Blade of Darkness

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Blade of Darkness Page 41

by Dianne Duvall

  “No. She just suffered the one fatal gunshot wound. I’m sorry we couldn’t get to her in time,” Chris told them with genuine regret. “I really am.”

  Sarah wrapped an arm around Roland and rubbed his back. “What about her little boy?”

  “That’s the other reason I wanted to talk with you. Roland, since you’re Veronica’s only living relative, Aidan suggested I ask if the two of you would like to adopt her son Michael.”

  Their eyes widened. They turned to each other and stared without speaking for a long moment. Their heartbeats picked up, pounding a rapid beat.

  Roland looked to Chris. “Does Seth know about this?”

  “Yes. And he’s already given his consent if you’re interested.”

  Roland squeezed Sarah’s hand and again met her hopeful gaze. “Do you—?”

  “Yes,” she blurted, then bit her lip. “I mean, only if you—”

  “Of course I do.” He brought her hand to his lips for a kiss. “You don’t know how much I regret that I can’t give you children, Sarah.”

  “But you can,” she said softly as she touched his face. “Michael is your descendant. He needs us.”

  “And,” Chris added, “as a gifted one, he’ll need special guidance. Which is why we don’t want to place him with a human family. They wouldn’t understand his differences.”

  Aidan eyed Chris curiously. “Do you know what his gift is?”

  “Not yet,” Chris said. “Seth might, if you ask him. But whatever it is hasn’t drawn the notice of our caregivers yet.”

  Roland frowned. “Will he be safe with us? We’ve not yet vanquished Gershom and—”

  Aidan spoke before he could finish his thought. “With Gershom still out there, no one else would keep the boy safer. If you adopt Michael, he’ll be surrounded by powerful immortals every day. Hell, you’ll probably spend most of your time at David’s so he and Adira can play together.”

  Sarah’s face lit with excitement as she squeezed her husband’s hand. “That would be so great! You know Marcus and Ami have been worrying about Adira not spending enough time around other children.”

  Roland’s features lightened with hope, then darkened again with uncertainty. “What if he doesn’t like me? I haven’t been a father in nine hundred years. And you know the other immortals all say I’m antisocial.”

  Everyone in the room laughed.

  “What?” Roland asked, expression puzzled.

  Sarah patted his hand. “Sweetie, everyone knows you’re Adira’s favorite uncle. She adores you. And Michael will, too.”

  His lips curled up in a smile. “You’re sure about this?”


  He looked at Chris. “Then let’s do it.”

  Squealing, Sarah threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tight.

  Roland grinned. “When can we see him?”

  Chris looked up at Aidan. “Tell Melanie and Dana we’re ready to see them.”

  We’re ready for you, Aidan told the two women telepathically.

  Brimming with excitement, Sarah damned near danced in place while they waited.

  Roland looked back and forth between Chris and Aidan. “Seth is really okay with this?”

  Aidan smiled. “He thought it a grand idea.”

  “I’ll handle all the paperwork for you,” Chris said, business as usual. But Aidan didn’t need to read his thoughts to know he was enjoying this. Chris really didn’t get to give good news very often. And after recent events, he had needed this as much as Roland and Sarah did.

  “What about Michael?” Sarah asked. “How is he doing?”

  Chris lifted one shoulder in a slight shrug. “About how you’d expect. He’s disconsolate. He misses his mommy and doesn’t understand why she didn’t pick him up from day care or why she hasn’t come for him since. The child psychologist we keep on staff recommended that you stay at David’s place for a while. Michael will need time to get to know you both and to adjust to his new family life. And she believes his being able to play and interact with Adira will help ease the transition.”

  “Of course,” Roland agreed.

  The door opened.

  Dana entered and held the door for Melanie.

  Melanie entered with little Michael on her hip. The somber toddler rested his head upon her chest and sucked on the index and middle fingers of one hand, just like Adira, as he stared at them listlessly.

  Roland and Sarah rose.

