The Biker's Baby

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The Biker's Baby Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  She yelled the word and then dropped her head, but it did what she wanted. He stopped walking.

  “If you want to shop in there for something and Cherry’s ruining it for you…”

  “It’s fine. I don’t need anything, okay. Just don’t go in there and cause a scene.” She tucked some of her hair behind her ear and turned to leave.

  “Hey, hey, you’re upset.”

  She looked up at him, and immediately averted her gaze. She felt bad about something, and she didn’t know what, and that just confused and annoyed her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” It wasn’t the first time she’d been called spiteful names, and it sure wouldn’t be the last. She hadn’t been called them in a long time. They just hit her harder, and she tucked some of her hair behind her ear. “I better get going.”

  “Would you like to share a coffee?”

  They’d shared many coffees, but now Cherry’s words were going around in her head and she couldn’t help but be nervous.

  “If you don’t I’m going to go and find out exactly what my ex said to you. You’ve never hesitated to have a coffee before.”

  Not wanting to deal with any more confrontations, she smiled. “Coffee it is.”

  She followed him across the road toward the coffee shop. Some people were eying up the leather cut with disdain, others respect, and some were just ignoring it. They were such a mixture of people that it made her smile.

  “Do you ever get used to that?”

  “Used to what?”

  “People staring at you. Looking at your cut, things like that?”

  Gunner shrugged. “It doesn’t matter what I do or say. The moment they see the cut it divides opinion. What did you think of it the first time you saw it?”

  She smiled. “That I couldn’t believe I was meeting a real-life MC guy. Yes, I was totally thrilled, and it was all in a good way.” Her cheeks heated.

  John had found her response amusing.

  Gunner laughed. “Then I must have totally blown your mind being the Prez.”

  “I like your club. They’re a little different. Scary at times but still people. Still a family in your own way.”

  She’d heard the rumors about the club and knew that Gunner wasn’t a good man. He was, but he did really bad things. In the back of her mind she recalled the gossip about the previous Prez, the one before Gunner. He’d gone missing and was never found. No body, no nothing.

  John served with him, and she knew that Gunner was a nice guy, or at least to her he was.

  He got them both coffee, and she thanked him, taking a sip of the scalding liquid.

  “How is everything?” Gunner asked.

  “It’s great. How are things with you and your boys?”

  “They’re going good. Going to school, and it’s about damn time. I actually got a call asking why they were always there.”

  She burst out laughing. “He’d rather they didn’t?”

  “They ask a lot of questions and are all about putting the teachers on the spot.”

  “It sounds like a lot of fun.”

  “It is. They’re good boys, but I’ve spoiled them. They never wanted to live with their mom though. Knowing Cherry the way I do, I wouldn’t be surprised if she wasn’t always saying shit about me, about the club.”

  She nodded. “I get it. Cherry’s not your biggest fan.”

  “Whatever she said to you, just ignore that shit. She’s a bitch.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m used to women calling me out because of my weight. It’s fine.”


  “Just a few things about being fat and stuff. It’s fine. I’m used to it.” She took a deep breath, sipping at the hot coffee. Her cheeks were on fire.

  “That shit doesn’t stand, Scarlett.” He went to stand up, and she reached over, grabbing his arm.

  “Don’t. Please. Don’t. She said some things, and I don’t want any more scenes. It’s not like she’s wrong. I am fat.”

  “You’re fucking perfect. Don’t let me hear you say that kind of shit again, Scarlett. I mean it.”


  “No, so you’re not a size fucking zero. It doesn’t mean shit. Let me break this down to you, sweetheart. Not all men want a bag of bones in their bed, got it? Some of us like a woman we can hold onto. If we were all supposed to be the same, guess what, we would be. We’re not. Some men like skinny, others like bigger, others like them larger. Big tits, small tits, tight ass, wriggly ass, it’s all something we like. You just got to find the right man who appreciates you.”

  She smiled even though her face was on fire. “Okay, Gunner.”

  “Cherry’s pissed because I won’t pander to her needs. I never have, and I don’t intend to start now. Ignore the bitch. You’re fine the way you are.”

  She finished her coffee and felt a lot better afterward. “I don’t think I’m going to be forgetting this chat anytime soon.”

  “Good. I don’t want you to.”

  Gunner led her out of the coffee shop, but rather than let her go, he made her go straight over the road. This time he didn’t stop as they both entered the lingerie shop together.

  Turning around, she pressed her hands on his chest. “I don’t want to be here.”

  “I watched Cherry leave. You don’t want me to cause a scene, I won’t. You came here for a reason, and I’m not leaving until you do what you’ve got to do.”

  “Don’t you have other things to be doing right now? Like taking down a cartel or something.”

  “You watch way too much television. Shop, Scarlett. I’m not going anywhere until you do. Or I could start picking out outfits for you.”

  She stepped away from him with a squeak. There was only so much that she could take. There were a couple of women there. She noticed them admiring Gunner. Walking away from him, she made a stop at some horrible-looking things, and he tutted. Glancing behind her, she saw that he’d followed her.

