Heads or Tails

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Heads or Tails Page 1

by Margaret Scott


  An erotic short story

  Margaret Scott

  Published by Accent Press Ltd

  Digital Edition converted and published by Andrews UK Limited 2010

  Copyright © Margaret Scott 2010

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers: Xcite Books, Suite 11769, 2nd Floor, 145-157 St John Street, London EC1V 4PY

  The story contained within this book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Heads or Tails

  by Margaret Scott

  Jane’s lips sucked slowly on the red tip of an ice-lolly while her eyes trailed down the torso of the sexy male underwear model before her. Absolutely gorgeous, she thought. His face was strong, his flesh toned and tight. No matter which way she moved the page his eyes seemed to follow hers, watching her every move.

  In your dreams, girl! her inner voice goaded.

  The creaking of rotten wood being torn apart drew her attention back to the young man who was working at the bottom of her garden. Her old fence had been badly damaged in the severe gales of the now distant winter, and he was in the process of tearing it down to replace it with a new one.

  The name on the advert in the paper had been familiar, so she hadn’t been completely surprised when the fencing contractor had turned out to be a lad who had gone out with her daughter when they were both teenagers.

  What had surprised her was the improvement in his physique. He had lost the puppy fat of adolescence and replaced it with a firm frame and decent muscles, obviously one of the main benefits not only of growing older, but also of a working life spent outdoors. He still had the same bed-head blond hair and a boyish, freckled face with sparkling blue eyes.

  Sitting in her sun lounger feeling completely invisible, Jane’s attention flicked between the real man – Kevin – and the paper fantasy guy in her magazine.

  On the other side of the rapidly disappearing fence Kevin’s pickup appeared, piled high with new wood. His workmate stepped down from the cab with two white paper packets in his hand, and two cans of cola under his arm. He was tall, black, and more muscular than Kevin. He always seemed to carry a warm smile on his face. Jane had yet to hear his voice, though it was clear he and Kevin got on well.

  Jane stared into the distance as her mind took a wander along that familiar old road of regret. She couldn’t understand where the years had gone. With that evil 50 hovering not far over the horizon she hated to admit that half of her life was over, but from the age of 20 onwards she felt as though she hadn’t aged a day. Time had simply marched on, regardless of her feelings.

  ‘Fancy a sausage?’ Kevin called.

  Jane jumped with surprise and almost dropped her melting lolly onto the gorgeous magazine model’s face.

  Kevin was waving a plastic fork bearing the offered meat, wearing that cheeky grin she remembered from his youth.

  Feeling awkward in her drab shorts and vest top she got herself a bun and a drink from her kitchen and went to join them. The lads were sitting cross-legged on the ground holding large bread baps stuffed with sausages, bacon, tomatoes and mushrooms, which they were both more than happy to share with her.

  Kevin introduced her. ‘This is the lovely Jane. I used to date her daughter when we were kids.’

  As he transferred a piece of his bacon into Jane’s bun, Kevin’s mate smiled brightly at her. ‘Hello, lovely Jane, my name is Michael.’

  She sat with them while they ate. Kevin made them both laugh easily with his quick sense of humour, but his jokes also revealed a hint of wildness, a recklessness which she found strangely refreshing.

  Halfway through eating her bun, Jane suddenly remembered she was wearing her comfy old bra over her impressive double Ds. The problem was, it didn’t do a very good job of keeping her nipples under control. At first she didn’t think the boys had noticed, but it wasn’t long before she realised that whenever they thought she wasn’t looking their way, their eyes would creep downward for another look.

  Once the main posts of the new fence had been erected Kevin told her they couldn’t do any more work until the following day, in order to give the cement plenty of time to set properly. While they began gathering up their tools Jane decided she’d had enough sun and it was time for her to head indoors. She folded her lounger up and manhandled it into the shed. While she was inside she overheard their conversation at the bottom of the garden.

