His Personal Relationship Manager (Dating by Design Book 1)

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His Personal Relationship Manager (Dating by Design Book 1) Page 26

by Jennifer Peel

  That did it. He caught me off guard. His touch was wreaking havoc on me in that weird, wonderful sort of way, but it wasn’t good for balance. We ended up in the water.

  We both popped up, laughing and wiping the salty water from our faces. We both draped our arms across the board and looked at one another.

  Jason took my hand in his and squeezed it. “You ready to try again?”

  Yes. Yes, I was.

  After the fourth attempt, we both were standing up and even able to paddle and glide across the water. I had always seen people doing it, but I had been too afraid to try. I was glad Jason convinced me otherwise. After a couple of hours of paddle boarding and playing in the ocean, Jason needed to eat. The dry cereal hadn’t really filled him up.

  We decided we had better head to the house for lunch, because who knew what Charlene would bring out to us? And it was time to get Zander up, the bum.

  The house was quiet when we entered. Jason took the job of getting Zander out of bed and I headed to the kitchen to make sandwiches and cut up some fruit. We were going to eat picnic-style on the beach. And, apparently, play volleyball afterward.

  Life was never boring with Jason around. He brought this light and happiness with him. I found I craved it … and him.

  I heard Zander grumbling in the distance and smiled to myself. He never ceased to amaze me with how quickly he hooked up with women. It wasn’t a quality I admired. In fact, I kind of detested it, so it was one of those subjects we stayed away from. We were quite the pair. He over-dated, if that’s what you could call it, and I never did. I wondered if there would ever be a woman to make Zander settle down and have a real relationship, and a monogamous one at that.

  Jason walked in a moment later. “Zander will meet us down there.”

  “Okay. Do you mind grabbing some bottles of water from the fridge?”

  “Anything else?” he asked.

  “I think that will do it. The picnic basket and food are ready to go.”

  He smiled sweetly. “You’re the best, Kenadie.”

  Believe me, the feeling was mutual.

  With Zander in the mix, I felt my heart rate decrease. Zander was like a buffer. Don’t get me wrong, I still wanted Jason, but with Zander around, it helped keep my feelings at bay and on the friendly side where they needed to be. I even situated myself closest to Zander on the blanket we had laid out for our lunch.

  The volleyball match ended up being more fun than I thought it would be. Zander had found three other people to play against. Their team also consisted of two men and one woman. I thought it might have been the woman that he left the concert with last night, but they didn’t seem to know each other. Even though she was drop dead gorgeous, Zander hardly gave her a second glance, which was nothing like him at all. I almost asked if he was ill or had a sudden loss of vision.

  Along with her killer bod came some pretty impressive volleyball skills. I think she and Jason could have only played each other and left the rest of us as spectators. Jason was even more competitive than Zander, and that was saying something. I tried to do my part. I set up a couple of sweet spikes for Jason. Then we high-fived. He gripped my hand after every slap. He was killing me. Forever more in my mind, Top Gun’s Tom Cruise and the younger version of Val Kilmer would never have anything on Jason Hadley.

  There never was a clear winner. The other team won as many matches as we did. I think Jason and the goddess on the other team would have kept going, but Zander’s parents were taking us out to dinner and I insisted on time to take a shower and freshen up.

  Zander invited them to the bonfire that he was throwing after dark that night. I was finally going to get to hear Jason play his guitar and sing. I was sure it was going to be the final nail in the coffin of my being completely smitten by him, but since I was already past the point of no return, I agreed to go. Besides, Jason looked hurt when I had to think about it, and I found myself caring a lot about his feelings. I wanted to make him happy. I was a fool, plain and simple.

  I almost felt guilty that I had my own bathroom and a real bed, whereas Jason and Zander had to share the guest bathroom and the bunk beds. Jason had commented on how it wasn’t the best night’s sleep he’d ever had. He was too gracious to outright complain, but I was thankful I had a place where I could be alone with my thoughts. I needed the distance, even if it was only for an hour.

