!” I looked back to see him right himself and jog after me. “Trying to cheat already I see.” He chuckled as he slid his earbuds into his ears.

  I did the same and after the first lap around I increased my pace. He kept up with me but stayed behind me just a little. I wondered if it was to check out my form, and call me out on something that I was doing wrong. But as the hour passed by he’d said nothing.

  He jogged up beside me and I pulled one earbud out, my breathing still very even. He did the same. If anything was going to give out first it was going to be my leg muscles. “Tired of staring at my ass already?” I teased him, hoping he’d blush. “Give up already, you know you want to.”

  “I’ve rather enjoyed staring at your ass. But I think it’s time you stared at mine for awhile.” I grinned as I watched him push a little harder until he was a good three feet in front of me. He was sweating
a bit but I didn’t see this ending anytime soon. My legs were going to be yelling at me all night but it was going to be worth it.

  I let him stay in the lead for the next hour and then I joined him. “You’re looking a little wet, Kenny. Ready to tap out yet?”

  “You’re not so dry yourself, Elly. Maybe you should go hit the shower.”

  “Only after you tap out, Kenny-poo.” I jogged ahead and put my earbuds back in. My poor jogging playlist was starting to get stale.

  A half hour later I looked back. He was walking but didn’t seem like he was ready to drop. I frowned. He was going to let me win? “Come on, Kent! Don’t you dare puss out! I want to beat you fair and square!!”

  His smile was back and I felt a smile on my lips too. “Fine.” He slowly closed the distance between us, “You want to beat me fair and square, then out run me!” The last few feet he gained in speed and I knew this was it. I increased my pace slowly, not full out running just yet. I was trying to push away the negative thoughts in my head, I was a winner! I was a winner!

  He raced ahead but I kept pushing. I couldn’t give up. I had to prove to myself that he wasn’t better than me. His opinion of me didn’t matter as much as my opinion of myself. My opinion was the one that mattered and I thought I was a badass and a winner! The Elly-phant that Kent knew most of his life couldn’t do this, but I could. I wasn’t her anymore.

  I saw him falter, his legs not getting enough oxygen. He bent over and I ran past him, I slowed slowly and then bent over, huffing trying to catch my breath. When he finally came over, huffing himself, I smiled, hands on my hips. “I told you… I could run… circles… around you…”

  “Fine...you… win.” We walked together back towards the parking lot.

  As we went up the hill I smacked his ass as I sped by. “Maybe next time.” I heard him laugh behind me. But when I saw what was awaiting us I paused.

  “Yeah, maybe, next time, Elly.” He nearly bumped into me as I continued to stare as Jen and Dave climbed out of his shiny black BMW. My win gave me big balls. I continued my walk towards the cars, speaking loud enough for Jen to hear.

  “Well, well… fancy seeing you two here. And in the light of day. Must feel different.”

  Jen grabbed Dave’s hand and tugged him towards the path. “You both are in desperate need of a shower. We can smell you from here.” Dave let himself be tugged along but avoided eye contact with either of us.

  I cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled, “We’ll be sure to do that. Together! Enjoy your morning stroll!” I watched Jen’s shoulders freeze and I grinned to myself. The feeling of wanting to key Dave’s car was very much nagging at me but I pushed it away. I was a winner. Winners didn’t need to key their ex’s cars. I turned to Kent, and smiled sweetly, “Well, thanks for the exercise. I need to get home and shower. My shift starts soon.”

  “You really know how to dig your nails in, Elly.” He looked from me to our exes and then shook his head. He looked back at me and put his arm around me which I promptly shrugged off. “Since we’re both sweaty it doesn’t matter. You gonna have any time later?”

  “It still matters!” I laughed and shook my head. “No, working the lunch shift and then I need to sleep before my gig tonight. First gig outside of a planned event, it’s pretty exciting!” I grinned, I couldn’t help it. It was pretty damn exciting. And it was about time. Singing at weddings and bar mitzvahs only got so good. Singing at The Drink tonight was a step up in our music careers.

  Kent chuckled, “I’m excited for you, Elly. You’ll have to let me know how it goes. I’ll be waiting with baited breath!”

  Part of me was a little let down. He never watched me sing. He never asked to come to anything, he never asked me to sing for him. It was what I loved the most in life and he didn’t seem to have any interest in it. Damnit, Elly! You’re a winner! It doesn’t matter what he thinks.

  “Okie dokie!” I smiled and started to walk away and then turned around and pointed at him. “Oh!” He turned around from his car to smile, eyebrows raised, “You’re invited to my birthday party next weekend! Don’t forget about that. I’ll text you the details!”

  He chuckled, “Well I’d hope I’d be invited. Just keep me updated and I’ll be there, alright?” He winked at me and then opened his car door. “You sure you don’t want a ride? I’ve got towels to put down on the seats.”

  I shook my head, “Nope. Jen wasn’t lying. We stink bad. I’m just a couple minutes away.” I gave him one more wave and then walked to my apartment. It was going to be a long day walking around on overtired legs but it had been worth it.

