The Biker's Baby

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The Biker's Baby Page 18

by Sam Crescent


  John was so fucking pissed. Storming into the clubhouse, he saw the women were hanging around, looking bored as shit.

  The Prospects were no better.

  “Where the fuck is Gunner?” he asked.

  “He’s dealing with club business.”

  Ignoring the nerve of the little shit, he walked into Gunner’s office, then into the main church meeting place, which overlooked the back of the club. Looking out the window, he saw Gunner dealing with his men.

  John didn’t give a shit.

  Charging outside, he watched as each man drew their gun, but he didn’t care.

  “John, what the fuck are you doing here?” Gunner asked. His friend’s rage was clear to see, but that didn’t match what John was feeling.

  “Why haven’t you been answering your fucking cell?”

  “I got proof it was Kent. He’s gone with a couple of the guys. I’m trying to get this shit handled. What the fuck is your problem?”

  He stared at the four men who were kneeling in the dirt, blood draining out of them, covering the ground. It wasn’t something he hadn’t seen before, but that meant Gunner didn’t know.

  “This is important?” John asked.

  “Yes, it is fucking important. You think I’m out here having a tea party?”

  Grabbing Gunner’s weapon, John approached the men. Pointing the gun at the man’s dick, he fired. Immediately he went down to the ground, howling in pain.

  “If Gunner even shows one of you any mercy, it’s going to be without a dick. You may as well start talking.” He looked at each of them, seeing the fear in their eyes. But he wasn’t interested right now. He had to get Gunner out of here, and to the fucking hospital. “You got a knife?” John asked.

  Gunner was already handing him a blade. Stepping up to the second man, he grabbed the man’s dick through his pants, and began to run the blade around the flesh, removing it from his body. The pain was clear as his screams filled the air around them. Throwing the dick to the floor, John was careful not to get any blood on him, but when you were removing flesh, that was kind of hard to do.

  He moved toward the next guy and stared him in the eye. Lifting the point of his blade to the man’s eye, he waited, showing him that he wasn’t afraid to insert the point and take out the man’s eye.

  “Tell me what I want to know.”

  “Kent wants the club,” the man on the end said. “He wants it so badly that he started to do deals with the cartels on the side. They wanted him to start distributing coke, and they gave him a fifty percent cut. The money was fucking incredible, and it was easy work. So easy. Luring bitches to work for them, getting them hooked on the dough, and all they had to do was earn their money on their backs, and we got another cut of that share as well. Kent promised an easy life.”

  “How fucking easy do you want your life to be? You want me to wipe the shit from your ass when you go to the toilet?”

  The image had John’s nose wrinkling.

  “You’ve got two weeks. Kent thought that he could keep doing side orders, and getting it past you, but the time was up. The cartels wanted him to either make good on his promise, or else take you out to prove his loyalty.”

  “What did they want?”

  “The club. They wanted the club running the show, taking over the girls, the drugs, and dealing with the hits that they needed solving.”

  “He wanted fucking minions. Not such easy money.”

  “Kent thinks it will be. He’s wanted this club for a long time, and he’s going to do whatever he can to make you want it.”

  “Why steal the money?” John asked.

  “Gunner was distracted by you and by Scarlett. Kent stole the money and was going to plant it in hope of showing that you weren’t fair, that you lied, and that you’d never had the club’s best interest at heart.” The man John had pointed the knife to the eye spoke up.

  “But that backfired. You lock everything, unlike some people, and Kent, nor any of us could get into it.”

  “I think that’s everything,” John said. Standing up, he pointed the gun at all four men. One by one, he shot them in the head, and turned toward Gunner. “You were right. You had a traitor in your midst, but now you need to get to the hospital.”

  Gunner frowned.

  “You got a phone call you ignored. That was Scarlett. The school couldn’t get in touch with you or with Cherry, so they called Scarlett. Bennie was beaten up real bad and is in intensive care. Someone bashed his head in with a metal pipe, and they had to take him into surgery.”

  He saw the fear in Gunner’s face, and the panicked look.

  “We’ve got this, Prez. We’ve got your back. Go, take care of him.”

  Gunner spun on his heel and took off. John was about to follow him when the club stopped him.

  “Keep an eye on him, and the family.”

  He didn’t know why, but he believed they were showing him respect. Nodding at each of them, he ran toward the car. Gunner was already inside, and as he sat down, Gunner was already leaving.

  “Do we know who it was?”

  “No one’s talking at the moment. Don’t worry. I can make sure they do,” John said. “I leave you alone for two fucking minutes and you nearly have a takeover on your hands, and your son in the hospital.”

  “Not right now, John. You can question me any other time but not fucking today.”

  John stayed silent as they made their way toward the hospital. When Scarlett had called him, she’d been so fucking scared. It had taken everything inside him not to go straight to the hospital. He, himself, had been in meetings and told his secretary to hold his calls while he dealt with a couple of clients.

  The one day that Scarlett needed them both, neither of them had been answering their calls. It was only when she finally convinced his secretary that if she didn’t take the phone to him, she’d lose her job, did she actually do it.

