The Biker's Baby

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The Biker's Baby Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “I always have liked your home.”

  “Thank you.” He stepped out of the bedroom. “If you need anything just give me a call.”

  “You’re cooking dinner?” she asked.

  “No. I’m cleaning potatoes for you. John said you make really good steak and potatoes, but you hate washing them.”

  She chuckled. “Yes. Okay. I’ll put the few things I’ve got away, and then I’ll be with you.”

  He moved toward her, and she gasped at how handsome he was. She stayed perfectly still, waiting for him to say something, anything.

  Suddenly, he stopped, and left her alone. Her heart was racing, her nipples hard. Licking her dry lips, she didn’t waste any time, putting her few items of clothing into the closet. Once that was done, she ran her hand over the bed. The sheets were so soft, and she thought about Gunner, the way he’d fucked her that first night with the roughness of the sofa beneath her.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, she pinned her long tresses up and made her way downstairs. She passed Bennie and Carlos in the living room. They both had their heads in a book, writing away. She didn’t bother to disturb them and found Gunner in the kitchen up to his elbows in water, washing like crazy. This made her chuckle especially as she saw the mountain of potatoes already waiting for her to take care of.

  “Have I done too much?”

  “It’s fine. We can dry them and store them. It means I don’t have to wait around for a potato scrubber.” While he finished off what he was doing, she got to work on the potatoes. She rubbed each of them with a little oil and placed them on a baking tray.

  Scarlett knew from previous experience that all the men had large appetites in this family, so she was sure to put in extra.

  Once they were baking in the oven, she took out the steaks, pricking them with a fork before rubbing seasoning all on them. Instead of placing them back in the fridge before grilling, she placed them on the counter, away from the oven, so that they could get to room temperature.

  With each job done, she got to work on clearing away the potatoes.

  “The boys were really happy that you decided to stay for the week,” Gunner said.

  “They were?”

  “Yep, they were missing your cooking.”

  “I stocked your fridge three days ago.” She’d been making double batches of everything so that they had more than enough food to keep them going.

  “We kind of ate it all.”

  “Wow, okay. You eat more than anyone I know.” She laughed. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll figure something out.”

  They worked together to finish cleaning up the kitchen. When it was all done, Gunner opened himself a beer while she grated cheese and fried up some bacon. The potatoes didn’t take long. She pulled them out of the oven, splitting them open and scooping out the flesh. All the time that she worked on making loaded potatoes, she was aware of Gunner watching her. Her body felt overly warm.

  Her pussy was already on fire, especially as John had asked her to tell him everything that happened. She didn’t know if he was hot at the thought of her being with Gunner, or at the man himself.

  She still hadn’t said anything, and she didn’t know how to bring the two men together. She truly believed they both wanted each other. Their need for each other was there, and so easy to see in the way they held each other or looked at each other.

  It was a lot easier to read with John, as she’d been with him for a long time. When it came to Gunner, he was a lot harder to read.

  Once the potatoes were back in the oven, she heated a griddle pan and waited.

  Staring at Gunner’s blue eyes, she was caught by how mesmerizing he was. They were beautiful, clear, startling, shocking.

  Biting her lip, she forced herself to move away. Going for the steaks, she picked them up, feeling him move behind her. “I don’t want you to be nervous while you’re here.”

  “I’m not.”

  “I can see it in your eyes. You’re a sucky liar, Scarlett. Has John told you?”

  “He’s told me that if it happens, it does. He wants to know about it.”

  “Kinky bastard.” Gunner’s lips grazed her neck, and she closed her eyes as the pleasure shot through her body. He held her arms and breathed in her scent. “Do you want me to stop?”

  She shook her head.

  “I’m going to need actual words.”

  Biting her lip, she opened her lips, and spoke. “No, I don’t want you to stop.”

  “Are you wet for me right now?”


