The Biker's Baby

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The Biker's Baby Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  He’d have completely passed on the deal when he was approached, but at church all of the guys wanted the money that would come from the one-time deal. So over time they were known as good little postal boys. The cartels stayed out of their business, and that was what Gunner liked. Besides, he was friends with Carlos—who dealt as the main contact between the club and the cartels—and he had to be. The bastard had fucked his wife. Not that his son had anything to do with it. Gunner had gotten a paternity test done on both of his boys when they came out. He’d been on club business, and Cherry had already named the boy Carlos before he could do anything about it, which pissed him off.

  On the way back home, he recalled the conversation he’d had with the man.

  “So, rumor has it that something is going down with your boys,” Carlos said.

  “Now who would think that?”

  “I’ve got a lot of ears everywhere, and I thought it was best that you knew someone is planning a takeover bid. Said that you’re too old to ride, too old to fuck, and too old to see what has gone missing beneath your eyes.” Carlos pointed at his own eyes and smirked. The gold tooth shone from his smile, making Gunner want to take it out. “Word has it they want to take the club in a different direction.”

  Leaning forward, he smirked. “You know the best way of catching a rat is to leave little crumbs, Carlos.”

  “Ah, so you are onto it.”

  “I never wasn’t. I just need to know who else is following this rat. You been approached?”

  “I’ve not been approached by someone from your club, but a couple of guys have said change is coming. This is all on the rumor mill. Word on the street. You know how it is. New leadership and they want in on cartel money. I’d say the rat in your club is the one that wants more business. I don’t have no problem with the way you run your business, Gunner. I like that we keep this … separate. Bad news like this, it has a blood taste to it.”

  “I have no interest in becoming runners for the cartel. I’ll deliver guns and even do the drugs, but always as a third party. I don’t want this mess. I’ve got my boys, and I know your bosses don’t ask questions until the bullets stop flying, and most of the time there’s a river of blood.”

  “And I’ve got my little girls. I respect you, man. Never do no wrong. Always keep your shit locked up tight. When I heard the boys talking about this shit, I thought they were fucking trippin’. Ain’t no one got a drop on you, Gunner.” Carlos smirked. “You know, when I got into this I never thought there’d be a day that I regretted it. Becoming a father, now that shit … yeah, you realize how fucked-up your life has become. Ain’t no out for me. Just got to keep on rolling.”

  “You hear anything, let me know.”

  “Sure as shit sticks, my man.”

  They shook hands and left it at that. Now back at the club, in church Gunner stared at all of his men. He had a couple of ideas who it could be.

  Kent was certainly high on the list. As VP he’d been one of his enemies for a long time. He’d fought him time and time again on different deals, but Gunner had always won. As Prez he’d wanted the club to flourish, not to die due to bad fucking decisions. The cartel becoming permanent runners, partners; that shit was not going to stick, not with him. Lots of clubs got wiped out for doing bad deals with the cartels. He had to think of the best decision for the club, not just to line his pocket. He didn’t know who else Kent had on his side, but he’d find out. He always did. One thing the army had taught him … patience. He would sit out on an assignment for hours and days at a time. He didn’t have a problem with waiting. Sure, he fucking hated that someone wanted to overthrow his kingdom, but he wasn’t about to let them take his club from him.




  Then killing.

  All of them had a place, and it wasn’t about acting fast.

  Once again, his gaze landed on Kent. His VP had been noticeably absent of late. It would have been easier to cut Kent out of the club, but he’d not had a good enough reason to at the time.

  Also, he loved the motto of keeping enemies close, and this fucker certainly was that. However, he couldn’t rule out a few of the other boys that were wanting a bit of action and a large chunk of the pie.

  Opening his duffel bag, Gunner dropped the money onto the table.

  A round of cheers went up at the sight of the dough. It was already counted and placed in bundles for each of the men. He handed out each pile, leaving one for him, and he’d put another on the table. “This is for the club expenses. Any of you got a problem with that?”

  “I don’t. It’s all right having the cash right now, but we’ve still got to keep our other investments afloat,” Billy said.

  All of the boys agreed, so he made his way to the safe, keeping his back to them as he put the money inside. He always liked to make sure that the club had a backup in case any of their investments had to close quickly.

  “Anyone got anything they want to say to me?” he asked, looking toward Kent.

  His VP just looked bored.

  “No, Prez. I’d say we have everything in order. All we want to do now is fuck pussy!” There was a loud chorus of roars.

  He smiled.

  Gunner wasn’t about to keep them from their urges.

  “Right, that was our last run for a couple of weeks. Have fun. We’ll be back Monday for church where we’ll deal with whatever shit we need to.”

  It was at church that he handed out the jobs for each of the men to do the next week. He liked to share the workload so no one got pissy.

  Gunner hated dealing with pissy attitudes. Their legal businesses—from the strip club to the massage parlor, and some investments in the locals as well where they got a share of the profits— all came with responsibilities, and he made sure each of them had an equal share in dealing with it. He was the one that dealt with the cash and overall running of each investment. When people heard his name, they all cowered, and that had its advantages.

