Picture Perfect Love (Year Of Weddings 2 Book 7; Series Order 19) (Christian Romance)

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Picture Perfect Love (Year Of Weddings 2 Book 7; Series Order 19) (Christian Romance) Page 9

by Melissa McClone

  Jenna took pictures of Amber and her bridesmaids preparing for the wedding ceremony. The smells of hair spray and perfume filled the dressing room. Music played from an iPod docking station. The strawberry-blonde flower girl danced barefoot.

  The wedding coordinator, a twentysomething woman named Ruby, flitted in and out of the room on her three-inch heels. She clapped. “Only an hour to go.”

  Jenna glanced out a window. The sunny blue sky matched the festive atmosphere inside. Rain and gray clouds would fit her mood better. But this wasn’t the time to throw herself a pity party. Jenna knew He would see her through. Time to be the photographer that the bride and groom expected her to be.

  Picture Perfect Photography.

  She would give Amber and Toby perfect images of their love on this special day and creative, fun ones too. If a flying shark happened to be eating the brother of the bride . . .

  Jenna fiddled with the camera settings, pasted on a smile, and faced the women preening in mirrors. She used the reflections to show off their dress backs and faces at the same time. See . . . she had this.

  Amber wore her flowing white fairy-tale princess dress. The bridesmaids dressed in lavender cocktail dresses.

  Two women took pictures of each other. That gave Jenna an idea. “I want everyone to take a selfie, then give me your phones with the picture on them.”

  The women did.

  Using Amber’s wedding dress train as a backdrop, Jenna arranged the phones, then took photos of the selfies. Satisfied with the results, she handed back the phones. “Thanks.”

  A knock sounded.

  Amber hurried toward the bathroom in a swish of white, luxurious fabric. “That better not be Toby.”

  The maid of honor, a pretty blonde named Elizabeth, answered the door. “Ash. Mr. Vance. What are you doing here? Your knock sent Amber into hiding.”

  “Can we speak with Jenna out in the hallway?” Ash asked.

  Jenna wanted to ignore the request, but Ash was paying her. No sense causing a scene. She made her way out. “Be right back, ladies.”

  In the hallway, Ash stood next to his father. Their black tuxedos highlighted their similar heights and different accessory colors. His father wore black. Ash had on the same lavender vest and tie as the other groomsmen.

  Handsome, yes, but looks would never make up for Ash’s lack of trust and faith in her. Nothing could.

  “What’s up?” She tried sounding nonchalant when all she wanted to do was bolt. A runaway bride was one thing. She’d never heard of a vanishing wedding photographer. Jilting a couple at the altar would not be good for business.

  Ash looked at his father.

  “I owe you an apology.” Judge Vance’s tone was contrite. “I should have let my son decide what he wants, not try to make those decisions for him. I’ve treated you unfairly twice. First when I told Amber I’d buy her a new car if she stopped your wedding.”

  That had been Amber’s reason? A car? No wonder she hadn’t wanted to tell anyone. The revelation left Jenna speechless.

  “And the other day,” the judge continued. “I was trying to protect my son. His mother comes from a background similar to yours. I saw history repeating itself and stepped in to stop him from being hurt. I hope you’ll see it in your heart to forgive me someday.”

  The judge walked away. His shoulders hunched.

  She watched him go, feeling sad. “Your father loves you very much.”

  Ash nodded. “He was trying to protect me the best way he knew how. Not that his reason excuses his actions.”

  Jenna could see the situation more clearly now. “He didn’t want you to suffer the same pain he did, but his methods were wrong.”

  “I was wrong. I’ve said ‘I’m sorry’ so many times you must not believe me.”

  “Words are easy to say.”

  Ash brushed his hand through his hair. “I mean them. I let pride get in the way of seeing the truth. Believing my father wasn’t capable of . . . well, everything he’s done to you.”

  “Don’t worry about me.” She wasn’t sure where the words came from, but she believed them with her whole heart. “You need to forgive your father and yourself.”

  “What about us?” Ash asked. “We tried starting over, but maybe if we tried again . . . if you can forgive me . . .?”