  His hand rested on her stomach and she bit her lip, trying to focus on what she was doing. “I need to cook the steaks,” she said.

  “I know. You’re not afraid of me, are you?”

  This made her frown. “No, of course not.” She turned to look at him, seeing the worry in his eyes, which he masked within a second. “What would make you think for even a second that I would be afraid of you?”

  He held his hands up. “I scare a lot of people.”

  “You don’t scare me.” She stepped around him, feeling the arousal ebb away at his words. “Does it bother you that people are scared of you?”

  “When I need to scare them, no. When I don’t want to scare them, yes.”

  “I’m not afraid. I’ve seen you drunk.” It had been many years ago after he got his divorce. Both he and John had celebrated the night at their house, and she’d put them both to bed.

  It had been cute.

  Putting the steaks on the grill, she called for the boys to set the table, which they did really quickly.

  “I’m starving,” Carlos said.

  “Too fucking right,” Bennie said.

  “Watch your language,” Gunner said.

  “You never told us to watch our language before,” his oldest, Bennie, complained. “Not even in front of Mom.”

  “That’s because we’ve got a lady present, and your mom is no lady.” Gunner grabbed the plates and put them on the counter. The steaks were cooked to how they liked, and she put them on a plate to rest.

  Within minutes, she’d put the potatoes and steaks on a plate with a good helping of salad. She saw each of the boys wrinkle their noses at the salad, and Gunner didn’t look impressed either.

  She just smiled as they sat around the table eating.

  “So good,” Carlos said. “You’re a good cook, Mrs. Williams.”

  “Thank you, and you know you can call me Scarlett. It won’t kill you or anything.”

  They glanced at their father, and he nodded.

  The rest of the meal went by without a hitch. Gunner got each boy to talk about their homework, what they’d done that day, what they’d learned. She saw that he really cared about the boys as he asked them both questions and made sure they knew what they were doing.

  Afterward, they told her to go and relax while they did the dishes.

  Gunner poured her a glass of wine as she was flicking through the television. He didn’t linger, and she didn’t ask him to. As the minutes passed, turning to hours, and with night falling, she knew what was coming.

  She’d already gotten a text letting her know that John had landed, and he’d gotten to his hotel safely. He’d told her he was getting an early night so that he could get started with a clear head.

  The boys watched a bit of a movie with her after the dishes were clean, but they went up before ten. Feeling sleepy herself, she ignored the look Gunner gave her. Cleaning her empty wineglass, she placed it on the draining board, making her way up to her room. Closing her door, she stepped back, taking care of the curtains to give herself some privacy.

  She grabbed a towel and some of her conditioner, and made her way into the bathroom. The door to Gunner’s room remained closed.

  Stripping off her clothes, she felt so aware of him, of being in another man’s house with her husband’s permission to fuck. She tried not to think about it, but it was impossible. Stepping into the shower stall, she stopped. There on a small tray
was the shampoo, conditioner, and body wash she always used.

  She found it incredibly sweet that he’d gone out and got what she liked.

  Picking it up, she opened the cap, giving it a sniff. If Gunner wanted her the way John had claimed did he do this in the shower? Had he had the scent that she loved for long?

  So many questions and she didn’t know if she wanted any of them answered.

  Chapter Eight

  Gunner rested his head against the door of the bathroom. He heard the sounds of the shower running, and he wondered if she’d seen the bottles he’d bought some time ago. When he’d leaned in close, he couldn’t get the scent of her out of his mind. He’d gone straight to the store and bought the shampoo she liked. It had gotten his need at the time under control.

  Damn it.

  He wanted her so fucking bad.

  John had given him permission to fuck her, but it was like a lifeline to what he wanted. For a long time, he’d craved Scarlett. He’d seen how happy his friend was and seen them both together to know that she was a special woman. She was the kind of woman people wrote stories about, why men went to war.

