The Trouble with Three Husbands (A Dystopian Romance Novella): Daughters of Venus 1

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The Trouble with Three Husbands (A Dystopian Romance Novella): Daughters of Venus 1 Page 4

by Chris Genovese

  A short line had formed at Dominic’s cart, what was really a giant gas grill on wheels. He flipped pancakes, scrambled eggs, and diced sausages. He whistled while he cooked. It was a show tune of some sort and I had to second guess my thoughts that he wasn’t gay.

  Connor rubbed my back as we stood in line. It didn’t take long for us to make our way to the front and get our food. Then we gobbled it up as we rushed to the church where all meetings were held.

  It was a small church with a stained glass window at its steeple. The circle with the Dove symbol at its center glowed blue in the sunlight. The church, which was the only building in the compound painted yellow, was already filling up with the rest of the Doves.

  Connor walked me to the door and kissed me on the lips before heading off to kick a soccer ball around with his buddies. Fellows didn’t need to attend the meetings unless they had business that required it. Connor was perfectly happy and had no such business.

  Keeping It Together

  As I walked through the narrow entryway, I let my fingers run across the grooves of the panel of rules, a long list of the Daughters of Venus regulations, carved in wood. I didn’t need to read them as I knew them all by heart. I helped establish them.

  There shall be a panel of seven, known henceforth as the Original Seven. If one member shall pass, either in death or in abandonment of post, their replacement shall become one of the seven.

  These rules shall govern us all and can only be amended by a unanimous vote by the Original Seven.

  No violence. If a hand is raised to another, other than for consensual sexual pleasure, the MAN committing the act will be banished.

  A Daughter of Venus may take as many husbands as she likes keeping in mind the previous rule as jealousy is no excuse for violence in a household.

  A Daughter of Venus is the head of the household, what she says goes. How she conducts her household is entirely upon her, but she will have the final word in all family matters and her part in community matters.

  If a MAN feels that A Daughter of Venus’ requests are beyond reason, he may request a meeting with the Original Seven to state his case and discuss the possibility of remarriage. If the request is denied he may either go back to his Dove or leave the compound.

  No Daughter of Venus will ever be banished from the compound. As a last resort, she may be forbidden from taking husbands.

  All MEN will fulfill the required tasks of the Dove compound, in the following order.

  1st Husband – Will provide for the compound (this means jobs given by the highest ranking man, to include maintenance, farming, and any other physical labor required).

  2nd Husband – Will provide security for the compound (this means they will report to an armed post where they will carry out security and law enforcement duties).

  3rd Husband – Will provide for the home (this means household chores, cooking, and anything else the Dove requires).

  Any additional husband – In the rare event a Dove takes more than three husbands, the extra husband will rotate with the others, providing extra days at home with the Dove in pursuance of a daughter.

  Any man wishing to enter into a marriage with a Daughter of Venus must present himself as a suitor and follow all rules set forth in the Dove Handbook. This includes a request for one-on-one suitor demonstration.

  In the rare occasion that a girl child is born, all work will be halted, as the celebration of a new Daughter of Venus will take place. Her parents will be given the myrtle crown for her, which will be kept and given to her on her 18th birthday. Each new Dove is a dawning day.

  “Each new Dove is a dawning day,” I said out loud as I entered the meeting.

  The pews were half full with mostly ladies and a few husbands who’d tagged along. Mayzie and my brother, Lawrence, were nowhere in sight. I greeted those I passed and made my way up to the front of the building where the Original Seven always sat on seats atop a raised platform.

  Here are my quick baseball card stats for each of them:

  The twins, Samantha and Sienna, were already seated and looking as magnificent as ever, both with long black hair that hung below their waists, with golden tanned skin and honey-brown eyes. Samantha had larger tits than Sienna but other than that the two were identical. Samantha was the more serious of the two while Sienna was a little more playful.

  Adriana kept her auburn hair chin length and sassy. She had the hot, fiery Latina temper and the sexuality to go along with it. She was always passionate, even about the most trivial of things. She was never wishy-washy. She’d choose a side and follow it till the end. It was always best to be on her good side.

  Bethany was a plus-size woman but carried her weight well with an adorable face and button nose. She had an infectious positivity and a smile that could melt chocolate, ice, and the hearts of many men. She loved to talk about one of her husbands and his obsession with motor boating her gigantic tits.

  Jewels was probably the prettiest of the group. Her ebony skin always seemed to shine with a golden luster, as if her entire body had been powdered down. She was quiet usually and always seemed to be reading the room, as if taking in all of the information around her and weighing each word before letting it leave her mouth.

  Twyla was the tattooed rocker sex kitten. She was really outspoken and loved to boast about her sexual conquests. She was the newest to the group, having taken over after Agatha…well…after what happened.

