Yiwu Zheng Shan (Authentic Tea Mountain Yiwu) Limited Company, 57
Yunnan: as (original) “home of Puer tea,” 10–16, 86–88, 114, 120; changing consumption and production in, 97–103; cooldown in Puer tea industry, 119–20; history and overview, 10–11, 14–16; Puer tea as “calling card” for, 101–2; Puer tea produced in, 33; tea caravans in, 93–97; voices from, 113–15. See also specific topics
Yunnan Provincial Supervision Bureau of Technology and Quality, 56, 57, 90
Yunnan sun-dried green tea (Dian Qing), 189
Zeng Zhixian, 49, 51
Zhang Yi., 40, 135; background and overview, 36, 50, 127–28, 200, 201; criticisms of, 134, 200–201; death, 201; as guide, 38; Jinghong Zhang and, 36, 38, 40, 200, 201; popularizing terrace tea and pollarding of forest tea, 134; tea making, 43, 138
Zhang Yingpei, 49–50
Zhao, Mr., 42, 135, 138
Zheng, Mr., 55–56, 58, 64, 65, 130–31, 139–41
Zheng, Mrs., 139–40
Zheng Da (Mr. Zheng's son), 62, 139, 140
Zhu, Mr., 172–73
Zhu Zizhen, 211n3
Zongming, 179, 181–84; background and overview, 179; Jinghong Zhang and, 33, 179, 190–92, 195; Mengku tea and, 181–82; Puer tea and, 33, 179, 182, 185–87, 192, 195, 218n4; teahouses in Kunming and, 190–92, 195
Zou Jiaju, 89–90, 185–86
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