  His men left, and he put his money in the inside of his jacket. He stood looking out of the window, about to call John when he got a knock on the door.

  Kent was there. “Mrs. Williams is here to see you.”

  “Send her in.”

  The door opened wider.

  “No one is to disturb us,” Gunner said.

  Scarlett stuck out like a sore thumb. She wore another dress, this one blue with a flower on it.

  “Do you like flowers?” he asked.

  “Yes, why?”

  “I just realized you always wear something with flowers.”

  She glanced down at her dress and chuckled. “I find them incredibly beautiful. It’s why I’m always looking for a new variety to plant. I think I drive John insane with how much I love them.”

  “That isn’t possible.”

  “Driving John crazy?”


  She smiled, and damn he’d missed it for the past five days.

  “Bennie and Carlos are fine. They’ve been staying with us, and I’ve been dropping them off at school.”

  “I bet they loved that.”

  Scarlett shrugged. “It’s what I’d do for my own children. There’s a parent-teacher conference next Friday. It has something to do with building careers or something like that.” She reached into her bag and pulled out some papers. “These are the letters they both had explaining it.”

  He took the letters from her, grazing his fingers against hers as he did.

  Gunner watched her, and through her dress he saw her nipples harden. “Does John know you’re here?”

  “Yes. He was the one that told me to come here and to let you know what was going on.”

  “Were my boys in any way disrespectful to you?” He asked for them to keep an eye, and it had been John who said he was to bring the boys over so that they could care for them.

  “No. They were really good. They eat a lot, which was really nice.”

  Gunner: I
want to touch your wife.

  He sent the text from his pocket. He didn’t need to look at the keyboard to know where the keys were.

  “They’re constantly eating me out of home. I better stop off at the grocery store.”

  “I can do that for you if you’d like.”

  “We could do it together?”

  “Sure. I don’t mind.”

  His cell phone buzzed. “I’ve just got to see this.” He pulled his cell phone out, and there in black and white was the answer he’d been wanting.

  John: Touch her.

  Putting his cell phone on the table, he stared at her. “Come here.”


  “You heard.”

  She took a step toward him, and he removed her bag from her shoulder, placing it on the floor beside him.

  Putting a hand on her hip, he pulled her closer so that she was standing between his spread legs.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “What I want to do.” He ran his hand down her back, gripping her ass. It was so full and ripe. Fucking perfect. Her hands went to his chest but didn’t push him away. “I’ve missed you. Five days away from you after feeling you come all over my cock is too damn long.”

  “Gunner … what?”

  “John wants this, baby. He wants you to be mine just as you’re his.” He grabbed his cell phone. She wasn’t a woman to stray, and as she took it from his hands, he saw her shake just a little.

  “Do you like my husband?” she asked.

  “You know I do. He’s my best friend.” Taking the cell phone from her hands, he placed it on the table beside him. Cupping her cheek, he sank his fingers into her hair, tilting her head back up. “I wished you’d been mine.” He wasn’t going to hold anything back.

  Gripping the back of her neck with his other hand, he slammed his lips down on hers, taking the kiss he’d been wanting to take for some time, and he didn’t want to let her go, not for a fucking second did he want to.

  Fire consumed him, as did raging need. He wanted her more than anything else.

  She opened her mouth, and he plunged his tongue inside, wanting whatever she’d fucking give him. It was like a drug he couldn’t escape from, nor did he want to. His cock swelled, and the moan that escaped her just sent his need for her up another notch.

  “Fuck, baby, you have no idea what I want to do to you,” he said.

  “What do you want to do?”

  “How about I show you?”

  Spinning her around, he lifted her up and placed her on the edge of the desk, pushing the dress up her thighs. Drawing her back to the edge of the table, he pushed the dress all the way up to her waist. Gripping the edge of her lace panties, he tore them off, putting them in his pocket as he did.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said.

  “I want you to touch me.”

  He slid a finger between her folds, finding how soaking wet she was. “Oh, baby, is this all for me?” He slid a finger inside her, then another. She was so tight, and he couldn’t believe how fucking lucky his friend was.

  Now it’s your luck as well.

  You’ve finally got Scarlett beneath you. She’s wet, take her.

  He sat down in his chair, very much aware that this was where he gave church. Every time he sat in this spot, he’d remember what he was about to do.

  Spreading her thighs wide, he opened her pussy and licked across her slit. She cried out his name as he took her nub between his teeth, sucking it hard.

  The pleasure echoed off the walls as he licked and sucked her clit, driving his fingers in deep. Over and over again, he fucked her, feeling her cunt tighten around him. He didn’t want to stop, and only when she came, screaming his name, did he release her clit.

  Not for long though.

  Pulling his cock out of his pants, he winced at the jolt of pain from rushing. He stood up, placed the tip at her entrance, and slammed deep within her.

  This time she cried out and sat up on the table.

  He grabbed her hands, wrapping them around his neck as he filled her.

  “Look at my cock, Scarlett. It’s my dick inside you, fucking you, claiming you.”