  “I accept your apology, but it’s hard to forget what you’ve done when you keep doing it.” Her throat clogged. She swallowed, but that didn’t help. “I care about you, Ash. I always have. But you promised. You claimed you wouldn’t do the same thing again. But you did. You wouldn’t believe what I said until you had proof. I need to know the man I’m with trusts me. That he’ll be on my side, no matter what.”


  “Not now.” She raised her hands, palms facing him. “You’re paying me to take pictures of your sister’s wedding. I can’t do that out here.”

  “Later, then.” The hope in his voice matched the sentiment in his gaze.

  “Maybe.” That was all Jenna could give him. “It’s going to be a long day.”

  Hours later, Ash loosened his tie. The four-tiered cake had been cut and served. The tossed bouquet had hit Jenna on the forehead. One bandage later, she was back taking pictures. Bridesmaids had stuck their shoes under a table and walked barefoot.

  He looked at the smiling guests and crowded dance floor.

  A perfect wedding. Exactly what Amber had wanted. He couldn’t be happier for his sister and Toby, now Mr. and Mrs. Matthews.

  Funny how Amber was married while Ash was still single. And at this rate would remain so. A vise tightened around his heart. He had only himself to blame.

  I had no connections with anyone outside of my family. My faith was so weak. Before, when I was with you, I wasn’t like the way I am now.

  Jenna’s words reverberated through his head. Made his heart hurt more. What she said described him.

  You were my catalyst for change. For finding Pastor Dan and his church. For falling in love with God. I can’t believe I’m telling you this, but being dumped at the altar was the best thing that ever happened to me.

  Dissatisfaction with his life, with everything, made Ash itch. He wanted what Jenna had found—unwavering faith and a place to belong. Was it too late to change?

  Amber touched his shoulder, then hugged him, not the half-armed air hug she was famous for, but an honest-to-goodness not-letting-go hug like they’d shared when she was little. “Isn’t today wonderful?”

  He let go of her. “The best.”

  “Thanks for your help.” She rose up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “I appreciate everything you’ve done, given what a mess I made of you and Jenna.”

  “I would have lost her on my own. I just did.”

  “Try, try again.”

  “What happened belongs in the past,” he said.

  “No, it doesn’t. You make a cute couple. That’s why I’ve been trying to get you to spend more time together.”

  “The dinner at the café and wedding site tour.”

  “I was hoping for lunch after the bridal salon visit, but that didn’t work out.” Amber beamed. “Still rather brilliant with shades of Jane Austen’s Emma, don’t you think?”

  “You’re not a matchmaker. Don’t do it again.”

  “You didn’t seem to mind at the time.”

  “I do now.” Jenna’s present burned a hole in his pocket. She might not want it, but he needed to give her the box. Maybe she could see the gift as a thank-you, not a good-bye.

  “Change your mind,” his sister suggested. “We’ll figure out a plan.”

  Amber was so young and in love. He was happy for her, but she didn’t understand how complicated things were with Jenna. “Go find your husband. The two of you should be leaving soon.”

  “I will, but I have to say something first. Since Jenna came back into your life, you’ve been the happiest I’ve ever seen you. I think there’s a correlation between her and your good mood.”
  “Maybe,” Ash said. “Or maybe not.”

  Amber stuck out her tongue at him. “I’m trying to help. I still feel awful for what I did.”

  “Don’t. This is nobody’s fault but mine. Jenna and I were in no position to make a marriage work two years ago. Not the way God intended.” He kissed Amber’s forehead. “Go find Toby so you can start your honeymoon.”

  She walked away. Her gown swooshed with each step. His little sister was a married woman, a wife.

  Ash should get used to being a confirmed bachelor. The only woman he wanted didn’t want him.

  He saw Jenna standing on the other side of the room and joined her. “Toby was correct. You are the right photographer for this wedding.”

  Jenna fiddled with her camera. “Thanks.”

