Fated (Fated Mates Book 1)

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Fated (Fated Mates Book 1) Page 9

by Tami Payton


  I feel him before I see him, Mason grabs one of the wolves that was circling me out of the air and I hear his neck break with a quick snap. I simply nod and run to check on Megan, I feel a warm feeling take over me knowing that he came to my rescue. I reach Megan as another wolf has descended on her and go on the attack. I can see how exhausted she is as well as everyone else. Where are all these wolves coming from, and who are they? I just don’t understand, but we can’t give up. Megan has managed to gather herself and has gotten herself back into the mix of things. She’s heading towards Eric as he takes on two wolves that have come out of the woods. I notice a large brown wolf that is standing to the side of the woods and seems to be just watching everything and it seems odd. I look over to check on everyone, Cameron, Mason and Sam have taken out several wolves and it looks like the rogue wolves are starting to dwindle down. I head over to the mystery wolf slowly, I’m keeping my guard up I know he’s part of them and I have a feeling he’s the leader. I can feel his eyes burning a hole into me and it puts me into attack mode, I let out a low growl and bare my teeth. I’m waiting for him to change, attack or to speak, I know that I would be able to hear him if he tried hard enough. Some wolves can speak to any Alpha’s through the mind links and he would be able to speak to me. He cocks his head and I swear I see him smile, all it does is piss me off even more. This guy has attacked my family and friends and he has the nerve to fucking smile. I want to rip his throat out! “Why are you here? What the hell do you want?” I yell through the mind link, testing it. I stare him down never breaking eye contact him. He stands taller and cocks his head, “well it is true, you are an Alpha female, I’m impressed. I must say you pulled your weight today with my wolves. I thought you would be an easy snatch, but I can see that it’s not gonna be that easy for me.” He chuckles and shakes his head. I glare at him, I can’t believe what I just heard. Easy snatch? What the hell? “Easy snatch? You came here to try to kidnap me? What the fuck for?” I’m beyond pissed now and really want to rip his throat out. “Well, for one I couldn’t pass up the money I was offered, and two it seemed like a good challenge. I mean take an Alpha’s mate, who doesn’t like a challenge like that?” He shakes his head and laughs again.

  He starts to take a few steps towards me and I crouch down into a defense pose ready to pounce and take him out, when I feel surrounded. Out of the corner of my eye I see Sam, Cameron, Eric, and Mason. They’ve all showed up and are ready to rip him to shreds. Mason steps up beside me and I’ve never seen him so pissed. I can see it rolling off him in waves. “Micah, how dare you come here and attack my mate and Sam’s pack.” Micah, the name rolls around in my head as I try to remember where I’ve heard it before, but right now it’s not coming to me. Micah laughs, “Mason, it’s so good to see you, and you know that eventually I would have come. It was only a matter of time. When word got out of you finding your mate it was the talk of the town. Then it got even better when it was the long-lost daughter of the Sam.” Mason growls and I can feel him ready to attack. I move forward. “Why would anyone want to single out Mason and me? It makes no sense.” I challenge him. Mason keeps moving in front of me and it’s starting to irritate me. I glare at him I hate that he thinks I’m helpless. I move to the left so I’m standing beside him, Micah seems to see what’s going on and laughs again. “Awe, is there some trouble in paradise? It seems that Mason is a little overprotective of you Cammie and you don’t like that so, much do you? Well maybe we can solve that.” I look at him, not really understanding what he’s talking about. Suddenly about twelve wolves come out from behind him and descend on us. Micah comes straight for me and is on me before I have a chance to react and I feel his jaws clamp down on my throat. I look to the side and see both Mason and Cameron trying to take down two wolves a piece. I try to buck Micah off me, but he’s got a good grip and I just can’t get him off. I hear Mason in my head, “Cammie! Hang on. I’m coming!” All I can think is why did I fight him so much? Now I might die and will never have the chance tell him how I really feel. Micah clamps down harder and then he shifts his teeth to the side of my neck so it’s at the scruff. The weight of him has blackened my vision and I’m on the verge on passing out. I feel Micah dragging me and panic takes over me. I feel Micah change and then him and two others pick me up, I try to struggle to get away but I’m so weak and then I feel a sharp prick in the back of my neck. My whole head starts to swim, and my vision starts to blur. I can’t hold my body weight as I sag weightless against the bodies that are restraining me. “Gage is gonna pay a pretty penny for you sweetheart, in fact I may just hold onto you and ask for more.” I hear Micah laugh, my blood runs cold as darkness starts to take me under. All I can do is scream Mason’s name in my head and hope he can hear me as they take me away.


