The Alpha's Hybrid Mate

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by C Davis




































  Everything used to be easy. I had it all. The perfect wife. A beautiful baby boy. The Alpha title. And then, in one night, my happiness was taken from me. Sadly, my wife didn’t make it. So, now, here I am. A single dad trying to make it in the world while juggling my Alpha duties.

  The rogues have been getting worse. They’ve been sniffing around the edge of my territory, so I've been more on edge. They won’t touch my son. I can remember my wife's last words to me as she lay dying. She told me to take care of our little boy, and to go on with my life. She wanted me to move on from her, and find my mate. She knew we weren't mates, but was okay with it. I loved her with all my heart, but if she wanted me to move forward I would for her.

  My beta, Cole, is worried about me. He’s constantly asking how I’m doing. I always respond that I’m fine, but in reality… I’m not. My family checks on me all the time. I just wish they would leave me the fuck alone, and let me be. I know they mean well, but sometimes it annoys me.

  When Gabriel's mother passed, the unmated females started trying to pursue me. They are beautiful women but don't appeal to me. Truth be told, I just want what's best for my son, and that’s not getting with any of those women.

  Natalia, my sister, walks into my office and sighs when she sees the bottle of whiskey. “I've found someone to take care of Gabriel. Her name is Lana, and she needs a safe place to stay.”

  I picked up the bottle and took a swig, letting the burn ease the hole in my heart. “Protect her from what, Natalia? Is this the same girl that you brought to dinner once or twice?”


  Nothing but a goddamn lie.

  My wolf has been riled up ever since meeting her.

  Those fucking eyes.

  That hot body.

  Those tits.

  An ass I’d love to spank.

  I remembered exactly who she was. Her long brown hair came down to her curvy breasts, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of them. My tongue slides over my bottom lip as I think back to how damn sexy she was.

  She nods as she takes Gabriel in her arms, “Yes. She's got an ex stalking her. You need someone to take care of Gabriel, and she needs a place to stay. So it's a win-win situation. Jaxson you can trust her.”

  You can do this, Jaxson.

  It's just helping out a girl.

  She’s repaying me by taking care of my son.

  “Tell Lana to come for dinner, and bring her belongings. I'll get her settled in.”

  My sister wastes no time taking out her phone, calling her friend.

  Please, don’t be a mistake.

  My wolf has been itching to come out all day, but I can't until tonight. I've been drowning in paperwork since this morning, and I've got to meet Lana at dinner. A knock at the door brings me back to reality.

  My beta stands in the doorway and clears his throat. “There's a Lana here to see you.”

  Damn, I thought she wasn't coming until dinner.

  Straightening the papers on my desk, I nod at him. “Send her in.”

  I looked up, and got lost in her green eyes, frozen in my chair. Her lips are moving, but I can’t hear a word she’s saying. I can't focus because my wolf is going crazy, and I have no idea why.

  Dammit Jaxson, just focus.

  Loosening my tie, I try to focus on her words. She's beautiful, and seems to be so innocent… too fucking innocent. I tear my gaze away from her, attempting to calm my nerves.

  “Could you repeat that?” I ask.

  She extends her hand for me to take. “I said, I'm Lana Delacruz. Natalia told me to come to your office to introduce myself.”

  Of course she did.

  I take her hand in mine, and her hand fits perfectly. Her skin feels so good. So soft. Holding her hand longer than intended; I find her touch calming. “Come on, I'll show you to your room, then after dinner, I'll let you get acquainted with my son. His name is Gabriel.”

  I lead Lana upstairs, and show her to her room. Before I leave, I clear my throat to get her attention. “Dinner is in an hour. I'll let you get settled in. If you need anything; my room is next door.”

  I need to get away from her quickly before my wolf comes out.

  What is it about you that draws me to you, Lana?

  She's like a mystery I desperately want to solve. My sister is leaning against the wall as I enter my room. She flashes me a smile as she cocks her head to the side. “Did you meet her?”

  I know what my sister is doing, and I don't like it one bit. She's a hopeless romantic when it comes to stuff like this. The truth is, if I was to ever consider making a move on Lana, it would be because I wanted to. Not because I was pushed into it by my sister. Don't get me wrong; Lana is a very beautiful woman, but I'm not ready to move on.

  It’s too soon.

  Natalia told me that Lana is on the run from her ex. He’s stalking her. She told me how he beat her and left her in the ditch to die. My sister helped her and took her in and nursed her back to health. Ever since that day, they've been best friends. For me to keep this woman safe, I've got to know what this bastard looks like. His name is Lorenzo, but that's all she knows.

  I guess I'll have to sit down and have a chat with Lana. I need her to tell me everything she knows. She told me that her friend is a werewolf, but hasn't shifted since the jerk left her in that ditch to die.

  The dinner goes by quickly, and before I know, it’s over. I sigh. The time has come to have that chat with her. Gabriel fell asleep at the table, so I had to hold him halfway through dinner. Lana smiles at me, making something awaken inside me.

