The Biker's Baby

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The Biker's Baby Page 15

by Sam Crescent

  He didn’t know if Scarlett could fall in love with Gunner. They’d not talked about it. The sex was out of this world, and each morning he woke up, he saw Scarlett and Gunner together. She was always lying between them, her hand around his waist and Gunner holding her close.

  His friend loved Scarlett. There was no doubt about it. John didn’t know when it had started, but it had been going on for some time, and he’d been too blind to see it happening. Now, he knew it was there. It wasn’t a little love either that was slowly growing. Gunner loved Scarlett. Was that why he wanted the picture? For it to be another reason why he had to keep his distance?

  This wasn’t supposed to get complicated.

  What do you expect when you know you want it but keep that a secret from the two people you love?

  Gunner pulled into a parking lot, and John followed behind him, glancing up at the apartment building. There were several around town, and they could house nearly a thousand people in one block.

  Opening the glove compartment, he didn’t look toward his friend as he grabbed his gun. He always kept weapons close.

  Tucking it away into his pants, he put his jacket over the bulge and followed Gunner inside the apartment building. Neither of them spoke as they made their way up to the twentieth floor. Neither of them was out of breath.

  Gunner bent down, working the lock, opening the door with ease. Staying outside, John looked left and right, keeping a look out. The door was partially open, and John noticed a window overlooking the parking lot. Keeping the apartment in his sights, he watched the comings and goings of the people in the building.

  Fifteen minutes passed before Gunner came out. He locked the door, and once again, they left.

  Traveling in his car, John made his way to the office. Gunner followed him in and closed the door.

  “Anything?” John asked.

  “There’s nothing there. His place is fucking clean.” Gunner stepped back. “Cartel Carlos called me with information.”


  “This morning. It’s why I finally decided to go looking in Kent’s house.”

  “What did he say?” John asked.

  “They’ve been approached. He said that they’d been told new leadership was coming to the Satan’s Demons. They want a new deal, all inclusive. No messenger, they want a real piece of the pie. They’re setting up a meet in three weeks.”

  John’s heart raced. “In three weeks they’re hoping you’re dead?”

  “Or they’re hoping to show enough of a rival that I’m going to be voted out. The club is only as strong as the leader, John. You know that.”

  No matter what you did or where you went in life, if the leader wasn’t strong, then everything crumbled.

  “What do you want to do?” John asked.

  “I can’t just come with Carlos’s word and nothing else. I’ve got proof the money is gone. I just need proof that it’s Kent.”

  “And if it’s not?”

  “Then I’m fucking screwed because I don’t know who else it is. I know he’s got a few fans at the club. That a couple of the boys wanted to be part of the bigger network.” Gunner took a deep breath. “Your office is way too fucking neat.”

  “You want to destroy it?” John asked. “Mess it up?”


  “Scarlett decorated it.”

  All of the pent-up anger evaporated. “Fuck.”

  “Yeah, she came in, painted, picked out all the artwork, the furniture, the lot.”

  “You know I can’t destroy something she created,” Gunner said.

  “I know. It’s why I want to ask you something.” John sat on the edge of his desk. “How long have you been in love with my wife? Don’t bullshit me either. I don’t need some shitty answer. I want the truth.”

  Gunner stared at him. “You knew.”

  “It’s kind of hard to deny. You want a picture like the one I’m bringing back to your place, don’t you?”

  “I’m not going to try and steal your girl.”

  “She’s our girl, Gunner. When did it happen?” John asked.

  “I think it could have been the first day I saw her. Don’t get me wrong, I knew it wasn’t love. She’s beautiful, but it’s that kind of beauty you don’t really think much about. She’s striking. It’s the way she talked, how beautiful and calm she always looks. It’s everything that she is. It wasn’t until recently, watching her with my sons that I realized that I was in love with your wife.”

  “Good,” John said.


  “Yes. It’s good that you love her. Scarlett deserves a lot of love in her life.”

  “You’re a crazy asshole. Anyone ever tell you that?”

  “You do all the time.”


  “Smile!” John flashed his camera once again.

  “What is it with you and taking pictures all of a sudden?” There were little lights flashing behind her eyes, and she had to blink them away.

  “It’s a new investment. I figure it’ll be a lot of fun to document our life, you know. We don’t take nearly as much. I know. I know. You hate having your picture taken, but I don’t care. I want photos of my very beautiful wife.”

  “And I’m cooking.”

  “Keep on cooking, Scarlett, baby. My stomach is empty.”

  Scarlett rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but laugh as he kept on snapping away. “When did you pick that thing up?”

  “I saw it today. I bought it straight away.”

  He kept on clicking away.





  The sound suddenly became quite comforting. She noticed he took pictures of everything. The food, the kitchen, he even took one of the windows overlooking the yard. When Bennie came in, he snapped away, then for Carlos as well.

  “Not cool, man. You cannot post them up to any of my pages and don’t fucking tag me.”

  “Tag you?” John asked, looking confused. Carlos had already left.

