Storm of the Dead

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Storm of the Dead Page 1

by D. P. Sloan


  A Novel


  D P Sloan

  Copyright © D P Sloan 2017

  Cover art copyright © D P Sloan

  Published: December 2017

  Publisher: CreateSpace

  The right of D P Sloan to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988.

  All rights reserved.

  This publication is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any way except as specifically permitted in writing by the publishers, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorised distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s and publisher’s rights and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly.

  ‘Storm of the Dead,’ is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  For more information about the author, please visit his Facebook pages &





  GO TO SLEEP 3: the final conflict

  For my wife Rachael – I love you more than words can say.

  For my gorgeous twins and baby boy, Rebecca, Ryan & Daegan – daddy is always here for you.

  To the rest of my family – love you all.

  To you the reader – enjoy.


  The outbreak hit fast; a pandemic that destroyed modern civilization. People were being slaughtered by feral beasts that once were like them, were human. Some creatures craved the flesh of man; others just wanted to rip it off. Then there were the survivors, the few strong or lucky ones that fought off the dead. The last the survivors heard from the Government was that the hurricane that battered Scotland brought with it a bacterial virus which mixed with the heavy rain. No one truly knows how this happened but as it fell on the unlucky people caught in the heavy storm, it turned the living deadly and the dead to come back alive.

  These, ‘infected,’ started attacking family and friends, eating them, turning them, turning them into flesh crazed monsters. Katy was cut off from her family, from her boyfriend. She couldn’t escape her high school, well that was a lie, you see the teachers barricaded the pupils in the high school, told them that it was best to stay in the building rather than take a chance outside.

  Katy watched as some of her former classmates – became the living dead after being attacked and bitten, they became dead and deadly – and herself and others watched from the windows in the high school as they attacked innocent people out on the street.

  All Katy wanted was her boyfriend, he only stayed at least fifteen minutes away from the school but she just couldn’t reach him. Mobile phones and landlines were down due to the storm and they just learned that the army had moved in blocking all entrances and exits to and from Drumchapel. Barricades such as heavy metal sheeting and gates surrounded with barbed wire were put in place at all entrances and exits. No Drumchapel resident was getting out and no one was getting in.

  Katy prayed and prayed that her boyfriend was okay, but the dead were surrounding them, there was no escape.


  DECEMBER 7th 2011

  Katy Davidson sat in her bedroom watching TV while on the phone to her boyfriend Gregg Summers, her dreamy guy that she had been seeing ever since first year when they both started Drumchapel High School. He was this hot looking guy that all her friends wanted but he zoned in on her and the attraction grew and then they started seeing each other. His love for hip-hop music and cheesy horror movies matched her love for the same. Her friends were jealous but welcomed him into their group. Her parents gave her the old, ‘birds and bees,’ talk but she had assured them that they were just too young for that Hell they were only fourteen Well she was fourteen and he was fifteen but anyway still too young. They were actually in love, yet again her parents told her that she doesn’t really know what true love really is, but she did and he certainly did as well. They had done everything together, shopping, days out, cinema and even went on their first holiday to Benidorm together – okay his parents were there but still it felt good being on holiday together. They are never truly apart, spending each and every day together.

  “So, babe what do you want to do next weekend?” Gregg spoke to her down the phone. They always made plans on a Sunday night for the following weekend.

  Katy shifted the phone to her left ear and got comfy again, “Well I was thinking the cinema but there is not that much out apart from Happy Feet 2, Jack and Jill and The Thing. I would say I want to see The Thing but my heart is not in it.”

  “Well it feels as though they a ripping apart an icons movie,” Gregg began, “I mean come on John Carpenter’s The Thing was by far the best movie. I mean why remake it!”

  Katy smiled. She truly without a shadow of a doubt loved this guy, “Good point,” she replied, “but remember Carpenter’s The Thing was a remake so he copied an old movie too!”

  “Yeah, I know that,” Gregg began, “but his movie was far superior to the original but it’s as if Hollywood has run out of ideas.”

  Katy nodded with approval, “Okay let’s go to Braehead for Bowling then and afterwards something to eat. My mum can drop us off and probably pick us up after we have finished.”

  “Sounds like a good plan,” Gregg agreed, “guess I have to whip your ass at bowling then!” He laughed.

  Oh God no matter what she loved this guy’s laugh. It gave her flutters in her stomach, “Don’t think so wee man,” she began, “remember who beat you the other time! Oh, and then if I’m not mistaken – I also beat you at pool as well!”

  “That was a fluke and you know it!” Gregg protested.

  “A fluke! You call 4 strikes in a row a fluke? And correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t we play 3 games and I won 2 of them!” Katy sniggered.

  “It was a fluke I tell you a fluke!” Gregg began laughing, “Anyway I’m sure you had the staff helping you. Did you slip them a wee fiver each to help you?”

