His Personal Relationship Manager (Dating by Design Book 1)

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His Personal Relationship Manager (Dating by Design Book 1) Page 17

by Jennifer Peel

  We enjoyed my muffins. Jason and Zander seemed to be in a contest to see who could eat the most and lob the most compliments my way about them.

  I had to laugh about Jason’s mismatched sports-themed cups.

  “Maybe I should add dishes and glasses to my list,” he said in response.

  “Do you think you could pick those out on your own?” I teased.

  “Put it on your calendar,” he tossed back.

  “Let’s get the show on the road,” Zander said, sounding plenty irritated.

  Jason and I both looked his way with surprise at his tone. That seemed to make him take note about his attitude.

  Zander smiled stupidly. “I have a hot date later.”

  “Of course you do,” I responded.

  “Well, we wouldn’t want you to be late for that,” Jason chimed in cheerily.

  We all drove over to the store in Jason’s Jeep. I was so happy Jason had become our designated driver. It was much easier on my nerves.

  “You know, maybe I’ll try out home ownership,” Zander said to us from the backseat.

  I turned and faced him. “Really? I thought you loved the upscale apartment scene.” His apartment complex was nice. It had an amazing workout facility, three pools, and a spa. They even had poolside service for drinks. And believe me, he used it all to his advantage. He wasn’t lying about the hot date thing.

  “It’s not bad,” he said with a wicked grin, “but adulthood may finally be catching up with me.”

  I reached over and felt his brow. “Are you feeling well? Should I call a doctor?”

  Jason laughed. “Maybe you really are hilarious.”

  “Don’t encourage her,” Zander replied.

  I rolled my eyes at him. “So, what’s brought all this on?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “It’s only a thought.”

  “Let me know if you want to go house hunting.”

  “Slow down there. I said I was thinking about it. No reason to go all crazy.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  No reason to go all crazy, but crazy enough, I had the best weekend I’d had in forever. Who knew painting could be so much fun? It made me wish that I had gone to the University of Texas. I think I would have really enjoyed spending my college days with Jason and Zander. Not to mention, I would have never met Brian, which is not to say I wouldn’t have made another poor choice. And knowing me, I definitely would have, but maybe that poor choice would have at least had the decency to dump me before the wedding … in a private setting.

  My shirt acquired some more paint, thanks to Zander who thought it was funny to run his brush along it. Jason playfully added some to my nose with his brush.

  I will say this though, they knew how to make a girl feel good. I had Jason complimenting my painting skills all day, not to mention my baking prowess. Toward the end of our day, I felt like I was being watched as I finished touching up a few spots on the stepladder. I turned around and both men were grinning at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Dang, your legs look fine, Kenz,” Zander pointed out.

  I rolled my eyes at him.

  “I will have to agree,” Jason added.

  “Get back to work,” I said through a smile. “That tape won’t come off by itself.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Jason saluted me.

  I fell into bed exhausted that night, but I felt happy, like really happy. I hadn’t felt that way in a long time. I wasn’t even sure I still could. Maybe I should have started hanging out with people my own age a while ago.

  I had this unusual energy that was preventing me from falling asleep, so I picked up the science fiction/romance novel Jason had given me when he walked me out to my car. I thought it was weird that he insisted on walking me out, but I didn’t fuss about it. I also didn’t object when he kissed my cheek—again. I noticed he didn’t kiss Zander’s when he left for his hot date with some mystery woman he wouldn’t name. Not like I kept track of whom he dated. He dated so many women it would be hard to count, and it was a rarity if I ever met one. Not many women he dated made it past the first date. But back to Jason. I had a feeling he wasn’t a serial dater, and I still couldn’t shake the thought that what he really wanted was a long-term relationship. He seemed to be really concerned about making his house a home.

  I barely cracked opened the hardcover book when my phone rang. I picked it up and smiled at the Texas number. “Hello.”

  “There’s my PRM. I wanted to make sure you got home.”

  “You probably should have called earlier. I could have been dead for the last hour,” I teased.

  “I didn’t want to seem over-protective, but I’m glad you’re alive.”

  “It beats the alternative.”

  He laughed at me. “I also wanted to say thank you.”

  “I think that is the fiftieth time you’ve said that today. You’re welcome. I had fun helping.”

  “It’s the best weekend I’ve had in forever.”

  “Me, too,” I said quietly.

  “In that case, I have plenty more rooms that need to be painted.”

  I laughed. “We’ll see.”

  “Well, maybe next weekend we can do something boring like shop for pots and pans.”

  “I’m sure next weekend you’ll have a date.”

  “Oh, yeah, right.”

  “Are you going to contact Liz?”

  “I will.” He didn’t sound all that excited about it.

  “Do you want me to choose someone else for you?”

  “No. She’ll do.”

  That was a weird way of putting it. “Okay …”

  “You know, though, I’m going to need your help planning my dates.”

  “Like what kind of help?”

  “You’ll see. Goodnight.”