  Picking up a pepper, she took a bite and watched her husband. “It’s social network stuff. They’re all on it tagging each other, hash-tagging like that.” She shrugged.

  “Kids today are so weird.”

  She laughed. “You’re so cute.”

  “Yeah, do you remember when an app was just short for appointment? Now it actually means something. There’s a whole shop of things you can buy shit from.”

  “I really do love you.” She finished chewing her pepper, rounding the counter, to press kisses to his lips. “You’re so adorable.”

  “Yeah, can I tag you?” he asked, winking.

  “John, you can tag me anytime.”

  “That’s a perfect picture,” Gunner said. He came close, taking the camera from John. With a few clicks, he had the pictures of them, and she smiled up at her husband.

  “Your turn,” John said, snatching the camera away.

  She made to move, but John caught her arm. “No, baby. Go and give Gunner a little hug.”

  Scarlett stared at her husband, but took a step toward Gunner. The way Gunner looked at her sometimes made her nervous. It was like he had so many different feelings, and he found it hard to contain them all.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she stared up at him and smiled. “Did you have a good day?”

  “It’s just getting better. You have a good day at work?” he asked.

  “For the most part. Mary kept telling me how bad it was to spend time with another man when my husband wasn’t around. I told her that John and I are both spending time with you.”

  “You want me to kick her ass?” Gunner asked.

  She burst out laughing. “No, don’t be absurd. I can handle her. She’ll just fire me anyway.” She shrugged. “There’s not a lot I can do really. People in town have their views about the club, and they’re not all great.”

  “We’re not all good people.”

  “I know, but you’re good to me,
and that’s all that matters.” Her gaze dropped to his lips. His hand moved from her back curving down to her ass. He started to lean in closer, his mouth so close.

  “When is dinner happening? I’m starved,” Bennie asked, coming into the room.

  She pulled away from Gunner and smiled at her husband. Moving around the counter, she tossed the last of the salad together, then got the grilled chicken out of the oven.

  Seconds later they were sitting around the table. She watched Gunner and John, looking for any signs of jealousy, or something else. While she’d been away from them, at work, watching other kids, and dealing with paperwork because Mary had demanded that she do that, she’d been thinking, a lot.

  Both men always came off as so calm. When she was with them and during sex, she saw the way they looked at each other. The yearning in both of their faces was so clear.

  “Are you working tomorrow?” John asked.

  “No. I’ve done my Saturday chore.”

  “Carlos and Bennie are staying at a friend’s tonight,” Gunner said. “I’ve already cleared it with their parents. They wanted to have some teenage time or something like that. I’ll be dropping them off after dinner.”

  She nodded, glancing at John and Gunner. Neither of them was staring at the other. It was only when she watched them when they thought no one was looking that she got to see that they wanted each other.

  Tonight, she had a plan to do something, but it could completely backfire, and she was so fucking nervous. When dinner was finished, she served them all up some apple pie. Even though everyone complained they couldn’t move from all the food, when Gunner said he was ready to take the boys, they all left, getting into the car.

  She went to the kitchen, cleaning away the dishes.

  “It’s just going to be the three of us tonight,” John said.

  “It is.” She smiled at him. Gunner had called her earlier to let her know that Bennie and Carlos wouldn’t be home tonight. That was when her plan had started to form.

  “Do you like this kitchen?” John asked.

  “Yeah, it’s nice and big.”

  “I’ve been trying to get us to move out of our small house.”

  She laughed. “It’s a house that is more than suitable to our size, John.”

  “You’re happy here.”

  “I’m cooking for Gunner, Bennie, Carlos, us. We don’t need a bigger house,” she said.

  Finishing up the dishes, she put everything away and turned to look at her husband.

  “I know you’re not after my money,” he said.

  She chuckled. “I totally am. I want your money and the house and everything.”

  It had become like a tease between them.

  “Am I interrupting something?” Gunner asked.

  “Nope. That was fast,” John said.

  “They didn’t have to go far.”

  John claimed her lips, and she moaned. Her body was setting on fire, and it would have been so easy for her to cave to their touch. Instead, she pulled away. “Who would like to play a game?” She went to the fridge, opening it. Pulling out some wine and beer, she held them up.

  “Drinking is not a game,” Gunner said, taking the bottle from her.

  He downed it in a few short swigs, and she chuckled. “Perfect.” Taking the bottle from him, she rinsed it out. “Now we have a perfect game. Spin the bottle?”

  “Okay. Is this where we kiss in the corner or something?”

  “No. How about we play truth or dare with it?” she asked. She could only do so much. Luring them into a game of spin the bottle was the easy part. Now she had to build up, and make sure they picked the right option.

  So far, everything was going to plan.

  Taking another beer out of the fridge, she handed it to Gunner.

  “What do you boys say?” she asked. “We’re alone in this big house. We can have a little fun.”

  “I’m game,” John said.

  “You know we’re not kids,” Gunner said.

  “Are you being a chicken?” Scarlett asked, chuckling. “Come on, Gunner. It’s a bit of fun on a Friday night. Please.”

  “Fine, fine. Let’s go and play.”

