Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest Vol. 8

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Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest Vol. 8 Page 3

by Ryo Shirakome

  Even if it wasn’t a monster, there was still plenty of reason to be afraid. All of Verbergen’s residents nervously watched Fernir to see what would happen next.

  After a brief pause, there was a loud clang, and the front and back of the gondola slid open. Everyone shrunk back, including the soldiers. Their ears stood on end, and every beastman with a tail had it tucked firmly between their legs.

  As the citizens watched, a single figure stepped out of the gondola’s dark depths. Naturally it was no monster, but a timid-looking rabbitman. Her ears drooped a little as she saw everyone staring at her with grim expressions on their faces.

  That was the kind of reaction most people expected from a rabbitman, not the boundless bravado shown by the headhunting Haulia. Once they realized they weren’t up against an unknown monster, the residents of Verbergen relaxed somewhat. After a few more seconds, it finally hit them.

  “They really came back...” Someone muttered.

  Many of the residents still hadn’t been fully convinced, but now they realized that their dreams had really come true. Starting with the rabbitman, former beastmen slaves started pouring out of the gondola. They were finally able to step foot on the homeland they had thought lost to them forever.

  As they walked out into the square, they examined their surroundings in disbelief. It still didn’t feel real to them. But it was the same crisp air they’d used to breathe, the same trees that had given them a sense of security, the same nostalgic lamps that lit the streets, and the same friends and family they thought they’d never see again.

  Their surroundings forced them to accept that this was reality. They’d really come home. The residents of Verbergen were just as amazed. A woman in her mid-thirties timidly stepped forward, her dog ears drooping. With tears in her eyes, she called out to one of the young dogboys that had exited the gondola.

  Upon hearing his name, he looked up, and tears sprang to his eyes. He was the same boy that Kouki had tried to save back at the capital. He ran over to the woman and screamed.


  The woman knelt down and scooped the boy up into her arms. She hugged him tight, as if trying to make sure he was really there, and not just an illusion. The two of them wept openly, rejoicing at this reunion they thought would never come.

  That seemed to be the signal for everyone else, and beastmen from both sides rushed toward each other, crying tears of joy. Friends, family, lovers—each time a group was reunited, another deafening cheer rang out. The streets of Verbergen were more lively than ever. Rarely had this tranquil capital been the sight of such boisterous cheering.

  Amidst the chaos, Hajime and the others descended Fernir’s ramp. When the elders spotted them coming out, they all rushed toward Hajime at once.

  “Hajime Nagumo... you really know how to make an entrance.”

  “Ulfric. Yeah, that probably just made more work for you, huh. Sorry about that.”

  Ulfric smiled wanly as he looked up at the broken tree branches Fernir had left in its wake. Hajime scratched his cheek awkwardly and apologized.

  Using so much mana had left him drained, and unable to control Fernir as precisely as he would have liked. That being said, walking all the way back or sending all of the freed beastmen back in groups through portals both would have taken more time, and been more of a pain. Especially since Verbergen was difficult to locate. Hajime had only known where it was because he’d given Cam an Artifact that broadcasted its coordinates at all times. Naturally this meant he’d been planning on landing Fernir inside the city the whole time. Despite his apology, he’d done this on purpose.

  In some ways, he was a little insane. After all, when he’d first visited the city he’d found it unbelievably beautiful. Yet he had no compunction about destroying its scenery for the sake of convenience. Though for once, it appeared he did at least feel somewhat remorseful. He turned bashfully to Kaori and asked for help.

  “Sorry Kaori, but could you fix this up for me?”

  “Thank goodness. It looks like you haven’t gone completely insane yet.”

  Wait, did she just casually insult me? Hajime was surprised by her shift in personality, but he didn’t want to get burned so he didn’t mention it. And is it just my imagination, or are Yue and the others snickering too? Kaori raised her hand toward the shattered foliage and spoke a single word.


  Tetragrammaton was a spell that restored any object to its original state. In seconds, the bent and broken trees had returned to their original shape. No matter how many times Hajime saw it, he couldn’t help but be amazed by the spell.

