Billionaires Runaway Bride (A Standalone British Billionaire Romance Novel)

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Billionaires Runaway Bride (A Standalone British Billionaire Romance Novel) Page 38

by Claire Adams

  “I don’t think so,” Parker said. “You’ve never liked any of my girlfriends. And I’m sorry if you think Rachel is going to ruin things between us—”

  “Oh my god, Parker. Are you so wrapped up in yourself to think this is all about you?”

  He winced as if I’d just slapped him.

  I opened my mouth to speak.

  “I don’t have to sit here and listen to this,” he said before I could utter a word. “I never thought you would stoop this low, Sienna.”

  His words were a punch to my gut. I stared up at him. “I’m not lying.”

  “Well, I don’t believe you,” he said, pulling back his lips over his teeth.

  Why was he so upset with me? He should have been upset with her! I hated the power she had over him. Was he that blind to what she was really up to?

  “Parker, just think about what I said. It makes sense. She’s twenty-five and looks like that. She’s not a virgin.”

  “Sienna, enough!” he shouted.

  My mouth clamped shut.

  Heavy breaths escaped his nose. “I will not tolerate any more of these accusations. Especially from you. Rachel and I are getting married this Saturday, and I expect you to be standing there next to me.”

  “This Saturday?” I asked, incredulously. “Like a day and a half from now?”

  “Yes,” he said firmly.

  “When did this happen?”

  “We made the decision this morning and were able to secure all the vendors this afternoon.”

  I knew it was her decision. Parker worked too hard thus far to change everything on a whim. Now I knew for a fact that she cheated. She was trying to tie the knot before the truth came out. “Don’t you think that’s a little soon?” I didn’t even what to think of the money he had to have spent on such a last-minute event.

  “To be honest, it’s not soon enough.”

  “This is what you want?”

  “Of course it is.”

  I swallowed my pride and every other excuse on why they shouldn’t get married. His current mood wasn’t going to be receptive to anything I said, especially anything negative about Rachel.

  “I should go,” he said.

  “Parker.” I reached for him and he dipped his arm just out of my grasp.

  “I want you at my wedding, Sienna. But I hope you are able to drop this.”

  “I don’t think I can drop it, Parker,” I admitted. “But I’ll be there for you if you still want me to be.”

  He frowned. “I do want you there, Sienna.”

  And those were the last words he said to me before opening the front door and leaving. He left it open a crack, and I closed then locked it. I turned around and pressed my back against the door and slowly slid to the ground. I pulled my legs up and wrapped my arms around my knees. I couldn’t believe that Parker was so thick-headed that he didn’t see the signs. I’d had solid proof, and he wasn’t even willing to listen to me. I wasn’t sure how, but Rachel had my best friend wrapped around her little gold-digging finger.

  I hoped Parker would approach Rachel about what was said. I would love to be a fly on that wall. But I had a feeling she’d have an excuse. If this was something she did to other men, I was sure she’d be able to convince him that they had been talking about Ophelia.

  I smacked my hands on the floor and got up. I’d told him the truth. If he wasn’t going to listen to me, there would be a nice “I told you so” from me when she broke his heart and took all of his money.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I’d had the most restless sleep that I could remember. The reasoning was a mix of drinking several whiskeys when I came home after speaking with Sienna and the very idea that Sienna would reduce herself to trying to break up me and Rachel. Rachel may have her own issues, but who didn’t? I knew deep down she would never cheat on me. What girl came into a relationship saying she was a virgin? If she was a supposed gold-digger, she would have at least slept with me to keep her coming back for more. At least that’s how they were always portrayed in the movies.

  Admittedly, my ego was a little bruised thinking that Rachel might not find me attractive enough to sleep with. So, after thinking about it for some time, I knew what Sienna said had to be wrong. She’d misheard Rachel and Ophelia at the diner. Case closed.

