True Love & Realization

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True Love & Realization Page 2

by Shedrick Carr


  Chapter 6:

  Grass Isn’t Always Greener on the Other Side

  As time progresses, the realization of life started to become thicker and my patience starts to grow thinner. I realize that you can’t please yourself and make yourself happy, if you’re always pleasing others, and putting others before your own self happiness. I will always love her, but I have a life to live and a family and a city to give back to for making me the man I am today. I can’t do that if I’m too busy satisfying somebody that doesn’t believe in me enough to support what I’m doing regardless of whether they approve or not then something has to give. I loved her with all my heart but sometimes others people’s happiness is more important than your own it’s up to you how fast the realization process takes place. I was at home with my family still trying to talk to her, when I noticed that things were indeed not the same. It’s like it went sour in a way. We didn’t talk as much as we used to, or say the same things the same way we said them. It really hurt me because we said so much, and promised so much it was almost impossible how things could start to fade away as fast as it did. I realized that some things happen for a reason, and God interferes with our plan like I said earlier in the story. It was such an unfortunate turn of events the way things happened the way they did, but it was for a reason. I’ll explain that reason and I think you will actually get a kick out of it and find yourself smiling instead of frowning in a way. When I was little in cartoons they would say when life gives you lemons make lemonade. I never knew what that meant till now. At 20 years of age I find myself with my mind twice my age, but I thank the Lord for my wisdom. I’m not selfish though. I never kept my wisdom or my gifts to myself I always wanted to express it through my creations and give it to the world for entertainment or inspiration if you will. Travel with me back to the beginning of the story, when I said Love at First Sight. I never lost that vision of her, and I never will, but I just grew wiser as a person, and stronger as man. I was sent home for my health and I looked at it as a mistake that hit home hard, but I just had to realize it was a learning experience. Like I wrote in the letter to my school to prorate my financial aid, I made a big mistake that hit home hard, but God only gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. If God can give uz second chances even for the biggest mistakes you could make, then why can’t we practice the same in the real world? So before you read this and say in your mind you should have been doing what you should have even though that may be true everything happens for a reason. I thank God for the reasons for the things that happen, because I don’t know about the rest of the world, but it makes me a better person. I was always raised to strive for greatness and I’m just trying to be all I can be to make my mother proud and grant the world a little inspiration so that the youth who may feel like no one cares and that the world is one their shoulders, I’ve been through the same thing and I made it through it. They used to talk about me so bad and throw so much dirt on me I was almost 10 feet under dirt with the bashful words they said. I made it out and went to school to live my dream. While they’re out there working like a slave, having babies, and buying houses trying to be grown before they should I sit here and create the things to inspire somebody in my spare time. If I can make it out and do the things I love regardless of what they said then I know you can do it no matter who you are. If they don’t believe in you I do. When they ask why are you so inspired when we talk about you and try to bully you with our words, look past all that, find greatness in your heart and tell them that came from me and inspire them as I inspired you.


  Chapter 7:

  Realization and Aspiration

  Remember earlier in the story when I said don’t start feeling sorry for until you read the whole book? Let me tell you what I meant. Most guys might find themselves depressed or heartbroken as you would say because of my situation, but it was a good experience for me. It taught me something very important. Don’t ever put your wants over your necessities. You see I knew I had health problems prior to my senior year of high school. I had plenty of chances to correct my mistakes, and do something to improve my health. I was too worried about what would happen to the opportunities that were current. My mom would always tell me if I put what I want to do over what I need to do it’ll be my downfall. I never heeded her words, but you can bet anything I will now. I thought I was untouchable, I was in college with another refund, and on top of that I met the girl of my dreams. Between worrying about my wants, and not listening to the doctors who actually cared more about my health than I did you could say I predicted my own downfall right there. Hey I don’t regret anything, because the times I messed up would bring me farther up. I’m not saying that I like to make mistakes, but how can you progress if you don’t make mistakes to learn from. I remember when I was first told that I couldn’t do any physical activity during band camp. I was walking with the band to the practice field, and my band mate said, “hey don’t worry bruh minor setback for a major comeback.” I acknowledged him like I knew exactly what he meant. Truth was I didn’t have a clue what that meant until I had to come home. Sometimes we move so fast, God places his hand on our shoulder to slow us down before we run ourselves into a path of destruction. We look it as the consequence for a mistake, but the truth is it’s a blessing to prepare for something he has hidden in store in the future. It’s up to us to decipher the code. If this book becomes famous enough to be placed in school libraries and students are made to read it, at least it won’t be that long and confusing. So from me here’s a break kids.

