The Quelling Tide (The Gifted Realm Book 7)

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The Quelling Tide (The Gifted Realm Book 7) Page 41

by Jillian Neal

  “Because abbra cadabra doesn’t work anymore?” Dan sniped.

  “Dan.” Fionna tried not to laugh.

  “Mom, let’s let Aida and Olivia play. They aren’t going to see each other all summer. We’ll watch Aida while you hide Dan and Fionna away.” Meredith rolled her eyes.

  “Fine, whatever.”

  Shaking his head, Dan allowed Fionna to lead him to the appointed room. She broke out in hysterical giggles as she opened the door to what was nothing more than a janitor’s supply closet.

  A long string of expletives hissed from Dan as Fionna continued to guffaw. “She is un-fucking-believable!”

  Fionna led him inside the closet and wound her arms around his neck with a mischievous grin. “Ever play seven minutes in heaven, Mr. Vindico?” She drawled flirtatiously.

  Giving her a sexy half grin, Dan nodded his head. “Never with anyone as gorgeous as you.”

  “Wow, use lines much?” She remembered her part perfectly. He couldn’t help but grin as he recalled her asking him if he’d ever skinny-dipped in that pool in Sydney, Australia.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I know this looks nothing like a reception you would have planned.” He touched their foreheads tenderly together as he gazed into the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen.

  “I already had a reception I planned, so let your mom have hers.”

  Dan’s hands slid down the sequined dress and settled on her hips. He wanted desperately to get the reception over with, to take his wife home, to give her a bath, and to get a jump on their Hawaiian vacation. Dan gave Fionna a naughty smirk.

  Setting his hands on the shelving behind her, he feigned impression. “These are pretty sturdy. This might work.” He teased. “Turn around and hold on for me, baby doll.”

  Fionna giggled hysterically. “Wouldn’t your mom love that when she comes to make us appear?” She did look rather intrigued with the idea.

  “Wait ‘til you see my magic wand, baby.” Dan continued just to hear her guffaw.

  As she continued to crack up, Dan was in awe yet again. They’d been stuck in a closet containing wet mops, brooms, and industrial strength cleaners, but she was laughing and laying her head on his chest. That was all that mattered. He was overcome with how much he loved her and how much he loved the life she’d given him.

  Inhaling deeply, he let the heady vanilla, coconut scent of her wash through his lungs and into his soul. “I love you so much, Fi.”

  “I love you, too.” A seductive heat tracked up her neck and settled in her cheeks only adding to the need that had quickly settled in his groin.

  “Since I already let you knock me up.” She giggled again as Dan grinned broadly. “Does that mean that I might can get a kiss before our reception?”

  “Baby doll, you can have anything you want before, during, and after our reception. If you want, I’ll go get us a room in the swanky hotel, and we can recreate our wedding night.”

  “I’ll just take the kiss for now, but when we get home.” Her invitation made his tux pants suddenly feel three sizes too small.

  “I think we better use up the rest of our oil of Ohia lehua tonight. Tutu might not like it if we don’t ask for more as soon as we arrive tomorrow.”

  Dan gave her the shuddering growl she was after. “You wanna be rubbed down inside and out, baby. I will definitely take care of that. And I believe I promised you a session with me and a certain vibrator.”

  “Kiss me.” Her command caressed his lips with her heat. A hungry groan tore from his lungs. He caged her between the shelves and his body. He kept his hands on either side of her head and pressed his strain into her abdomen as he devoured her mouth.

  “Yum.” She turned her head hungry for more and traced her hand up his zipper line grasping him.

  Dan wrapped his arms around her. “That’s it, baby. Think about how good that’s gonna feel deep inside of you.” He demanded before consuming her mouth again.

  Panting and groping him, Fionna moaned in his mouth. He slipped his hands to her breasts squeezing and plying them through the dress he wished he could tear off of her.

  Suddenly, the door swung open and light flooded the darkened closet.

  “Daniel!” Mrs. Vindico shrieked in horror.

  Dan jerked his hands away and wiped the lipstick from his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “Just what do you think you are doing?”

  Fionna’s expression was caught somewhere between fear she’d upset Mrs. Vindico and hilarity that they were being asked that question.

