Blue Moon Magic

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Blue Moon Magic Page 27

by Dawn Thompson

  Melania shrugged. “CGIA secret. One of my many talents.” She raised a finely arched brow mimicking his action and moistened her lips.

  “If I decided to cooperate, what do I get from you?”

  She tapped her chin with her index finger then pointed it at his chest. “Don’t make this personal. You will have the satisfaction of making the galaxy safer for the citizenry.”

  “Lass, you made it personal when you broke into my office. However, I am a law-abiding man, so I’ll play nice.” He sauntered toward her.

  It appeared Trevor’s arrogance had no limit, so why did she find it intriguing? He invaded her personal space, filling it with his sensual hypnotic presence pulling her even closer to him. Her traitorous body wanted more, but she forced herself to concentrate on the words he spoke.

  In one fluid movement, he bent as if to kiss her, his eyes locking with hers. Yet instead of brushing his lips against hers, he placed his hand onto the inside left side panel of the desk. A hidden safe opened. She released the breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding.

  She moved back and watched as he grabbed a handful of Nova crystal minidisks and the comp-reader, closed the safe and pulled away as if he hadn’t experienced the draw between them.

  Propped against the mahogany desk leg rested a leather attaché case. He placed the items inside and rose. “I’m ready.” He walked to the burgundy leather sofa and grabbed his coat. Moving with controlled predatory grace, he turned to the left wall and commanded. “Open, portal.”

  Nice trick. She wondered how many other private escape routes Trevor had designed. It occurred to her things were progressing too smoothly. She followed the most sought after scientist and bachelor in the galaxy into the elevator. The ride was short and she was thankful. They reached the first floor and she extended her senses. Microscopic fingers of apprehension tingled at the nape of her neck.

  “I’m taking you to a safe place,” she told him. Stars and novas, she had to be crazy taking him to her home. Yet, the mission was too important for anything to go wrong.

  The elevator stopped and she snagged his arm. “Wait.” She pulled the weapon out and held it at chest level. Her eyes scanned the premises, feeling a peculiar essence lingering in the air. Almost taunting, it was just enough for her to recognize.

  The enemy wasn’t mortal, but immortal. Zelik.

  Her stomach recoiled. She didn’t feel like dealing with the vengeful, grudge holding vampire. An unnatural chill swept across her skin, making her shiver with revulsion. The touch of his presence repulsed her. Zelik’s power had magnified since their last meeting. His evil laugh echoed in her mind. She channeled her energy forcing Zelik from her thoughts.

  Melania swallowed past the lump in her throat and reached for Trevor’s hand. “Stay close.”

  “I intend to, lass.”

  His blatant innuendo shocked her.

  He flashed a beguiling unapologetic smile.

  Her body responded to the unspoken message and now wasn’t the time for exploring Trevor.

  Keeping to the shadows, Melania moved toward her XJ4 Racing Cruiser. Her low whistle pierced the silence and the doors opened. They jumped in, the doors slammed shut and she sped toward her house outside of the city limit.

  “Where are you taking me?” Trevor asked.

  “To my home. The security there is better than Life Blood’s.” I also have a better chance of fighting vampires there.

  “Is it now?” His rich laughter filled the space between them.

  Melania frowned. “I fail to see the humor in this situation, Kerrin.”

  “Ms. Knight, I have the best security system money can buy.”

  “Yet an intruder skimmed through undetected.”

  His small intake of breath told her what she needed to know. Trevor’s answer would tell her if he had any knowledge or contact with Immortals.

  He adjusted the case on his lap. “To my knowledge, Immortals or Otherworld beings can pass through high level security measures—regardless of how well designed a system might be.”

  So, Trevor did have dealings with Immortals. Interesting.

  Melania docked the cruiser five minutes later, then sealed the enclosure. Once out of the vehicle she pressed her thumb onto a small electronic pad on the wall panel, opened the portal and stepped inside. She motioned for Trevor to follow. Inside she reset the 9-buffers. The magical barrier would keep out the lesser miscreants who follow the strong vampires, causing her unnecessary distraction.

