Would You Believe Him?

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Would You Believe Him? Page 22

by Jack Hollinson

‘Ah, but you would be on your own and so they might confess to get it off their chests.’

  ‘What if they deny everything and contact my wife complaining about me harassing them? That would be the end of my marriage!’

  ‘That’s something you’ll have to decide. Listen, I’ll look into this. I’ll have a think and get back to you.’

  This was the first person whom Barry felt that he could trust. Someone who might actually end up by helping him. For this reason, he put the idea of cost out of his mind for that now took second place. Barry went home, thinking that it was a make or break situation now.

  He got home to find Shu speaking to Madeline on the telephone and she put the phone down as Barry walked in.

  ‘Barry, why didn’t you tell me about Madeline’s invitation to the Christmas party?’

  ‘Oh, err, well ... I was going to but I forgot. You know my head injury has left me with a terrible memory.’

  ‘You’re always blaming your accident!’ said Shu, frowning at Barry.

  ‘It was a major event in my life. It totally changed me!’

  ‘Well, I told her that we would be going. Sara would love to see their sons again.’

  ‘They’re only babies! I’m sure that it wouldn’t make that much difference to Sara. Look, we’ll go if we’re both fit and well, okay? I can’t say fairer than that.’

  Barry still had no intention of going and was thinking of faking an illness to stop her forcing his hand. He was sure that she wouldn’t go if he didn’t.

  ‘Oh, we’ll be all right,’ said Shu, as she went into the kitchen, leaving Barry, worrying like mad about whether he could pull off the deception without any aggravation. He remembered how Shu had vowed that she would never leave him as she believed parents should stick together to look after their children, but he couldn’t promise likewise if she got really nasty towards him. He knew that he had a very short temper and would let rip if pushed and if Shu became difficult to live with, he would have to leave. It was all up to Trimson.

  The next two days sped by and then Trimson rang.

  ‘Please come to my office. I would like to discuss matters.’

  He left no name, but Barry knew the voice so he immediately went round to Trimson’ s office.

  ‘I have been looking at your problem and would like to try a plan that might work. This is an expensive business so what is your budget?’

  ‘I have been trying not to think about that. I suppose I wouldn’t like to go too much over £1,000.’

  Trimson’ s eyes lit up.

  ‘That would cover the first operation but it depends on how long it takes to catch him. Do you realise that we might have to try to get evidence from several different angles?’

  ‘Yes, I do.’

  ‘One thousand pounds? Then we’ll look at the situation. Alright, here’s what I’ll do.’

  Trimson told Barry his plan and what he wanted him to do. Barry liked the idea and was going to put his all into trying to make it work.

  He returned home with an air of confidence. Trimson had told him that if they did get a confession and then a conviction, he could get substantial damages. Barry liked the idea but said the outcome would have to be guaranteed before he would risk any more money.

  On the next evening, Barry spoke to Shu.

  ‘I’ve been thinking,’ he said, with a serious tone in his voice. ‘To get rid of my thoughts and suspicions about Nick and Madeline, shall we go around to see them on Saturday or Sunday afternoon?’

  Shu looked at him with an enquiring expression.

  ‘But I thought that you didn’t want to see them. Why the change?’

  ‘He has been a friend for twenty years, and it would be a shame to break up our friendship. Maybe I can get rid of any doubts that I have about him.’

  ‘Good idea. You phone him and see if we can pop in.’

  Barry phoned Nick.

  ‘Hello, Nick. We are over your way on the weekend and Shu would love to see you and your children, again. Are you in, at all?’

  ‘Hello, Barry. Yes, we haven’t got much happening, this weekend and we could spare you a few minutes, ha, ha. Sunday would be best, at around three.’

  ‘OK, we’ll see you then,’ and Barry hung up. He then called Trimson.

  ‘I have arranged a visit on next Sunday. What should I do now?’

  ‘That is all I need. I shall be in touch, soon.’ Trimson knew that he had to find some way of proving that a substance was handed over to Madeline and Nick, so he made a careful search of the area around Charles’ house. He was delighted to find that there were woods to the rear of the house, enabling observation to take place without much fear of discovery. He would now have to follow Nick and Madeline down and stake the house out.

  Saturday dawned and Trimson spent the morning preparing himself for the watch. He put a camera with its telephoto lens into the bag together with the listening device. When he was ready, he first positioned himself at the back of the house to take photographs of Nick and his family entering the building.

