Whiskey Rose (Fallen)

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Whiskey Rose (Fallen) Page 14

by Melissa Jones

  “Was the midwife there?”


  “Then what do you think you could have done that she didn’t?”

  “I don’t know but I could have done something.”

  “No you couldn’t.”

  “Yes I could’ve,” she insisted. He pulled back and turned her face up to his.

  “No you couldn’t have,” he said very clearly, looking into her eyes. She looked into his eyes for a moment and then she moved forward and kissed him.

  “Oh gosh I’m sorry.” She pulled back embarrassed because she was wet with tears. She quickly wiped her eyes but he just laughed. He bent and kissed her again not even letting her finish drying her tears. He could taste the tears on her lips. He knew it should deter him but it didn’t. She was emotional and vulnerable but he didn’t care. He felt pretty vulnerable himself. She hadn’t lied to him. He had just jumped to the wrong conclusion. She was kissing him back and gripping the front of his shirt with both hands. It was enough of an invitation. He slowly lowered her down to the bed not breaking the contact. He heard her sigh and the sound made the hair on his arms stand. He moved his hand up to cup her face and felt the wig. He pulled back slightly and frowned. He pulled the pins out and lifted her just enough to pull the wig out from under her. Her curls spilled out like a halo around her head. He leaned back down but then he felt his holster. He growled and sat up fumbling with the buckle until her hand over his caused him to still.

  “Matt,” she whispered. “Relax.” She pulled the leather free of the buckle and set the holster and gun on the night table. She moved back and started unbuttoning his shirt. He held very still while she unbuttoned the whole thing and pushed it off his shoulders. When she began unbuttoning her own he reversed the process. Placing his hand over the top of hers. She lowered her hands and he looked into her eyes while he unbuttoned it. She didn’t look afraid. In fact what he saw in her eyes had a more powerful effect on him then anything he had ever felt before. He dropped the shirt on the floor and gently laid her back again. It was still daylight out, the room was bright and he couldn’t resist looking at her. He touched her lightly with his fingers and saw her nipples tighten into firm peaks. He grinned and saw her flush.

  “You’re so beautiful,” He whispered reverently and her flush deepened. He gave up trying to talk and kissed her. Rose shut her eyes tightly forcing back tears as he tenderly caressed her. She saw the hunger in his eyes but it was the gentleness that moved her. He was a Texas Ranger by definition they were rough and tough, willing to single handedly take on any number of men. She had seen him do it, take a punch, deliver one. She knew his hands had the power to take whatever they wanted from her and yet he held her as if she were a piece of antique china. She ran her hands down his arms and back up again. He kissed his way down her chest and she had the ever increasing need to touch him. She felt his hands on the waist of her skirt and she lifted her hips so he could slide it off. She tugged open the button on his trousers and he smiled. He stripped off everything else he still had on and came back to her. There was something about the two of them both being naked, it was carnal but it was more than that. In her heightened emotional state it felt symbolic. Like there was nothing in between them anymore. She moved closer pressing her entire length against him. Whether he was just responding to her or he felt it too she didn’t know but he wrapped his arms around her completely enveloping her. She reveled in the feel of it for just a moment but then she began to kiss the only thing she had access to, his neck. She ran her tongue up the corded length to his ear and sucked it lightly. She felt his arms tighten just a bit and then he released her as his hands began to roam her body once again.

  He felt her breathing accelerate as he touched her. Her skin was soft and warm and smelled like roses. He was certain a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. He ran his hand down the plane of her stomach and down between her thighs. She jumped when he touched her but then she parted her legs. Another invitation. He gently caressed her until he could feel her tight with tension. Then he replaced his hand.

  She felt the burn as her body stretched to accommodate him but it wasn’t enough to make her want to stop, not even close. She pulled her legs up opening herself to him as much as she could. All at once something within her gave way and he slid all the way in. She gasped as her nerves all fired sending sensation out to the tips of her fingers and the tips of her toes. Even her hair felt like it was standing on end. He didn’t move for a moment and the sensations subsided but then he began to move in long strokes and the sensations started all over again. She gripped his shoulders tightly unable to think coherently enough to do anything else.