  After not sleeping very well, I still managed to be wide awake at six-thirty in the morning. Rachel was sound asleep. I didn’t want to be alone with my thoughts anymore, so I decided to get up. I showered and dressed, and by the time I came out of the bathroom, Rachel was sitting up.

  I smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek. “Good morning.”

  She waved me away and bee-lined for the bathroom. Her prickly attitude in the morning may have been one of her flaws, but that didn’t make her a gold-digger. Sienna wasn’t a morning person, either, or at least she wasn’t when I woke her up.

  I went into the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal. It was the most gourmet food I could make by myself. And Rachel didn’t eat much, so we spent a majority of our relationship ordering in or going out to eat.

  I went to the balcony off the kitchen and stood there, taking in the warm morning air. The sun was over the horizon and I could hear the waves crashing in the distance. I had the sudden urge to go surfing. Rachel had never been before and even though she was thin, she spent a lot of time at the gym honing her perfectly toned look. If I made it sound like exercise, then she might be willing to take a chance. In the year we’d been together, I’d discovered we didn’t have any hobbies in common. I never cared too much about that before. It was actually beneficial to a healthy couple to have their own things so when they came together, they’d have something to talk about. But since we were getting married this weekend, it was time that we really dug our roots in deep with each other.

  I finished my cereal, rinsed the bowl in the sink, and went back into the bedroom.

  Rachel was coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body and another one on her head.

  “Hey, Rachel,” I said.

  She stopped in her tracks and looked at me as if I wasn’t supposed to be there. “What is it, Parker?”

  “How about we go surfing today? It’s the perfect weather.”

  She scoffed. “You know I don’t surf.”

  “Well, I can teach you,” I said, smiling. “It can be something we do together.”

  “Are you out of your mind?” she said. “You obviously don’t know me at all. I don’t like sporty things.”

  “Well, it can be a new adventure.”

  “Can you please drop this? I said no. Besides, I have too much to do today. I’m getting my hair touched up and my nails done for the wedding.”

  “Oh,” I said, forgetting that those were important things for a bride to do before a wedding. I wanted to ask her to take Sienna with her and possibly bond. But I imagined both of the girls giving me attitude at the suggestion. I thought it was too soon for Sienna after thinking Rachel was a cheater, and Rachel enjoyed doing girly things with her friends. After the wedding, I would try and bring Rachel and Sienna to a common ground so they could end this ridiculous girl fight.

  I didn’t mind going surfing alone; it would be a good time to reflect on everything before I became a husband.

  I went into the closet and retrieved my swimming trunks. “Okay, I’m going now.”

  “Be sure you leave your credit card out for me,” she said and closed the bathroom door behind her.

  “Bye,” I said, and she didn’t even return the sentiment.

  I knew Sienna was working today, but that didn’t stop me from wondering if I was going to see her at the beach surfing. Since it was a weekday, there weren’t many others out on the water, so I was able to fall a few times without embarrassing myself. I was starting to get good again and I couldn’t wait to show off my renewed skills to Sienna.

  After a few runs, I decided to take a break and wade in the water, just as I had done wi
th Sienna last week. How everything had changed in such a short amount of time. Little had I known that Sienna was about to get very pissed at me for some unknown reason, then we’d make up. Then she’d accuse my fiancée of cheating on me. I was still angry at her for what she said. She was being childish and jealous. But as much as I didn’t agree with her, she was still my best friend. She was obviously going through something, and even though it was almost my wedding day, I should be there for her.

  I kicked my feet through the water to keep my board from drifting into the current.

  I couldn’t believe I was getting married tomorrow. This journey had been so stressful, and at the same time, surreal. If only Sienna were on board with everything, then I would really feel as if my life was complete.

  I took a deep breath, inhaling the salty scent of the ocean. I didn’t know what else to do but talk to her about what was going on in her head. Tomorrow was supposed to be the best day of my life and the start to a happy marriage with Rachel. If I could convince Sienna that this was the right choice for me, then everything would go off without a hitch.