  I took my place, greeted each member, then sat back and watched as Samantha got things rolling. We discussed all the usual topics like the condition of the crops, ongoing maintenance in and around town, security, and any movement of the Venenum at the bottom of the mountain.

  The call for any suitor visits was announced. No one stepped forward. Not many of the women had less than three husbands and everyone knew that taking more than three was a bad idea.

  Once we finished with official town business, the people in the pews were dismissed and we seven were left to finish up with private talk. This was the fun part of the meeting, when the gossip started flying.

  “Okay,” Samantha said. “So Debbie is seven months right now. We need to be prepared if the baby happens to be female.”

  “And if it’s not?” I asked.

  “We toss the baby into the lake!” Bethany shouted followed by her boisterous laugh.

  “If it’s not a girl…well…we carry on,” Samantha said.

  “I don’t think any of the ladies around here mind going through the process of getting knocked up,” Twyla shouted.

  Everyone laughed. I did too.

  “Oh boy, speaking of getting knocked up,” Bethany added. “You should have seen the way Hal was motor boating my titties again last night. He was so into it doing the whole…”

  She pursed her lips and blew while shaking her head from left to right wildly.

  “Oooh baby it turned me on. I pinned his skinny little ass to the mattress and fucked the shit out of him.”

  “Oh too much information, honey,” Jewels said, wincing at the picture that had clearly formed in her head. “For real. You need to learn to censor yourself.”

  “I think it’s kind of interesting,” Adriana argued. “I think I need to try this motor boating thing. Patrick loves my tits. He’s so fucking good, but he doesn’t do that thing you just did with your mouth. I think it would make me laugh.”

  Hearing Adriana talk about motor boating in her Spanish accent was hilarious.

  “I’m sorry, y’all,” Bethany said. “But I want a baby girl. I’ll let the whole motherfuckin’ community motor boat these titties if that’s what it takes.”

  With that she stood, gripped her tits, and shook them from side to side.

  “Okay, ladies, back to business,” Samantha said. “Jessica will turn eighteen soon. The guys are gonna go crazy with her. We need to be prepared to handle a lot of suitor requests. I know Gavin will step forward.”

  “Oh come on,” I said. “Really? Gavin?”

  Gavin was going on sixty years old and was still single. He wasn’t a bad looking guy but he had a creepy, pervert vibe about him. And the fact that he was anxiously awaiting a young woman’s eighteenth birthday didn’t help.

  “Come on. Gavin’s not so bad,” Twyla said. “I fucked him once. Back when I was single and waiting for suitor visits. You know what his problem is?”

  “Besides the fact that he’s like eighty,” I said.

  Everyone laughed.

  “No,” Twyla said, “His problem is he fucks like a pornstar.”

  “And that’s a bad thing?” Adriana asked.

  “That, my dear, is not a bad thing,” Jewels said.

  “It is when he wants to fuck in thirty different positions, all of which are hell on your thighs,” Twyla said. “Do you know how hard it is to squat down and take a cock inside you and then stand up? Then squat down and stand up again and again? I felt like I was on some secret, hidden video workout show or something. And that’s just one of the positions. He had me bent in all kinds of wicked ways. I swear, I was sweating like I’d just tried out for a basketball team, not like I was being made love to. It was ridiculous.”

  “Guys,” I said. “Please. We need to keep him away from Jessica. She’s such a sweetheart.”

  “I agree,” Sienna said. “She has to choose whether or not to accept whatever suitor requests come her way. I don’t imagine she’s chomping at the bit to get with that old man.”

  “He can be quite persuasive,” Twyla argued.

  “Can I bring up the fact that we’re running short on good looking men? I mean we have a lot of young boys, ponies, but we’re starting to lack in Clydesdales,” Bethany said. “I’ve only got two husbands and…”

  “There are plenty of fish in the sea, isn’t that the expression?” Adriana said.

  Bethany stopped talking, looked at Adriana, and raised an eyebrow.

  “We don’t have a motherfuckin’ sea. We have a little bitty pond, Adriana. You don’t have to go fishing in the pond! You’ve got three hot men to fuck you raw. I’ve got a pudgy bastard and a skinny noodle. I need me a stud. What’s the point of having two husbands if you don’t really like either one of ‘em?”

  I couldn’t hold back my laughter. She was so serious. She was actually desperate.

  “You do realize we can’t just call up husbands for hire and have someone sent up the mountain,” Samantha said.

  Bethany wasn’t convinced. She raised both eyebrows and glared at Samantha until we were all laughing again.

  These were my girls. My best friends on the mountain.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” Samantha spat out through her laughter.

  The meeting was adjourned. As I headed out to go search for Connor who’d no doubt be soaked in sweat after playing soccer with the guys, I heard Samantha call out, “Don’t forget tonight’s show. The kids have been rehearsing for two weeks.”