  Matt could barely breathe he felt like his heart was going to pound right out of his chest. When his release found him he was sure he was going to die. But she was still there soft and warm beneath him so at least he was in heaven it would be a very nice way to spend eternity. Slowly as his brain function began to return he felt her fingers running lightly up and down his back. He started to move but she held him.

  “I’m squishing you.”

  “No.” He didn’t move entirely but he propped himself up on his arms so he could look at her. He could see where the tears had run from her eyes and instantly was alarmed.

  “Did I hurt you?”


  “Why are you crying?”

  “I don’t know.” She sniffed and he laughed.“I didn’t know it was like that.”

  “It’s usually not. It’s only when the right people come together.” He stopped short of using the words love or destiny because she didn’t like those words but only barely. He finally rolled to his side only so he could get his arms around her. He didn’t want to let her go he didn’t want even a breath of space between them as he crushed her against him. She sighed as she laid her head against his chest. There was still plenty of daylight left. They could get up and get dressed again but he didn’t want to. He didn’t even want to move. He never wanted to move. He wondered what she would say if he told her he loved her, if he told her he wanted to meet her price, to take her away and give her a new life. That he wanted to marry her. Would she be happy? Or would she tell him again that she didn’t believe in love, didn’t believe that everything happened for a reason. If she did maybe he would just stay here. He couldn’t be away from her, this couldn’t be all there was. At least the saloon was closed so he didn’t have to watch anyone paw at her. He didn’t have to listen to her flirt with other men. If he did he might be the one to kill someone. He sat up so abruptly that she gasped.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Rose, you have to open the Saloon again. You have to do it tonight.”

  “What why? We only buried Dixie yesterday.”

  “I know but I think I know what this is all about.” He jumped up and got dressed completely down to his boots. He glanced back at her just before he opened the door. She was sitting on the bed wide eyed with the sheet pulled up around her breasts. He stepped back and kissed her softly.

  “Just trust me.” She nodded and he smiled and let himself out.

  Rose sat there feeling a bit dazed she wasn’t sure what had just happened. It felt like something amazing had passed between them but maybe it was just her. He certainly hadn’t seemed like something life altering had happened to him. She took a deep breath and began dressing. If she was reopening tonight she had a lot of work to do.

  Chapter 16

  People were starting to filter into the saloon and still she didn’t see Matt anywhere. There were a lot of condolences she wasn’t sure if word had just spread or if the fact that the saloon had been closed all week was the reason for the comments. By the time it was time for Katrina to go on it was a full house. She saw Matt come through the door just as Katrina stepped on the stage. She went towards the end of the bar where he always stood but he didn’t come there he went closer to the stage instead. She continued serving drinks but she was distracted. She kept watching him but he
didn’t look her way at all. Was he ignoring her? He had worked his way forward until he was standing beside the side of the stage. Katrina reached out and touched his face as she sang and he smiled at her. Rose felt as if someone had hit her in the stomach. She couldn’t even move. She thought they had something special but all she was to him was a conquest. She wanted to cry but she poured herself a shot of whiskey instead. She didn’t need him. He might have made a fool out of her but she was still in charge. She was in charge of her life and this saloon. She could throw him out. She didn’t know where Izzy was or she would have him do it right now. Instead she just glared, shooting daggers at the back of his head while he continued not looking at her.

  When Katrina finished her last song he put out his hand and she took it and stepped down off the stage. He put his hand on her back and leaned in and whispered in her ear. Katrina laughed and Rose knew what it felt like to really want to kill someone. Matt walked her slowly up the stairs and Rose drank another shot.

  “You okay Rosy?” Rose looked up and saw one of the regulars watching her. She normally talked with them while she worked but tonight she had been too preoccupied. She smiled at the other man and tried to force herself to calm down.

