Katie In Denver (In Denver Series Book 3)

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Katie In Denver (In Denver Series Book 3) Page 5

by Colora, R.

“What the hell, Michael? How the hell did you get into my house? And why are you in my bedroom?”

  I get up from the floor and fix my camisole top and sleep shorts with rainbows on them. Grabbing my robe, I cover myself up and go to the bathroom just leaving him sitting there. I brush my teeth and wash my face then walk back out to my room.

  He leans back in the chair crossing his arms. I throw my hands up waiting for an answer.

  “I couldn't sleep. I tried, but I kept thinking how hurt MJ looked so I drove here at 4 am. When I came to the gate, they wouldn't let me in, so I had them call your dad. We had coffee and a long talk, and he let me in, he said it would be good for me to be here when MJ woke up. You know, to show him I'm here.”

  “OK, so why the hell are you lurking in my bedroom watching me sleep like some weirdo?”

  “Katie,” he says, leaning forward and resting his forearms on his knees. When he says my name, it turns my inside to liquid.

  He takes a minute before finishing.

  “Katie, I never got over you. I made a mistake because I was high and drunk and stupid, but I want you back—I want my family. I thought about you every day. I drove myself crazy thinking about you, and I know I will have so much to prove to you, but I have known since I picked up your wallet that you were my soulmate, the only woman for me. If you need time to get there, I will wait, but I'm telling you now you’re mine, and I'm yours.”

  I brace myself for the lie I’m about to tell.

  “Michael, I'm not the sixteen-year-old girl you left behind anymore. The puppy love feelings I had for you are gone, I will always have love for you because you are the father of my child, but the feelings I had for you died.” I walk to my dresser pulling out underwear, a bra, some jeans, and a shirt. When I turn around, Michael is standing in front of me

  “When you were sleeping you moaned and said my name. You rubbed your thighs together like you used to do when I got you all worked up I bet if I slid my hand down the front of those tiny little shorts, your pussy would be soaked for me.”

  I feel myself flush and my breathing speed up as he steps closer.

  “I know I fucked up, baby, but don't lie to me and don't lie to yourself.” His lips were on me so hard and so fast I forgot where I was for a second I wrap my legs around his waist. He rocks his cock into the wetness of my shorts.

  “See, I told you, baby, soaked.” He pulls my camisole down and starts placing kisses down my breastbone. Spinning us around he lays me on the bed. As he takes my nipple in his mouth, the sensation is overwhelming. Sliding his hand down into my sleep shorts, he starts rubbing circles in my clit. I want to tell him to stop, but it feels so good. Sliding two fingers into my throbbing pussy, I gasp.

  “Michael, please.” I don't know if I'm begging for him to stop or never to stop.

  “Damn, baby, you’re so tight.” He has two fingers moving slowly while he rubs my clit with just enough to pressure to make me see stars as I cum. He kisses me hard one more time and adjusts my clothes. “Get dressed, baby, our son is gonna be up soon.” With that, he walks to the door

  “Katie, do you love me?” he asks with a hopeful look in his eyes.

  I close my eyes; I can't lie anymore. “I have never loved anyone else, Michael. You were it for me.” I walk to the bathroom, and close the door. Starting the shower, I step in and cry silently. Michael is going to rip my heart to shreds, and I'm going to let him because a love like ours comes across once in a lifetime. Once I am showered and dressed, I find Michael sitting on the sofa with MJ. They are whispering and instantly stop talking when I walk in.

  “Is everyone ready?” I ask.

  “Yup,” they say at the same time. It seems MJ has found an outfit that looks similar to Michael’s; they both look very handsome. Loading into Michael’s car I choose to sit in the back and let MJ sit in the passenger seat. I’m still half-asleep when I realize we are heading toward the Kerrigan estate. Fuck, I think to myself.

  “Michael, why are we here?” I’m a little pissed off that he sprung this on me.

  “Hey, MJ, can you wait in the car so I can talk to your mom for a minute?” Michael asks. MJ does as he’s told, and I get out of the car with Michael. “Katie, my family wants to meet our son. My mom wants to see you and get to know her grandson. I know I should have asked, but I didn’t want you to find an excuse not to come.” Stepping closer to me, Michael grabs my face gently and bends down to kiss my lips softly.

