Two Is a Lonely Number

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Two Is a Lonely Number Page 8

by Amanda Torrey

  She didn’t stick around to find out where his anger would lead.

  She didn’t fight with men. She simply didn’t bother with them. She didn’t get invested enough in relationships to experience the sort of intense feelings which stirred so painfully inside her now. She had learned early on, through her mother’s “relationships,” that men couldn’t be trusted. They were good for one thing, and that one thing didn’t usually leave a permanent scar.

  She allowed her own anger and hurt to carry her down to the next block, where she sat in a coffee shop booth to rest her feet. She called Ava to ask for a ride home and sipped a hot chamomile tea while she awaited her arrival.

  Chapter Eight

  “You’re addicted to driving Cole’s truck, aren’t you?”

  Karly slipped out of her heels as soon as she closed the truck door.

  “I can’t help it. I’m in love with this old thing. And now that he actually lets me drive it, I take it every chance I can get.” Ava remained parked, studying Karly’s puffy face. “Rough night?”

  “Can we just not talk?”

  “Hmm,” Ava crinkled her lips and studied the ceiling of the truck before looking back at Karly and smiling. “Nope.”

  “How did I know you’d say that?”

  “Maybe because you dropped a bomb that you’re pregnant and I’ve been dying to discuss this with you? And you never, ever cry, which leads me to believe that Ben did something really poopy and he may need me to send him to the principal’s office.”

  Karly smiled and shook her head.

  “You’re nuts.”

  “So are you! Which is why we love each other so much.”

  “I’ll talk if you drive.”

  “I’ll drive if you invite me into your house when we get there.” Ava pulled a grocery bag from behind her seat. “I’ve come prepared with your favorite Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. And since I don’t know what cravings you’ve been having, I brought a selection of snacks to choose from.”

  “Have I told you lately that you’re my best friend?” Karly grabbed the bag from Ava and sifted through until she found the peanut M&M’s on the bottom. “I’m starving.”

  “How long have you been sick? It’s good that you have an appetite, at least.”

  “That’s the weird thing. I swear I’ve been sick since a week after Ben and I were together. And no matter how much I throw up, I can’t stop wanting to eat. It’s pathetic. I’ve already put on weight.”

  “Maybe, but it’s all in your boobs,” Ava joked.

  Karly offered Ava the candy. She declined.

  “I’ve been on a salty kick. Chips, mostly. Can you even believe we’re pregnant together? Like, we’re probably due the same week! How freaking awesome is that?”

  Awesome wasn’t the word Karly would choose to describe her circumstance, but she had to admit that if she had to go through this, at least she’d be going through it with the closest thing she had ever had to a sister.

  “It’s pretty crazy. How have you been feeling?” Karly asked.

  “I’ve been feeling amazing. Like I was meant to be pregnant. I know it’s crazy early, but I feel better than I’ve ever felt.”

  Karly stopped herself from throwing an M&M at her friend.

  “When are you planning to tell Ben?”

  “Wasn’t planning to at all. But it sort of slipped out tonight.”

  “Oh, man. Judging by your smeared mascara, I’d say it didn’t go over well?”

  “Considering he has another pregnant chick living at his house that everyone thinks is his fiancée? I’d say it didn’t go over well for either of us.”

  “He has a what?”

  “Yeah, that’s what I said. Surprised you hadn’t heard the rumors yet.”

  “I wouldn’t have believed it even if I had heard it. You sure it’s true?”

  “He denies it’s his kid.”

  “But he doesn’t deny there’s a woman?”

  Karly let out a long stream of frustrated-with-life breath. “It’s complicated. He told me not to tell anyone, but obviously I tell you everything.”

  “I won’t repeat,” Ava promised. “Even to Cole, since he’s Ben’s best friend.”

  “I know you won’t.” Karly proceeded to tell Ava all the dirty details of the evening as they drove to Karly’s apartment.

