Wild Bride

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Wild Bride Page 7

by Jill Sanders

  She couldn’t remember how they had felt against her skin. In all honesty, she couldn’t really remember much about the few times they’d gotten together.

  Glancing over at him, she frowned a little as he smiled at her. She knew that most people in town were expecting them to be together once he returned to town, but honestly, she didn’t know what was going to happen. Only that she was living at his place and she wasn’t willing to give up any time with her daughter, even a minute.

  She’d had a few friends in high school whose parents were divorced. She knew that they had spent their childhood being ushered from one parent to the other. She glanced over at her daughter again. No matter what, she wouldn’t want that for her daughter. But she wasn’t sure she wanted to be with Billy full-time. After all, she didn’t really know him.

  By the time everyone was starting to leave, her stomach was in knots. She wished the decision would be taken out of her hands. Her parents hadn’t been much help in the last few months. All they talked to her about was how well Billy was doing and how nice it would be for him to return.

  “Everything okay?” Billy asked as he shifted Maggie’s sleeping body into his arms.

  She looked over at him and tried to smile. “Sure.” She almost missed a step as they walked back towards the house.

  He chuckled. “Really? Because it looks like you’re about to jump out of your skin.”

  She frowned at him. One thing she’d always prided herself in was the fact that she could hide her emotions well. She’d been the talk of the town for as long as she could remember, and ever since her party on her sixteenth birthday, she’d hid what was inside her from everyone else.

  Pushing her shoulders back, she pasted on her “everything’s fine” smile and nodded. “I was just thinking about something else.” She pushed her hair behind her ear and started walking faster.

  Billy took her hand and stopped her, turning her around. “I know this probably isn’t what you had planned.” She waited and watched him. “You know, between us.”

  Her eyes darted around. This was not the place she wanted to have this conversation, nor was it the time. Shrugging her shoulders, she started walking again, this time more quickly. “It’s funny how life changes.” She looked over her shoulder and was glad when she noticed him following her. “Sometimes things don’t work out the way you planned. If you can’t adapt, then life is going to suck.” She smiled and hoped that would be the last of the conversation.

  He was quiet the rest of the walk to the small house. She unlocked the door and he disappeared into Maggie’s room, no doubt laying her down so she could finish her nap. Savannah knew that it wouldn’t last much longer and smiled when she heard her start to fuss from the next room. Walking in, she saw him standing by the window, rocking Maggie in his arms.

  When he heard her, he turned and smiled. “Looks like she doesn’t like to be set down.”

  “She’s probably wet.” She walked over and held out her arms, but he shocked her by shaking his head.

  “No, I’ll take care of it.” He stepped over to the changing table and laid her down.

  This was going to be interesting. She remembered the first time he’d changed Maggie’s diapers and cringed. Walking over, she sat down in the rocker and watched the show.

  Maggie, for her part did, everything possible to make the situation go badly, even peeing on Billy when he’d finally managed to get her clean and powdered.

  Savannah laughed as Billy cursed under his breath and started the whole process over again. “You’re not making this any easier,” he said over his shoulder.

  “Oh, was I supposed to?” She smiled and watched him fumble with the sticky strips of the diapers.

  He didn’t answer since he was too busy trying to hold wiggly Maggie down.

  “She likes to be naked.” She laughed when her daughter flipped over again.

  He looked over his shoulder while his hand held Maggie on the table. “If I remember right, so does her mother.” His smirk caused her heart rate to spike. He’d never done that before. She frowned at his back as he continued to fumble with their daughter.

  Her eyes ran over his wide shoulders and she felt something stir inside her. His hips were narrow and his butt looked absolutely delicious in his worn jeans. His brown work boots were dusty and even his faded blue shirt was making him look rugged and sexy, something she would have never said about Billy before.

  Then again, she’d gone over a year without sex and the last person she’d actually slept with was standing across the room from her. Just that thought caused her heart to skip a beat.

  She felt her hands shake and quickly shoved them under her legs. Her eyes watched his every move as he gently dressed their daughter again. He was chatting to her about all sorts of things and she hadn’t even really been paying attention to what he was saying.

  Closing her eyes, she tried desperately to get her emotions under control again. She hated that pregnancy had cause so many emotions to flood to the surface. She just couldn’t get a handle on why she was so nervous around him all of a sudden.

  “If you’re tired, you can go lay down. I’ll take this shift.” When she opened her eyes, Billy was standing over her with Maggie on his hip. Maggie was running her little hands over his chin and jabbering.

  She smiled and shook her head. “No, I was just thinking.” She moved to stand up. “Would you like some dinner?”

  He stepped back so she could stand next to him and nodded. “I haven’t had a home-cooked meal in months,” he said, following her out of the room.

  “Didn’t you cook while you were away?” she asked, taking her apron off the hook and wrapping it around her waist.

  “Sure, but I’m not very good at it.” He smiled at her and shifted Maggie on his hip.

  They looked good together. Maggie’s hair had lightened up a lot to where it had a few highlights of blonde throughout it. They had matching eyes and grins and when Maggie laughed, she could hear Billy’s laughter match hers. She wondered if him being back was going to be a good thing. After all, she and Maggie had gotten used to being alone around the small place.