  “We need people to start getting used to seeing us together,” Michael says softly. I can’t help but to bring my fingers up to my lips.

  “Michael, please don’t spring things like this on me. I would have come if you told me this was where we were having breakfast, but I don’t want to feel like every time you want to go somewhere or do something that you’re going to do what you want and beg for forgiveness later.” He nods that he understands and we walk toward the front door with MJ following close behind. It’s 8 o’clock in the morning and the Kerrigan estate is buzzing with activity. When we walk through the door, everyone stops.

  Elena comes forward giving me a big hug and whispers into my ear. “I knew my son would come to his senses.”

  She then turns her attention to MJ. “Hi,” she says, giving him a giant hug. “I’m your grandma.” She wipes the lipstick off his face from the five kisses she has given him. Looping her arm into his, she leads him to the outside patio area where Shamus is waiting at the table.

  “Well, aren’t you a fine looking boy,” he says in his booming voice. “Come, sit next to me.” He pats the chair next to him. Piling food on MJ’s plate, everyone eats making small talk.

  “Katie, I would like to speak to you for a moment in my study if you don’t mind.” I see Michael start to get up when Shamus throws his hands up. “I wish to speak to Katie alone.” Michael looks shocked before he sits back down

  I nod my head and walk behind Shamus to his study. Once we are behind closed doors, Shamus motions for me to sit in the chair across from his desk.

  “Katie, I want you to know what I have lived with the regret for how my son handled the situation between you two for the last nine years.” He leans his head back on his chair. “Liam told me everything that happened that day. How Michael was towards you. I wish you would have come to me when you decided to keep MJ, I would have helped you.” He pulls an envelope out of his desk and slides it across the surface.

  “This is a trust for MJ; you will find all the information is in order.” Sliding another envelope toward me, he says, “This is for you. I don’t want you to look at it as a payoff, but I want you to look at it as what is owed to you, Katie. You did an amazing job raising that boy.”

  I leave both envelopes on the desk.

  “Mr. Kerrigan, please don't take this as an insult, but I don't want anything from you. Raising MJ was hard but it wasn't a burden. We have done ok with what I have. Please keep MJ’s trust information here until he is of age. “I stand up and walk toward the door.

  “Katherine Blackwell,” Shamus says. “You are proud and honorable just like your parents. I can't wait until the day you’re officially a Kerrigan.” He winks, and I head back to the table.

  Michael lifts his eyebrow with a questioning look. I just shrug my shoulders and join the conversation.

  I hope things won’t get ugly as I turn to see Liam and Rose walk through the door. MJ runs up to Liam screaming, “Uncle Liam” when the look of shock flashes across Shamus and Elena’s face.

  “You knew, Liam?” Elena asks. The look of betrayal on Elena’s face is hard for me to see, but the anger on Shamus’s face is palpable.

  “Son, your mother asked you a question.”

  “I’ve known since she had him at the hospital. Hilary, Rose’s cousin, worked in vital records. She let me know Katie wouldn’t name the father, but said the baby looked just like Michael with a head of dark hair.”

  Rose grabs his hand, and they walk to the bench by the door.

  “I con
tacted Joseph. He wasn’t happy, but he agreed to give Katie my message. I agreed to keep her secret, but I wanted to be part of his life. My company was doing really well, and Rose’s business was taking off. Her cousin Hilary was now working at the admission and registration building at DU, and she sent Katie fake scholarships on DU letterhead so that it looked like she was awarded scholarships, but Rose and I were paying her tuition so she wouldn’t have to worry about getting into debt.”

  Rose picked up when Liam stopped speaking, “We were just trying to do the right thing by Katie, we didn’t mean any harm and then Michael got sick and we didn’t want to take a chance that it would make things worse. We didn’t want Katie to think we were throwing money at her so we would find ways to pay for things without her knowing, like MJ’s camping trips or Boy Scout fees. We had so much, and she was working so hard, and we just want to make sure she didn’t struggle.”