  “I know I promised to invite you in, but would you mind a raincheck? I’m ridiculously tired.” Karly rubbed her eyes, shocked at the depth of her fatigue.

  “I understand. Promise to call me in the morning.”

  “Promise.” Karly leaned over to kiss Ava on the cheek. “I’m absconding with this bag, though.”

  Ava giggled. “It’s all yours, bestie.”


  Ben remained seated in the front seat of his car, torn between the need to drive to Karly’s to check on her and the need to keep his balls attached to his body. He had no doubt she’d tear them off if he didn’t give her space.

  Knowing Julia would be up and waiting for someone to talk to after being alone most of the day made him wish he could escape for the night.

  He was going to be a father.

  An unfamiliar ball of something uncomfortable—maybe emotion?—clogged his throat. He tried to swallow past it, but found he was unable to without taking multiple deep breaths.

  Holy shit.

  He couldn’t be someone’s father.

  Headlights loomed in his rearview mirror as a vehicle tore into his driveway. Who the hell was pulling in this late? He thought the rules he had set with women were pretty clear—no unannounced visitors at any time. Besides, he rarely went for seconds.

  A slamming door alerted him to the fact that he was about to have a visitor, no matter how unwelcome.

  He knew from the height of the headlights that it wasn’t Karly.

  A small female scurried from the truck toward his front door, passing inches from his car. She gasped as he swung his door open, reluctantly prepared to send the intruder on their way.


  “Ben!” Ava pressed her hand to her heart, clearly surprised at his sudden appearance.

  “Is everything okay? Where’s Cole?”

  “Everything’s fine. Well, no, not really, but this has nothing to do with Cole. Or me, really. Well, sort of me. Ugh!”

  “Slow down. What are you trying to say?”

  Ben leaned back against his car, arms crossed over his chest in amusement. She looked like she was on a mission, and he had a sick feeling he knew what it was.

  “Karly. You.”

  His amusement fled. He had known it was coming, but he wasn’t prepared to have this conversation with Ava of all people.

  He raised an eyebrow in question, waiting for her to continue her babble.

  “You got her pregnant.”

  “I’m aware. Newly aware. But aware.”

  “How could you?”

  Ava’s eyes narrowed dangerously, and Ben suddenly felt very, very sorry for Cole. He had always laughed when Cole said she was a force to be reckoned with. Guess he owed his friend an apology for underestimating his typically-bubbly wife.

  “I don’t think I ought to get into the mechanics with you, but let’s just say—”

  “I’m familiar with the mechanics.” Ava shook her head and clutched her own newly-impregnated belly. He wondered if he should tell her she wasn’t yet showing. “What I want to know is how could you do this to her?”

  “I assure you I didn’t do it alone.”

  “Do you think I’m an idiot? I’m not talking about the pregnancy. Obviously you both screwed up. Or it was meant to be. Whatever. But what’s the deal with a pregnant fiancée?”

  “I’m getting rather tired of having to explain myself to everyone in this damned town. It’s my business. No one else’s.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. I don’t care about the gossip. I care about Karly. I care that she’s devastated and hurt and pregnant and alone.”

“I told her she wouldn’t be alone in this.”

  “Oh, think maybe there’s room for another pregnant woman in your life?”

  “Ava. I think you’re great. You make Cole happy. But you need to butt the hell out.”


  Her chin jutted up so high, he almost couldn’t see her eyes.

  “So you came here to be a petulant child?”

  Her hands flew to her hips and her teacher face appeared. He’d bet money that she could get a classroom full of five-year-olds to pay attention when they noticed that posture.

  “I’m here as a caring and concerned best friend. I know how you are. I won’t allow you to hurt someone as vulnerable as my best friend. Won’t allow it at all.”

  He laughed at the thought of Karly being vulnerable.

  “I’m not kidding, Ben.”