  “Well, Mom, I was just making out with my wife, you know the mother of my children.” Dan knew he was driving his mother crazy but found himself woefully unable to stop.

  “Well, I think you both need to keep your hands to yourselves.” Mrs. Vindico implored in a furious demand. That did it. Fionna cracked up. Tears leaked down her face from trying so hard not to laugh.

  “l... I suggest you both go get straightened up. It’s almost time for your appearance.” Mrs. Vindico puffed before spinning in her indignation and returning to the banquet room.

  “Come on, baby doll.” Dan chuckled as they found the restrooms and freshened up.

  “What are we supposed to do when we go in there?” Fionna clung to Dan’s arm.

  “I could grab your ass or unzip your dress. I could squeeze your tits. You could stick your hand down my pants.” Dan offered her several scenarios.

  “Would you behave?” Fionna demanded through her hysterical laughter.

  “Marion sent me up here and told me say something humorous.” Governor Vindico drawled.

  Dan and Fionna could hear him from their location just outside of the room.

  “Oh God, my Dad’s doing stand up.” Dan panicked only making Fionna laugh harder.

  “But I’m not certain I’m the guy for humor.” The Governor admitted humbly to polite chuckles from the guests. “So, how about if I say how much it means to Marion and I that all of you are here to celebrate with Dan and Fionna. And let me also say that Daniel’s made a few decisions in his life that left me scratching my head. But when it came down to the important things, to the things that make life worth living, I don’t think he could have chosen anyone more perfect for him than his lovely bride Fionna, and his beautiful little girl sitting right over there with her other grandparents, my sweet little Aida. So, without further ado, let’s welcome Daniel and Fionna in.”

  Tears pricked Fionna’s eyes from the Governor’s sentiment as Dan guided her into the room to applause and beaming grins from their friends and family.

  They were halted under a floral archway for photos. Trying not to grimace, Dan wrapped his arm around Fionna. Then with a smirk as he caught Governor Haydenshire’s eye he placed one hand tenderly on Fionna’s stomach.

  All of the Haydenshires laughed heartily, but Mrs. Vindico looked mutinous. Once they’d been allowed to sit, the food was served. Aida and Olivia had to be reminded to eat several times as they seemed to much prefer whispering and giggling with one another.

  Dan was rather impressed with the braised pork loin and scalloped potatoes.

  “This is really good.” Fionna seemed astonished as well.

  Dan laughed. “Thankfully she let the caterers choose the food.”

  Things went smoothly, and Mrs. Vindico seemed thrilled with the evening as Mr. Styler wheeled in the cakes.

  Dan had to laugh. “My mother did not order that for me.”

  “Do you think she’ll be mad?” Fionna had her father create Dan a cake that was an enlarged Colt Special to go beside the traditional four-tiered wedding cake.

  There was also a cake that was a copy of the Vindico crest that Dan thought was way over the top. They were shoved to the cake table by Mrs. Vindico.

  Giving Fionna a mischievous smirk, Dan took the piece of cake he was to feed his bride.

  “Dan!” Fionna warned though she was beaming. With that, he quickly smeared just a little of the icing on her lips. Before she could b
at his hand away, he put a smudge on her neck and then two on the very tops of her swollen cleavage.

  Fionna shrieked as he proceeded to lick it off before he plunged the cake in her mouth. The crowd went wild, applauding and whistling raucously.

  As the cakes were sliced and served, Garrett and Chloe appeared still laughing over the cake incident.

  Dan shook Garrett’s hand. “Thanks for coming yesterday and tonight.”

  “Just remember I loved her long before you did.” Garrett hugged Fionna tightly and brushed a kiss on her cheek.

  He grimaced and slid behind Dan a second later. “I’m trying to stay out of your Mom’s path. I’m kind of crashing this shin dig.”

  “What?” Dan gasped.

  “Wait, you mean, you didn’t get invited?” Fionna quizzed in disbelief.

  “He’s my date, so it’s fine. I keep telling him that.” Chloe scoffed.

  “Mother!” Dan demanded hotly as he saw her trying to hide behind Zach.

  “Yes, Daniel, did you need something?”