  “Are you going to shop with me?”

  “Yes. It seems that way. John said you can be a bit of a brat.”

  “Are you talking to him?” she asked.

  “I sent him a text. Told me to make sure you buy something nice.”

  She pressed her hands to her cheeks. “This day couldn’t get any more embarrassing.”

  “You shouldn’t be embarrassed. Consider me here as your husband.”

  Scarlett shook her head and stepped away from the ugly-looking underwear. Going back to the lace, she began to search the colors, feeling the fabric between her fingers.

  “This would look good,” Gunner said. He held a pastel pink that was so light and soft. She opened it up and loved it instantly.

  Aware of Cherry’s words, she tried not to read too much into it, or how he seemed to be close to her. One of his hands was on her hip as he leaned in close. The scent of leather was overwhelming but not in a bad way. The smell comforted her.

  Over and over he suggested different colors until she finally caved and settled on a couple.

  Without looking at him, she went to the counter. She didn’t even need to turn to know he was there at her back. She felt him. The sales lady rang up the purchases, and she paid.

  “Thank you.” Leaving the shop, she took a deep breath, relieved that it was over. “I really appreciate your help in there.”

  “Anytime,” Gunner said.


  She walked away but couldn’t help but glance back. He was there, watching her.

  Chapter Four

  With his boys settled for the night, Gunner made his way over to John’s house. He trusted Bennie and Carlos, as he’d given them both a warning that if they tried any funny business he was going to make them pay. What he didn’t want to do was push them away. They were teenagers, and they didn’t need babysitters. This was his way of showing them trust.

  The moment he parked up on the drive, he recalled the few hours he’d spent with Scarlett picking
out lingerie. He’d not known she’d be outside the shop when he was walking down the street. He still wanted to deal with Cherry, but hearing Scarlett beg had done something to him.

  His ex-wife had better not step out of line again. The last thing he wanted was for Scarlett to be upset. Cherry had been aware of his … interest in Scarlett. He’d never really hidden it from her either, but then, he’d known she’d been screwing around him. His and Cherry’s relationship hadn’t been a love match.

  Cherry wanted a patch. The condom broke, she got knocked up, the end.

  Of course, two sons down the line, and now a divorce, the end.

  He’d sent John a text earlier that day, letting him know what happened. John had asked him via text to take Scarlett back into the lingerie shop and to make sure she bought something nice. His friend was starting to piss him off with these little demands, not that he had a problem with them. He liked being with Scarlett.

  It beat spending his time watching Kent and looking at his club. The biggest problem with having someone steal within the club was he couldn’t trust anyone. He’d never been able to trust Kent, but until now there had never been a reason for his distrust.

  He’d known Kent was tight with the previous Prez, the one that Gunner put to ground. While they were in between runs, the boys were taking some down time, and Gunner was dealing with all of their legal businesses. It’s what the club expected him to do. This was how they kept the law off their back. He paid them to look the other way when their other business came first, but also kept them off their back for all of their ventures.

  Anyway, club business was the last thing on his mind right now.

  Knocking on the door, he waited. John answered and shook his hand. “Good to see you.”

  Entering the house, he saw Scarlett in the dining room. She wore a rose-patterned dress that molded to her curves beautifully. She was setting the table.

  “Hey, Gunner,” she said, coming out of the dining room.

  She had a sway to her hips that he found so alluring.

  “Hello, princess,” he said.

  His cock was already tightening, and he was more than happy that his leather cut hid the evidence of that. He wondered what lingerie she had on. Did she have the pink, the white? She’d purchased several that he hoped to see her in soon.

  “I’ve made you and your boys a pot roast to enjoy this weekend. I hope that’s okay.”

  “It’ll be interesting to see if they can even eat home-cooked food. I’ve only seen them eat shit I order in.”

  She smiled.

  The sound of an alarm from the kitchen could be heard. “I’ll get that.” She kissed John’s cheek and left.

  Gunner’s gaze stayed on her ass.

  “Tonight,” John said.


  “I want to start tonight.”

  Gunner stared at his friend. He didn’t like this feeling that was twisting him up inside. “Fine.”

  “Thank you for taking care of her. Cherry said some things to her.”

  “She told me it was about her weight.”

  “There were some other things as well.”

  “Like fucking what?” Gunner asked.

  “She spoke about you, and your interest in her. Scarlett didn’t … she’s not seen it.”

  Gunner knew she hadn’t.

  It wasn’t like her to see other men’s interest, especially as she only had eyes for her husband.

  This could be a big fucking mistake.

  “Are you sure about this?” Gunner asked.

  “Yeah, I am. I know it’s asking a lot.”

  “Dinner’s ready,” Scarlett said.

  She held a casserole dish in her hands, which she placed in the center of the table.

  John slapped him on the back.

  Gunner once again sat at the head of the table, only this time it felt different. Knowing what John wanted, what he, himself, wanted, it was … hard. He wanted this. This family life to have his best friend and Scarlett with him.