  “Oh, I know. I simply find this entire exchange ludicrous. Go home. You have no need to worry about me hurting Karly. I’d never turn my back on my responsibilities.”

  Tears filled her eyes. Shit. Cole would kick his ass if he knew Ben was responsible for making Ava cry. Ben would have to let him, too.

  “Ava, come on.” Ben ran a hand through his hair. Why was he cursed with so much womanly shit these days? His sexual karma must be catching up. But what the hell? He had always allowed his dates to finish first. Shouldn’t that count for something in the world of karmic justice? “Don’t be upset.”

  “I’m just so mad.” Her nostrils flared as tears freely streamed down her cheeks. “Karly deserves better than this.”

  “I agree.”

  His agreement must have caught her off-guard, because her mouth opened and closed a few times before she clamped it shut.

  “Listen. Karly is the one I need to discuss this with. But I promise you I have her best interests in mind. I will take care of this.”

  Ava nodded.

  “The other woman?”

  “A friend.”

  Ava’s eyes widened and her lips pursed, twisting to the side.

  “Really. I am capable of having female friends.”

  She still didn’t look like she believed him, and Ben had no idea why that rankled him so badly.

  He had never been ashamed of his reputation before.

  “It’s been a long day and I don’t think it’s getting any shorter. Have a good night, Ava.”

  She sniffled.

  “Wait one more second.”

  Ben turned to face his small adversary.

  “When she falls for you, you’d better be ready to catch her.”

  Without waiting for a response, Ava turned and hurried back to her still-running truck.

  Chapter Nine

  Two days passed with no word from Ben.

  Karly fluctuated between wanting to go wring his neck and wanting to go kiss him until he forgot the bitchy way she had treated him.

  She knew she wasn’t wrong. She didn’t want him in her life. But she couldn’t explain the pain that tore through her every minute that passed without an incoming call, text, or unexpected knock on the door.

  She blamed the baby.

  Reading about the little creature growing inside her had her warming to the idea. Sure, this pregnancy was far from how she had envisioned her life.

  But her baby, at this stage of life, was developing ears. And a nose. Who couldn’t love something with ears and a nose? Even if the thing that continued to make her so sick and emotional was only the size of a lentil.

  She smiled, imagining the alien-looking fetus swimming around in her womb. The poor thing had no idea what he or she was being born into.

  Without putting too much thought into it, Karly put away her current project—the first six months of a family’s new puppy photographed weekly—and prepared to drive over to Ben’s. At the very least, she owed him an apology.

  That’s the least she could do for her little lentil.

  She should have realized he wouldn’t be home. Just because her work hours were sporadic and unpredictable didn’t mean he wouldn’t be at the office in the middle of the day.

  She turned to leave, but the door opened a crack.

  A redheaded woman, shorter than Karly, peered through the crack.

  “Hi. Um, sorry to bother you. I was looking for Ben, but he’s probably at work. Could you let him know Karly stopped by?”

  She hurried down the stairs, but the woman called out to her.

  “Please don’t go. Come in.” Her voice, timid and small, spoke to the empathetic parts of Karly that she usually tried to keep suppressed.

  “Okay. For a minute.”

  The woman opened the door wider, and Karly brushed by the woman’s bulging belly.

  “How far along are you?”

  “Seven months.” The woman rubbed her baby bump. “Wish I could fast forward to delivery day.”

  Karly was taken aback by the beauty of the petite woman. Her hair glowed like a sunrise, and though she tended to look toward the floor, Karly got a glimpse of bright green eyes and a porcelain doll face.

  No way was she never involved with Ben.

  Karly wanted to vomit. She had half convinced herself that she could believe Ben—that he could possibly be protecting an old friend. But she had known him for years—he was always either on the pursuit or being pursued. He didn’t even have to try.

  “Would you like something to drink? I’m Julia, by the way.”

  Karly remained frozen, staring at the small, very pregnant beauty.

  Something about the skittishness Julia tried to hide made Karly want to wrap her arms around her to hug her.