  “Did you really fail to invite Garrett, one of my best friends, the best man in our wedding, the guy that has always taken care of my wife, and my little girl when I couldn’t?” Dan wanted Garrett to know just what he would always mean to he and Fionna.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I invited all of the Haydenshires. They are the ruling family, Daniel.” She gestured around the room to the many varied Haydenshire children. “His invitation must’ve been lost in the mail. Now, it’s time for the first dance.”

  “Fine,” Dan sighed as he led Fionna to the center of the assembled tables where a small dance area backed up to a subdued DJ.

  A song Dan was certain he’d never heard before warbled from the enhanced speakers. He and Fionna attempted to sway for only a few seconds before it was too awkward to go on.

  “It’s the Dance of the Snowflakes from the Nutcracker.” Fionna giggled.

  He rolled his eyes. Keeping her hand in his, he moved to the DJ. “Throw the list my mother ordered you to play away and just take requests. I’ll see that you get paid.”

  “You got it!” the DJ looked thrilled with the new arrangement.

  Winking at Fionna, he made the first request, before tucking her back into the safety of his embrace.

  “Now, let’s dance, Mrs. Vindico.”

  Surfer Girl, by the Beach Boys began to drawl from the speakers. They swayed rhythmically stopping every few minutes to kiss with a great deal of fiery passion.

  Mr. Styler danced with Fionna to Brown Eyed Girl as Dan danced with Aida bringing on swoons from the guests.

  After a few more songs, Chloe and the Angels, decided it was time to give Fionna a proper send off. Chloe instructed the DJ on which songs to play and then she jerked Fionna out onto the dance floor with all of her former teammates.

  “Come on, Mama. Show everybody how you got him.” She chanted thoroughly embarrassing Fionna.

  The Angel’s favorite rap song blared from the speakers, and the girls all began to shake everything God had so graciously given them.

  Fionna was caught in the converging tides of the life she’d lived previously and the one she’d begun with Dan. Desperate to rescue her, he wasn’t certain how to help.

  Garrett stepped in immediately. He shoved Dan onto the dance floor as he moved to Chloe. Laughing, Dan moved to Fionna who was half-heartedly performing the moves. He raised his left eyebrow and beckoned her with his index finger.

  With a delighted smirk, she slid right in front of him then turned to shake her sexy ass. Dan ground his pelvis against her and she let loose and shook it for him. He gave her lust-filled, hungry looks as she spun and shimmied her chest in his face.

  He let his hands move over her waist and hips as he thrust against her.

  She spun again. Dan gave everyone an eyebrow waggle as he let his hands caress what she was shaking for him.

  Rainer was pushed on the floor after the first verse so Emily could dance for him.

  Right up to that point, Governor Haydenshire had been chuckling and shaking his head, however he began to scowl as Rainer’s hands rested on Emily’s backside as she strutted her stuff.

  The song ended with the girls surrounding Fionna and hugging her fiercely. Everyone save Mrs. Vindico was laughing heartily. The horrified scowl on his mother’s face made the entire thing worth it in Dan’s book.

  After a few minutes, Fionna emerged laughing through her tears as she tried to move towards Dan.

  “Hey, let my baby mama through.” Dan commanded loudly. He beamed as the entire room whistled and applauded his confirmation of Fionna’s pregnancy.

  “Maaammmaaaa!” drawled from several of the Angels as they crowded around her again.

  Mrs. Vindico was fit to be tied by the time the Angels wore out and exited the dance floor for more punch.

  “This is not exactly the kind of reception I envisioned, Daniel.” She spat as she cornered him.

  “Everyone’s having fun, Mom, and quite honestly, after the last few months, Fi deserves to have fun with her friends and her husband if I may.”

  Fionna appeared beside him flushed and smiling as he wrapped his arm around her.

  “Well, you both need to speak with your guests.” Mrs. Vindico commanded.

  Fionna gave Dan a sly grin as his mother turned and stalked off in a fitful huff. “I take it she didn’t care for our dancing.”

  “You could say that. I, however, will be purchasing that song so that you can still dance for me, say, naked in our bedroom.”