  Dana closed the door and moved to stand beside Aidan, slipping her hand into his with a smile.

  Melanie crossed to Roland and Sarah. “Michael, this is Roland and Sarah.”

  “Hi,” Sarah breathed with a smile as she held her hand out to the boy.

  Michael reached out and closed his plump fingers around her index finger. After a moment, he lifted his head, studying her with more interest.

  Roland smiled and drew a gentle hand over the boy’s dark hair. “Aren’t you a handsome lad?”

  Sarah winked at Roland. “He has your genes.”

  He laughed.

  Michael leaned toward Sarah, removing his fingers from his mouth long enough to reach for her. Thrilled, Sarah drew him into her arms and cuddled him close.

  Aidan quirked a brow at Chris. “Perhaps he’s a telepath.”

  “Or an empath,” Chris countered.

  “Or maybe psychic?” Dana suggested with a teasing smile.

  Aidan grinned and wrapped his arm around her. “My personal favorite.”

  Leaning up, she kissed his cheek.

  Releasing a contented sigh, Dana rested a hand on the arm Aidan had draped around her. The two were curled up on his porch swing, her back to his front, watching twilight gently lower its blanket upon the earth.

  He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “We’ll have to go soon.”

  Nodding, she drew in a deep breath and marveled over the plethora of scents she could detect and isolate now that she was immortal.

  In deference to Seth, Aidan had not transformed her the night Gershom’s captive gifted ones transformed. Neither had wished to add to whatever illness burdened Seth. So they had waited a couple of weeks until Seth was himself again.

  Dana had been so ill for three days after Aidan bit her that she barely remembered it. But now…

  It was weird to feel so normal yet have so much power, strength and speed at her disposal. In the week since her transformation, Aidan had trained her vigorously. Long hours. Every day.

  Dana didn’t object. She knew her abduction had terrified him.

  Hell, it had terrified her, too.

  Fortunately, thanks to the how-to-kick-ass manual Zach had planted in her brain, she already possessed most of the combat skills she needed to defeat multiple vampire attackers. She just had to learn to moderate her strength and speed, which was tougher than she had thought it would be.

  Her gaze slid to the large boarded-over hole in the exterior wall of the house.

  There had been a few… incidents.

  “Hey, guys?” Brodie called through the screen door. “It’s almost time.”

  “Okay,” the two answered.

  Immortal Guardians and their Seconds would all be dining at David’s tonight. David said he and Seth wanted to gather everyone together to formally welcome Dana to the family.

  She felt a familiar flutter of happiness.

  She had a family again. Aidan had given her that. And so much more.

  Ready to embrace her new life, she had sold her little duplex home and shop and had moved in with Aidan.

  She grinned.

  And Brodie.

  It was a little odd, having Brodie there with them. But he was Aidan’s Second and a likable guy, and the three of them were adjusting.

  Aidan touched a finger to her chin and tilted her head back for a kiss. “Do you regret it?”

  “Regret what?” she asked, pressing her lips to his for another kiss.

  “Do you regret not sending me on my way when I came to you
for that first reading?”

  Smiling, she shook her head. “Not for a second.”

  His eyes darkened with sadness. “I’ve brought such violence into your life.”

  “The love and happiness far outweigh that,” she replied. “And you’ve given me the huge family I’ve always wanted plus immortality.” She shook her head. “My only regret is that I didn’t meet you sooner.”

  He slid a hand over her hair, brushing it back from her face. “We’ll have forever together now.”

  “Forever still won’t be enough.” Curling a hand around his neck, she drew him down for a longer, more thorough kiss. “I love you, Aidan.”

  His handsome face lit with a smile. “I’ve waited nearly three thousand years to hear you say that.”

  She laughed. “No pressure.”

  Grinning, he shook his head. “You have by far exceeded all my hopes and expectations. I do love you, Dana. More with every breath I take.”

  She stole another kiss. “I love you, too.”

  Thank you for reading Blade of Darkness. I hope you enjoyed Aidan and Dana’s story!