  The day was filled with the usual chores and as the sun began to set the whole town headed out to the gazebo at town center. I was looking forward to the night’s events. In our community, TVs were forbidden. We had electricity but it was decided that the drama of the real world wasn’t beneficial to our society. Plus, couch potato husbands were no good for anyone. So, the only real forms of entertainment we had were the book clubs, some sports, dances from time to time, and the plays the kids put on. Tonight’s show was going to be The Sound of Music.

  Connor brought a blanket and a basket full of snacks. He draped the soft quilt over the ground beneath a tree and pulled me down between his legs. He always sat with me between his legs, leaned back against his chest. It was one of my favorite places to be. I had a hunk of a man behind me, the bulge of his jeans pressed against the small of my back, and I loved it. Life was perfect.

  The show started and I did my best to pay attention from our shadowy spot on the lawn. My boys were in the play. Bentley was around somewhere helping out with the show. Alé was on patrol out at the town perimeter.

  Connor was mine for the night.

  “Have I mentioned lately that I breathe you?” he asked.

  “You breathe me?”

  “When I’m with you, each time I inhale I feel a part of you inside of me. My chest fills up and even with all that oxygen I feel like I’ll hyperventilate.”

  He laughed.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I’m sorry. I’m trying to be romantic and I sound stupid. Hyperventilate. Who uses that word to try and sweet talk a lady?”

  And that added touch made it all the more romantic. The fact that even after all this time together he still got nervous and doubted himself. I might not ever get over that.

  “I just meant,” he said. “You consume me. You’re everything. And if I didn’t have you…I might as well be at the bottom of the mountain.”

  I leaned back and turned my head to meet his lips. And I felt his tongue enter my mouth. His sweet, wet tongue. I inhaled as we kissed, trying to feel for a second what he was talking about. I wanted to hyperventilate in his kiss. He pulled back.

  “I want you,” he said.

  And he did. His cock was getting hard against me. I reached back and grabbed it. I could feel the outline of his head beneath his jeans, so I cupped it, working my hand over it.

  “You want me?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he said.

  I am sixteen going on seventeen…

  The play faded from my mind as Connor worked my mouth and my hand worked his cock. I don’t know how but my pussy seemed to have an insatiable appetite. I’d been with Bentley the night before, had him eating me earlier that morning, and already I was wet, my pussy begging to have Connor inside it.

  “You want me right now?” I asked.

  “Right fucking now.”

  I felt bad leaving the kids during their show but I knew Bentley was watching and I’d been to two of their rehearsals and every other show they’d ever been in. Mommy needed a moment alone with one of their daddies.

  “Take me to the barn,” I said.

  We stood and Connor wrapped up the blanket and stuffed it in his basket. Neither of us said a word as he dragged me off to the shadows far from the stage and over to the barn where all the town’s chickens, cows, and horses were kept.

  Inside was dark and Connor didn’t waste any time. He flipped on the light switch and the dull glow popped on overhead, not much brighter than lantern light. Connor turned and attacked me, spinning me around and shoving me up against the wall. This wasn’t romance. Not this time.

  I could barely breathe as his tongue shoved its way into my mouth. It was violent. It was passionate. It was Connor’s way of reminding me I was his. He was the most jealous of my men.

  “I hate seeing you with anyone else,” he said.

  He undid his belt and yanked it off. I tore open his jeans.

  We’d had this conversation many times since the night I made him my fellow. We’d talked about it over coffee and in the heat of passion.

  I reached into his underwear and found his cock already stiff and waiting for me. I pulled his pants down and dropped to my knees. I’d been craving a dick in my mouth since that morning with Bentley when I couldn’t break my own rules even with his hard member right in front of my face.

  You don’t know strife until you’ve got a hard cock right in front of you, throbbing in front of you, and you’re not allowed to touch it.

  Well this time I could.

  I gripped Connor’s cock with my left hand, sliding my fist down to the base of him, while I gently squeezed his balls with my right.

  “Fuck I love you,” Connor said.

  “How much do you love me?” I asked as I ran my hand up and down the length of him.

  “I’m gonna burst,” he said. “I’ve been thinking of being inside you all day. I dreamed of fucking you last night. I had to jack off this morning when I woke up.”

  “How much do you love me?” I repeated.

  “I love you

  I didn’t let him finish. I didn’t need him to. I opened my mouth and took him inside, licking the bottom of his cock as I slid my mouth up and down. He crashed backwards, pulling me with him, yanking himself out of my mouth.

  He stumbled and hit the wall.

  I stood and made my way over to him. I stopped for a moment and just took him in. He looked glorious, my beautiful, handsome husband. His jeans and underwear were down at his ankles. His T-shirt hung down like drapes hovering over his delicious dick. It stood straight out, fully erect, waiting for me.

  So I went to it.

  I hiked up my dress and grab his cock in my hand again, jerking it up and down.


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