  I set the phone down and shook my head. I wasn’t sure what to make of him. I think my confusion spilled over into my dreams once I finally fell asleep. I was sure that was it, because why else would I have dreamt that I was testing out couches with Jason, like really testing them out? Wow, dream Jason could really make a woman’s toes curl. I sat up in bed and tried to shake off the thought of making out with him on several different couches in the furniture store, in front of several other patrons, no less. However, my dream self didn’t seem to mind that we were being watched. All I cared about was Jason holding me as close as he could and drinking me in slowly. I knew he would be one of those long, slow kissers. I mean, I didn’t really know, but my mind did a really good job of making him out to be one.

  I threw my comforter off and rubbed my face. This was completely unprofessional. This man was my client, albeit not by choice. I needed to quit seeing him on a personal level. And I needed help, or maybe someone to make-out with on a totally superficial level. What was I thinking?

  To make matters worse, he texted me. Good morning.

  I didn’t respond; I jumped in the shower instead. I let the hot water try to soothe the stress knots away in my back and neck. The hot water ran out before it worked out even one knot. Not a great way to start Monday.

  As I ate my oatmeal with fresh strawberries, my phone buzzed for the third time.

  I’m going to assume the worst if you don’t respond. I hope you’re not “the alternative.”

  I smiled involuntarily. I picked up my phone and texted back, I’m still alive. Have a good day. I hoped that would end the conversation. I didn’t want to be rude to him. In fact, I wanted to keep texting him, or perhaps call and talk to him, but I knew I couldn’t. My psyche didn’t need any more semi-steamy dreams about him. Did I mention a tight chest and gentle kisses on my neck? Enough already, I told myself.

  How about lunch today?

  Why wouldn’t he leave well enough alone? Now I was in a dilemma, because part of me really, really wanted to have lunch with him. I wanted to talk to him about the book he gave me, which I was already hooked on. And I always felt better around him, but I needed t
o be professional. We could always be friends after I found him his perfect match. That was if his new girlfriend was amenable to him having women friends.

  Sorry, Zander and I have a standing lunch date on Mondays.


  He was persistent, I gave him that. It wasn’t helpful, though. I wasn’t sure what do, so I didn’t do anything. I turned my phone to silent and left for work.

  By the time I arrived at work, I had two more texts and a voice message from him … and Momma. I was surprised she hadn’t called last night. I was sure she wanted to fill me in on yesterday’s lunch with Renee, and no doubt she was hoping for some juicy details from me. I would be disappointing her once again. I almost entertained the thought of telling her about my dream. I thought maybe if she knew I could still have woman-type feelings for the opposite sex, it would help her feel better, but I knew it would only be like pouring gallons of gas on an insatiable fire. It was a no-go. Besides, it was so embarrassing.

  I settled at my desk and dialed my momma.

  She was quick to pick up. “Kennie, you’ll never believe what happened yesterday!”

  Oh, poor Rick, was my first thought.

  She didn’t even let me get in a word. “First of all, that Renee Peters is as cute as a button and those boys of hers are little angels. They took right to Rick and the feeling was mutual. I don’t think they left his side the whole day. He even offered to help them make their pinewood derby cars. Can you believe it?”


  “You don’t know how happy that made Renee,” my mother interrupted my trying to respond to her. “They’re all coming back tonight so they can work on them in your daddy’s old shop out back. I’m making dinner for everyone. You should come over and try to get to know Renee. I have a feeling she’s going to be around a lot more.”

  “Does Rick have the same feeling?”

  “Well, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. And did I mention how wonderful she was with Lana?”

  I don’t know why, but that made me a tad jealous. I guess I never thought about Rick introducing another woman into her life. Don’t get me wrong, I wished him every happiness, even love. I just never thought of all the nuances of Rick dating again. I did wonder if he knew he was dating again, or if Momma was only desperate to believe it.

  “I think I can make it. What time?”

  “Six sharp. The boys have a lot of work to do tonight.”

  “I’ll see you then.”

  “Love you, honey.”

  “Love you.”

  Wow. It must have been some day for her. She didn’t even ask me about Jason. I would have to thank Rick later. I also had to get the real scoop from Lana. All she had texted me about over the weekend was to ask what color boutonniere I thought she should order, and to get my advice on jewelry selection.

  I looked at my phone guiltily. Those unopened messages were like glaring bright lights. I kept telling myself it was for the best. While I was enjoying the time we spent together, I couldn’t let it get in the way of my job. Not to mention I didn’t need any more dreams about him. I was having a hard enough time forgetting the one. I regrettably deleted all messages and went back to work.

  Zander came strolling into my office, acting like his normal self. I was glad. I needed normal, or at least normal for me.

  “Hey, Kenz.”


  “I’m going to need to bail on lunch again.”

  What? This was not normal. “Why?”

  He smiled impishly. “I’ll tell you later.”

  “What does that even mean? Are you moving or leaving the country?” I asked in almost a panic. As much as he drove me crazy, I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

  His features softened. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Then what?”

  He walked over and pulled me up from my chair. He embraced me fiercely. “Kenz, I’m involved in a … project that needs my attention right now.”