  “You weren’t joking when you said your security was better than mine. Life Blood has a six layer operation.” His eyes took in everything around him. “When this predicament is over, would you consider upgrading my unit?”

  Melania gave him a sweet smile. “We can discuss it later. Follow me. I have the guest bedroom prepared.”

  Walking through the house, the magical energy barrier stretched and bowed from the strain. As soon as Trevor settled in for the night, she could fix the otherworldly protection.

  “I hope you find the room comfortable. If you need anything let me know.” Melania turned, but stopped when he laid his hand on her arm. A shiver of need shimmied up her spine. No. I can’t let him do this to me. Can’t let myself be drawn to him at the mere touch of his hand. Our very lives depend on me keeping my wits about me.

  Trevor held up the attaché case. “Have you a secure place for this?”

  “Yes.” Her fingertips brushed his hand. Trevor’s light caress against her forearm ignited a delicious heat and threw her off balance. Focus. Deep breath. Melania took a few steps across the room, her feet sinking into the dark green carpet, to a tall antique armoire and pulled open the doors. “I need to scan your retina and fingerprints so you can have access.”

  The safe was Immortal proof—well as immortal proof as one could get. Between each silver layer lay the deadly herb nightshade. A thin layer of trillium overlay completed the unique vault.

  The silver/nightshade compound proved particularly effective with vampires and the Were-species. She developed the combination into ammunition and never left home without it.

  After Trevor’s data was loaded and approved, she took the case and locked it up.

  “Are you hungry?” she asked, moving slightly away to put some much needed space between them. “I’m famished. We need to discuss what is happening and I need your input. Do you agree, Dr. Kerrin?”

  His lips parted in surprise, then turned into a bemused smile. “Lead the way.”

  Melania padded to the kitchen with Trevor at her heels. His scent and essence tugged at her. Stronger than ever before. No man had affected her this way. Her attraction to him made him more dangerous than the Immortal she was tracking. Melania swallowed a groan; she didn’t need this distraction. Not now.

  She placed her laser on the table then continued to the Elite Gourmet Cooking Unit. Nimble fingers typed in red wine and lasagna—sans the garlic—with crusty Italian bread and chocolate cake for dessert. Within seconds after hitting the enter key, dinner was ready.

  Trevor gave her a strange look as she handed him the meal. They sat at the retro-wooden country table and settled into the chairs.

  Melania’s contact with vampire culture had been limited growing up. A former CGIA agent raised her. It wasn’t until she reached the age of eighteen she found out she was a vampire. No one could explain why she could eat food and didn’t crave blood like the others. Once a month she ate a large steak—rare—and that cured her taste for blood.

  He inclined his head. “Agent Knight, you are a most intriguing woman. I have watched you many times during those boring social functions. I deemed you beautiful, but deadly.”

  Melania swallowed a groan. If he continued to compliment her, she would act on her urge to nip and nibble on him. That would be inappropriate, but oh, so much fun. “Thank you, Mr. Kerrin. Now, we need to discuss business.” She paused to take a bite of lasagna. She savored the explosion of flavor and licked her fork. “The Immor
tal that infiltrated Life Blood is one of the most radical in the galaxy. Zelik wants to control the blood supply, making humans nothing but walking blood donors. Our sources say he plans to add a mind-altering drug to control the population. Now do you understand why I had to get you to safety?”

  He pushed aside his plate and smiled. “Aye, I do.”

  Melania lowered her eyes and dipped her fork into her dessert. Man and chocolate. A delightful, sinful combination. She glanced at Trevor. Something wasn’t quite right. Then it occurred to her Trevor hadn’t eaten his food and the odd look he gave her when she mentioned eating. Oh starlight that could only mean one thing: He was a vampire. Or something from one of the Otherworld realms. The thought stirred a response from her body.

  The oppressive, repugnant essence returned. An icy shiver streaked down her spine, chasing thoughts of Trevor and romance aside. She reached for the weapon beside her plate. Glancing at Trevor, she saw his body stiffen.