  ‘That Jane, she’s quite tasty,’ Michael said quietly.

  ‘You think so? I think she’s a bit of a MILF, myself,’ was Kevin’s reply.

  Jane wasn’t sure what Kevin had said, but it didn’t matter. Her heart slowly dropped as she heard them both giggling like a couple of naughty schoolboys making fun of the shy kid. They obviously didn’t think she could hear them, or didn’t care.

  That night she lay alone in bed as she had done for the last six years since her husband had died. Her skin tingled pleasantly from sunburn. She felt happy, but alone. She closed her eyes and tried to remember the feel of a man’s skin, the weight of his body on top of hers. It had been so long.

  Kevin’s grinning face swam into her thoughts. What kind of a woman would turn him on? In her mind she created what she thought would be his perfect partner – a pretty girl with straight, chocolate brown hair and a perfect suntan, wearing nothing more than a white bra and thong set. The girl would be fashionably slim with curvy hips and no fat anywhere except the breasts and plump bottom. What man could resist her?

  It was easy for Jane to visualise a luxurious hotel room for the two to meet for their first time together. What would a man like him do, let loose on a lovely woman like her?

  Images of their possible activities began to form in her mind, one sexy act slowly melting into another…his lips suckling on her pert breasts…the girl’s hair spread over a pillow of white satin…his body over hers…his tight butt pumping between her open legs with a slow, regular rhythm…

  The more Jane struggled to stay within the fantasy, the harder it was to hang on to. Random thoughts kept trying to invade her mind, to draw her attention away from the vivid lovemaking. Her hand slipped under the covers and worked gently on her clitoris, both exciting and soothing her, until eventually she fell into a restless asleep.

  The following day Kevin phoned early to say he had another job to start in the morning, so the fence building wasn’t going to continue until the afternoon. Determined not to spend the morning alone with her thoughts Jane decided to indulge in a shopping spree with her friend, Maria. As they trailed around the same shops they had browsed countless times before she began to wonder how she was going to fill the rest of her life. Nothing ever seemed to change.

  So what do you want? she asked herself desperately as she and Maria dumped their shopping bags down in her kitchen at lunch time.

  I want to feel excitement, I want to feel anticipation. I want to feel alive, she thought. Yeah, lots of scope for that in the life of a 48-year-old widow.

  ‘Jane, what’s wrong?’ Maria asked as she made them both a cuppa.

  Jane sighed heavily. ‘There must be more to life than this.’

  Maria smiled. ‘That’s easy. You need a man!’

  The image of hunky young Kevin popped into her mind. ‘I don’t fancy men my own age. I look at younger men and I think, “wow!�
��’ Then I remind myself that I’m old enough to be their mother and they would probably run a mile if they knew what I was thinking.’

  ‘Hey, you’re a good-looking, mature woman.’ Maria handed her a cup of tea.

  Jane grimaced. ‘I hate being called that. I don’t feel mature. I feel about 20, then I look in the mirror and think, who the hell are you?’

  ‘Don’t put yourself down. Lots of young men like older women. Older women are more sensible, more experienced, less likely to demand a heavy relationship…’

  ‘Yeah? Well, I don’t think that’s true. I quite liked the young lad who’s been doing my fence until I heard him tell his mate I was a bit of a MILF.’

  Maria almost spat her tea across the room as she burst out laughing. ‘What the hell are you complaining about? You’ve definitely still got it.’

  ‘What are you laughing at? You wouldn’t like it if someone called you a twat. What is a MILF anyway?’

  Struggling to control her giggles, Maria answered, ‘It’s a Mother I’d Like to…’ She rolled her hand forward, encouraging Jane to think of the end for herself.

  Jane was still completely lost. ‘Mother I’d like to what?’

  ‘Oh, for God’s sake…use your imagination!’

  ‘Mother I’d like to f…’ As the penny finally dropped, so did her jaw. ‘Oh.’