  Gunner pulled up outside of the hospital, and John climbed over the seats so that he could take control, and park the car.

  Once that was done, he entered the hospital and saw Scarlett with red eyes standing beside Gunner. The moment she saw him, she rushed toward his arms, holding him close.

  “I’m so sorry for calling like that. I didn’t want to do it, but I…”

  “I know, baby. I know. I’m so sorry. I just wanted to get done with a few meetings, and then everything went to shit.” He cupped her face. “Are you okay?”

  “Of course I’m okay. That little boy isn’t though.”

  John held her close and glanced toward the seating area. Carlos was there, staring at nothing. Just sitting.

  The anger was there in his eyes.

  “What are they saying?”

  “He’s stable at the moment but critical. There was swelling on his brain, and they had to drain the pressure. They don’t know if he’ll fully recover. The attack happened so suddenly. They … broke his back. There’s going to be a lot of physical therapy, John.”

  He held her close, and while they waited for Gunner to finish with the doctor, they took a seat on either side of Carlos.

  “They waited,” Carlos said.


  “They waited until he was alone. They knew they couldn’t take us on together, or with friends, so they waited until he was at his most vulnerable.” Carlos’s hands were shaking.

  John placed a hand on his back, hoping to calm him down. “None of this was your fault.”

  “I knew. I fucking knew. I had this bad feeling all day long, and I didn’t know what it was.” Carlos dropped his head into his hands. “The way they were. I was watching them. Being younger, they don’t see me all that much. I’m not as big a threat.”

  John was starting to think with the rage that Carlos was showing that may not be the case.

  “They will all pay,” Carlos said. “I’ll make sure of it.”

  “I’ve got to go and see him. They can only take a couple of people.”

  “Carlos, go and see your brother,” Scarlett said. “You need to.”

  Gunner nodded, and Carlos stood.

  Scarlett took Carlos’s seat and took John’s hand, locking their fingers together. “Thank you for today,” she said. “There’s a spare shirt in the car, John.”

  He frowned, turning to look at her.

  “It’s faint, but I can see the blood spatter, and seeing as we’re in the hospital, I imagine they can as well.”

  She forced a smile to her lips, and he kissed her before heading out to the car.

  Opening up the trunk, he found the bag that held the spare clothes that she always made him pack in case of emergencies. Pulling out the crisp white shirt, he removed his other one, placing it on the car.

  Fastening the buttons, his gaze landed on the faint splashes of blood. Scarlett was right. Unless you were an expert there was no way for anyone to notice, but it was there.

  He hadn’t thought when he got the clubhouse; he’d reacted. His friend had been in danger, his wife was scared, and he’d done what needed to be done.

  It’s what he’d been doing all of his life, making the calls that others couldn’t, like with his wife’s pregnancy. He made the call without asking her because he knew deep down, she’d say no, and he didn’t want her to say no.

  Folding up the shirt, he stuffed it into the bag and made his way back inside. Carlos and Gunner hadn’t returned.

  “Gunner’s going to get his own back, isn’t he?”

  “Whoever attacked his kid is going to wish they’d never been born, or even heard of the kid’s name.”

  Scarlett looked up at him. “You’re going to be by his side, aren’t you? At the club.”

  “I don’t know, baby. I know that I can’t let him be alone right now. There’s danger out there. I don’t want you to be anywhere on your own.”

  She nodded. “You’ll tell me everything?”

  “Of course. I don’t keep any secrets from you.” He cupped her cheek and leaned over, kissing her.


  Scarlett wasn’t allowed to go to either her home or Gunner’s home. Unless she was taken to the hospital, or to work with an escort, she couldn’t go anywhere. She stayed in Gunner’s room, not that she’d seen much of Gunner or John lately. They were at the hospital a lot of the time, or John was at work.

  Something was going down at the clubhouse, but again, she didn’t know what.

  Carlos was withdrawn. Gunner wouldn’t let him go to school, so she’d gone to collect work. When they’d tried to make excuses for what had happened, she ignored them, or gave them each a piece of her mind, not that it made any difference.

  John told her not to worry, that he and Gunner had everything figured out. She had no doubt that it meant they were going to kill whoever had hurt Bennie.

  Bennie was still in a medically induced coma and showed no signs of waking up anytime soon.

  Rubbing at her temples, she felt the beginnings of a headache.

  “Are you okay?”

  She looked up to see Gunner in the doorway. It had been a couple of days since Bennie’s attack. He looked … dangerous.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. What about you? It looks like you haven’t really slept much.”

  She put the book that she’d been attempting to read to one side, and getting to her feet, she made her way toward him.

  There was an odor coming from him, and she sighed. “Come on, we need to get you washed. You can’t keep going on like this.”

  “My kid is in the hospital, Scarlett. I’ve had a lot of work to do. I’ve got a rogue asshole intent on killing me. Washing has been the last thing on my mind right now.”

  “And you think working yourself into exhaustion is going to help you in any way? I know you’re the big, strong biker, and you don’t need help from anyone, but I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to help, and there can’t be any harm in that, can there?” she asked, brow raised.