  “Why?” I ask. “Why did you guys do all of this?” I’m a little hurt; I always felt I had earned on my own, but it seems a Kerrigan was footing my expenses. I stand up and make my way to the front door.

  “Please, Katie,” Rose says from behind me. “We had good intentions. Liam and I never had to struggle, and I didn’t want you go through that. We didn’t really know each other well before you had MJ but know each other well now. When, in all the time you have known me have you ever known me to do something mean or underhanded? We have been friends for almost nine years, Katie. Everything we did we did for not only you but MJ.”

  I’m hurt, but she is right; she has been so kind and supportive for the entire time I have known her.

  “Rose, I’m not mad at you I’m mad at me. I guess I always took such pride in the fact that I did it on my own. You know, I am woman hear me roar and all, but now knowing that I didn’t it hurts my pride.”

  “Katie,” Rose says in her gentle mother tone. “You did do it no one was in there taking your test or doing your assignments while raising a baby. Please, come back and spend time with us. My kids are excited to meet their new cousin. They are a little mad that he was kept secret, but now they are excited to have a cousin that isn’t a baby. They are on their way with the rest of the family.”

  I nod, and she pulls her arm through mine and we walk into the great room where everyone has relocated. Elena and Shamus are in the corner talking to Liam. I see the conversation getting heated, so I walk over.

  “If you’re upset with someone it should be me. I asked Liam not to say anything. He wanted to tell you both many times, but I told him I would deny Michael was the father and move away. I was really angry at first; I was also scared you would try and take my baby away.” It’s Elena who reaches out and pats my shoulder, and Shamus leans in and kisses the top of my head

  “What’s done is done,” he says in a matter of fact tone. "Everyone thought what they did was right at the time. We move forward from today on. MJ is here with us, and Katie is part of our family again. There isn’t any reason for us to keep any anger at anyone.”

  I see Liam and Michael talking then they hug. Before I can walk over, loud voices are trailing toward the great room. And then we are invaded by the screaming Kerrigans.

  I pull Michael to the side and extend the olive branch. “I would like for MJ to spend the next couple days with you. I’m not sure what your work schedule is, but I think you need to start forming a relationship with your son. If you take me back to my house, I can pack some things for him.”

  Michael hugs me so tight. “Thank you so much for trusting me, Katie.” I pat his shoulder. We all get in the car and head to my house so we can pack MJ’s bag for his time at Michael’s. I plan on using the next few days to get my feelings under control. I want to be with Michael, but I’m having second thoughts about how much heartache my heart can take. We are making our way back to my house when I see Ian jogging toward my house with a wide grin on his face.

  “MJ, my man, we missed you at Scouts today, I was just coming over to see why you weren’t there.” I see Ian tussle MJ’s hair.

  “Katie,” he says, giving me a one arm hug. He is handsome with his surfer boy California looks; tall and lean with dimples and perfect teeth. I hear Michael clear his throat. MJ has made his way into the house; I hear the screen door squeak as it closes.

  “Ian, this is Michael, MJ’s father.” I see that Ian is sizing Michael up, and Michael is giving him the “try it” look.

  “Oh, you’re out of prison?” Ian asks with a confused look on his face.

  “Ian, Michael was never in prison. I’m not sure why MJ would say something like that.”

  “He has an active imagination,” he says laughing, “I kind of figured he made iup, you don’t really seem like the type of women that dates bad boys,” he says with a chuckle. Ian looks me in the face with a look of complete confidence. “We have known each other for four years, Katie, I love MJ like he is my own. I’ve made it very clear how I feel about you, and I know you must feel something for me also."

  “He isn’t yours,” I hear Michaels agitated voice. “He is my son, and it sounds like you’re more interested in his mother than being his scout leader.”

  Ian looks shocked but doesn’t say anything in response. He seems to be tuning Michael out and focusing on me.

  “Ian, I’m sorry if I ever gave you mixed signals, but I have always made it very clear that I don’t date. The time we have spent together has always been as me being an involved parent, I’m sorry if you misinterpreted that. You’re a really great guy, Ian, you have been a really important part of MJ’s life, and you have been a really great friend to me, but that’s all I could ever be.” I see a look of sadness in his eyes, and then they go cold.

