To Tame a Wilde (Wilde in Wyoming)

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To Tame a Wilde (Wilde in Wyoming) Page 13

by Terry, Kimberly Kaye

  “Nick... God... Nick...please,” she panted, her voice a coarse whisper as she pleaded for something he instinctively knew she was too inexperienced to know what it was.

  She needed him to go harder.

  He smiled into her throat, nipping the tender flesh there out of instinct, clamping down with a small sting, he knew, but not so much to hurt her.

  Just to claim what was his.

  As he picked up the tempo and his strokes became harder, stronger, he growled against the hollow of her throat. Her wet, velvet walls opened and closed in a sweet welcoming rhythm as he pumped inside her relentlessly, testing her to see how much she could take, still holding back.

  He felt the sweat began to drip from his body, dropping down upon hers.

  He didn’t know how long he could hold back. As much as he was giving her...he needed to give her more. Needed to take more.

  He grit his teeth as he continued to stroke, grunts of pleasure escaping his mouth as he drove into her sweet welcoming heat.

  His body began to shake with the need to go deeper. Harder...

  He felt her soft hands on the sides of his face and opened his eyes, staring down at her beautiful face.

  He groaned at what he saw. Her limpid brown eyes stared at him, passion-filled and begging for...more.

  “I...I need you, Nick,” she whispered and her soft little cries were nearly his undoing.

  Still, as he stroked inside her, he kept his thrust measured, tempered.

  He didn’t unleash all of his passion on her.

  “And I’m giving you all of me, baby,” he said, laughing roughly, hearing the need in his own voice, one that reflected what he saw in her eyes, felt in the quivering of her body against his, the warmth of her flesh burning into his.

  When she lifted her body from the bed and pressed into him, grinding herself against him, she pulled his head down to meet hers. Moments before their lips connected she whispered hoarsely, “I need you deeper, baby.”

  With a harsh groan he latched on to her lips at the same time his hands grasped her curvy hips.

  He feathered his tongue back and forth over hers, licking across the seam, asking for entry. With a moan she granted it, and swiftly he buried his tongue within. As he invaded her mouth and as she opened her mouth to his, her legs widened even more to accept more of him. To accommodate him.

  He ran his tongue within the moist walls of her mouth, the length behind her perfect teeth before plunging his tongue deeply back within her

  Against her mouth he replied, “Hold on, it won’t be...easy.”

  “Hmm,” she moaned, her lips curving upward even as he took them with his own.

  * * *

  When he’d first pressed inside her, Sinclair felt as though he was tearing into her, his shaft so thick, hard and long she’d felt it in her womb.

  Now her eyes drifted closed and a soft breath of need escaped her lips as he kissed her, made love to her mouth and began to increase his depth of stroke.

  It had taken a few minutes for her to adjust to him, but he turned her on so much, her own cream helped ease the way for him to feed her more of himself.

  It wasn’t long before she was greedy to feel all of him. She could tell he was holding back, afraid he’d hurt her.

  Maybe she should be afraid, as well; his cock was so hard and thick, she felt stuffed.

  When he pulled her tighter, kissing her, one of his hands reached down, curved to the swell of her hip and palmed one of her buttocks, bringing her closer as he ground and stroked inside her.

  “Hmm, yessss,” she moaned helplessly.

  “Like that?” he asked, the intimate question making the moment even more erotic as he stroked and rolled inside her. She could only nod her head up and down, the feeling too intense to allow her to say much more than a moan.

  Her arms crept up and circled his neck, pulling him down closer as he continued to pin her to the bed, as he stroked inside her, his thrust becoming longer, more...intense.

  Her breath caught in her throat when he angled her body to his, agilely moving her, shifting her slightly even as he continued stroking. Although the feeling was incredible, it was as though he were searching for something.

  “Ahhhh!” she cried harshly into the dark room when he found what he was looking for. “Oh, my God...oh, my God...oh, my God...” The litany continued as he stroked inside her heat. “Oh, please, keep it right there... Nick, pleeeeease,” she keened long and harsh as the side of his shaft brushed against a softness inside her body.

  When she arched her body up in surprise, she heard his masculine rumble of satisfaction. He knew exactly what he’d done.

  No man had ever found

  She swallowed deeply, her body no longer hers. It now solely belonged to the man who was making it feel so incredibly good.

  Again, she heard his low masculine laughter.

  It brought out an answering, very feminine need to respond in kind.

  She’d only read about it, but...

  She reached down, blindly, and with only a few awkward moves, finally was able to grasp what she wanted.

  She held his balls lightly in her hand and feathered caresses over them.

  “This will be over before we both want it, if you keep that up.” He growled the words, his voice nearly inhuman it was so low, like sandpaper, it was so gravelly.

  “Turnabout and all that,” she laughed softly, barely able to keep it together. What they were doing to each other was something she couldn’t have imagined in her most erotic dreams.

  He removed her hand and replaced it with his.