  Furthermore, Kaori truly did look divine, wrapped in glowing silver mana. It rose up from her in a spiral, that ascended past the trees and high into the sky.

  “Whoa, our Kaori-sama just performed another miracle!”

  “All hail Kaori-sama, Verbergen’s goddess!”

  The beastmen started cheering for Kaori. Some of them even knelt before her, tears streaming from their eyes.

  “Stop! Please, don’t look at me like that! I don’t want to be worshiiiped!” Kaori ran from beastman to beastman, forcibly hauling each one to their feet.

  “It appears yet another goddess has been born. I must say, it’s quite a surprise to see so many new deities popping up on the continent where only a single god is meant to be worshiped. First Aiko-dono, now Kaori.”

  Hajime couldn’t tell if Tio was moved, or just nonplussed. She was the one who’d obliterated the head temple along with Aiko after all. On the other hand, Yue stroked her chin and made a comment.

  “Mmm... So this is how you’re going to pick a fight with god. I like your style, Hajime.”

  “Thanks, Yue. You know, I feel like something like this happened back in Ankaji too.”

  “Oh yeah, I remember. The citizens made a ‘Kaori-sama fan club’ or something.”

  Said fan club’s present president was the duke of Ankaji’s son. He was probably fervently praying for a chance to meet Kaori again.

  “Kaori’s... really grown.”

  “You sound like her mom, Shizushizu. Also don’t you think it’s kind of dirty for Kaorin to gain fame for fixing things Nagumo-kun himself broke?”

  Suzu pointed out the harsh truth to Shizuku, who was starting to get emotional. She’s got a point! Kouki and Ryutarou thought simultaneously. Though the beastmen were supposed to be nonreligious, it really did seem like they would soon convert to the church of Kaori. Amidst the chaos, Altina came up to Ulfric and whispered,

  “Grandfather, Isn’t it about time we...”

  Altina nodded to the last party descending Fernir’s ramp—Gahard, Liliana, and her royal entourage. Of the three, Gahard was unrecognizable because of the mask he was wearing. In order to prevent any information on Verbergen from being leaked to the empire, Hajime had made him a golden mask—in the same power rangers style as he had the others—that blocked out all light and sound.

  Though his face wasn’t visible, Altina could tell that he and Liliana were both high-ranking nobility just from their attire, and the fact that they had attendants following them. Since Cam’s claim all the slaves had been freed proved to be true, the elders realized his insistence that he’d forced the emperor to surrender must have been the truth as well. And so, while Gahard looked like nothing more than a masked pervert, they were able to guess he was indeed the emperor.

  All of Verbergen’s leaders had been informed of Gahard’s arrival, but none of the citizens had. They had feared that someone might try to kill the emperor had they made that information public. Especially now that he’d arrived in this ridiculous mask. Verbergen’s citizens would probably think he was trying to make fun of them. The last thing Verbergen’s elders wanted was the emperor dead. Even if they despised him, they needed him alive and bound to the Haulia’s contract if they wished for peace with the empire.

  It was also for that reason that Altina was in a hurry to get Gahard out of the public eye. Though he
r worries weren’t nearly as great as her confusion. Why on earth is the emperor wearing such a ridiculously colored mask? Next to her, Shizuku twitched. As the infamous pink ranger, seeing that mask brought back unpleasant memories.

  “Hmm, I suppose you’re right. Hajime Nagumo, no, Nagumo-dono. Cam has already explained the situation to me. Though I find it hard to believe, it appears our brethren have truly been freed from the empire’s grasp. As Verbergen’s representative, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

  “You’re thanking the wrong guy. It’s the Haulia who did this, not me. Try not to forget that, will you?”

  Hajime casually waved off Ulfric’s thanks as he put both Fernir and the gondola into his Treasure Trove. The beastmen who’d been busy celebrating blinked in surprise as two massive objects vanished right before their eyes. They then focused their attention on the group the elders were talking to, Hajime and the others.

  “I can’t tell if you’re trying to be humble, or really speaking the truth. Regardless, it’s not like you,” Ulfric replied with a wry smile.