  She glanced down, and her pussy tightened, making them both groan.

  “Fuck, you have no idea how much I’ve imagined you being here, on this table, taking my cock. Do you like it?”


  He pressed her down to the table, lifting her legs up so they were against his chest. With his hands on her hips, he fucked her harder, going deeper than before. He couldn’t help but watch as his cock filled her. The way her pussy opened up around his cock made it difficult for him to concentrate.

  Over and over, he fucked her.

  Five days without her didn’t have him lasting very long, and with a few short thrusts, he filled her to the hilt, pumping his cum deep inside her.

  She could be pregnant now.

  The moment he had that thought, he was overcome by guilt.

  She took each pulse, each wave of his cum, and afterward, she smiled at him. “I guess that answers my other question.”

  “Which is?”

  “If things would be awkward. John asked me to come over. He said I needed to see you.”

  He didn’t want to pull out of her.

  Gunner liked the way she felt around his cock.

  After a few seconds had passed, and he couldn’t have a reason, he placed his hand against her stomach, wondering. He’d never be able to step back if she got pregnant. That shit would be impossible.

  “What is it?” she asked, placing a hand over his.

  “It’s nothing.”

  Pulling out of her, he took a seat, and then told her to wait. Placing her feet on his knees, he wanted to be the one to fill her with a child. Not IVF. Not some fucking doctor. Him. He wanted to do what John couldn’t, and in doing so, create a place in both of their worlds for himself. To know that the baby they were pretending was John’s, would be his.

  He watched as his cum came to her entrance, and reaching out, he pushed it back inside, wanting her to keep it all.

  When it came to Scarlett and to John, he was a selfish bastard who wanted a lot more from them both.


  “Did you like it?” John asked.

  He sipped at his wine, watching as his wife walked around the kitchen, putting her groceries away.

  “Yes, I did.” She paused with a cauliflower in her hands and turned toward him. “Do you like it? Knowing that he touched me? That he fucked me?”

  “That he made you come, screaming his name?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “Yes, it does. Especially the end when you told me that he pushed his cum back inside you, and then made you wear the panties again.” They’d also gone shopping, but he knew what Gunner had been trying to do. He was trying to get her pregnant. It was part of their plan.

  She put the last of the vegetables away and moved toward him. “You’re way too kinky.” She kissed his lips.

  “You’re worried about something.”

  He felt it in her kiss.

  “This is all just a little scary, okay? You, me, Gunner. It’s not something I was ever prepared for.”

  “And it has you scared?”

  “Yes, of course it does. I don’t … I don’t want to lose you. I love you, John.”

  He put his wineglass down and cupped her cheek. “I love you too. I’m not going to let this ruin us. It’s what we both want. I know you got off on Gunner, that you loved his face between your thighs.”

  She sighed. “Fine.”

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  “Yes. You know I do.”

  “Strip naked.”


  “You heard me, strip. I want to see.”

  He sipped at his wine and watched as she removed the dress and clothes that he’d given her. Taking her hand, he led her out onto the dining room table. It wasn’t set yet, as they planned to eat dinner i
n the kitchen. Gunner wasn’t coming tonight because he was spending some time with his kids.

  Lifting her up onto the edge of the table, he smiled at her. “He did this?”


  Opening her thighs, he sat down on his chair. She tilted her head to watch him. “And this?”


  He ran his fingers through the fine hairs of her pussy, knowing that Gunner had come deep inside her, that some of that was him.

  His cock threatened to burst through the seams.

  Secrets were much easier to keep and deny when they weren’t facing you. Unable to resist, he spread the lips of her pussy open and leaned forward, touching her clit with his tongue. She tasted incredible, and his own arousal mounted, knowing that Gunner had been inside her, tasted her, and his cum was also mixed with hers.

  Maybe he was a sick bastard wanting to suck Gunner’s cock, to taste him as his cock was covered in Scarlett’s taste. There were a lot of things he wanted, but right now, he wanted to prove to his wife that he didn’t feel jealous, that he was aroused, and he wanted her to be the same.

  He slid his tongue across her clit, stroking her. He felt her shake, and he pressed a finger inside her, thrusting in deep. She was so wet, and he knew it was because of a mixture of their cums.

  With his other hand, he ran it up her thighs, gripping the flesh of her hip, feeling her moan and shake against him as he bit down on her clit.

  She arched up, crying out his name as he fucked her pussy with his fingers. He wanted his cock inside her.

  Pulling away, he quickly opened his pants, pulling out his cock, and in one quick thrust, he was deep inside her. Closing his eyes, he felt her pussy clench around him. He knew what Gunner loved, and what he’d always loved about his wife.

  She never held herself back. Even when they argued, she never made him work to please her. She wanted to be fucked just as he wanted to fuck her. This was where they could always come together, and their passion matched each other.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, and I wished I could have been there, baby.” He pulled out only to slam back inside. With each thrust she moaned his name. the sounds echoing off the wall, driving his desire for her even higher. He didn’t want to let her go.

  In and out, he pounded her pussy. Her cunt tightened around him as he felt her orgasm near.


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