  “I’m fine Ed, it’s just been a long week you know.”

  “I’m really sorry about everything Rose, you know if you ever need a shoulder to cry on I got two of‘em.” She started to refuse automatically but then she stopped. Why shouldn’t she? She could show Matt that he didn’t matter either. She could move on just as easily as he could. She smiled broadly at him. He wasn’t nearly as good looking as Matt was but it didn’t matter he would be good enough.

  “That’s really sweet, too bad I am working or I would take you up on that.”

  “Well I’m not going anywhere,” he said, grinning at her.

  “Can I get you a drink?” she asked, smiling a smile that she hoped encouraged him to stay. She continued serving as the crowd slowly began to disperse. Ed stayed at the bar chatting with the other patrons but the more she thought about it the more she lost her nerve. She couldn’t let some strange man touch her in the hope that it would hurt Matt as much as he had hurt her. There was a chance that he wouldn’t even care and she would’ve still done something that made her uncomfortable.

  “Alright boys, thanks for coming but I am tired, you all gotta go.” There was a series of groans but she continued ushering them out the door.

  “You sure?I could stay.” Ed said but she just smiled at him and shook her head.

  “Thanks for the offer but I’ll be fine.” As soon as she got them all out she shut and locked the door and looked back at the empty Saloon. She didn’t want to do this anymore she wanted a real life, to hell with him and to hell with the rest of them too. She seriously considered just taking what she could carry and walking out the door but then the anger returned. He had used her, made a fool out of her. She wasn’t leaving until she told him exactly what she thought of him, Katrina too for that matter they were supposed to be friends. She climbed stairs and pounded on Katrina’s door.

  “Who is it?” Katrina called from within.

  “Rose,” she said,through clenched teeth. She was so angry her whole body was shaking. Katrina opened the door. She was fully clothed and looked surprised to see her. “Where is he?” Rose asked looking past her into the room. She didn’t see him anywhere, was he hiding? What was the point?



  “He’s not in here, he never was.”

  “What?” Rose asked deflating slightly.

  “I don’t know he just said he was laying a trap for a killer and asked me to play along. Then he walked me up here and told me to stay inside.” Rose deflated completely then. A trap for a killer? That didn’t make any sense. She turned and walked down the hall.

  “Rose wait.” Katrina called but she just kept walking.

  Matt felt more than a little odd lying in wait for someone who was lying in wait but it was his best option. He hadn’t been able to find Jack so he was on his own. He stayed out of sight hidden in the darkness waiting for his prey. The Saloon would be closing soon this was going to work he was sure of it. He saw a figure in move through the moonlight and was disheartened by who it was.

  “You looking for me?” Matt asked drawing back the hammer of his pistol that was already leveled at the other man’s head.

  “No.” Jonathan said.“Should I be?” He turned and faced him.“Mind telling me why you have a gun pointed at my head.”

  “Mind telling me why you’re lurking back here?”

  “I do actually.”

  “Well I guess you get to continue to have my gun pointed at you. I have to admit you are not who I expected.”

  “Fine.” Jonathan sighed.“The light wasn’t on,” He pointed up at the window. “I thought she might be going for a walk. She does that sometimes. I wasn’t going to bother her. I just wanted to see her. Happy?” Before Matt could answer the back door burst open and Rose came walking out. Both men turned toward the door in time to see someone grab her from behind. The silver gleam of light off the knife blade at her throat made his blood turn cold.

  “That who you were expecting?” Jonathan whispered.

  “Yeah.” Matt said stepping forward with his gun on them.“Mr. Duncan, you don’t want to do that.” Matt said loudly. Rose’s eyes were wide with fright and he felt even more murderous toward this man than he had when this all started. After this it would be a miracle if the man made it to jail in one piece.

  “Stop right there I’ll kill her I swear.” The man’s voice was shaky he sounded unstable and it scared Matt.