  Chapter 8:

  It’s a Reason for Everything

  It’s said all over the world that love can make you do some crazy things, especially if you’ve never experienced it before. If it’s meant to be, but if it’s not that only means God must have something greater in store for you. We have to use the wisdom we’re blessed with to realize that. I don’t think nobody is unintelligent, I just think some put it on a front that they’re not because they’re so comfortable in the place where they are. We should want to make it out the city we’re born in, and expand our horizons to see some new things and meet some new people. Life is only what you make it. You can do anything you want to, you just have to keep that faith. Without that you’ll give up every time that somebody slams the door in your face. It’ll take me years to count how many doors were slammed in my face, and I’m not even in my thirties yet. I said it then and I say it now, “I’ll never give up no matter what. I won’t take what they handing me, I’m getting what I deserve. I’ve came too far to give up.” Sometimes you have to reach and dig deep within yourself and find that common sense hidden within, and tell yourself, “I’m not giving up no matter how hard I have to work or push myself.” The world is yours, mines; it’s anybody’s if you really want it. The opportunities out here are for the taken you just have to prepare yourself for it. Always remember God won’t put anything on you that you can’t bear. It’s up to you to move the obstacle out of your path. It’s hard and it’ll be even harder next time you turn around, but you have to understand those are the things that are going to strengthen you as a person. Don’t ever be afraid to be positive, especially in front of a negative person. It may be the last thing they expect from them, but one day you’ll get tired of living with demons because they stay inviting more. It’s a whole word out here; don’t ever be afraid to think outside the box. You’ll never be able to do what you want trying your best to do it like everybody else. The same consistency you have to be like them, you can put that towards being yourself. Realization is eternal, it’s never too late to realize you’re doing it wrong and start to do it right. I reminisce about the day I fell in love with music, and I just think I was almost willing to pay somebody else to do something I can do on my own. Told my friends they can keep that I’ll do my own thing, and that’s what I proceeded to do. It feels so good to be able to do the stuff you want on your own, knowing that you taught yourself how to do it. Learned from p
lenty experience that you don’t need a team to do what you want to do, and be who you want to be. God and the person that’s

  Been supporting you since day 1(which is my mom of course), should be your number 1 hitting team. I’m still learning that today, so don’t feel ashamed. Don’t look to nobody for the answers to everything, but God. You have wisdom, just have to realize that. You know I used to listen to the thug music that all my friends liked right. When I started to listen to the influential music that fitted my favorite genre of music, such artists as: J Cole, Dizzy Wright, and my main man Common Sense music didn’t seem as bad as it used to. They love the devil’s juice that contains the bad influences then put it on big screens for the world to see, but it’s all good I have positivity in my state of mind and that’s something nobody can take from me. It’ll always be a reason for everything; you just have to find the wisdom that you contain. It’s not so hard, if I can do it I know ya’ll can. I started from the bottom just like ya’ll. It took me a long, long, time to figure out who I am, and I’m still learning. Now I can spread the positivity I have to the world, and share it with ya’ll in this book. I may as well call this a portrait book because every line that you read will place an image in your mind.