  She knew there was still gossip going around town about her and Billy, especially with the younger crowd. Most everyone her age and older knew about his job, and that he was back in town.

  She glanced over at Billy and Maggie again and smiled when she saw that he’d pulled the little girl up to his face and was giving her kisses on her tummy. His lips made funny noises as Maggie giggled and yanked on his hair.

  Her mind flashed to an image of his lips running down her ribs, towards her lower belly, her fingers gripping his hair as he pleased her.

  He glanced up at her and when their eyes connected, she felt her face flush with her inner thoughts. He stilled and his smile grew as he looked at her. She could see heat flood his eyes and, from across the small room, she felt herself heat even more.

  Turning, she blocked the thoughts of Billy touching her from her mind as she pulled out the makings for fried chicken. She tried to busy herself, but every time she looked, he was watching her.

  Billy couldn’t keep his eyes off of Savannah. Not only was the dance of cooking exciting, the little white apron she’d tied around her waist had caused her clothes to hug her curves. She’d gained her sexy hourglass figure back and he couldn’t stop himself from watching her backside as she dropped the chicken into the hot oil.

  “Ouch.” She jumped back a little and held her finger. He sat Maggie down in the playpen that sat just inside the living room door and rushed over to take Savannah’s hand. She was running her left hand under cold water in the sink, and he pulled her hand up to look at it. A nasty white welt had started on the backside of two fingers.

  “Here.” He held her hand up. “Let me see.” He pulled her closer to the back kitchen window so the light would stream over her hand. Then he used the dish towel to softly start wiping the water from the welts.

  Reaching back, he pull
ed out a packet of burn cream from the medicine cabinet.

  “I can—” she started, only to be shushed by him as he ripped open the small packet and began dabbing the white cream on the burns.

  “My chicken is burning.” She frowned at him.

  He reached over, still holding her hand in his, and removed the pan from the burner. Then he went back to gently rubbing the cream over her two fingers.

  “You should wear gloves when you fry foods.” He frowned at the welts and knew they would blister and could leave tiny scars.

  She shook her head. “I don’t usually drop the chicken in that quickly. But you were distracting me.” She frowned as he pulled out a box of Band-Aids. “I can do this myself,” she said, still frowning at him.

  He shook his head. “I don’t mind.” He took two Band-Aids out and carefully put them on her fingers. “There.” He smiled down at her. “Now, what’s this about me distracting you?” He made sure to keep her close and he noticed her eyes heat when he backed her into the cabinet.

  Her breath hitched and he saw her beautiful chest move with each labored breath.

  “I…” she said, but then her eyes moved down to his lips and she shook her head a little. Her tongue darted out to lick her bottom lip and he felt like groaning. She’d worn soft pink lip gloss, something he’d never seen her wear before. Her usual style was dark lipstick. He liked the softer look and wondered if her lips would taste as good as they looked.

  Using just his fingers, he nudged her until her hips were up against his. He watched her eyes open in shock as she felt his desire next to her stomach. He couldn’t help it; he smiled a little more.

  When he slowly dipped his head for a taste, he watched her eyes for any sign of denial, but all he saw was heat and uncertainty.

  When their lips touched, he did groan. They were softer than they looked, and he couldn’t stop himself from exploring their softness. She tasted like strawberries and cream. His hands moved to her soft hair and tilted her head so he could get a better taste.

  Her fingers gripped his shirt and when he pulled her closer, they wrapped around his shoulders and held on as he took her mouth more quickly. He hadn’t planned on pushing her this quickly, but after just one taste, he’d had to have more.

  Hoisting her onto the edge of the countertop, he moved between her legs, her core next to his desire, which was pushing up against the zipper of his jeans and wanting out. Wanting into the softness that he knew would be hot and ready for him.

  When her fingers went into his hair, he felt her wince at the pain from the burn. He leaned back with concern in his eyes.

  “Are you okay?” He looked into her soft eyes and watched her blink a few times until they were clear.

  She nodded and licked her lips again and he closed his eyes. Resting his forehead against hers, he realized that Maggie was crying in the background. “Later.” He pulled back and looked her in the eyes until she finally nodded. Then he helped her down off the countertop and made sure she was steady on her feet.

  “Be more careful dropping the chicken in.”

  She nodded again.

  “I’ll go take care of Maggie.” He smiled when she just nodded again. He liked knowing he could make her speechless.

  He walked into the living room and looked down at his daughter, who was standing up inside her crib, crying. When she saw him, the tears stopped and she held her little hands up for him to pick her up.

  He smiled. “Oh, no.” He shook his head. “I can only spoil one of my girls at a time.” He sat next to the crib and picked up the stuffed frog she’d dropped outside her crib. “Besides, I’ve heard that if I give in now, you will associate crying with getting what you want.” He chuckled when she pouted as she realized he wasn’t going to pick her up.

  He could hear Savannah in the kitchen cooking again and thought about how he wanted to spoil her later that night. Then shaking his head clear, he distracted Maggie by making her frog dance around until Savannah called him in for dinner.