  Katy laughed hysterically, “Yeah that’s what I did. Admit it little man – you’re crap at bowling and pool as simple as that.”

  “You won’t be saying that when I score 4 maybe 5 strikes in a row and clear the pool table in less than 10 minutes this weekend,” Gregg laughed.

  “Rematch it is then,” Katy replied, “listen I’m going to go and watch my guilty pleasure that is The Simpsons, I’ll see you tomorrow for school. Are you coming to pick me up or will I come to yours?”

  “I’ll get you as always babe,” Gregg answered, “speak to you before you go to sleep. Love you Katy.”

  “Love you too babe, speak later,” Katy hung up and settled down to watch The Simpsons before her mum shouted on her for dinner.

  Both Katy and her mum were waiting till her dad got home from work before they ate. They always liked to eat as a family around the table talking about their days.

  Katy loved her dad too bits, he worked long hours up at 4AM and didn’t get in till around 8PM, but no matter what he always puts her and her mum first.

  He worked in the Southern General and anyone that knew that hospital it was a nightmare – it was literally a city within a city so to speak and the staff didn’t get much appreciation in what they do. Her mum shouted just as The Simpsons wen
t on a break so she headed down the stairs and into the dining room.

  “Dad phoned he’s going to be really late, something about a fire in one of the labs so he told me to just make dinner for you and I and he will grab his normal fried rice on his way home,” mum told me.

  Her mother inspired her, she held down a job while keeping the house perfect and you could tell in her eyes she loved her husband as well as her daughter. Whatever she needed, her mother and father tried their hardest too get for her. She always knew one thing about her mother, if Katy said to her mum, ‘mum can I get such and such,’ and she responded by saying, ‘we will see,’ that meant she was going to get it. If it was a straight forward, ‘No sorry love,’ then that meant do not ask again.

  They sat down and ate their dinner while the STV News played in the background.

  “Mum can I change it to The Simpsons?”

  “No honey,” her mum began, “you know I like watching the news at this time. Catch it later on download.”

  She nodded. She wolfed down her gammon steaks with eggs, chips and peas while watching the news. The news centred on a massive storm that was about to hit Scotland called, ‘Hurricane Friedhelm,’ they said it was moving in over the British Isles and Scandinavia this week and that various buildings, schools and roads along with bridges will be closed. She knew for sure that good old Drumchapel High would remain open. Nothing made that place close.

  She finished her dinner and said to her mum she was going to play the PlayStation in her room and see if Gregg was online before hitting her bed early. Her mum smiled and she headed up to her room.

  Before she turned on the PlayStation, she called Gregg and within seconds as always, he answered.

  “Hey babe what’s up?” Gregg answered.

  “Nothing just wondered if you fancy a game of the PlayStation so I can whip your ass at that too!” Katy replied.

  “And what game were you thinking babe?” Gregg answered.

  “I was thinking Modern Warfare or Resident Evil? Katy began, “any game really hell I’ll still whip your ass!” she laughed.

  “Okay,” Gregg began, “you’re on! Resident Evil it is, go all kamikaze on your little ass!”

  Katy slipped in the disc and heard Gregg do the same and within minutes they were online playing. He killed her, she killed him, they killed a whole host of zombies, and then the zombies killed them. Before they knew it, it was hitting 11PM.

  “Babe its 11PM we better stop and get to bed for school tomorrow!” Katy said while pausing the game.

  “Okay, night babe love you see you tomorrow,” Gregg replied.

  “Love you too sexy. Night night,” Katy responded before hanging up. She got changed into her pyjamas and shouted down to her mum goodnight as she sat in the living room waiting on her dad coming in. He was very late tonight but at least he called to explain why. She climbed into her bed and as soon as her head hit the pillow, she fell into a deep sleep.


  DECEMBER 8TH 2011 – 2AM

  “Steve what are we going to do? With that fire it has released the virus into the air!”

  “Listen Marty, the virus is contained in the tubes in the unit so no need to worry. Once it’s safe to enter the office we will make sure it is safe and that will be the end of it. Okay?”

  “Steve,” Marty began, “this virus – this Trixie-500 is nothing like anyone has dealt with before, if this escapes into the atmosphere outside we are truly fucked! We don’t know what it’s capable of doing do we? No! This is a man-made virus, a virus we designed.”

  Steve placed his hands-on Marty’s shoulders and calmed him down, “Trixie-500 is safe in the lab, and it’s in an air-tight unit with no chance of escaping into the outside air so stop worrying okay? Once the fire marshal has giving us the go ahead we will enter and destroy the virus if that makes you feel better?”

  Marty nodded, “It does mate, it does. I just feel that if we tell people what has been released due to the fire, and then we will be shut down completely, our lives in ruins, our careers over!”

  Steve shook his head, “It’s not going to come to that. I can assure you.”