  They’ve ambushed us, the wolves come out of nowhere and surround us. Cameron and Sam attack as I take on two that come at me. I look to my left where Cammie is and see Micah has her pinned. He went after her as soon as they attacked and took her down. “Cammie! Hang on. I’m coming!” I scream, my heart is pounding as I fight my way to her. I can feel Cameron and Sam trying to make their way to her as well, but more just keep coming. They have a strategy and it’s to keep us away from her and God damnit it’s working, I see Micah clamp down on Cammie’s neck and see her go limp and I howl as I tear into one of the wolves on my right. As Micah starts to drag her towards the woods and changes my heart drops, NO! This can’t happen, two more guys show up and pick up her limp wolf. I can see she’s still breathing but she’s not moving. As they start to move I hear Micah laugh, “Gage is gonna pay a pretty penny for you sweetheart, in fact I may just hold onto you and ask for more.” Then they take off with half of my heart and I’m left with hearing her screaming my name.

  About the Author

  Well let’s see, this is the part that I really don’t like lol. I’m not one to really talk about myself. I’m not really all that exciting. I’m a mother to 3 teenagers, who keep me running all over the place. I’m married to my best friend who never lets me give up and pushes me to be the best that I can be every day. I love to read, basically anything that I can get my hands on. I would rather spend my time curled up with a good book than out on the town. I enjoy cooking and baking. I enjoy writing and write about whatever pops in my head. I can be found at my computer with one of my 3 American Bulldogs lying next to me.

  I hope you enjoyed Fated. Either way, I would love to hear your opinion! Please leave a review as this is the only way that authors know how we are doing! Cammie and Mason’s story will continue in Mated, due to be released in the Fall of 2019. Continue reading for a preview of their story.

  Also follow me on Amazon and Facebook!



  A big thank you to Kellie Dennis for her great work on the cover!

  Cover Art by Kellie Dennis at Book Cover by Design www.bookcoverbydesign.co.uk


  The Fated Mates series

  Tami Payton


  My head is pounding, and the room is cold. I sit up and the room starts spinning. “What the fuck?” I need coffee and something for my head. I manage to open my eyes and notice I’m not in Kanas (yeah, welcome to Oz Cammie) anymore. I take in my surroundings and see that I’m sitting in a small cell type of room, and the events from today come back to me, or at least I think it was today. Who the hell knows how long I was out for? I walk to the door and start to bang on it. “Hello, let me the fuck out of here! Is anyone out there?” I’m hitting and kicking the door and don’t stop until I hear someone approach the door. “Will you shut the fuck up, it’s early.” The door opens and the guy standing there looks pissed, well join the club buddy. I roll my eyes and put my hands on my hips, “Yeah, well sorry to interrupt your beauty slee
p. Where the hell am I and why the hell am I here?” He laughs, “I can’t tell you that sweetheart, you’ll have to wait. Until then get comfortable and shut up.” He closes the door in my face and walks away, leaving me alone again. I start to think back to what happened. I remember fighting the wolves by the lake. God, I hope everyone else is ok. I remember Cameron, Sam, and Mason showing up. Mason! I sit on the bed and try to sense Mason. Maybe I can reach him through that fucked up connection we have. I close my eyes and concentrate on him but can’t sense him at all and I want to cry, all I can feel is loss and alone. I hear voices and jump up. I will deal with this, I’m a fucking Alpha female for god sake. I can do this, I can handle whatever or whoever is on the other side of that door. I brace myself as the door opens and then freeze as two men approach. Well fuck. I wasn’t prepared for this. “Hello, Cammie. It’s time for you to come home.”




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