  “What kind of project?”

  He laughed. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “You know what? I don’t want to know.”

  He kissed my cheek. “I don’t believe that for a second.”

  “Whatever, butthead.”

  He walked away laughing to himself. “See you in the meeting.”

  So much for normalcy. I barely paid attention in our scheduling meeting. I just made a note that I really needed to hire more relationship managers. I dreaded the hiring process, especially for that position; it brought out the crazies. Some people thought this was some type of brothel or something, or maybe they were hoping. Regardless, I needed to contact an employment agency.

  When lunch rolled around, I wasn’t sure what do with myself. I looked in my bag at the book Jason had given me. Those twinges of guilt returned. He probably thought I was a jerk, and that bothered me more than anything. I took the book and made my way to a cozy café not too far from our office. I sat at a tiny table for two and read my book while nibbling on my ham and Swiss croissant sandwich.

  The book was different from my usual fare, but I was engrossed in it. The main character was a woman who descended from a long line of women who each had this unusual book that showed them the future, or at least their day, each day, no more, no less. It was both a gift and curse, but then this man shows up who can’t be seen in her book. It’s completely unnerving to her, but she is drawn to him and he’s obviously into her, but mystery shrouded him. She’s not sure he can be trusted, and he seems to bring danger. Again, not my usual read, but I didn’t want to put it down. It was so much easier to be in love with a book character and this male protagonist had my heart pumping. He also kind of reminded me of someone; the someone who gave me the book.

  I almost wished I hadn’t told Momma I would come to dinner. I would have rather gone home and kept reading. I had a hard time not shutting my office door and reading it at work. Not like I got much done, regardless. I was in a weird funk. So much so I left work early again to change my clothes before I headed out to Momma’s. Meg was tickled I asked her to close up the office again. Zander was suspicious, but as he was obviously hiding something from me, I didn’t feel the need to elaborate.

  I arrived a few minutes early and I was the last one there. I was surprised Rick was on time. He usually ran late because of work. I walked in the back door and was greeted by my favorite person. Lana was all bubbly. Renee was helping Momma and Rick was entertaining Cole and Heath, Renee’s sons. They were looking at some pinewood derby car designs. I wasn’t sure who was more excited—the boys or my brother.

  “Kennie, you made it,” Momma said.

  I walked over to her at the stove and kissed her cheek. “Can I help with anything?”

  “You know Renee, right?” she asked.

  Renee acted a tad embarrassed.

  “Yes, of course. It is so nice to see you again.”

  “You as well,” she replied as she tucked her light brown hair behind her ear.

  “How was work, honey?” Momma asked.

  “Fine. How was your day?”

  She ignored me and went on to tell Renee what a lovely job she was doing putting the salad together.

  Rick finally looked up from the kitchen table and noticed me. “Hey, sis.”

  “Hey, back.” I felt like I had entered the twilight zone. I turned to Lana, she was my last hope for normalcy. “How was school, sugar?”

  Her eyes lit up. “So perfect. Max held my hand today for the first time as he walked me to my Latin class.”

  Her beaming face and enthusiasm helped me keep my tongue under control. “That’s sweet,” I choked out.

  She smiled wide in return. “I can’t wait for prom!”

  I remembered feeling like that once upon a time.

  The doorbell rang. It was an ancient sound in that house. Most everyone we knew used the back door. Momma kind of lived out in the country, so solicitors never made it out this way.

  No one made a move to ans
wer the door, but Momma seemed awfully chipper. “Kennie, honey, will you get that?”

  “Are you expecting someone?”

  She gave me that look that said, does it matter? I’m your mother; do what I say.

  I was annoyed as I walked toward the front door. I opened it to find a grinning Jason holding a bouquet of daises.



  “Uh …what are you doing here?”

  He grinned and it turned his eyes on. “Your mom invited me for dinner.”

  Why didn’t that surprise me? “Oh. Well, you didn’t have to bring me flowers.”

  His smile turned almost illegal. “I didn’t. These are for your mom. I don’t bring flowers to women who ignore my messages.”

  I felt my face heat up to feverish levels. “Come in,” I said in a rush to hide my obvious embarrassment, about not only my assumption, but also my ignoring him. I had valid reasons.

  He stepped in, still smiling.

  “Everyone’s in the kitchen. Please excuse me.”

  His smile faltered. “Kenadie …”

  I walked away toward my old bedroom. I hadn’t felt that stupid in forever. I felt like I was back in high school and I had tripped in front of the cutest boy at school. I also felt guilty. I liked Jason and I had been rude to him. I should have been adult enough to tell him in the first place why I thought it wasn’t a good idea for us to hang out right now. I would have left out the steamy dream, of course, but he deserved better than me ignoring him. I wasn’t used to having to deal with people on a personal level.

  I sat on my old full-size bed and tried to at least get rid of the redness in my face. I was such an idiot, and I knew what I was doing was making the situation worse. I’m sure my momma was in a tizzy, and everyone else probably concurred with the fact I was a dolt. I mean, what grown woman behaved this way?


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