  Chapter 9:

  I Wish You Peace and Happiness

  I know I got off subject talking about my own experiences, trying to place a powerful message in this book that’ll spread to the world forever. Let me get back to the subject originally at hand, to my dreamgirl… I’ll always love you girl I just want you to be happy in whatever you decide to do with your life. I’m sorry I couldn’t be the guy you wanted, the man you needed, or the guy and the man you wanted and needed when you needed and wanted me. Sometimes life doesn’t always work out how you want to. If our plan in life at the moment is not right God places his touch on our plan to alter our course if you will because it’s something better in store. What we want may be our doom, and what we want may be our salvation. Thousand miles away or a hill up the street away from you on campus you’ll always be the girl of my dreams no matter who we may end up with in the future. I stay on my music, but I’m exploring other opportunities also. I realize I should keep my mind open to new opportunities out here in the world. Something that I may have hated as a kid may be my new favorite thing as an adult. Whatever you do I wish you luck in it. I don’t know if you know it or not, but I know for sure that you’re the most intelligent, open minded person I know. You’re too smart for your own good; kind of like me I guess that’s why we could relate. Like you once told me we never know what the future holds. If something is really meant, then it’ll come back to you. If it doesn’t then it was never meant. Sometimes people are in your life for a season. I never meant to be in your life for a season, if it was up to me my goal was all four. I’ll never stop loving you girl. I always used to tell you girl you so beautiful I could write a book about you I know you doubted that I was serious. I guess this is a book of a beautiful love story, mixed comparison and contrast of some real life situations, and also a chance to be able to give my message to the people. The conversations we shared, and time we spent will forever be priceless. We spent plenty of time having plenty of conversations about nothing, but the nothings are everything. I know it sounds crazy and discombobulated but it’s the truth in a way. I guess the beautiful picture we once painted was never meant, but God is good because it’s something better in store in the future. Don’t go through life taking what they hand you, get what you deserve. It’s out here you just have to go and get it on your own nobody else can walk for you. God can only direct you. Apply yourself to increase your knowledge which will contribute to your wealth. The only limitations you have are those that you allow to stay upon yourself. I hope you all enjoyed my book. Experiences are eternal and hilarious; it’s the lessons that last forever. Never forget that. Thanks for reading!


  Here we are at the end of the journey that I placed in this book. I hope you all realize by now that a little faith can turn into a lot of determination. Love hurts, but it also teaches you some things. What’s sunshine without the rain? What’s joy without the pain? You will have to go through something in life to grow. It’s not always who you know, but what you know. Money can make you happy with material things, but nothing can replace the knowledge that expands your mind and strengthens you as a person. It’s never too late to stop and realize you are doing it wrong, and start doing it right. The sky is the limit, it’s out here, and you just have to get on your grind and go get it. It’s going to be hard before it ever gets easy. It’s never too late to realize you’re doing it wrong, and it’s never too early to start doing it right. Use what you learn to inspire someone else. What’s the negativity for when you just want to do right? Don’t be afraid be different just because they all want to be the same. They down for you when you rolling with him, but when it hits the fan you on your own. Realize who your real friends are, before it’s too late. Life is what you make it, so let’s make it right. If we can do it right then maybe the upcoming generation will look up to us and decide to right it themselves. Conversation rules a nation, music rules a country, and influence can control everything so let’s influence something good. Jahiem said put that woman first, but when it boils down to it all you really have is God, the family, and yourself. Put your necessities over your wants, and if she’s worth being a necessity do what the song Sais. Think Good Thoughts, Speak Good Words, Do Good Actions, Make Good Decisions that’s the world deserves. You can go only as far as you allow yourself to go. The Only Limitations you have is those you choose to let stay upon yourself. Life is short, so let’s live it right. To my dreamgirl I wish you luck in your endurveres, and peace and happiness in your life. To the youth keep God 1st, your parents second, don’t be so quick to try to get grown. To the people I hope my words inspired you, and if somebody needed to read this I pray that you make it through whatever you’re going through. God won’t put anything on you that can’t bear. If he did I wouldn’t be writing this today. Thank you everybody for reading, I wish you all luck. I know it’s short, but it’s beneficial you may find yourself wanting to read it over and over again. Good luck everyone! Thanks for reading!


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