  She extends her arms to me to take Gabriel. “Here, give him to me. I'll lay him down, then we can chat.”

  She takes him gently in her arms, and places him in his crib. The sight of how gentle she is with my son makes my heart swell with pride.

  What’s going on with me?

  It can't be love. Maybe it's just an obsession. Just some stupid fantasy with her. I'm not oblivious to the other unmated male pack members. The lust-filled gazes they give her when she's not looking. My wolf rages inside as I think about what those fuckers were thinking about doing to her.

  My wolf taunts, “But you were thinking about those things too.”

  I gesture for her to take a seat. “Sit. We need to talk. Who is this guy you're running from?”

  Her eyes begin to water and the body begins to shake as I gaze at her, “His name is Lorenzo Moretti.”

  “You’re safe now. He's not going to hurt you anymore. I promise. Let me walk you to your room.” I assure her.

  I inch my face closer to her, and brush my lips to hers wanting to taste them, but instantly pull back. “Get some sleep. Gabriel wakes up early.”

  I storm away from her tempting body, and slam the door on my way out. Cole clasps his hands behind his neck, smirki
ng at me when he sees me. “Problem, Alpha?”

  He knows what’s happening to me, and knows I made a promise I would never be with another woman again… not since Tara’s death.

  I hate that Lana makes me feel things towards her. I feel like I want to protect her, claim her, and mark her. I can't do that though, she's only here to do a job. She’s my damn nanny. Her job is to take care of my son and nothing else. Maybe if I just keep my distance from her, everything will be okay.

  Yes, that’s what I’ll do.

  Just keep my distance, and it will be fine.

  I'll just have my sister do all the communicating between me and her. Pulling my clothes off; I strip down to my boxers, and lay down to go to sleep. I thought my nightmares would come, but they never do. I only dream of that little brunette sleeping next door.

  A week has gone by, and I've successfully avoided her without raising suspicion to Cole. She seems to be avoiding me as well. The rogues are getting closer, and this makes me start to wonder.

  Is this related to her ex, or just a coincidence?

  Cole smirks at me as he sees me watch Lana from a distance. “Just fuck her, and get it over with.”

  “Shut the hell up, and mind your own business.”

  He raises his hands in surrender, his eyes shining with mischief, “Well would you look at that?”

  My head snaps up to look at her, and Lucas has her caged to the wall. All I see is red as my wolf takes over ripping him away from her. “Take a walk, Lucas!”

  He cowers down and bows, running away. She looks up to me with her face completely flushed in embarrassment from the attention. “I'm sorry, Alpha! He…”

  I press a finger to her lips, making her breath hitch. “Lana, he won't be bothering you again.”

  But I will.

  I find myself doing the same thing Lucas did without knowing it. Gabriel cries out, and suddenly brings me to my senses. She ducks under my arm to go check on him.

  I just ripped Lucas away from her, only to do the same thing to her. My breath hitches as I rest my arms against the wall, fighting an internal battle. Maybe Cole is right. If I just fuck her out of my system; maybe these feelings will go away. As I look down at my pants, I groan realizing I had been hard the whole time I had her trapped.

  Did she see that?

  Maybe that's why she ran away so quickly. My mind wanders to the last time I spoke to my wife as she took her last breath.

  Sweat drips down Tara’s face as I kiss her chapped lips, straining to talk. “Jax, I want you to promise me something. Promise me you'll move on from me, and find someone nice to take care of Gabriel. I love you.”

  Her head falls back and goes limp in my arms. My howls can be heard throughout the whole territory. The pain rips through my body as I cry for my wife. Cry for my son, knowing he would never be able to see his mother. I know she wasn't my mate, but I did love her. She was my strength, and now she's gone, just like that.

  I don't know how long I’ve been standing here in my thoughts when a hand rests on my shoulder. Lana’s scent brings me out of the last memory of my wife. “Gabriel is asleep. Goodnight, Alpha Jaxson.”

  I stay silent, and nod to Lana as she retreats to her room for the night. Cole comes running to me, his eyes frantic. “Alpha, there's been an intruder. We caught him and put him in one of the cells downstairs.”


  As I stand in front of the filthy rogue chained to the wall, he bares his teeth and sneers. “Alpha Jaxson, so nice to meet you. I have a message for you. Lorenzo says he’ll make sure to kill Lana next time.”

  I don't hesitate to grip him by the throat, constricting his oxygen. My claws came out, and I dug them into his chest. Pulling his heart out. I dropped the heart to the cold cement floor, as his body went limp against the chains.

  Nobody will ever lay a hand on her as long as I'm here to protect her.

  My wolf teases, “You know that's not the real reason. You want to make her yours.”



  As I lie in this ditch; my entire body aches, and I try to shift but can't. My wolf refuses to let me. He beat me and left me here to die. Lorenzo wasn't always like this.

  At first, he was sweet and charming like a perfect gentleman. Then after being with him for a month something in him changed. He became possessive and that's when the accusations of cheating on him began. He became furious when I told him I was completely faithful to him. That was the night I received a fist to the face and a kick to the ribs.