  Chapter Eight

  Savannah took her time feeding Maggie. Billy had retreated to the bedroom, claiming he needed a shower. She could hear the water running in the next room and felt her nerves jump.

  Maggie reached up with her tiny fingers and touched her face as she ate. She enjoyed breast-feeding and had never thought that such a simple act could bind her and her daughter so closely.

  She had bottles, pumps, and even formula, but she wouldn’t take away a moment of the time she spent each day holding her daughter, knowing that what she was giving her was the best thing for her.

  “What do you think of your daddy?” she whispered, brushing Maggie’s soft hair away from her chubby face.

  Her daughter’s eyes opened and looked around when she heard the word “Daddy,” causing Savannah to smile. “Yeah, I’m kind of glad he’s back, too.” She watched her daughter’s eyes close again and knew that this time her daughter would stay asleep.

  Leaning her head back, she closed her eyes and thought of what waited for her in the next room. She was nervous. The changes in her body were part of the cause, but the changes between her and Billy were part of it as well.

  It was funny. Sex was something she used to do a lot and she’d always enjoyed it. But now, after over a year of not having someone touch her, she felt like a virgin all over again. No, that wasn’t right. Even when she’d been untouched by someone she’d wanted to touch her, she’d never felt like this before. Never.

  She heard a noise and opened her eyes to see Billy standing in the doorway, looking at her. She glanced down and saw that Maggie’s little head had fallen away from her breast in sleep. She moved her shirt back into place and started lifting her sleeping daughter.

  “Here,” he said quietly and rushed over to gently pick up the baby. “I’ll take her.”

  She nodded and watched him carry Maggie over to the crib. He stood there holding their sleeping girl for a moment. Then glanced over his shoulder at her.

  “Are you supposed to lay her on her stomach or something?” He frowned.

  She smiled and walked over to show him how Maggie liked to sleep. She patted her daughter a few times on the back until, in sleep, she burped and settled down with her frog blanket and a smile on her lips.

  “Frogs?” He shook his head and smiled.

  She smiled as they looked down at the sleeping baby. “Frogs.”

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “She is perfect, isn’t she?” He placed a kiss on the top of her head and she felt her heart skip.

  Her throat had closed again and all she could do was nod her head.

  Then he pulled her with him as he walked out of the room. Holding her hand, he turned her around just outside their door and pulled her up against the wall. His mouth was over hers quickly, and she felt her breath hitch as his hands roamed over her sides.

  “I’ve waited.” He shook his head and pulled back a little. “Waited too long.” His eyes closed as he rested his forehead on hers. “Don’t make me wait any longer, Savvy.” She heard his voice crack.

  Shaking her head, she said, “No, no more waiting.” Then she pulled his head back down to hers until his lips took hers and all of her nerves melted away with his warm lips.

  When his hands started tugging on her shirt, she stiffened for just a moment until his mouth traveled down her neck. She rested her head back against the door and closed her eyes to the pure enjoyment of being touched again.

  Then she was tugging and pulling on his shirt and walking backwards into the small bedroom. He followed her and shut the door with his foot as he helped pull his shirt off.

  When she saw his tan shoulders and stomach finally exposed for her view, she melted even more. Why hadn’t she noticed during their Skype sessions that he’d gotten so muscular over the last six months?

  She ran her fingers over his tight skin slowly and smiled as he flexed under her light touch. “Someone else has been working out.” She smiled
and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

  He nodded and smiled. “And now that I’ve shown you mine…” His fingers played under her shirt and started to lift it up slowly.

  Her smile faltered for a split second before she closed her eyes and let him lift it up and over her head. He heard his breath hitch and her eyes flew open to see the heat as he looked at her.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered as he ran his finger over her collarbone then down over the mound of her breast.

  She sighed and leaned back, letting her head fall back once more.

  “I’ve dreamed of touching you again,” he said, just before his mouth continued the trail down her neck as his fingers played over her heated skin. “Dreamed of tasting you.” He used his fingers and pulled her nursing bra aside. For a split second, she froze, remembering that she was wearing the ugly white thing instead of something lacy and sexy.

  “Don’t,” he said, realizing her thought. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.” He pulled the material aside and exposed her. Then his smile grew. “Perfect,” he said again.

  When his fingers and lips went back to her skin, she forgot all about her awkward undergarments. Instead, she found herself tugging on his jeans and wishing he would go faster.

  “Easy,” he chuckled. “I’ve waited a long time to have you like this again.” He pulled back and she felt like growling.

  Shaking her head, she bit her bottom lip. “I need it now.” Her eyes traveled up and down him. He stood in front of her in nothing but his boxers now, and she thought that he looked just like the underwear ads she’d seen on the back covers of the magazines down at the Grocery Stop.

  His tan skin was tight over every cord, every muscle that ran along his ribs, his stomach, his arms. Everything was better than she remembered. The feel of warm skin over hard muscle. The taste of his mouth on hers. The smell of man. She’d missed it all. How had she let herself go this long without it? Why had she?

  Then his fingers touched her sides and she remembered the long white stretch marks that ran along that path. She reached over and flipped off the lights, sending the room into total darkness.


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