  Nick moved his hand around and inserted it between them, finding her clit and rubbing it softly as he rocked her, on and on, until she felt her orgasm hovering.

  When he found her clitoris, her soft laugh turned to a moaning scream. He slammed his mouth against hers, grinding against her, and within seconds she released.

  Her cries of completion echoed his as he followed her into ecstasy’s path, the tsunami they’d created together, sweeping them both along in its wake.

  Chapter 19

  “The Aloha Keiki, your family’s foundation... How did that start?”

  She felt his body tense and immediately regretted asking.

  Sinclair knew through her research that not only was the Kealoha ranch the most profitable family-owned-and-operated ranch on the islands, but that the foundation his family ran in his mother’s honor was one of the most successful nonprofit organizations that helped youth on the island.

  He’d shown her the fields and orchards, and during her time on the ranch she’d also met some of the adults and young people who volunteered. But she hadn’t heard from him the way it had started.

  She had a desire to know as much as she could about him, knowing their time was short together— She shooed that thought aside.

  “I...I’m sorry. If you don’t want to talk about it, I understand.”

  She felt his body relax, and his hand continue the stroking of her skin, in the way that he’d been doing since they’d come down from the erotic wave their mutual orgasm had taken them to.

  It had been a long time before either one of them could speak, and when they’d finally been able to, it had been the talk of new lovers.

  Pillow talk. Talk about nothing of any real importance; just enjoying the feel of sated bodies against each other and soft voices spoken in hushed tones.

  Whereas before, in her limited experience, Sinclair had always felt a bit uneasy in the moments after sex. Not sure what to say... She’d never known the “protocol.”

  Neither of the two men she’d been with had made her feel in the least the way Nick had. To even compare them was a joke.

  He was definitely in a league of his o

  Before, what had constituted pillow talk with her two previous lovers, had ended up an aborted attempt at best.

  But it wasn’t just her. It had been them, as well. They hadn’t been much more...experienced in post-coital chatter than she had been.

  So, she thought she should feel more...intimidated with Nick.

  He was so much more experienced than her.

  Additionally, he’d definitely been with more partners than she had. There was no way a man as fine as he was hadn’t had plenty of women throwing themselves at him.

  Not to mention his sexual skill... What he’d done to her body, how he’d made her feel...

  “It started before my mother passed away, as you know. We’ve kept it going, built it and nourished it to see it thrive in the way it is now.”

  She forced herself to put her thoughts to the back of her mind so that she could focus on him speaking.

  She listened as he, haltingly at first, started to talk about the foundation.

  * * *

  When she mentioned the foundation, a part of Nick had rebelled. He hadn’t wanted reality to come barging in on the pleasure they’d just given one another. He hadn’t wanted to think of anyone or anything else beyond the incredible, erotic encounter that had just occurred between them.

  It was no secret that he was the one considered of the two brothers to be the “clam.”

  He’d never been what you would call “comfortable” opening up and baring his soul.

  Just wasn’t his thing.

  With the exception of with his brother, it was not going to happen. And even with Key, the closest person to him, there were times when he felt more at ease keeping a barrier erected, or at least trying to.

  Not that his brother had ever allowed that, he thought, a small smile lifting his mouth. And to that end, most people thought he played it loose and easy.

  He’d always been comfortable with folks thinking he either was a player or had no emotional depth. He’d never really given a damn what others had thought of him.

  He frowned, recalling the words of one of his partners.

  “Nick, you are unable to connect emotionally.” She’d hurled the words and they’d bounced off him like eggs on a non-stick fry pan.

  No effect.

  It wasn’t as though he didn’t care about other’s feelings; he didn’t like hurting people, and particularly not women. The truth was that he had a very soft spot for the gentler sex. He simply preferred remaining...unattached.

  He didn’t need a psychotherapy session to tell him why that was. He knew it was because of his parents, what he’d always known to be true about them: that although they loved each other, there’d been something...missing.

  He shoved the thoughts aside.

  He glanced down at the top of Sinclair’s head, her soft curls now lying in thick waves on her shoulders. With her, he found himself strangely okay with talking about his family, at least in this limited way.

  Nick laughed, remembering his brother’s reaction when the reality show’s film crew had come to the ranch.

  “What?” Her soft question brought him out of his thoughts.

  “My brother wasn’t exactly...welcoming when they first came. The film crew, that is. But Dad and I knew it was a necessary evil. Eventually, Key saw it the same way. The end justified the means.”

  “‘Necessary evil’?” she questioned, tilting her head to the side.

  “Not exactly my feelings. Didn’t really want them around, truth be told, but the idea didn’t piss me off like it did my brother. You would have thought the hounds of hell had been loosed on the property with the way Key acted.” He laughed outright. “Yeah, but then he remembered why he’d allowed the TV film crew on the ranch in the first place.”

  “And why was that?”

  He smiled, thinking of his mother...his father and brother. Their history and love for Hawaii.

  He recited the words that were ingrained in his mind, heart and soul.