  They arrived thirty minutes later and Trimson took plenty of photographs of Madeline, Nick and the boys going into the house, Trimson then rearranged himself and aimed the lens of the listening device first on the kitchen and then the lounge. This device is designed for those long distance stake-outs and had a dish that will amplify sounds while the built in lens allowed him to watch everything from a safe distance. This device had a 12 second record and playback feature that allows you to keep a record of the important evidence. This device could detect voices from a distance, with fair clarity.

  ‘I think that this is getting more and more risky by the day.’ It was Nick talking. ‘We shall need a larger payment to make it worth our while.’

  ‘This will be all you have to do, for now,’ said Charles, wincing at the thought of paying out more money. ‘What were you thinking of?’

  ‘We thought that a nice apartment in Portugal would be about right. You buy it and we’ll use it.’

  ‘That will cost a lot of money but if you do it right, then I’m sure we can come to some arrangement. But no mistakes! If you screw it up, you’ll have me to deal with.’

  This sent shivers down Madeline’s spine for she knew that Charles meant what he said and had the power to do almost anything.

  ‘Everything will go like clockwork, this time. Don’t worry,’ she said, anxiously.

  Charles got up and left the room whilst Charmaine played with the children and then he returned carrying two small, brown envelopes. Trimson took many pictures of the envelopes being handed over to Nick.

  ‘Here you are, then, the medicine. It’s the same as last time so she won’t taste anything, but put one whole envelope into each cup of tea.’

  ‘That’s double the last time,’ said Nick, surprised at the amount that Charles was asking them to put in. ‘Supposing something happens in my house! I don’t want her to have the baby all over the floor!’

  ‘It will be all right. It takes time to work so she’ll be back home before she has any reaction.’ Charles sounded like a doctor with all of his knowledge about the drug but, by now, he’d had plenty of experience with it.

  Nick and his family then left the house for a leisurely drive home and Trimson decided to wait and see if any other facts came to light from within the house.

  ‘I do wish you’d get over this hatred you feel for Barry.’ Charmaine was letting her thoughts be known to Charles.

  ‘Listen! I was doing my very best for him. I was trying to let him get to know Helen and he would have been much happier and wealthier. He would have enjoyed life more...’

  ‘But he is married to Shu! Surely he can make up his own mind.’

  ‘Don’t make me angry. He used to work for me and I know what’s best for him. He’s
a handsome lad, but he needs to be shown how to use it. It’s good to make a change of partners in life, especially when he’s got an opportunity like this. You mustn’t forget that if Shu gets pregnant without any difficulties, Barry would open his big mouth, again, and tell everyone. Someone - maybe the police - may believe him and start looking into his case and I can’t allow that, do you see, I CANNOT ALLOW THAT!’

  Charles was getting worked up. He still believed what he was doing was right so felt quite comfortable. He was also thinking about the handsome payment he would receive from his client as Helen was part of the family of the owners of the business. Helping her would please them, no end.

  ‘But this is cold-blooded murder! The baby is a living organism inside Shu,’ said Charmaine, fear spreading across her face.

  Charles took hold of her by the shoulders and violently shook her.

  ‘I am doing the right thing,’ he shouted. ‘It is NOT murder - the baby isn’t born, yet! Now I don’t want to hear any more from you,’ he said, throwing her to the floor.

  Charmaine began to sob. She knew that the only person who Charles was concerned with was himself. Barry would benefit but Shu would suffer in the long run and she began to wonder how she would hold her head up in future.

  This was enough for Trimson. He packed his things away and made his way back to the van. He had the opportunity of solving the case and could have gone to the police to tell them of his findings but he pondered.

  Trimson returned home and contacted Barry to ask him to go around to see him, once more, to finalise things.

  ‘Come in and sit down. You were right. Something is planned for tomorrow so here’s what I want you to do.’ Trimson told him that he had arranged things with the police and what he was going to do.

  ‘Can’t you get him on the evidence you hold?’ asked Barry, thinking that they had enough for a conviction already.

  ‘No. They need to be caught actually in the process of giving your wife the poisoned tea or else they might get away with it. We don’t want to lose such a good opportunity as this.’

  Trimson described what action he wanted Barry to take and Barry left, feeling responsible for his unborn baby’s life. Could he do it?

  The next day, Shu, Barry and little Sara left shortly after lunch to go to Nick and Madeline’s. Barry couldn’t help but drive terribly slowly, which was very unusual for him.

  Hurry up! We don’t want to keep them waiting,’ said Shu, not wishing to put their hosts out at all.