  A strong supernatural presence pounded the weakened force field surrounding the house. Her fingers brushed against the sensor, switching the weapon to the special beam that shot a steady stream of pure silver, iron particles and a special hyponic grown nightshade. The deadly combination obliterated most beings from the Otherworld and the undead. Her fangs started to quiver.

  A sooty form materialized in the middle of the eating area. “You have failed, Vampiress. The blood supply is under my control.”

  Damn. Zelik. She resisted the urge to rub her arms to stop the creepy sensation. Trevor watched her with intense interest. Well wormholes! What was she going to do now? Pretend she had a backup plan and deal with Trevor’s questions later.

  She pushed to her feet. “Zelik, I have not failed. Now, get out!”

  A bellow of rage filled the room as the form vanished.

  From the time, she refused Zelik’s proposal to make her his queen of the Eastern Europeans sector, the head vampire harassed her at every opportunity. She smiled. Zelik never appreciated her acerbic retorts either.

  Trevor gave her a slow, warm smile as he moved to her side. “I knew you were a vampire, lass.”

  She was in galactic proportion trouble. How did he know and why hadn’t he said anything?

  Trevor stopped in front of her and cupped her face in his hands. “How does one bring it up in conversation while attending Inter-Galactic functions? You can do many things other vampires cannot. How is this possible?”

  “I’ll explain what I can later. Right now, we need to get to my cruiser and return to Life Blood.”

  His fingers brushed her cheek. “Do you know about vampire soulmates? Not all are soulless.”

  Melania shook her head no. His dark blue eyes held her captive. Her body flamed from his touch. They needed to leave but she couldn’t move.

  “Can you feel the consuming desire and hunger whenever we’re together, the rise of something primal and dark from the deepest recess inside you? ‘Tis the sign we are soulmates.” He stroked her cheek once more before he removed his hands. “The passion between us will never be quenched. Look at your left hand. Ye bear the mark that matches mine.”

  She dropped her gaze and looked at her palm. A small lightning bolt marred her flesh. Why didn’t she feel pain?

  Because I absorbed it, love.

  Melania sighed. Mind speak had always been difficult and jarring to her. But with Trevor it felt right. Comet tails! A soulmate. She stepped out of his embrace and immediately felt the loss. “Trevor, can we discuss this later? I must go after Zelik.”

  He crossed his arms, casting a dark glance where the form had hovered moments before. “Zelik has always been partial to dramatics.”

  Melania grabbed the laser and tucked it into her holster. “How do you know Zelik? Do you have a grudge against him, too?” Already she missed Trevor’s touch. Not good. She hurried through the homespun living area to her spell room.

  “He led a small group of evil vampires into starting a rebellion. My regiment of Highlanders was sent to quell the disturbance. Zelik’s actions began the Great Vampire Scare of the late 1880s in Europe. You?”

  Melania sighed. “I refused to marry him.”

  “That explains much of his actions of late.”

  “By the way, I never agreed to bonding.” But her heart did, the traitor.

  “You don’t have a choice, little one. Our powers will grow stronger now that we’re bonded. Once the mating imprint is seared into your flesh, the connection can never be severed.”

  Melania blew out a breath of frustration. This was too much to handle right now. She needed to focus on the mission. Why did she keep forgetting her purpose? It wasn’t like her. “I have to stop Zelik from tainting the blood supply.” And strengthen the protection spell around her home before she left for Life Blood once more.

  “Come.” Trevor led the way to the guest bedroom and Melania followed, curious.

  He retrieved his briefcase from the safe, pulled out the PalmReader computer and punched in a number of commands.

  Melania leaned against the door. “What are you doing?”

  “I’ve rerouted the machinery memory banks. No commands except mine are to be complied with. I placed a force field around the equipment. It will last until we reach Life Blood. We need to contact The Galactic Vampiric Council about Zelik.”

  “Who are they?” Melania’s mind whirled as she tried to absorb this new piece of information. A new world had opened in a matter of minutes. There was so much she didn’t know and understand. Would she survive to have the opportunity?