  He fixes his cold glare at me. “This man that just popped out of the blue to play part-time dad—what are you gonna do when he gets sick of you again and leaves?”

  I feel like I have been slapped in the face, but I know this is coming from a place of hurt—Ian isn’t a mean person. He has always been kind to both me and MJ. I don’t even let him finish speaking. I walk into my house pulling Michael by the hand, his fingers intertwined in mine. A few minutes later my dad comes over to ask what has Ian in such a huff. This is the first time he has seen Michael and I see that he isn’t happy to see him sitting in my living room. I excuse myself to help MJ pack his bag. He is the kind of kid that will forget underwear and socks every time he needs to pack. I can hear my dad and Michael talking; they aren’t yelling any, so that’s a good sign. I finish helping MJ gather his things, and we make our way to the living room where I see my dad shaking Michael’s hand.

  Chapter 9


  I know I'm being irrational and have no right to say anything to Katie, but seeing her and Ian seemed awful touchy and friendly for someone she never dated. Her father and I had a chance to talk, and he has agreed to help me win Katie back.

  “Michael, I'm not gonna lie,” her father says stoically. “I forgave you, but it was for my benefit. I couldn’t look at my grandson every day and see you in his face with hate in my heart. I forgave you for MJ and for myself, but I don’t really trust you with Katie’s heart again. I agree that you guys should try again for your son’s benefit, but I will say this: you have a lot to prove to me. And even more to prove to Katie. Time will tell if you are a leaf, branch, or a root.” With that, he walked away.

  I had no idea what the hell he was talking about, but I was happy I had an ally even if the alliance was on shaky ground. After MJ and I get to the condo, and he looks around, I tell him he can pick his own room. We will get it set up just like he wants. He doesn’t seem all that impressed by my two-level 7,000 sq. ft. condo with three bedrooms on the second floor and two bedrooms on the main floor. It’s one of Denver’s premier properties. The only thing better is Easton’s old penthouse which now sits vacant. I watch MJ look around. I can’t tell what the reaction is, but I can tell he is slowly becoming more and more impressed by his surroundings.

sp; Over the next few days, MJ settles in. We go shopping for furniture and hit the mall to buy him clothes for when he is at my house.

  “Why did you leave Mom and me?” he says, looking me directly in the eye.

  I knew this question was coming, but I still wasn’t prepared for it.

  “MJ, when I met your mom she was my whole world. I loved her so much, to be honest, I still do, and I never stopped loving her. We made plans to go to college together, but I let my friends at the time convince me that I should want to have fun at college and not have the same girlfriend. I was hanging out with a really bad crowd back then and got involved in a lot of really bad stuff.” I think of my next words really carefully. “I started feeling really anxious and depressed right around the time I was going to be graduating. I thought it was just nerves, but it was more than that. I didn’t realize it, but I was having what was called a down spiral. I didn’t know then, but I have something called bipolar disorder. I take medication, so I’m ok now, but back then I thought drinking and doing drugs was making me better. Your mom tried to help me, but I kept pushing her away. I thought my friends were right; I thought she was just trying to tell me what to do instead of trying to help me.” I stop for a second letting MJ absorb what I’m saying. “The day that your mom came to tell me she was pregnant with you I acted like a real big jerk, and the minute I broke up with her, I wanted to make it better. I wanted her back, but it was too late. By then I had broken her heart. When I went to school and got kicked out I came home, and I tried to talk to your mom but she wouldn’t have anything to do with me.”

  “So you only wanted my mom back after your other plans didn’t work.” It’s not a question; it’s a statement. I can see the anger building in his eyes.

  “No, MJ, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that the minute your mom walked out the door that day I knew I had made a horrible mistake, I was just too big of a coward to admit it. I had a breakdown, and I was in the hospital for a while. It took a long time for the doctors to figure out what medication would work best for me. I have been doing a lot better these last few years. MJ, when I found out about you, I was so happy. I was upset because I missed so much time, but I’m making this promise to you: I’m going to be here for you, and if your mom will take me back, I’m going to do everything I can to make her happy.”


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