  They both laughed for what seemed like ages.

  A rosy glow of confidence filled Jane as she replayed Kevin’s conversation in her mind, seeing it now for what it really was.

  Maria glanced at her watch. ‘Hey, he’ll be here in a minute.’

  ‘Yeah, and I think he said he would be working by himself this time.’ The combination of their humour and the memory of the previous night’s sexual fantasy made her heart thump with excitement.

  ‘Jane, get some sexy kit on, then when he gets here invite him in for a coffee. See what happens.’

  Jane shook her head, though the idea did excite her. ‘No, he isn’t really interested in me.’

  ‘Well, if that’s the case, he’ll have a cuppa and leave, and you’ve lost nothing. But if he is interested…’

  Maria left her with that thought and a wink as she grabbed her shopping bags and headed out the door.

  Jane stared out of the kitchen window, surprising herself at how much she wanted to see Kevin again. Maybe Maria was right. What harm could an offer of a coffee do?

  A pile of loose change lying on the counter caught her attention. She picked up a single coin and studied it carefully, turning it over and over between her fingers. I’ll flip this coin and follow whatever path fate sets for me. No more indecision. If it’s heads, I invite him in for a coffee.

  She tossed the coin and caught it on the back of her hand, then peeled her top hand away carefully, almost afraid to look. Heads.

  Before she could change her mind she headed quickly upstairs and slipped into a short skirt she hadn’t worn in years, and a loose white blouse. She brushed out her curly, long brown hair and refreshed her makeup, applying a little more than usual. When she looked in the full length mirror she almost didn’t recognise herself. She had forgotten how good she could look. Still buzzing with excitement she returned to the kitchen to see Kevin at the bottom of the garden beginning work on the fence, alone as promised. He saw her and waved.

  She gulped down her nerves and opened the door. ‘Kevin, do you fancy a coffee?’

  He immediately lowered the plank he’d been holding to the ground and walked towards her, smiling.

  With steaming mugs in their hands they sat down at the kitchen table, Kevin choosing the dining chair right beside her. She could feel his foot touching hers under the table and her instinct was to move away, to break the connection, but she didn’t want to.

  They made small talk while both tried to sense the atmosphere between them. Kevin asked how her daughter was, then they both reminisced a little about the old days.

  ‘You haven’t changed at all,’ he said with a warm smile as he pushed his empty coffee cup to one side.

  ‘You’re being generous.’

  ‘You‘re a good looking woman, you were then, and you still are now.’ His blue eyes stayed locked on hers. It was the first time she had ever seen him being completely serious.

  Jane took a deep breath, and dived in. ‘I am a MILF.’

  Kevin looked confused for a moment, then embarrassed, then he actually blushed. ‘I’m sorry, I hope you weren’t offended.’ He contemplated his next words carefully, ‘but I did mean it.’

  Struggling to control her racing heart, Jane tried to look cool and control. ‘I’m old enough to be your mother.’

  He nodded, a wicked grin illuminating his face. He leaned slowly forward to place a warm hand on her bare knee, watching her reaction.

  Part of Jane couldn’t believe what was happening to her. It was the first time in years she had been in a situation where she didn’t know what was going to happen next. With excitement racing through her she added her hand to his own, encouraging him to explore further. His fingers squeezed her thigh and edged spider-like up under her hem.

  He slid his chair closer and kissed her, his lips like a brush of velvet while his day-old stubble stirred a pleasant tingling on her soft skin.

  ‘Come and sit on my knee,’ he breathed.

  ‘Are you kidding? I’ll probably break your legs.’

  ‘Don’t be daft.’ He patted his thigh. ‘Come here.’

  Instead of obeying she guided his arm further up under her skirt. His hand worked gently in between her legs to rub the silky fabric of her knickers.

  He fumbled to undo his jeans with his free hand and quickly produced an impressive cock. ‘Do you think you would break this?’