  I nodded to myself, happy with the final decision I’d made.

  I checked for a growing wave behind me. I was going to go to talk to Sienna and clear everything up. Then I knew I’d feel better about my two favorite girls being a part of my wedding day.

  I hopped up onto my board and rode the wave halfway to the beach before I wiped out. I’d have to do a few more days of practice before showing off for Sienna, or else I’d never hear the end of her jokes. I smiled at the thought. After today, all would be well with us. Then tomorrow, I’d start the rest of my life with my new wife.

  As much as I was anxious to get this over and done with, I stopped home to quickly shower and change. Even though I wasn’t on the beach that much, I hated the feeling of sea salt on my body when it dried. Rachel wasn’t home yet, and I sent her a quick text to see what she’d been up to. By the time I left, she still hadn’t texted me back. I called her and she picked up on the last ring.

  “What is it, Parker? I’m about to get my nails painted.”

  “Oh, sorry, I wanted to see how your day was going.”

  She sighed, sounding like a wind tunnel over the phone. “It’s going fine. I got my hair done this morning. It took way longer than anticipated so I had to pay for an extra hour. Then Ophelia was late for us getting our nails done so we had to wait fifteen minutes for side-by-side pedicure chairs.”

  “That sounds awful,” I said, smiling.

  “I hear you mocking me, Parker,” she said.

  “I’m not mocking you. You should try and relax and enjoy your day with your friends.”

  “I would if Holly would stop trying to make this wedding all about her. Apparently, her date can’t get Saturday off. Hello—that’s not my problem.”

  “Can she get someone else to come as her date?” I asked.

  “Parker, were you listening? It’s not my problem. She can show up with a date or not. I don’t care. It’s my day.”

  “Our day,” I corrected.

  “Sure, whatever.”

  “Okay, well I’ll leave you to get your nails done. I’m, um—getting something to eat right now.”

  “Not at the diner, right?” she asked.

  I hesitated. Why would she care if I went to the diner? I decided not to start something over the phone with her, especially being this close to the wedding. “No, I was thinking somewhere downtown.”

  “Good. I have to go.” Then her line went dead.

  On the way to the diner, I gathered my thoughts about what I’d say to Sienna. She could be stubborn, but if she knew how much I wanted to be with Rachel, then she’d have to drop the issue. I needed Sienna to be supportive of this. If she wasn’t then I knew I couldn’t be truly happy in my marriage, not knowing my best friend was against it to begin with.

  I arrived at the diner just before lunch time. I hoped that Sienna wasn’t too busy to talk to me. But from the looks of the empty parking lot, it seemed she wouldn’t have that excuse.

  I went in the front door, not wanting to encroach on her kitchen space. I knew the best way to talk to Sienna in these moods was to approach her on her own terms. When I entered the dining room, loud metal music was blaring from the kitchen.

  My stomach sank. I knew that Sienna hated that music. Shit. Sienna wasn’t around.

  “Hey, Parker!” Tony called out. He pushed through the double doors and came through to the dining room. He shook my hand. “Sienna isn’t here.”

  “I figured that. Does she have today off?”

  Tony inhaled sharply. “No, she skipped out earlier this morning after talking to the Lamontes.”

  “What happened?”

  Tony shrugged. “I dunno, man.”

  “Did she seem like she was in a bad mood?”

  Tony shook his head. “Not really. She seemed a little excited, actually.”


  “She told me you’re moving the wedding up to tomorrow.”

  “Yeah,” I said.

  Tony chewed on his lip for a minute.

  I knew Sienna probably told him about the supposed Rachel cheating on me thing. Since this alleged conversation took place in the diner, maybe Tony had even heard it himself. But as I knew he’d always side with her, I didn’t question him about it. I had to trust Rachel if we were going to have a strong marriage.