  “That’s okay, thanks. I have to get going.”

  “Wait. Please stay. I’ve heard so much about you from Ben. I’d love to have a person to talk to.”

  The first response to intrude Karly’s mind was a sarcastic, “Sure, honey. Let’s be sister-wives.” But she managed to bite her tongue before saying a thing.

  “Ben and I have been friends since high school. We’ve never been romantically involved, I promise. I’m sure it’s hard for you to deal with having a woman staying at his house.”

  “It’s none of my business.”

  “Of course it is. You’re his girlfriend. I don’t think I’d be happy about it, either. I had nowhere else to go, so Ben took pity on me.”

  “I’m not his girlfriend.” Karly chuckled, suddenly embarrassed. What had Ben told Julia?

  “I’m sorry, I assumed—the way he talks about you. I’ve never known Ben to even remember the name of his conquests. Sex has always been a sort of game to him—a way to win.”

  Karly didn’t reply.

  “I’m sorry.” Julia wrapped her arms around herself and shrunk before Karly’s eyes.

  “Don’t be sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  Karly wished she could ask Julia to fill her in on everything she knew about Ben, but that would be cheating. Besides, having known Julia now for about three minutes, Karly could tell Ben was being truthful when he told her the woman had been abused.

  It was painfully obvious.

  How could she blame Ben for wanting to protect Julia when Karly was having a hard time resisting the urge herself?

  “I have to head out. It was nice to meet you, Julia.”

  Julia nodded, hair falling into her face as she refused to meet Karly’s eyes.

  “Are you okay?”

  Julia nodded.

  “The baby is moving around like crazy, and I tend to get a little nervous. Old habit. When the baby would kick my ex in the back while he was sleeping, he’d wake up in a rage.”

  Karly reached out to put her hands on Julia’s belly, asking if it was okay before making contact.

  Julia lifted her shirt and allowed Karly to make skin-to-skin contact.

  Tears pooled in Karly’s eyes at the beauty of the life she felt rolling under her palm.

  “Beautiful,” she mumbled.

  “Thank you, Karly.” Julia’s small hands covered Karly�
�s. “I hope we can be friends.”

  Karly nodded, working harder than she ever had to suppress the tears that threatened to drown her.

  She excused herself and rushed out, rolling her windows way down to allow the crisp fall air to numb the pain as she drove back to her empty house.


  Karly drove. And drove. And drove some more.

  Until her gas tank screeched a warning to her and her lungs burned from hyperventilating.

  Until fatigue washed over her more powerfully than a tsunami, dragging her into the watery grave of sleepy depression.

  Until she promised herself she’d be okay. She just needed to be home, wrapped in her fleece blanket and cuddling her zebra print body pillow.

  She nearly pulled out of her driveway again when she found Ben waiting by her front door.

  She couldn’t deal with him. Not now. Maybe not ever.

  Her pillow beckoned—tempting beyond any man she had ever been with. To get to it, she’d have to go through him. She didn’t think she had the energy to run to the back door. She doubted she’d outrun him, anyway. The man was fit.

  She smiled, though she wished she had known he’d be there so she could have freshened her make-up or driven off a cliff. You know—one or the other.

  He fiddled with the cuff of his button-down shirt. She wondered if he knew he looked nervous.

  “I was getting worried.” Ben stepped toward her and grasped her arm, guiding her up the stairs as though she were an invalid.

  She jerked away, hating that he thought she was fragile, but desperately wanting his warmth to connect with her cold.

  She was starting to hate herself.

  She let herself into her home. He followed close behind. Every nerve ending in her body stood up and paid attention to where he was in relation to her. The answer? Mere inches away.

  “Thanks for letting me come in.”

  “I didn’t exactly let you.”

  “But you didn’t say no.”

  She couldn’t argue that. The word “no” wasn’t even part of her vocabulary when it came to Ben Knight.


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