  Chapter 41

  I arrived at the gig that night with a smile on my face. My band was mostly there. Bryan and James were tuning their instruments and, as usual, Rio was late. I sighed as I came up to the stage. Bryan’s eyes seemed to linger a little too long on my exposed cleavage and the sex goddess inside me squeed.

  “Where is Rio?” I asked.

  Bryan’s eyes met mine and he grinned his hot lopsided grin. It was the same lopsided grin that had won us this audition. The girl’s dad owned the bar and shoved us to the top of the call list after he’d flashed her with it at her best friend’s wedding a couple weekends ago.

  “He had to drop his girl at her mom’s house. He’s on his way now.”

  I nodded and then pointed over my shoulder to the bar. “I’m going to get some water, you guys want anything?”

  They both responded in unison, “Beer.” They glanced at each other and grinned.

  When I came back with the drinks, balancing them expertly in my hands, Rio had arrived and was busily setting up his drums.

  “Look who made it!”

  I teased Rio a lot. He was like my big brother. He was always, always fending off any guys who tried to drunkenly pick me up after an event. It wasn’t too often but he had saved me a few times in the past nine years we’d been together as a band.

  He let out a gruff caveman grunt. “I’m here, dammit. It’s not my fault Stacy’s damn car got stuck on the damn freeway during damn rush hour.”

  I fought back a giggle and pointed at him, “Hey! Don’t bad mouth my friend,” I said. He grumbled something unintelligible as he warmed up his drumming arms.

  “Our first bar gig. I’m so excited!” I squealed. The boys stared at me and I grinned proudly. I handed out the setlist and then tugged at the bottom of my dress. “Here goes nothing!” I turned around and announced us to the buzzing bar. Then we played.

  The gig went off without a hitch, we were perfect, and the crowd seemed to love us. The proprietor even asked us to come back next month. And to celebrate I decided we should all pack up and go get shit-faced at a different bar.

  Rio grumbled. “I can’t, Elly. Gotta go chauffeur my girl in the morning. We’ll have to raincheck it.”

  James nodded and shrugged. “I got work tomorrow.”

  Bryan was looking at his guitar and I frowned, he probably wasn’t going to go without the other two. He avoided being alone with me at all costs. I think it was leftover from when he was dating Siobhan. She was super jealous and made sure he called her every half an hour and if he was alone with me in any capacity she had a bitch-fit. I was glad to see him get out of that chokehold of a relationship.

  “I’ll go with you, Elly.” He looked up and smiled softly.

  “Really?” I grinned and then hugged him. It felt…good. I felt my cheeks flaring up and I pulled away, his hand reluctantly let me go.

  “Yeah. Rio, cool if you give James a lift?” Bryan asked.

  Rio nodded and looked between Bryan and I. He narrowed his eyes at Bryan but didn’t say anything. I rolled my eyes. Bryan wasn’t going to put any moves on me. Big Brother Rio had nothing to worry about.

  * * *

  Bryan and I arrived at Red, a swanky bar downtown, just when the after-dinner crowd was dying down. He insisted we sit at a booth. I scooted in and looked around, noting the stares from the other customers, the ladies
were in designer dresses and the men were in suits.

  I glanced at Bryan. “I think they realize we aren’t one of them.”

  He laughed, “Yeah, we may be the help now but things can change. Especially for you, Elly. I think you’re going to go places. You’re too good for us.”

  I blushed and rolled my eyes to play it off. “Please. I’m average at best.” He clasped his hands together loosely on his side of the table and stared at me. I felt his eyes trying to bore into mine and I shifted nervously. “What?”

  “I don’t understand why you don’t see what everyone else can.”

  I dropped his gaze and looked down at my low cut red sequin dress. “I see a flashy waitress with a decent voice.” I shrugged and looked back, meeting his gaze. It caused my body to heat.

  “And I see a beautiful but insecure woman. A woman who lights up the room when she walks into it. A woman who sings like an angel. A woman who…” He stopped and then ran his hands through his hair. When his head came back up he shook it, smiling. His friend facade was back on.

  “A woman who what?” I scooted closer to him and leaned forward slightly. I didn’t want to miss the other wonderful thing he was going to tell me. I was insecure and I wanted to soak it up. Put it in my “Elly is the Best” box in my mind which was already fuller than normal due to the awesome gig we’d just had.

  He avoided my gaze for a few moments and then finally met it. “A woman who I very much want to kiss.”

  I felt my core melt and stayed still, afraid he’d bolt if I made any moves. “So do it…” I whispered. This was bad, dating a bandmate was bad. If the relationship went sour, and it almost always did, it would hurt the band dynamics. But he wanted to kiss me and God help me, I wanted to kiss him too. Not because I thought he was going to be the man I married but because I needed to feel wanted. Dave had only pretended to want me. And his philandering still stung, especially because it’d been Jen that he’d chosen.


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