  Without even thinking Jane reached over to grasp the warm flesh in her hand. She had to resist the desperate urge to lean over and suck on it, though part of her knew he certainly would not have minded if she had.

  ‘Come here,’ he whispered again.

  This time she stood up and allowed him to guide her. He pushed her skirt up until it was wrapped around her hips and pulled her towards him. She straddled him and settled herself gently over his thighs. His cock stood upright in the space between them, almost visibly throbbing with the desire to penetrate. He unbuttoned her blouse and peeled it away. Jane remembered her belly and cringed inside.

  Kevin unclipped her bra, releasing her large breasts from captivity. She hung on to the chair back for support as he gathered her bust together into his hands. His warm, wet mouth sucked and licked, the caress of his tongue sending heat and moisture flooding into her pussy.

  Jane moaned. She rubbed her groin against the base of his shaft, aching for more.

  Kevin was more than happy to accommodate her. He spat onto his open palm and rubbed the saliva on to the plum of his solid erection to lubricate it.

  You don’t have to do that, she thought.

  He pushed aside the crotch of her panties to discover the sticky bounty inside. ‘Oh, you are ready for this!’

  While his fingers held her gusset to one side, Jane lifted her groin and lowered herself carefully on to him. At first she felt a brief sting of pain as he penetrated her, then her natural juices did their work and his full length slipped easily the rest of the way in. She couldn‘t remember how long it had been since she‘d had a man inside her, and she’d forgotten just how much she had missed it. For a moment she remained still, just holding him inside, savouring the feeling.

  ‘You’re lovely and soft.’ One of his hands helped to support her, while the other explored her soft buttocks.

  Jane squeezed her pussy muscles tight around him.

  Kevin groaned. ‘You’ve got some grip, girl.’ He laid his head back and closed his eyes. ‘Fuck me.’

  She raised h
erself, feeling his cock slowly slide out of her until only the head remained inside, then she sank back down again quickly.

  ‘Ooh,’ he gasped.

  She began to ride him, slow at first, then faster as the vice-like grip of his fingers directed the speed of her movement. The wooden chair creaked under their combined weight and her breasts bumped against his chin with each upward movement.

  ‘God, I won’t be able to last long,’ he muttered.

  Seeing the obvious pleasure she was giving him, Jane cast off her final shreds of reservation and let herself go. She flipped her head back and called out her excitement, ignoring the burning in her thighs from the effort of straddling him.

  Kevin soon came with a series of loud cries. He angled his hips up to meet her while pulling her hips down, ensuring at the moment of explosion his cock was as far inside her as was physically possible.

  Though she had failed to come herself Jane was more than happy. She pulled herself slowly off him, but Kevin wasn’t done yet. He reached out a hand to her.

  ‘I haven’t finished the job.’ He gently removed her knickers and patted the dining table. ‘Sit up here.’

  Puzzled but intrigued, Jane obeyed.

  He dragged the two chairs to either side of her so she could rest a foot on each with her legs wide apart, then he sank down between her thighs and opened his mouth.

  Jane realised what he was going to do and put her hands out to stop him. She felt sticky and gooey down below. ‘What are you doing, you can’t…’

  ‘It’s OK, it’s fine.’ he insisted, pushing her hands away.

  ‘I’ll wash myself…’

  Kevin laughed and gently stroked her thighs. ‘It’s OK.’ Before she could argue any further his face moved quickly to nestle into the dark, hairy bush of her soaking pussy.

  Jane was tense at first, but quickly relaxed to allow herself to feel the pleasure he clearly wanted to provide. I’m being licked by a good-looking man half my age!

  Excitement like none she had ever felt before raced through her body, culminating in a burning heat in her abdomen which threatened to explode. It didn’t take long for his expert tongue to release that heat. As he lapped up her juices and his own semen, her pussy began to convulse in a massive, pulsing orgasm which drove Jane to grab his head and squeal with pure ecstasy.


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