  ‘We’ll get there soon enough,’ said Barry, with determination in his voice. ‘And I want to make sure we don’t have an accident on the way.’

  Shu scowled, but said nothing. Eventually, they reached the house and Barry drove onto the hard standing outside.

  ‘So you’ve arrived, at last!’ Nick was waiting at the open front door. Shu got out of the car first.

  ‘Sorry Nick, but Barry was going so slowly,’ she said in an apologetic voice.

  ‘Never mind, come in, quickly. We’ve got lots to talk about.’

  Shu went in with Sara whilst Barry took his time locking up the car. Finally, he went inside and into the lounge.

  ‘Who would like a cup of tea? said Madeline, ‘That’s a bit quick,’ said Barry.

  ‘Oh, no it isn’t. Yes, please, I’d love one,’ said Shu, eagerly.

  Madeline went to the kitchen to make the tea and Nick kept them all busy, showing some home videos he’d recently taken.

  ‘And that’s when we were at the zoo,’ said Nick, commentating on the film. ‘Sara, do you see the monkeys in the cage? Oh, here’s Madeline back with the tea.’

  Nick broke off the commentary and went to help Madeline with the teas. He found space on the table and cleared the surrounding area. At this point, Barry went into action.

  ‘Shu, can you go and change Sara? I think she’s dirtied her nappy,’ he said, sniffing the air with a look of disgust on his face.

  Shu went over to Sara and, likewise, sniffed the air.

  ‘I can’t smell anything,’ she said.

  ‘She must be wet so go and change her, anyway. We don’t want her to get a rash!’ Barry was determined to get rid of Shu and was fortunate that she didn’t make a fuss. Shu got up and took Sara off to the bathroom.

  ‘She mustn’t let her tea get cold,’ said Madeline, with a slightly worried look on her face.

  ‘She’ll be back, soon,’ said Barry, casually. ‘Sara needs a lot of changing, these days.’

  He got up, went over to the window and blew his nose, twice. He lingered there, wiping his nose and praying that he’d been seen as that was the signal for the police to move in. Then he heard Shu coming back from the bathroom. Fear gripped him!

  Barry expected a rap, rap, rap! There should have been a loud knock at the door to herald an invasion of coppers, eager to find the evidence which could prove Barry’s accusations, once and for all.

  There was no sound. No-one came to knock at the door. Barry started to get worried. He wondered whether he had made the correct sign - or whether the police had seen it. He saw Shu come back into the room and he made his way over to the window, again.

  ‘Is there anything strange in my garden?’ asked Nick.

  ‘Oh, err, what’, said Barry caught out by what Nick said. He blew his nose, twice again. ‘Just don’t want to spread any germs to my family. I am getting a bit of a cold.’

  That should have done it, he thought. If the police couldn’t see that, they must want their eyes tested. He shuffled across the room and sat next to Shu. ‘Anyone would think that you are expecting someone’ said Nick, and he put down his tea.

  ‘I wonder?’ said Madeline as she came into the dining room, which overlooked the road. ‘Do you want to open the door and go for a look around, ha, ha, ha?’

  It was this sentence that started Barry thinking. Especially the ‘ha, ha, ha’ at the end. Shu was holding her cup of tea and Barry had to do something. He was sure that it was poisoned so he suddenly moved his arm as if to stop Sara falling over and knocked Shu’s cup flying. Tea everywhere!

  ‘Oh, I am sorry’ said Barry.

  ‘BARRY’ shouted Shu in dismay. ‘You clumsy person!’ ‘Why can’t you look what you are doing?’

  ‘Never mind,’ said Madeline. I’ll get you another one straight away’.

  ‘No, I think that we had better go’ said Barry. My cold is getting worse and I don’t feel very well’.

  ‘Oh dear me’ said Nick. ‘Are you sure?’

  Barry was already on his feet. ‘Come on, Shu, let’s go and we can come back when I’m feeling better’.

  Shu’s eyes were burning and Barry knew that he could expect a prolonged silence for the next few days. This was Shu’s way - not a big slanging match, just silence. Barry had got used to it and, as a matter of fact, quite liked this way of his partner showing her anger.

  It had now been at least 10 minutes since he made the sign so there were no police coming. What had gone wrong? Where were the police? Had Trimson actually spoken to them? Had he arranged anything?

  ‘What a shame’ said Nick. ‘You will have to come over again, soon.’

  Barry ushered his family to the car. He felt defeated. When would things ever go his way? When would he be able to stop his Uncle’s attempts to destroy his life?

  Answer - never.




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