  “Alright,” Matt stopped his approach.“I’m stopped look. Now let the girl go.” Duncan had his arm around Rose’s shoulders and the knife pressed to her throat, he’d already seen what that knife could do he definitely didn’t want to see it now.

  “No, you… you put your gun down.” Matt didn’t want to relinquish his gun but he wasn’t willing to gamble Rose’s life. He bent and placed the gun on the ground.

  “I’m the one you want, I am the one you came for. Let her go and take me.”

  “No. You’re not the one I want, I want Katrina.”

  “I’m here.” Katrina stepped out of the darkened doorway and Matt wanted to curse. The last thing he needed was another person in this situation.

  “Go back inside!” He barked but she ignored him.

  “I’m the one you want. Take me, let Rose go.” Duncan looked at everyone wide eyed as Matt feared the man wasn’t quite all there.

  “You… you’d… d-do that? Come with me?” He asked Katrina, stuttering badly.

  “Yes of course.” Katrina said quietly.“I’ve seen you, you’re at every show. You’ve never missed one.”

  “I have to come, I love you, you… your v-voice is… you’re an a-angel. You can s-s-save me.” Matt inched his way forward while he was distracted by Katrina.

  “That’s right I can.” She soothed,“But I need you to do something for me.”


  “This is my friend, her name is Rose. I need you to let her go. You can take me, I’ll come with you.” Duncan looked at Katrina, then he looked at Matt then back to Katrina. He lowered the knife from Rose’s throat and released her. She rushed forward, before she even reached him a single shot rang out Duncan dropped to his knees then fell face first into the dust. Matt grabbed Rose and pulled her tightly into his arms. He glanced back and saw that it was Jonathan who had fired the shot.

  “Are you alright? Did he hurt you?” He breathed against her hair. He felt her shake her head but she didn’t lift her face from his chest.

  Jonathan approached slowly his gun still in his hand. When he reached Katrina he stopped. She looked at him for a moment and then she slapped him. The sharp crack reverberated in the night air. Jonathan didn’t react save the movement of his head. Katrina choked back a sob and then she threw her arms around his neck.
r />   “I am sorry Trina, I am so sorry.” He whispered. Katrina was crying, Rose was crying, he was pretty sure Jonathan was crying. He wasn’t crying but his heart hadn’t returned to a normal rhythm yet. He wanted nothing more than to strip her naked and hold her close until he was sure she was safe. He was torn. His duty should be to take care of the scene, to deliver the body to the Sheriff or the undertaker. He looked at the man on the ground then at the top of Rose’s head. He made the decision, and realized he had made the decision before he even considered that there was a decision.

  Chapter 17

  He didn’t release her. He didn’t even loosen his grip except to retrieve his gun. He walked back into the saloon. He didn’t stop until they were back in the bedroom. Finally he released her. He locked the door and took off her wig then he sat her down and took off her shoes. He took off all of her clothes and his own then pulled her close. He just wanted to hold her, his motivation wasn’t carnal but as he lay there in the dark with his arms wrapped around her he felt her mouth against his neck. He felt her kiss along his collar bone then up his neck under his chin. He bent his head and met her lips kissing her deeply.

  “I swear Rose if ever there was a time when you should have stayed behind this locked door he growled.” It was the first time either of them had spoken.

  “How was I supposed to know?” She demanded, “If you had told me what you were doing.” He silenced her with his mouth, now that she had ignited him he needed to lose himself in her, to work off the fear that had shaken him so badly. He kissed her, plundering her mouth with his own. She was breathless when he finally broke the connection. He didn’t stop, moving down instead he licked kissed and nibbled everything his mouth came into contact with until she was writhing beneath him then he entered her. Passion flowed through him replacing his blood. He had never been so scared for another person all the adrenaline that had been stirred up in him, poured out of him now. Until he heard her call his name then he was lost. He buried himself in her and found a release that made him nearly as light headed as the first time. He didn’t collapse on her this time. He rolled instead, taking her with him. So that she was on top of him.


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