  To a lot of men, she was too curvy, maybe even going so far as to call her fat. To him though, those curves were a temptation he found hard to resist. He didn’t want to resist them. His cock was hard as fucking rock, and he wanted her so badly.

  Removing his clothes, he stood by his door completely naked. Even at his age, nearing fifty, he was looking good. He took care to work out, to keep at his peak of health. Years of being trained by the military had kept him at a point of fitness he didn’t want to lose. Especially with the dangers that surrounded the club at every turn, he didn’t want anyone to take his place.

  Gripping the handle of the door, he knew without a doubt that this would change everything for all of them. The moment he got her pregnant, things would change.

  For several seconds he just held that door handle, waiting. A better man would walk away. Would tell John to do this the right way, but he wasn’t a better man. He wanted to get Scarlett pregnant. To put his baby deep inside her. To know that no one else could do what he did.

  Turning the handle, he entered the bathroom, closing the door behind him. She was already in the shower, the water running down her body, and she didn’t show any signs that she’d heard him.

  When he opened the shower door, she turned with a gasp, her eyes going wide as she stared at him.

  “Tell me to leave. Tell me to walk away,” he said. He’d let her go.

  He wasn’t a rapist, would never be one.

  She didn’t say a word.

  Stepping into the shower, he closed the door. Taking the cloth from her hands, he placed it on the counter.

  Putting his hand on her hip, he drew her to him. It had been a couple of weeks since he’d felt her against him, and like a drowning man, he craved it like one would air.

  He held her against him, feeling every part of her soft body. The weight of her tits pressed against his chest. His cock lay against her rounded stomach. Running his hands down her back, he gripped her curvy ass, pulling her against him.

  She wrapped her arms around him, her fingers holding him tightly.

  He kissed her shoulder, feeling her shudder.

  “I want you, baby.”

  “I want you too.” Her voice was so soft it was merely a whisper.

  Taking the soap he’d gotten for her, he squeezed some onto his hands, and spun her around so that her back was to him. Cupping her breasts, he lathered her body in the soap, taking his time, learning every inch of her, committing it to his mind so he never forgot a part of her.

  She sighed against him. Her hands moved between them, reaching behind her back to touch him, cupping his aching cock. She worked his dick up and down, her movements slow.

  “You know I’ve thought about this for a long time. About how good you’d feel in my arms. How I’d get you off.” He kissed her neck, right over her pulse, flicking his tongue across it. She released a whimper, and he sank his teeth into her flesh. Not enough to hurt but to create enough pleasure to drive her wild. “Do you want me, Scarlett?”


  “Good. I tried not to be happy about having you all to myself, but I can’t lie. I wanted this, and I was so fucking happy when John said you’d be with me.” He washed her body completely.

  “He wants to know everything.”

  “And we can both tell him together. I don’t mind.”

  “Does the thought of telling John make you hot? Do you think about how hard his dick is going to be knowing yours is balls deep inside me?” she asked.

  Her words made him moan, thinking about John’s dick, how hard it would look. How he’d want to touch him, goad him into doing it.

  His feelings for John had always fucked him up, but he kept them under wraps. No one needed to know how he’s thought about pushing John to his knees, gripping the back of his friend’s neck as he drove his dick in deep, making him gag on the sheer length of his cock.

  These were fantasies he’d put away for a long time, and they shouldn’t be coming out right now. He wouldn’t let them.

  Pressing Scarlett up against the wall, he ran his hand down her stomach, pressing between her legs, finding her heat. She cried out, his name on her lips as he ran his finger through her slit.

  “Does thinking about John’s cock make you wet?” he asked.


  “What about mine?”


  “Do you want us both, Scarlett? Do you want to feel us both driving inside you, fucking you, taking you?”


  He groaned against her flesh. The closer they were to Scarlett, they could touch. He’d feel John’s cock inside her as he fucked her.

  “You want that too?” she asked.

  “Yes. Fuck yes, baby. I want to feel you come apart as you’re on both of our cocks.”