  “Congrats, man,” Tony said. “It’s a good thing we already did your bachelor party, huh?”

  My stomach lurched, remembering that night, for more reasons than one. “Yeah, I’m not sure I’d be too useful if that happened tonight.”

  Tony let out a big belly laugh. “And I certainly wouldn’t be able to attend. At least not without two strippers on my arm.” He winked at me.

  I knew that wouldn’t happen even if my bachelor party was tonight. Tony was Sienna’s date, and like hell would she allow herself to be replaced by strippers.

  “So, Sienna is at home?” I asked.

  “I think so. You should call to make sure.”

  “I’ll do that, thanks, Tony.”

  “Anytime, man. See you tomorrow and good luck with everything.”

  I nodded and left the way I came in. Other than me dragging Sienna out for wedding stuff, she rarely left work early. I wondered what the Lamontes had said to her, if anything. Maybe she had a doctor’s appointment that she didn’t want to tell Tony about. Woman stuff, or something like that.

  I hoped she was home, though. I wasn’t sure how long I’d be able to last without clearing the air between us.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  After a rough night of non-sleep, I decided to go to work on Friday with a new outlook on life. My days of getting into Parker’s business were over. If he was going to make the biggest mistake of his life by marrying a gold-digging cheater, then that was his problem. Not mine.

  It was no surprise to see a lack of texts or phone calls from him. He didn’t believe me, and that was his fault. I’d tried my best, and now we were going to go through the motions of this wedding a day from now.

  When I arrived at Sunny’s, I wasn’t surprised to see Tony sitting on the back steps waiting for me. I got out of my car and strolled over to him with a big smile on my face.

  “What’s in your mouth?” I asked. He was chewing on something. I hoped he hadn’t switched to chewing tobacco. I was sure to give him shit about that, too.

  Tony held a toothpick in his hand and flicked it as if it were a cigarette. “I was sick and tired of you yelling at me.”

  “Aww,” I said and patted his cheek. “You really do care about living a full and happy life.”

  “I dunno about happy; cigarettes made me happy.”

  “Trust me, once your withdrawals are over, you will feel a million times better.”

  Tony stood up. “Yeah, yeah. What I’m craving right now is a stack of flapjacks.”

  “I can make that happen.�
�� I preened at him. Him quitting had totally made my morning. And after the shit night I’d had, I needed a boost like this to get me through the day. I tried not to think about how hard it was going to be to get through tomorrow at Parker’s wedding. I shoved the thoughts away. I’d deal with that when it came up.

  I unlocked the door and we went inside. I hung my bag from the hook by the door.

  I shivered at the arctic temperature in the room. “Shit, did we leave the air conditioning on last night?”

  Tony went into the dining area and checked the thermostat. “Yup.”

  My head had been a mess after learning about Rachel cheating on Parker. I wondered what else I’d forgotten to do.

  “I’m sure when we start cooking it will heat up in here,” he said.

  I hoped so. It was warm outside, but not warm enough to warrant the chilly temperature in my restaurant.

  “So, did you talk to Parker?” Tony asked, coming back into the kitchen.

  I sighed. “I did.”


  “And he didn’t believe me.”


  “I know! He said I was being jealous and I was stooping to a low level by accusing her of cheating.”

  “But you heard her friend,” Tony said.

  “And he’s choosing to ignore it,” I said.

  “I really find that hard to believe.”

  “Do you? He’s been dating her for a year. If he hasn’t wised up to her lies by now, then he’s a lost cause.”

  “You don’t really think that.”

  “What else am I supposed to think?” I asked, starting to get annoyed. Not with Tony, but the situation as a whole.

  “Are you sure you tried to convince him? He doesn’t seem that blind.”

  “When it comes to Rachel, he is.”

  Tony grabbed the large carton of eggs from the refrigerator and I took the thick package of bacon.

  I headed over to my workstation. “Oh, and get this, he moved up the wedding to tomorrow.”


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