  “At any rate, I understand. I’ll give my thanks to the Haulia. Though I find it hard to believe that the weakest of all races, the rabbitmen, were able to defeat the empire... I suppose if you live long enough you really do live to see everything. This is certainly a historic moment for Verbergen.”

  Ulfric turned to his people and declared that it was the Haulia who’d defeated the empire and rescued everyone’s friends and family. Upon learning who their saviors were, the residents all turned to Cam, who was standing next to Ulfric. They were looking at him not with scorn, but with the unique mixture of respect and awe reserved for heroes.

  Even though the Haulia had been forced to flee from their home, lost many of their brethren, had been exiled from Verbergen upon their return, and had been considered traitors by most residents of the city, now they were being treated like heroes. Shea felt an swell of emotion as she watched her dad bask in the cheers of the people. She was so happy, and so proud. As tears pooled in the corner of her eyes, she felt someone take hold of her hand.



  Yue didn’t say anything. But just holding Shea’s hand was enough to convey her feelings. Shea turned to Yue and saw her looking back with a more gentle expression than she ever had before. Her bunny ears hopped back and forth.

  “Why not stand with him?” Hajime said casually.

  Even though she’d started out as a worthless rabbit, she’d conquered numerous labyrinths alongside Hajime. The number of trials she’d faced were far greater than anyone here. She had just as much right to be hailed a hero as her father did. Show them how far the girl they called a monster’s come, his gaze seemed to say.

  His supportive attitude came as such a shock to Kouki, Shizuku, and Liliana that their jaws dropped open. They’d never seen Hajime act that kind to anyone other than Yue. Upon seeing his expression Kaori grumbled to herself and lapsed into thought, while Tio looked on happily and muttered “Oho.” Heartened by her comrades’ support, Shea smiled and said “I’ll be going then!” She boldly strode forward and stood next to her father.

  However, to her surprise, Cam ignored her. He seemed to be pondering something as he observed the expressions of his fellow beastmen. After a few seconds, a crafty grin spread across his face. He raised his right hand high, and in an instant, there were Haulia all around the square. There was no visible cover nearby, and it looked as if they’d popped out of thin air. They lined up in front of Cam and stood at parade rest. All around, the residents started muttering to each other.

  “Whoa, where’d they come from!?” “How’d we miss them!?” “Hiii not them! Someone get me my medicine!”

  “H-Huh? Dad? What are you—”

  “Listen up, my brethren!”

  Shea trudged back to Hajime and the others, a dejected expression on her face.

  “I knew it. I knew dad would ignore me right when it mattered most,” she muttered sadly.

  Hajime and Yue stroked her ears and comforted her. Cam didn’t even seem to notice Shea’s sad expression as he glared sharply at the people of Verbergen—specifically the rabbitmen.

  “For centuries have we been scorned, humiliated and disparaged. Hear me! For the first time in history, we were able to defeat the empire. But know that no peace lasts forever. Before long, your futures will be threatened once more.”

  The hundreds of rabbitmen in the crowd started shivering in fear. They looked to Cam in supplication, begging him to prevent those horrible days from ever returning.

  “And once it is, your lives will go back to the miserable existences they were until yesterday. And that’s not all. Next time, your friends and family who escaped will be captured too.”

  This time all of the beastmen looked down in worry.

  “Are you willing to accept that?”

  Of course not! They thought simultaneously. No one wanted to return to those days where they’d been beaten and humiliated on a daily basis, where they’d had their pride stepped on over and over. Nor did they want any of their fellow beastmen to taste that same pain. But what could they hope to do about it? Seeing everyone’s downtrodden expressions, Cam raised his voice and continued.

  “Of course you’re not! So the question is, what are you gonna do about it? The answer’s simple. If you want to protect the people close to you... then fight. If you’re tired of just resigning yourself to your fates... then stand and fight. If you want to change the way the rabbitmen are treated... then fill your heart with rage! That’s what we Haulia did! Rabbitmen are not the weakest! So long as you have the resolve, you can grow as strong as you want! We’re living proof of that!”