  If you liked this book, please consider rating or reviewing it at an online retailer of your choice. I appreciate your support so much and am always thrilled when I see that one of my books made a reader happy. Ratings and reviews are also an excellent way to recommend an author’s books, create word of mouth, and help other readers find new favorites.

  Thank you again!

  Dianne Duvall


  I’d like to thank the many readers who requested Aidan’s book. I’ve wanted him to find a HEA ever since I wrote the “lotto” scene in Night Unbound and was thrilled when I found the perfect woman for him. More thanks go to Crystal and my fabulous street team, as well as the bloggers, reviewers, and wonderful readers who have picked up copies of my books and helped spread the word about them.

  I would also like to thank Syneca for translating my imaginings into such a beautiful cover. I’d also like to thank my editor, proofreader, formatter, and the other behind-the-scenes individuals who helped me bring you Blade of Darkness.

  And, of course, I’d like to thank my Facebook friends who share in my excitement with every release and make me laugh and smile even when I’m stressing over deadlines. You’re the best!

  About the Author

  Dianne Duvall is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Immortal Guardians and The Gifted Ones series. Reviewers have called Dianne's books "fast-paced and humorous" (Publishers Weekly), "utterly addictive" (RT Book Reviews), "extraordinary" (Long and Short Reviews), and "wonderfully imaginative" (The Romance Reviews). Her books have twice been nominated for RT Reviewers' Choice Awards and are routinely deemed Top Picks by RT Book Reviews, The Romance Reviews, and/or Night Owl Reviews.

  Dianne loves all things creative. When she isn’t writing, Dianne is active in the independent film industry and has even appeared on-screen, crawling out of a moonlit grave and wielding a machete like some of the vampires she loves to create in her books.

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  Books by Dianne Duvall


  Historical and Time-Travel Series

  A Sorceress of His Own

  Book 1

  "Full of danger, intrigue and passion. Dianne Duvall brought the characters to life and delivered an addicting and exciting new series. I'm hooked!"

  —Reading in Pajamas

  Rendezvous With Yesterday

  Book 2

  Top Pick

  “I loved this book! It had pretty much all of my favorite things—medieval times, a kick-ass heroine, a protective hero, magic, and a dash of mayhem.”

  —The Romance Reviews


  Paranormal Romance Series

  Darkness Dawns

  Book 1

  An RT Reviewers’ Choice Award Nominee

  “This is a strong start in what looks to be a thrilling and chilling new paranormal series.


  —RT Book Reviews

  Night Reigns

  Book 2

  Top Pick

  “This blend of kick-butt action, intriguing plot twists and heartfelt passion is utterly addictive! Talented Duvall has carved out a solid place for herself in the paranormal genre.”

  —RT Book Reviews

  Phantom Shadows

  Book 3

  Top Pick

  “With a deeply emotional love story, two beautiful, complex main characters and a pulse-pounding adventure that won't let up, this book was haunting and addictive and I loved every page.”

  —The Romance Reviews

  In Still Darkness

  Book 3.5

  “Readers will appreciate the rich characterizations and the kick-butt action of Duvall's In Still Darkness”

  — Publishers Weekly

  Darkness Rises

  Book 4

  An RT Reviewers’ Choice Award Nominee

  Featuring a fascinating take on vampires, Darkness Rises is a thrilling, action-packed, suspenseful, funny, steamy paranormal romance readers won't be able to put down until the last page.”

  —Affaire de Coeur

  Night Unbound

  Book 5

  “Fans of paranormal romance who haven't discovered this series yet are really missing out on something extraordinary”

  — Long & Short Reviews

  Phantom Embrace

  Book 5.5

  "Duvall's hauntingly beautiful novella, set in the world of the Immortal Guardians, portrays the deep love between two people who can never touch, with a wonderfully unexpected ending."

  —Publishers Weekly

  Shadows Strike

  Book 6

  “Fans of terrific paranormal romance have hit the jackpot with Duvall and her electrifying series.”

  —RT Book Reviews




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