  He chuckled. “Fine.”

  “Good.” She took his hand and led him toward the bathroom. Releasing him, she began to run him a bath, adding in plenty of soothing salts to help him.

  Turning back to him, she rolled her eyes. “You’ve got to get undressed for this to work. It has to touch skin.”

  “Then take my clothes off for me. I won’t bite, much.”

  Taking a deep breath, she moved toward him. Taking his leather cut, she was careful as she removed it, taking her time. She knew how much he loved his jacket, and she placed it on the radiator. The Prez patch caught her eye as it was so clear.

  “Is Kent a real threat?”

  “He was VP for a long time. He knows the club business and where we have our fingers into pies that are secret.”

  “He can’t go to the cops though, can he?”

  “You think my businesses are not all legit?”

  “I’m not blind, Gunner, or stupid. I know the club has deals that I don’t want to know about.”

  “No, he shouldn’t go to the cops. There’s no reason for him to. He’d get in trouble with the cartels.” Gunner ran his fingers through her hair. “So soft.”

  “And I don’t stink.”

  “No, you don’t.” His nose pressed to her neck, and she closed her eyes, enjoying his warmth, his closeness. “I’ve missed you and John.”

  She smiled.

  Once he was completely naked, he didn’t make her carry him to the bath. He got in of his own accord, and she took a seat on the toilet, watching him.

  “Well, woman, come on, do your duty.”

  “How rude to assume it’s my duty to clean you.”

  He winked at her, and she made her way to the bath. Grabbing a sponge and bath gel, she worked it into a lather and began to coat his flesh. She rubbed him clean, rinsing off the soap as she grabbed the shampoo.

  She took care of his hair, running her fingers through the length then rinsing it. By the time she was finished, she was able to smell something much better than odor.

  “There you go, all done.”

  “I want you to bathe me more often,” he said, standing up.

  She held the towel out to him with a smirk.

  “Seriously?” she asked.

  His cock was hard as rock, and an answering pull tugged in her pussy. She wanted him and had been waiting for him or John to take care of her, but they had all been busy.

  Gunner took the towel, and as she stepped away, he caught her wrist, stopping her from fleeing. His damp hand came out, cupping her tit. His fingers teased her nipple, which hardened the instant he touched her. She gasped at the rush of pleasure that consumed her body.

  Pressing her thighs together, she tried to contain her arousal, but she was wet. The lips of her pussy were already soaked with her need for him.

  He took the straps of her negligee and pulled it down her body. Her tits came out as it fell to her hips. With another wriggle, it landed on the floor at her feet, and Gunner groaned. “Now that is a sight I could get used to, and it’s so fucking sexy.”

  His hands lifted up her tits, his thumbs running across the tips, and then his tongue as he bent forward, taking one nipple into his mouth, then the other.

  She moaned as he began to move her back into his bedroom.

  His touch went to her hips, and he stopped her at the base of the bed.

  “Look at me, Scarlett.”

  She stared up at him, feeling her heart start to pound as she watched him. Licking her dry lips, she placed her hand on his stomach, gliding her hand down, going to his cock.

  Up and down, she moved her hand, and then she sank to her knees before him.

  Staring at his cock, she flicked her tongue across the tip, tasting his pre-cum. She closed her eyes as she took him into her mouth. He went to the back of her throat, and she released a little moan, wanting him so desperately. Her pussy was on fire, and she slipped a hand between her thighs, teasing herself.

  “I don’t want you to touch yourself. That pleasure will be all
mine, baby. Not yours. I want your pleasure.”

  She stopped playing with herself and whimpered as he caught her hair around his fist, and began to sink into her mouth, going as deep as he could go before she started to gag. Gunner took control, using her mouth for his pleasure, and she relished it, the bite of pain as he took charge of her body in only the way that he could.

  “Fuck, baby, that feels so fucking good. Don’t stop.” He drove inside her mouth, and she relaxed, giving herself over to him, letting him do his work. “I can’t come. Have to come in your pussy, but fuck, that feels good.”

  She didn’t understand his words, and then she didn’t have to as Gunner erupted into her mouth, and she swallowed down every single drop of his cum.

  Each wave, each pulse, she moaned around his cock as she did. Only when he couldn’t take anymore did he pull away.

  He didn’t leave her hanging though. He lifted her up onto the bed, spreading her thighs open wide, and his mouth was there, sucking on her sweet spot.

  She cried out as he bit down on her clit. His fingers teased through her folds, finding her center, and sliding in deep. He added a second finger, then a third, and he licked her pussy, making her come.

  “Am I interrupting something?” John asked.

  “There’s a condom in the drawer and some lube,” Gunner said, glancing over his shoulder. She whimpered as he stopped licking her pussy to pay attention to her husband. She shouldn’t be jealous, but in that second, she wanted to come. She was so close. “Fuck my ass, John.”

  Gunner’s mouth moved back over her clit, and he attacked it with a fervor that startled her. He kept her at that peak, never letting her rush over the hill. She wanted to come so badly. He only let her when he was ready, and as he did, she came, screaming his name, begging him not to stop.


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