  Trevor replaced the computer. “Do you have a room where you work spells?”

  She knit her brows together. “Yes. I was on my way there.”

  “Show me.”

  Melania turned and opened the door across the hall. She stepped in and he followed. “I don’t have time for this, Trevor. I need to strengthen the energy barrier around the house, then leave.”

  With a wave of his hand, the candles flamed and the door closed. The surge of energy from his power wrapped around her.

  Trevor chanted in a beautiful language she’d never heard before. After he ended the supplication, tiny pinpricks of light appeared. They grew larger, then burst into a bright flash. The Council took bodily form within the sacred circle.

  A tall, willowy woman with short dark hair stepped forward. “We understand why we have been summoned. You must exterminate Zelik. It has been decreed.”

  Trevor bowed. “We will accomplish this task.”

  Melania punched Trevor’s arm. “I will accomplish the task. I’m with the CGIA and my mission is to stop Zelik.”

  The woman inclined her head in acknowledgement. “You have our blessings. Now, hurry!”

  Bright white light exploded, blinding her. Melania’s stomach flipped. Twinges of nausea pinched her insides. Strong arms grabbed her waist.

  Melania’s breath whooshed as she landed on top of his hard muscled chest.

  He lifted a brow and smiled. “The Council thought we would arrive faster if they assisted with transportation,” he said with a lazy, sensual grin. “Aye, the trip was a wee bit rough.” His hand traveled over the curve of her butt.

  “Trevor!” Melania glared at him. She could feel his desire. His heat called to her. Silken, sensual promises. Not here. Not now. She wiggled off, causing him to grimace.

  She wanted to stay right here, lock the door and have her wicked way with him. In the space of a heartbeat, her life had changed. Her palm pulsed. The pull to experience and assuage the rampant hunger with Trevor intensified; the throbbing heat prodded her senses, her body.

  Melania grabbed her weapon while running for the door.

  Trevor caught her arm. “You can’t go in there with your gun blazing like an old West desperado.”

  Melania stopped and turned. “Yes, I can, Trevor. This is my job. Stay out of my way.”

  He raked his hands through his hair. “You don’t understand, lass. There is a Blue Moon tonight. All vamp
ire powers strengthen and their senses heighten during this time. Like a cat with catnip, control will be difficult.” He paused to let the full effect of his words sink in. “During this time, many mating rituals occur adding to the psychic energy. Erotic urges are at their strongest—for each of us.”

  “Any more bad news you want to share?” Melania checked her coat pocket for the extra handful of bullets she always carried. Her fingers skated across the cool surface and she palmed one. When she placed it in a special mechanism, it melted the trajectile feeding it into the laser’s special chamber.

  Trevor’s grip tightened on her arm. She pulled away and dropped a shining cartridge.

  His body went rigid as the gleaming piece of death rolled to a stop in front of him. He swallowed. “Melania, how can you handle those bullets without harm?”

  She shrugged and bent down to retrieve the stray. “I’ve always been able to handle items most vamps can’t. My parents died when I was a baby. A friend of my parents in the CGIA raised me. Nana gave me as much information about my background as she could, which wasn’t much. That’s why I’m inept concerning vampire culture.”

  Trevor reached out and fingered a loose tendril of her hair. “Ancient legends spoke of a chosen one who holds the kind of power you possess. ‘Tis something in the bloodline. Hiding you within the protective confines of the CGIA was a brilliant plan.”

  Melania gave an unladylike snort and finished loading the laser. “We can discuss this later. I have a mission to complete.”

  He followed her out the door. “Combining our powers is the only way to defeat Zelik. He’s an old vampire and once the light from the blue moon touches him, I have no idea how much stronger it will make him.”

  Brushing her index finger across the sensor twice, she readied the weapon. “Fine. You can go with me, but you must stay out of the way. Now, let’s kill that slimy wormhole.”

  She opened the portal and extended her senses. The unnatural chill grazed her skin again and she repressed a shudder. She paused to look over her shoulder. Trevor was right behind her, covering her … flank. This definitely had turned out to be one hell of a day.


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