  I showered and towel-dried my hair before throwing it up in a messy bun. I left a few tendrils out to frame my face. Curling it at the beach was useless. The sea air and breeze would have it flat in no time. I slipped into a little floral sundress, and threw on some mascara and a little lip-gloss.

  As soon as I finished getting ready someone knocked on my door. I opened it to find Jason standing there, as handsome as could be, in a lame Hawaiian shirt and some cargo shorts. I think he could make anything look good.

  “Did you need something?” I asked in greeting.

  His eyes sparkled like they held a secret. “Just the pleasure of your company,” he said sweetly.

  “There you go saying exactly the right thing again.”

  “I guess it’s my super power.”

  Among other things. “Is everyone else ready?”

  “Zander’s still primping and preening.”

  “I hope you aren’t hungry then, he could be at it for a while.”

  Jason chuckled lowly. “More time to have you all to myself.”

  He was too friendly for my own good.

  Dinner was pleasant, but it had nothing on the after party, even with Charlene throwing herself at the practically pubescent waiter, who thankfully took it in stride. While she was entertaining, she really needed to get out of Margaritaville, if not for her own health, for her husband’s sanity. At least the waiter got a big tip out of the deal.

  The great thing about being at the beach this early in the season was it meant the evenings were cool enough that you could do a bonfire and not die of heat exhaustion; it even felt pleasant with the cool sea breeze as long as you weren’t too close to the flames.

  Zander’s parents had lived there long enough that Zander knew a lot of the permanent residents and their adult children, so there was quite a group, and plenty of people who weren’t given a formal invitation just showed up. College kids on break were naturally attracted to flames and alcohol, so the group’s average age was significantly lower than mine. I observed the party-goers, in particular the habits of the young women. I wished I could tell them to be careful, or at least be more guarded. I knew I wished I would have. At that age, I was too eager and willing to give my heart away.

  I noticed Jason and Zander both got their fair share of the attention.

  Zander finally announced loudly, “Let’s get this party started.”

  It looked plenty started from where I sat on the outskirts of the action.

  “Ladies, hold on to your hearts. Men, hold onto your girl if you have one, because once my man Jason here is done, they’ll be wanting to leave with him.”

  There was a smattering of laughter, but I noticed Jason shake his head. I also noticed there were quite a few women who already looked like they wanted to leave with him. It made my insides bubble and squirm with envy. I almost went home and called it a night, but I really wanted to hear Jason play. Though, in the end, that turned out to be a critical error.

  The crowd quieted and gathered around Jason. I moved in closer and ended up sitting straight across from him. The flames separated us, but I had a perfect view of him. The glow of the firelight only highlighted his attractiveness and his beautiful eyes. He gave me a quick smile before he opened up his guitar case. He had several women lined up on either side of him.

  Zander surprised me and dropped down beside me. I thought for sure he would have picked a willing victim already tonight. He put his arm around me and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

  He kissed my head. “Are you okay, Kenz?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  He didn’t say
anything in return, which was very unlike him, but I was glad because I didn’t know what else to say.

  Jason began to play and I popped my head up. He looked comfortable as he strummed the guitar across his lap. He started with a classic, “Hey Jude” by The Beatles.

  Zander did not lie, his mellow, deep voice had the women in the group mesmerized, myself included. Why was it that attractive people also had to be incredibly talented? It almost didn’t seem fair.

  Jason took a couple of requests. Not surprisingly, the younger Southern girls were clamoring to hear some Luke Bryan, and Jason happened to know how to play some of his tunes. The country girls were a-swaying.

  But then, oh then. In the still of the dark night, he pulled out all the stops. Within a couple of chords, I knew exactly what the tune was. I caught his eye and it was as if I couldn’t have looked away, even if I had wanted to. He didn’t smile. No, instead he looked as serious as I had ever seen him look. The second line and title came crooning out of his mouth, “I can’t help falling in love with you.”