  I tried so hard to get away from him, but he’s always found me. My breaths become more labored. I try to fight the urge to close my eyes. Right before I take a breath; I see a dark figure looming over me as I quit fighting, and close my eyes.

  I open my eyes to see a young blonde woman rushing to my side, “Oh God, you're alive!”

  I look around the room, and realize I'm no longer lying in the ditch he threw me in. She must have brought me here. Taking a cloth, she cleans the blood off of my face. “Who did this?

  I swallow and look away from her, ashamed of myself. “My ex. He can't find me! Please, you have to help me!”

  “What’s your name?”


  I chew on my lips nervously as she smiles softly.

  “My brother is an Alpha. He won't hurt you, but I do have to let him meet you if you are going to stay in the Crimson Peak territory.”

  It's been one month since Natalia found me, and we have become the best of friends. My body has had time to heal, but I still can't shift. She’s been more persistent for me to have dinner with her family, so I told her I would just to shut her up. I love her, but she does have her annoying qualities.

  She told me about how her brother lost his wife last year. She’s been trying like hell to get me to be her brother's nanny to his son. I don't know if I can trust him because he just might know Lorenzo and hand me back to that monster.

  Natalia leans down and whispers, “Relax, you can trust him.”

  I look up and see a man with dark hair and the most piercing brown eyes. His body radiates with power, and I can sense he doesn't trust me either.

  That's okay.

  I don't trust you either, Alpha.

  Natalia ushers me to the dining room, and I sit in silence as she begins to introduce me. “Jaxson, this is my best friend. Lana Delacruz.”

  He narrows his eyes at me as if he's trying to figure out if I'm a threat or not. The dinner goes by painfully slow and I look to my best friend and whisper to her. “Nat, can we go home. I'm exhausted. It was nice to meet you, Alpha.”

  His body seems to tense when I call him that, but all I get from him is a nod. When we get home, I let out a shaky breath. “Your brother hates me, and I don't even know what I did.”

  The first time in a month I let my tears fall as she hugs me, “He doesn't hate you. I could hear his thoughts, and he doesn't hate you. Trust me on this.”


  I've never stepped into that house since that night. Jaxson is always on my mind… forever embedded in my head.

  I wonder what was going through your head, Alpha Jaxson.

  Natalia never told me his exact thoughts, but assured me he didn't hate me.

  She told me he's been struggling to keep up with his Alpha duties, and taking care of his son, but is failing miserably. He asked her to find him someone to take care of his son while he is busy with pack business. For the past week, she's been trying to talk me into being that person.

  I glance away from my laptop to glance at her, and sigh, “Fine, I'll do it if it will shut you up. You win.”

  She hugs me squealing in excitement, pulling out her phone. “I'll go talk to him right now.”

  Oh, Lana, what have you got yourself into?

  I hope I can continue staying here hidden away from Lorenzo, but I know it's only a matter of time until he finds me again, and kills me next time. I hope I'm not making a mistake staying in the same house with her br
other, knowing he's just as powerful as the very monster I'm hiding from.

  The ride to his house doesn't seem like it's nearly long enough. A man answers the door and power radiates off him like Jaxson, but not as powerful as him. He must be the beta. He leads me to his office, and walks me inside. He's trying to organize the papers scattered all over his desk.

  Holding my hand out for him to shake, I introduce myself. “I'm Lana Delacruz. Natalia told me to come to your office to introduce myself.”

  He seems like he's lost focus for some reason, but composes himself. “Could you repeat that?”

  Keeping my hand out for him to shake, I repeat what I said. “I said I'm Lana Delacruz. Natalia told me to come to your office to introduce myself.”

  When he takes my hand in his, he lets his hand linger longer than was intended, not wanting to let go.

  I've been here for a total of three weeks, and he seems to be trying to avoid me for some odd reason. Maybe Nat was wrong, I have a feeling he does hate me and I don't even know why or what I did.

  I know the unmated wolves are looking at my body, licking their lips with lust. Every time one of them talks to me; Jaxson is quick to pull them away from me. I guess he doesn't trust me enough to talk to anybody yet. I don't care because I don't trust anyone here, but Natalia. Lorenzo made sure to break me enough to ruin trusting any other man.

  I can remember that night he ripped Lucas away from me, but then did the same thing he was doing. Jaxson is so confusing, like a puzzle I’m trying to unravel. I'm just trying to stay out of his way in case he does hurt me. The unmated female wolves are the opposite. They glare at me when I walk in the kitchen to feed Gabriel. They’re jealous. They want the Alpha for themselves. Well, they can fucking have him if they want him.

  Natalia's mother is also someone I've grown to trust. She's always so nice, saying how good I am with her grandson. She and Natalia are constantly trying to get me to take lunch to Jaxson, but I always refuse. I’m afraid of him. Alphas are so unpredictable when they get angry.

  Gabriel is so adorable, and such a sweet kid. I've always wanted to have a family of my own, but I am just afraid once I do have one… Lorenzo will find me and kill everyone. I hate him so much for the damage he has done to me.


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