  Ash wanted so much more than her gratitude. He wanted a second—make that third—chance. “Jenna—”

  “I’ll e-mail a link when the proofs are ready.” Her tone was polite, measured. “Amber and Toby are getting ready to leave. I need to photograph their exit.”

  Always the professional. Ash wouldn’t stand in her way. “Go.”

  What was he going to say, anyway? I’m sorry? Forgive me again? He hadn’t a clue what to do. But maybe God would know. Ash closed his eyes, and for the first time in a long while he prayed, a heartfelt prayer of thanksgiving and gratitude for all he had, and a petition for what he didn’t have. But he realized that wasn’t right, and instead he prayed that God’s will be done for him, for his family, and for Jenna.

  The sun dipped below the horizon. White lights twinkled in the darkness, illuminating trees and the gazebo at the Sweetwater Country Club. Jenna stood off to the side where she had a panoramic view of the bride and groom’s exit.

  A lively song played over the speakers. Amber and Toby danced their way to a waiting limousine. Laughing guests blew bubbles at the happy couple.

  Jenna captured the departure with more pictures than she could count. Her job was finished, and she couldn’t be happier with the photographs she’d taken or more relieved to know she could finally go home. She’d negotiated a tightrope of emotions today. Each time she saw Ash she thought she might fall, but she hadn’t.

  Thank you, Lord.

  In the hallway outside the ballroom, Jenna packed up her gear, everything from lighting to the photo booth props she’d set out during the reception.

  Guests exited the ballroom with their favors—white boxes containing lavender-infused jam, lavender-infused honey, and a lavender satchel. All three items were made by Toby’s mother, a woman who reminded Jenna of her own mom.

  She wanted to hear a friendly voice, but with the threehour time difference she’d have to wait until tomorrow. Maybe she could still catch Colton.

  “Long day.”

  Ash. The one voice Jenna didn’t want to hear. Friendly, yes, but the sound made her nerve endings twitch. She placed the lens in its protective case. “Weddings usually are.”

  “I see why your parents suggested eloping.”

  Her fingers trembled. She tightened her grip on the lens case. She didn’t want to look at him. “Makes sense for certain situations, but if every couple eloped I’d be out of a job.”

  He handed her a small, square, gold box. “This is for you.”

  “You’re paying me. You didn’t have to buy a gift too.”

  “Open it.”

  His firm tone surprised her. She lifted off the top, then removed a small piece of white padding. A silver charm—a frame similar to the ones she used with her photo booth props—was inside.

  His thoughtfulness tugged at her heart. “So pretty. Thanks.”

  “The back is engraved.”

  She looked up at him, noticed his intense gaze. “You shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble. I’m just doing my job.”

  “I wanted you to have this.”

  She flipped over the frame. Words were etched into the sides: Jenna and Ashton on the top, June 22, 2013, on the right side, A Picture Perfect Love on the bottom, and 1 Cor. 13:4–7 on the left side.

  She reread the date. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out. She tried again. “That was going to be our wedding date.”

  “This was your wedding present.”

  “You kept it?”

  “Every time I thought about throwing away the box, I couldn’t. I want you to have it. To see that even if I wasn’t completely solid in my intentions, I did care two years ago. I still care about you.”

  Air rushed out of her lungs. Nerve endings tingled. She prayed for strength.

  “A picture perfect love says it all,” he continued. “That’s what I thought we had the first time around, but I was wrong. The only perfect things are the photographs you take and hang on your studio walls, but whether the poses are orchestrated or candid, they aren’t real. Real love can be messy. Mistakes are made. But no matter what, the love remains. As His does with us. Mine has with you.”

  His sincerity brought tears to her eyes. “Ash . . .”

  He held her hand. “You want someone to believe in you and trust you. I’ve failed you twice when it counted most. Pride blinded me to the truth. But that doesn’t change the love I feel for you. It’s far from perfect, like me, but if you’ll give me another chance, I’m committed to you and a future together. What we have is special. I won’t let my pride or my father or anything else get in the way. I will stand by you, no matter what. You’re the woman I want next to me at the altar because I can’t imagine life without you in it.”