  Someone in the audience gasped. Everyone was once again reminded of the fact that their savior hadn’t been some special, all-powerful being, but one of their very own clans. One by one, the rabbitmen lifted their heads.

  “Remember the humiliation you suffered at the empire’s hands. Don’t just take it lying down! Protect those you love with your own two hands! If you have time to lament your fate, then spend that time sharpening your fangs! Light a fire in your heart and fight!”

  The faintest glimmers of hope began to shine in the eyes of the rabbitmen. Their drooping ears stood on end, as if they’d been imbued with new life. Cam’s lips curled up into a grin.

  “If you don’t know how to fight, we’ll teach you. If you have the will to resist, if you desire power, come to us. The Haulia will welcome you with open arms!”

  With that, Cam ended his speech. The Haulia lined up in front of him all smiled fearlessly. Their eyes seemed to be silently inviting the others to join them. Cam gave a second hand signal. Like ninjas, the Haulia dispersed and vanished into the darkness.

  Upon seeing such an impressive display, the rabbitmen in the crowd grew even more determined. A few of the younger ones looked ready to run out and join the Haulia this instant.

  Cam chuckled to himself. Perfect, now we’ve got more fresh recruits! Once they’ve signed up, I won’t let any of them escape. They’ll be stuck in boot camp hell until they’re one of us!

  “Sorry for interrupting your conversation, Boss. This was just the perfect opportunity to scout out some new talent.”

  “I-I see. I don’t really mind, but...”

  Hajime trailed off. For some reason, the thought of the Haulia propagating didn’t sit well with him. Even though the root cause of the Haulia’s transformation was him, he didn’t necessarily want Haltina to become filled with bloodthirsty rabbits. Cold sweat poured down his back as he realized far too late what kind of monsters he’d unleashed into the sea of trees.

  “And so, the kind rabbits of the forest went extinct...”

  “Please don’t say that, Yue-san! As a member of the original Haulia, I won’t be able to show my face here if that really happens!” Shea screamed in despair.

  In the near future, the kind and timid rabbits of Haltina would most likely
be replaced by wild, aggressive rabbits who loved nothing more than beheading people. If anyone ever asked her in the afterlife “Who was the one who turned the rabbitmen into killing machines!?” she would have no choice but to say: “My husband and my dad.”

  Her embarrassment was certainly understandable.

  “Mmm. At any rate, we should probably head inside. Altina, if you would be so kind as to guide us.”

  Ulfric was just as terrified of the Haulia multiplying as Hajime, but he managed to put the thought out of his mind and returned to the matter at hand. His composure was commendable. While the other elders, especially the bearman elder, looked ready to faint, he alone maintained the presence of mind to lead everyone back on topic. There was a reason he was the eldest of the elders.

  “This way, Nagumo-dono. I’ll take you to the conference hall. Come, follow me.”

  For some reason, Altina smiled and held her hand out to Hajime. She’d fallen for Cam’s taunts hook, line, and sinker. Naturally, Shea stepped in and slapped Altina’s hand out of the way.

  The two of them locked eyes. Sparks flew between the two of them.

  “Thanks so much for guiding us Altina-san.”

  Shea smiled at Altina. It was a warm smile, befitting of a rabbitman of Haltina. However, her bunny ears betrayed what she was really feeling. They were projected outward in an attempt to intimidate Altina.

  “No problem, Shea-san. But the crowd’s rather dense, so I think it would be best if we held hands. It wouldn’t do to get separated, would it?”

  Altina smiled back. It was a warm smile, befitting of a princess of Haltina. However, her pointed ears betrayed what she was really feeling. They were twitching rapidly in protest.

  Everything’s going according to plan. Cam grinned to himself, something Hajime didn’t miss. He guessed what was going on, and gave Cam a smirk that could cause nightmares. A torrent of cold sweat poured down Cam’s forehead, and his grin vanished. He gave Cam the evil eye, and pointedly took Shea’s hand.

  “Ah...” she gasped. A second later a smile split her face and she hugged Hajime’s arm.


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