  He slid his finger down, pressing two fingers inside her. Her cunt tightened, and he added a third, stretching her for his cock. He wasn’t a small man, and tonight he intended to have his fill of her.

  For a long time, he’d been wanting her, and once or even twice wasn’t enough.

  Fucking her with his fingers, he drew them back, teasing her clit, feeling her come alive beneath his touch. She screamed his name, yelled it even.

  He didn’t let up, stroking her nub.

  When he couldn’t take it anymore, and he felt like he was going to come over her back, he bent her forward, pulling her ass back.

  She opened her thighs, and he found her heat, sliding his cock in deep in one hard thrust. Her pussy clutched his cock, squeezing him as he went as deep as he could go. Pulling out of her, he slammed inside again. Over and over, he fucked her harder, making her take his length.

  She cried out his name, the sounds echoing off the wall as he took her.

  Reaching between her thighs, he teased her clit.

  With a few strokes she came apart.

  Gunner gritted his teeth as the pleasure was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. Driving inside her over and over, he fucked her harder than ever before.

  “Fuck, baby. You’re so perfect. So tight. So hot.”

  He gripped her hips, pounding her pussy one final time, going to the hilt. In the back of his mind, he wondered if this time would be the one that got her pregnant. He didn’t say anything. Running his hands up and down her back, he allowed the pleasure to consume him as he pumped his release inside her pussy.

  Pulling out of her, he distracted her by cleaning her hair, first with the shampoo and then with the conditioner. He loved doing these small things for her. They felt strangely intimate.

  With no other reason to linger, he turned the water off, climbing out of the shower. Grabbing a towel, he opened it up waiting for her to step inside.

  She did, taking his hand.

  He didn’t lead her to her bedroom.

  Gunner didn’t have any intention
of her sleeping in that room. He wanted her in his, in his arms and in his bed.


  “Don’t be nervous.” He took her hands, placing kisses on her knuckles.

  “I’m not.”

  “Don’t lie to me, baby,” he said.

  “I’m a little bit. I don’t know how this is supposed to work.”

  “You’re feeling guilty?”


  He nodded. Running his hands up and down her arms, he pressed a kiss to her lips, and pulled away. Taking his cell phone out, he dialed John’s number, being sure to put it on speakerphone so that she could hear.

  “He was going to sleep,” she said. “We can’t wake him.”

  “I want to. I don’t want you worried about what we just did.”

  “Hello,” John said, sounding sleepy.

  “Hey, John. Gunner here. You’re on speakerphone.”

  “What’s wrong? Is Scarlett okay?” His friend had gone from sleepy to alert.

  “She’s fine. She’s … we just fucked in the shower.” Scarlett went to step away from him, but he caught her hand, stopping her. She glared at him.

  “Did she come hard?” John asked.

  Scarlett’s eyes were wide.

  “She did, but now she feels worried.”

  “You there, baby?” John asked.


  “Did you like it?”

  “Yes.” Her gaze was on his, and he saw her lip wobble.

  “What did he do?”

  “He touched me all over. Then he bent me over, and fucked me.”

  “Did his cock go in deep? Was it good?”

  From the way John’s voice changed, and the rustling of fabric, he knew what John was doing.

  As Gunner moved up behind her, his own cock was already starting to harden. He opened her towel, letting it drop to the floor.

  “I’m just going to get your girl ready again, John. That okay with you?” he asked.

  “Tell me everything, Scarlett.”

  Gunner smiled against her neck.

  “He’s kissing my neck.”

  “How does it feel?”

  “He’s not shaved yet, so it’s a little rough and I like it. My nipples are so hard, and it feels good in my pussy,” she said. She gasped as he cupped her breast and pinched her nipple. She told John everything as Gunner caressed her body, taking each of her tits in his hands, stroking them. Down his hand went, moving to her pussy. This time she cried out, and he took over.


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