  The flush in her cheeks deepened in intensity. She tucked her head on his shoulder and hid her face towards his neck. “Those were some pretty hot moves you had there yourself, Mr. Vindico.”

  He cradled her to him and gave her a moment to allow her former life and their new one to unite in him.

  “I love you so much, my sweet Maylea.” He whispered in her ear. He knew each and every part of her, and he adored every delicate petal that made up his beautiful wildflower.

  “Dan, it’s so good to see you.”

  Fionna turned and smiled, but Dan’s lungs refused them another breath.

  “Isabelle.” He forced. “It’s nice to see you, too. This is my wife, Fionna.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you.” Fionna offered Amelia’s little sister her hand and her kind smile.

  “You too.” Isabelle nodded. “Uh, this is my husband Brian, and our kids, Xavier, and… Amelia.” She introduced the toddlers she and her husband were holding. There was certainly no need to explain the namesake.

  “Nice to meet you.” Dan offered Brian his hand.

  “You as well.” Brian offered uncomfortably.

  “I heard Dan say you were expecting?” Isabelle studied Fionna.

  “Yes, at the end of November.” Fionna rubbed her abdomen.

  “Congratulations,” Isabelle smiled. “I’m really happy for you, Dan. Really.”

  “Thanks.” Dan couldn’t bear to look Isabelle in the eyes. They were identical copies of her older sister’s. The Richmonds joined Isabelle and Brian.

  Dan shook Gerald’s hand and offered Faith a hug. “Thank you for coming.”

  Fionna nodded her agreement.

  “We wouldn’t have missed it, Daniel, and congratulations to both of you.”

  “Marion said you’ll be spending the summer in Kauai, and that you’d taken a job at Venton.” Gerald recounted.

  Dan felt Fionna slip her hand in his and begin to supply him with her calming life force.

  “Yes, sir. Fi grew up in Waimea. Her family owns a farm there. We’ll be helping out and recuperating a little before school starts in the fall.”

  “Yes, we heard, you two have both have had quite the time of it lately.” Gerald sounded truly sorry for all that Dan and Fionna had been through.

  With a sigh, Dan had to agree with the assessment.

  “Sounds like you might’ve finally accomplished everything you set out to do so many years ago though.”
His voice fractured slightly, but he recovered well.

  “Yes, sir. I certainly hope so.”

  Gerald slapped Dan shoulder consolingly. “You have a beautiful family, Daniel. Faith and I are very proud for you, son.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “We better get the little ones home.” Isabelle offered Dan and Fionna and her parents an out.

  “Thank you again for coming it really means so much to us.” Fionna grasped Faith’s hands and then gave her a hesitant hug.

  They made their way around to most of the guests and eventually sought out the Haydenshire’s table.

  “See not so bad.” Governor Haydenshire chuckled as he gestured around to the festivities. Mrs. Haydenshire wrapped Fionna up in a tight embrace.

  The ladies sat down at the table where the Haydenshires had been sipping coffee with Governor Willow and his wife.

  “And I realized that I forgot to congratulate you two at the hospital yesterday with everything else. I prefer to let the actual people involved tell me about their life rather than taking the word of the press. This time I let my daughter-in-law tell me, but congratulations to you and your lovely bride.”

  Dan grinned. “Thank you, sir, and I really appreciate you getting the French Crown to let me come home.”

  “I do what I can, and it was very clear that you and all three of your girls needed to come home.”

  Dan seated himself in the chair the Governor directed him to. Aida crawled up in his lap immediately.

  “Hi, Governor Haydenshire!” She offered with a sweet smile.

  “Hey, there, Miss Aida. Are you feeling better, baby girl?”

  “Yes, sir. Mommy put ice packs on my head three times today, and Daddy did that thing the Medios told him to so my head will be all better soon, but I don’t like the ice very much.”

  “You still casting her, Daniel?” Governor Haydenshire looked concerned.

  “Yeah, they healed the actual concussion in the hospital, but she was pretty upset when they got her there. She blocked them out for a while. They didn’t want to force all of the swelling down immediately since she’s so little, and it was a head injury. Adeline’s going to check it before we leave tonight.” Dan felt sick as he explained everything he’d been instructed at the hospital the morning before.


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