  “Family, ranch and the preservation of Hawaii,” he murmured.

  Although it was dark, he could feel her confusion.

  “Those were the reasons Key finally agreed to allow the film crew on the ranch. Kinda became the family battle cry,” he said, and she laughed softly along with his low chuckle.

  “I remember reading something online that stated the reasons for the show were to make more money for the ranch...and maybe exploit two of Hawaii’s ‘dynamic duo,’” she murmured when their chuckles had died out.

  Nick heard the question behind the teasing words.

  He groaned. “Please, if you like the fact that my brother likes you...don’t mention that ridiculous nickname,” he advised. “That is a surefire way of getting you escorted off the premises,” he finished.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she laughed. “At any rate, you’re the one with the more...” Her voice trailed off and instead of being offended he laughed outright.

  “I’m the ‘player’? Yeah, I know,” he replied.

  He was well aware of his reputation as a “player.” Hell, his own brother at times bought into the image he so carefully portrayed. Although he knew that his twin knew him well, and was also aware that behind the player image was a man who loved his family, his ranch and Hawaii as much as he did, and took it just as seriously.

  And in reality, he’d carefully built up the playboy image as a way to discourage anyone from trying to get too close to him. Although his mother and father loved each other, had always showed love to him and his brother, a part of Nick had seen something else in his mother’s eyes when she’d thought no one was looking.

  “Yeah, a lot of folks think that. I don’t really give a damn, though. By any means necessary.” He paused, considering, before he continued to speak.

  “The attention from the show brought in an awareness we couldn’t have paid for—an awareness to the Aloha Keiki foundation our mother started. We wanted to honor her and to see her dream, her desire, to help those who are less fortunate prosper. And if my ‘player’ image helped bring in donations, who am I to complain?”

  “Of course. All those beautiful women hanging around the ranch, fawning over your every word, was a sacrifice you were willing to make, huh?”

  She surprised yet another laugh from him. “Exactly!”

  Her tinkling responding laughter made his smile linger.

  He felt an odd little feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  He’d been getting more of them lately, funny little feelings in his stomach; his chest would even ache oddly at times. There were even times he felt his heartbeat literally race, times when he wasn’t doing anything extraneous.

  He frowned. He’d visited the family doc a month ago and knew he was healthy as a “damn horse,” as Dr. Pedersen had put it. Heartbeat regular. Blood pressure normal. Cholesterol count perfect.

  When he felt her snuggle deeper into him, as she burrowed against his side, he felt the smile return to his face, and the odd thought that he was ill passed.

  It was such a sexy thing to do, he thought, snuggling into him in the way she had.

  “And we have my sister-in-law to thank for the extra publicity for the foundation,” he said, bringing her closer to his body. If that were even possible.

  “How so?”

  “She made sure that when it came to the PR for the show, it was included that the true reasons we agreed to another season was for the foundation. Initially we kept that within the family—our real reasons. The executive producers thought it made for good PR when Sonia ‘accidentally’ let it slip ‘our real reasons.’”

  “Accidentally on purpose?” she said and he grinned.

  “Yeah, something like that. We trusted her. And with that, she helped the foundation prosper even more,”
he said, pride in his voice for both the foundation and the woman he now called sister.

  “It’s an amazing foundation,” she murmured, her words creating a warm spot in his heart. He felt his...feelings...for her grow.

  “Thank you. Its purpose is to help disadvantaged youth by bringing in donations to the poorer communities on the island.”

  “It’s admirable. Not just that your mother started it, but that her family loved her and their community so much they sacrificed to see it prosper,” she stated simply, the sincerity in her words real, touching.

  Nick felt that weird ache in his chest again.

  Unconsciously he clutched at his chest.

  She reached up, as though she, too, had felt the pang...or felt his pain, and placed her hand over his. Their intertwined hands lay on his chest.

  He frowned down at her. The only other person he’d ever experienced that type of mental kinship with had been his brother.

  The fact that she knew the information showed that beyond finding out what she needed to to help her Wildes, there had been more to her research than a way to “take care of” the Kealoha problem.

  “Yeah,” he began, and she burrowed even closer, bringing an unknown smile to his face.

  “The money we get comes from both donations as well as what we generate from the farms,” he told her.

  “Farms? Like the one you showed me, the orchard?” she asked, softly interrupting him.

  He nodded.

  “Yes, like the one I showed you, baby. We have a few other ones. New ones we are creating on other islands to benefit other communities. All the proceeds are designated, targeted and used to help with agriculture for the youth, for them to learn a usable skill. It’s also used for scholarship opportunities for the high school students who want to attend a college or university,” he continued. “But the kids know to tap into the resources they have to help out.”

  “Through their volunteerism,” she said, and he nodded. She’d been paying attention.

  “Sure do.” He was aware of the pride in his voice. “Most do so in the gardens, but we have a small group who come to the ranch and one of the hands supervises them, gives them tasks to do, to help them learn more about ranching.”


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