  The moment he saw Scarlett all those years ago, he’d been jealous of John. His friend had gotten a girl that was not only sweet and charming, but was everything. He’d seen the way she looked at John, and he’d known he’d wanted someone to look at him like that.

  His relationship with Cherry had already started to die, not that it had ever really been there.

  His feelings for Scarlett were instant … pure.

  “What do we have here?” he asked, trying to distract himself.

  “Noodle casserole.”

  He waited for John to serve them all a portion. Conversation was light, talking about the weather and what was going on the world. The meal was amazing, but Scarlett’s noodle casserole was the best.

  Afterward, John opened up a bottle of wine, and Scarlett had a glass. He kept watching her to see if there was any change inside her or if John had told her something. They all did the dishes together, and throughout it he noticed John was constantly touching her, whispering in her ear, caressing her.

  Gunner kept his distance, not really sure what to do right now. He noticed her arousal, the way her nipples beaded against the front of her dress. The dress hugged her figure enough to notice her thighs pressing together as well.

  What exactly was John saying?

  They finished the dishes, and John made his way into the living room. Some music played softly, and he sipped at the wine that he’d been given. He wasn’t much of a wine man. He preferred hard liquor or beer. This was for pansies.

  “Right, do you guys want to talk?” Scarlett asked, entering the room.

  “Come here, baby,” John said, patting the chair.

  The smile on her face made his stomach tighten. She had this amazing smile that always lit up her entire face and drew everyone closer to her. Scarlett was all warmth and softness.

  She sat down beside John, who placed an arm around her shoulders. Gunner watched him stroke his fingers up and down her arm. In turn, she looked up at him. Her neck was exposed, making him want to kiss her.

  John leaned down, brushing his lips against hers. “Don’t you think she’s beautiful, Gunner?” he asked, pulling away from the kiss.

  The tension in the room rose, as did his cock.


  “Shh, it’s okay. Gunner likes watching you, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do.” He watched his friend working, and it was a sight to behold. It had been a long time since he’d seen John in action, and it aroused him as fuck to see it.

  “Look at him, Scarlett.” Her head turned toward him. “He wants you.”


  “Don’t be afraid. Feel me. Go on, feel me.” Her hand reached between his thighs. She was shaking just a little, but as she gripped John’s cock, he saw her confidence there. She knew her husband’s body, and trusted him. “That’s how hard it makes me to think of him looking at you. No one else, Scarlett. Just him, my best friend. The man I’d trust with my very life. Do you want her?”


  “He wants you, Scarlett. He wants to see what you look like without your dress, to see those pretty, plump tits.” John put his glass down, and he helped Scarlett to sit on his lap. “Look at him.”

  Her gaze landed on him, and Gunner sat back, watching. She truly was a sight to behold. The sound of a zipper filled the room and then he watched as the dress she wore started to sag a little.

  “Trust me.” He heard John speaking to her.

  He pulled the dress down to her waist, and he got to see the color was in fact white, lacy. She looked almost virginal in the fabric. If she’d not been married to John for ten years he’d have been convinced she was.

  John helped her up, and the dress was wriggled down her hips onto the floor.

  Gunner groaned. She had the curves that he’d been dreaming about. The lace didn’t hide her dark nipples, which were pressing against the fabric.

  She sat down on John’s lap again.

do you think?”

  “Stunning.” There really were not words for the way seeing her naked made him feel. He’d fantasized about this many times, but hadn’t for a second thought that he’d get the chance to actually see her, or know what was about to come next.

  “Is she making you hard?”


  “Let her see.”

  Just this once he’d let John take the lead, but after that, he’d be the one giving orders. Standing up, he removed his leather cut, placing it on the back of the chair. Opening his jeans, he pulled out his erect dick. He heard her gasp. Running his hands up and down the length, he rubbed in the pre-cum that was already spilling out of the tip.

  “You see how hard he is, baby?”


  “That’s for you, all for you.” John released the catch of her bra, and this time, Gunner groaned. Her tits spilled forward, and they were amazing. He wanted to touch them, to feel them against him as he drove deep inside her.

  John ran his hands up her body, cupping her tits, pushing them together. Gunner watched him rub his thumb across the tips. She pressed her thighs together, her eyes closing.

  “Her tits have always been so sensitive. Haven’t they, baby?”

  “Yes, yes, please,” she said.

  “You want me to touch your pussy?”


  “Gunner, do me a favor, come and touch our woman’s pussy?”

  He got up out of his chair. Hearing those two words, our woman, fuck, that did something to his head. To know that he could have Scarlett was like a gift he’d never known he needed.

  Kneeling on the floor in front of her, he placed his hands on her thighs. He was much bigger than she was, and she looked small, almost fragile. “Do you want this?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  Sliding his hands up her legs, he gripped the edge of the lace and peeled them down her thighs. He didn’t wait or savor the moment as he spread her thighs open wide, and there was her pretty little cunt, glistening.

  “Touch her, Gunner.”

  He slid a finger between her thighs, touching the fine hairs that covered her pussy. He’d never understood why women felt the need to completely remove all of their hair. He liked a woman to feel like a woman, not some young girl.


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