  Jenna wanted to believe. She forced herself to breathe.

  He continued, “Whether you forgive me or not, keep this frame to remind you that love is the most important thing. I realize that, thanks to you. Real love, mind you, not the glossy wedding-day love. You deserve unconditional love. An everlasting love, not one that just looks good in a frame.”

  Her trembling hand clutched the charm against her heart. “Thank you for the present and your words. You made mistakes, but so did I. Seems like both our hearts needed to refocus. I may have forgiven you, but it wasn’t sincere. I hadn’t forgotten what happened. I kept dwelling on what could go wrong. But I’m letting all that go. God has humbled me with your gift. I forgive you. I hope you forgive me.”

  “Always.” Ash’s gaze locked on hers. “I love you, Jenna. Truly love you. That much I have learned from all of this.”

  Joy overflowed from her heart. “I love you.”

  He lowered his mouth to hers. She gave in to the kiss, feeling as if she’d come home. The gentle kiss spoke of possibilities and the future.

  Their future.

  She backed away. “We have to go slow. Do it right.”

  “I agree. We have the rest of our lives to be together. Let’s build a solid foundation that will last for the next fifty or sixty years.”

  Jenna sighed. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Me too. And I know what should come first.” He pulled out his cell phone and held it out in front of them. “Smile.”

  “A selfie?”

  “You’ll see.” The phone clicked, capturing the photo. He typed on his screen.

  She peered over his shoulder, but he wouldn’t let her see. “What are you doing?”

  “Just a minute.” He showed her his phone. “What do you think?”

  He’d uploaded the selfie to a social media account with the following caption: Back together again. This time for good.

  Love swelled inside Jenna. Her patience to see what God had planned had paid off. She brushed her lips across Ash’s. “That’s about as perfect as it gets.”


  1. When unexpected events happen, like Jenna's cancelled wedding, people say that God has a plan, but Jenna didn’t believe her friends. What would you have thought if you were in Jenna’s situation? How accepting are you if God's plan differs from the path you’re taking? Do you question God's plan?

  2. Jenna admits to hitting rock bottom and turning away from God after Ash breaks up
with her and leaves her facing a mountain of wedding debt. How has your faith been tested? Did you find yourself turning away from God? If so, how did you find your way back to your faith?

  3. Ash didn’t believe Jenna when she had nothing to do with posting his photo on Facebook. He publicly called her a liar. Do you think there was any more Jenna could have done to convince Ash she was telling the truth? Can you share a time when you have been falsely accused of something? How did it make you feel?

  4. Jenna eventually came to see the break-up with Ash as a blessing that made her stronger as a person and in her faith. Share an experience that was perceived at first to be a bad thing, but later turned out to be a blessing. How did you realize what happened was a blessing?

  5. Jenna thought she’d forgiven Ash and moved on with her life, but seeing him again made her question if she had put the past behind her. As Christians, we’re told to forgive. Can you share a time you had trouble forgiving someone? If so, do you know what was holding you back from forgiving them? How did you resolve the issue?

  6. Ash believed his family instead of trusting his fiancée. Why do you think it was so hard for him to accept Jenna was telling the truth without proof? Based on the evidence Ash had, would you have believed Jenna was guilty? Why or why not?

  7. Jenna was able to do the trust exercise with the people she didn't trust by putting her faith in God and letting go. Have you ever done a trust exercise like that? How does it make you feel when you give over all your trust to God?

  8. After Jenna has forgiven Ash, their relationship is again tested when he doesn't believe she’s telling the truth until he has proof. If you were Jenna, how would you feel? Do you think you could forgive someone a second time for falsely accusing you? Even if they apologize again when the truth comes out, would you give them a third chance? Why or why not?

  Melissa McClone has always been a fan of fairy tales and “happily ever afters.” She holds a degree in mechanical engineering from Stanford University but eventually decided to follow her dream and write full-time. She lives in Washington with her real-life hero husband, two daughters, indoor cats, and a forty-eight-pound Norwegian Elkhound who thinks she's a lap dog. She also loves to ski, rock climb, and read.


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