  And it was as if lightning struck me. I realized something that I should have known already, but I had been too stubborn to admit it to myself. I wasn’t only attracted to him. I was pretty sure I was falling in love with him. I jumped up and clumsily made my way out of the group. I practically ran to the ocean’s edge and held myself as I watched the waves break and wash over my bare feet.

  “Kenadie,” I heard Zander call from a distance.

  I wiped at the tears that had been forming in my eyes, but it didn’t help any. They weren’t going anywhere.

  “Kenz,” Zander said as he stood by my side.

  I turned to him and held on for dear life.

  He took a hold of me and stroked my hair. “What’s wrong, Kenz?”

  I couldn’t reply. I wouldn’t and couldn’t admit my feelings for Jason to him. Instead we stood there silently embracing each other, letting the water wash over our feet.

  I was such a fool.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  I cried myself to sleep that night. I desperately wanted to go home, to run away from my problem. I was good at running. The only reason I stayed was because Mr. Grainger was taking Jason and Zander out on his boat for some deep sea fishing the next day and they would be gone until dark, and Jason was leaving Sunday morning. He had to get back for some work obligations.

  I got out of bed later than normal. I woke up early, but couldn’t make myself get up. I could hear Zander and Jason rumbling about in the room next to me. I even think I made out my name a time or two, but I couldn’t hear anything else. I knew I had freaked Zander out last night, especially because I refused to elaborate, and Jason, I’m sure, was wondering why I had bolted.

  Once I knew the men were safely gone and out to sea, I crawled out of bed and got ready for the day. I promised Charlene I would drive her inland and we would do some shopping. She had only raised sons and missed out on having the daughter experience. I hoped she decided against having Bloody Marys for breakfast. I didn’t care that she read somewhere they were a healthy choice; I was pretty sure the tomato juice didn’t make up for the vodka.

  Charlene was drying out for the day, thankfully, so we headed inland in Zander’s car. He was reluctant to let me drive it, but finally relented. Jason was kind enough to offer his Jeep, but I felt uncomfortable borrowing his car. I probably would have wanted to sit in it all day and take in the smell of him. I needed to stay away from him and anything related to him.

  I wasn’t dealing well with last night’s revelation. For one, I wasn’t sure what love was. I had thought I was in love with Brian, and we all know how that turned out. Looking back, I wasn’t really sure I was ever in love with him. I was in love with the idea of being in love. So how did I really know if I was falling in love with Jason? Especially since, recently, I was decidedly against ever falling in love. And how could I fall in love with someone who wasn’t available? I mean, what kind of halfwit does that? Worse, he’d been paying me to set him up with other women. I was in definite need of therapy.

  I was grateful that Charlene seemed oblivious to anything that went on around her. Had Momma been here, she would have known. She had a sixth sense about those kinds of things. Charlene even mentioned the name of a few women she could set Jason up with for the weekend. It had made me want to toss my lunch. In fact, I faked an illness and asked that we go home early. It wasn’t entirely fake. I really didn’t feel well. At all.

  Charlene set me up in my room with an assortment of crackers and ginger ale because apparently in her book, that combination cures any stomach-related issues. I had a feeling that was part of her hangover regimen. Either way, I appreciated her trying to take care of me.

  Once she let me be, I took to lying on my stomach and thanking my lucky stars that the Graingers finally got a Netflix account. My television boyfriend was going to have to get me through this difficult time.

  A little after nine o’clock I heard Zander’s voice booming through the house. I quietly got up and turned off my light, turned down the television, lay perfectly still on my bed, and prayed no one would bother me. I had hoped Charlene told them I was ill, but I didn’t know if she would greet them or not.

  I heard Zander say as they walked past my door that he had a date, so he should get to use the shower first. He was a terrible host, and only he would have a date this late. Jason politely agreed that he should use it first. I heard him ask if Zander thought I was awake. My heart started beating wildly out of control. I didn’t catch Zander’s response, so I braced myself for the possibility of Jason knocking on my door. I waited and waited, but it never came. I let out the huge breath that I had been holding in.