  Heading toward his sitting room, she got the two men to move the coffee table out of the way. Her hands shook a little as this could seriously backfire in more ways than one.

  Taking her position, she waited for her men to sit down, and then she placed the bottle in the center. Pouring them out some wine, they waited as Gunner spun the bottle first. It landed on her.

  “Truth or dare?” Gunner asked.


  “Have you ever faked an orgasm?”

  She chuckled. “No. My turn.” Reaching out, she spun the bottle and it land on John. “Truth or dare, John.”


  “Have you ever stuck your dick in a vacuum nozzle?”

  They all burst out laughing, and John answered no.

  Around and around they went. John finished his first glass of wine, and she poured him a second.

  They changed from truth to dare, and it started out as silly things. Gunner asked John to kiss the floor. John wanted her panties. Then Gunner dared for John to give him his boxers. After an hour of giggling, it was now her turn to spin the bottle. Several empty beers were on the floor, and the wine was down halfway, and she’d had two glasses, tops. The bottle spun, and it landed on John.

  “Truth or dare?”


  Do it. Do it.

  “Kiss Gunner for two minutes.” She smiled at her husband, but she saw it. For a split second she saw that yearning that need he tried so hard to hide. Right here, right now, it was open for her to see.

  It was only for a second or two, but she’d seen it. Sipping at her wine, she watched as John looked at Gunner.


  “You asked for a dare. Kiss Gunner for two minutes, and not a peck on the cheek either. Lips, the works.” She waited and watched.

  While John and Gunner looked at each other, she saw the outline of their arousal. They could deny it all they wanted, but they both wanted this.

  “You’ve got to kiss me,” Gunner said, opening his arms wide.

  She watched, unable to look away.

  John moved up close to Gunner, and she held her hand up in the air as if she was going to count.

  “You want me to count down?” she asked.

  Her pussy was on fire. They were both large men, both sexy, handsome, and hard. Biting her lip, she watched.

  Neither of them told her to count down, so she didn’t.

  John’s hand went to Gunner’s cheek, and she watched as he sank it into his hair, holding him steady as his lips slammed down hard on Gunner’s.

  Warmth flooded her pussy as she watched.

  This wasn’t a friendly kiss.

  Gunner and John were like two men that had been drowning and the only way to survive was to kiss each other, to completely take air from the other. Gunner gripped the back of John’s head, his tongue tracing across John’s lips.

  She licked her own lips watching as the two men deepened the kiss, taking what the other wanted to give. Neither of them was fighting that want, that need.

  The kiss lasted a long time.

  It consumed them all, and she couldn’t call time. Not even when it went past the two minutes.

  They were amazing, and she watched them.

  Finally, Gunner was the one to pull away first. They stared at each other, and she watched them.

  “How long have you both been wanting to do that?” Scarlett asked.

  They both turned to her, and the shock on their faces was clear to see. She sipped her wine watching each of them.

  John shook his head as if to deny it.

  “Don’t lie. I’ve seen the way you both look at each other. You both want each other. How long?”

  “Scarlett, this doesn’t affect…”

  She sighed. “You asked me to fuck your best friend
. I’ve done that because I love you. I care for you, Gunner.” That was putting her feelings very lightly. “But I’ve watched you two. I’ve seen the light caresses. The way you both look at one another. I don’t doubt that you want me, but what about what you want with each other? Doesn’t that matter?”

  She watched both of them, seeing how nervous they were.

  There was no denying this anymore. She wouldn’t let them walk away from it, she couldn’t.

  Chapter Ten

  For the first time in his life, Gunner had no words. He didn’t know what to say to make this better or even if he could.

  Scarlett sat on the sofa looking at both him and John. She wouldn’t let either of them touch her. There was no anger in her eyes though. She wanted answers.

  Gunner sighed. “I don’t know.”

  “What?” John asked.

  “I don’t know when it started or when I found myself attracted to you. It has been harder to deny since we’ve been with Scarlett.” He sat back, grabbing his beer and taking a seat in the chair opposite Scarlett. John did the same, looking at both of them. “You want to know the stupidest thing?”

  “What?” Scarlett asked.

  “I’m not interested in anyone else. I’ve looked at men. Every now and again I’ve gone out of town, wondered if I’m bisexual or something. No other man does it for me. I can’t bring myself to touch anyone else. Yet when I’m with John, it’s like I can’t have anyone else. I figure it’s down to trust.”

  “And love,” Scarlett said. “You both do love each other. The one thing I noticed about the two of you is that in the last ten years neither of you ever referred to yourself as brothers. You were always best friends, partners, never brothers.” She looked at each of them.

  “We couldn’t be brothers,” John said. “The feelings I had for him, they were not brotherly.”

  “You ever wanted another man?” Scarlett asked.

  “No, and this doesn’t mean I don’t want you.”

  John reached out and took her hand.

  Gunner watched them.

  “I know it doesn’t, and this isn’t about not wanting me. I know you both do.” She looked toward him.

  “We do,” Gunner said. “I want you both.”


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