  It had just turned 2AM and the science lab technicians waited out in the pouring rain waiting for the fire marshal to give them the all clear, finally the fire marshal allowed the staff of the lab back into their working area. The place wasn’t as bad as they thought. The air was sealed tight in the room which kept the Trixie-500 virus contained.

  “See told you Marty – all good,” Steve smiled, “now stop panicking and let’s get back to work!”

  “But you said we will destroy the virus!” Marty questioned.

  “That was to calm you down,” Steve began, “look Marty we have been close friends for what twenty years now!?! And working colleagues for the majority of that too. We created this virus accidentally mind just like when those other guys accidentally created Viagra while looking for a new treatment for angina. So, let’s not worry about anything – look the test tubes with trixie-500 in them are undisturbed so as I said before no need to worry.”

  Marty nodded although still concerned.

  He walked over to the plastic containment unit that held the test tubes of the virus; he then turned back to Steve, “I think we should still destroy it though.”

  Steve shook his head, “I don’t think we should.” He opened up the containment unit and picked up a test tube, “we created this virus accidentally, but you have to think about it this way, this right here – this little thing right here can probably make us millions!” he threw it between each palm, back and forward, back and forward while smiling at his lab partner.

  Marty gulped, “Please Steve don’t do that!”

  “Come on Marty,” Steve began as he threw the test tube up into the air, “nothing is going to hap- “

  The test tube came back down and Steve missed catching it. In slow motion both scientists watched as the test tube fell between them and smashed on the tiled floor. The Trixie-500 virus was released and in its cloud based form rose from the smashed tube up into both Steve and Marty’s faces. They tried to shield their eyes, noses and mouths but the cloud mist clung to their wet faces and hair from the rain and made it seep into their skin.

  Marty backed away unable to see, the virus burning his eyes, he thrashed about knocking over glass beakers making them fall and smash to the ground. He screamed in pain.

  Steve clawed at his face, ripping, tearing at his infected skin; blood flowed down his cheeks as the virus entered his bloodstream. He also thrashed about, bumping into the containment unit with the other test tubes in it. He managed to get over to the window to get some fresh air and he opened it without thinking. The virus in the air found a way out and up into the atmosphere. Steve slumped to the floor coughing and screaming in pain. Marty ran over to the sink area and washed out his eyes. After a few minutes he felt better and began to open his eyes slowly, when he noticed the window open and his colleague lying slumped against the units under the window.

  “Noooooo,” Marty screamed as he tripped and stumbled his way across to the window and to his colleague. He reached for the window and closed it, “Steve you idiot you let it escape!”

  “WHO FUCKING CARES!” Steve screamed.

  Marty laughed with anger, “Steve mate we have just released a virus into the atmosphere that we don’t know shit about! We can’t go and tell the powers that be what has happened – they will string us up!”

  Steve stood up, the little trickle of blood stopping on his scratched face. “Look Marty we know it burns and is irritating on the skin – a bit like bleach going into an open wound. We are fine, aren’t we?”

  Marty hesitated for a bit before answering with a simple nod of the head.

  “So, we don’t tell anyone okay?” Steve asked.

  “Agreed,” Marty replied, “But I’m not happy with this!”

  Steve patted his colleague on the back, “Let’s get this place cleaned up and get the hell ou
t of here.”

  Marty nodded and retrieved a dustpan and brush for the broken glass.


  The front door opened and was closed over quietly so as not to waken the house. It was now 5AM and he shuffled in slowly. He entered the kitchen and went over to the sink to get a glass of water. He drunk the water fast before climbing the stairs and headed directly to bed. He got changed out of his work gear and climbed into the bed and with a loud sigh he shut his eyes.

  “So, you are finally home,” came his wife’s voice from next to him.

  He turned to face her, “Yeah it was an absolute nightmare in work today I’m just glad it’s over, but I have to go in later this afternoon.”

  “Sweetheart you are going to kill yourself with this job I hope it’s worth it?” his wife responded.

  He shut his eyes, “Creating new things and getting them noticed is a great feeling babe. It means I have achieved something even if it’s a small thing but if it’s a big thing then I’ll reap the rewards afterwards.


  DECEMBER 8th 2011

  Katy woke up at 7.30AM with her mum at her bedroom door telling her it was time for school and breakfast was on the table. She sat up and stretched and swung her legs out of the bed. She went into the bathroom and washed her face before heading down to the kitchen for breakfast. When she went in she saw that her dad wasn’t at the table as normal.

  “Mum where’s dad?” Katy asked.

  Her mum was busy pouring her orange juice, once she finished she turned and walked over to the table placing her juice next to her daughter then taking a seat herself, “Dad got in late last night, he’s having a few extra hours in bed then he’s heading back to work apparently the hospital was hectic all day yesterday after the fire.”

  Katy nodded, “I feel for him, it’s as though he works constantly and gets no recognition but no matter what he still has the get up and go attitude and that’s why I love him!”


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