  About a half hour later, I heard Zander leave. He must have really been anxious to get on his date if he got ready that quickly. I don’t know how he flitted from one woman to the next so fast. I reminded myself Jason had been through a string of them, too. Again, my insides churned at the thought.

  Just as I had relaxed and started my fifth episode of Hawaii Five-0, there was a knock on my door. I panicked, like a jumped-up-and-grabbed-my-heart kind of panic.

  “Kenadie, it’s me. I need your help.”

  He needed my help? He sounded kind of desperate. I put on my figurative big girl panties and my real big girl bra. No need to embarrass myself further, though I was disgruntled for having to put it back on. Once a woman takes it off for the day, it is meant to stay off.

  “Give me a second,” I called out as I quickly situated my bra and made sure my tank top was on the right way. I took several deep breaths and opened the door a crack. There I found a shirtless Jason. Somebody please, please shoot me. “What’s wrong?” I asked through the crack.

  He grinned and my heart picked up its pace.

  He held up a bottle of aloe. “My back got sunburned pretty bad. Could you please put some aloe on it?”

  He wanted me to touch his half-naked body again? Was he out of his mind? I knew I was. I stood there and thought about the request.

  “It really hurts,” he said when I didn’t respond.

  I was going to regret this. “Sure.”

  His smile lit up and he unceremoniously pushed open my door and made himself at home on my bed. He spread across it like it was no big deal. The last place I needed to see him half-naked was on my bed.

  I looked at his back and it was burned all right, but not all over. He actually had what looked like hand prints on his back where it wasn’t burned at all.

  “Why is your back burned in odd shapes?”

  He looked up at me from the bed. “I couldn’t reach everywhere when I was applying my sunscreen.”

  “So why didn’t you ask someone to do it for you?”

  “Men don’t touch other men and we don’t ask other men to touch us.”

  “That once again proves that spray sunscreen is superior.”

  He grinned wickedly. “No, it means we should have asked you along.”

I rolled my eyes. “I don’t think designated sunblock applier is in my repertoire.”

  “How about aloe applier?”

  I had a brilliant thought come to me. “I actually have some spray on aloe. Let me grab it.”

  He popped up. “I don’t want to waste yours, plus it would be nice if you could warm this up in your hands before you applied it.”

  “You’re not picky or anything, are you?”

  “Please, Kenadie? Are you going to make me beg? I’m in pain here.”

  I had already passed the point of no return, so why not? I grabbed his bottle of aloe and he flashed me that brilliant smile of his. The smile that lit up the most beautiful pair of eyes I had ever beheld.

  “You’re the best,” he said before he lay back down.

  I carefully situated myself on the bed next to him, but as far away from him as I could get. I put some of the aloe in my hand and rubbed it together, so hopefully it wouldn’t be too uncomfortable when I applied it. “Did you have fun fishing?” I asked before I made contact with his hot-to-the-touch skin.

  “Eh, it was all right.”

  “Didn’t you catch anything?” I made contact with his skin and he twitched some. “Sorry, I tried to warm it up.”

  “It’s not your fault. I appreciate you being so gentle. In fact, feel free to rub my back where it’s not burned while you’re at it.”

  “You really are something.”

  “I’ll rub your back first if you want,” he offered.

  “No,” I said firmly.

  His head popped up and he looked back at me. “Are we okay?”

  I averted my eyes and paid attention to applying the aloe carefully to his back. “Why wouldn’t we be?”

  “I don’t know. You tell me. You seemed upset last night when you left the bonfire. Did I sound that bad?”

  I shook my head no. “You’re very talented. Radio-worthy, even.”

  “Thank you. So tell me what’s bothering you. I want you to be happy.”

  “That’s not your job.”

  “What if I want it to be?”


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