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Playing Heart to Get: (A Tryst of Fate Series Novel - Book 1)

Page 11

by Kara Liane

  Alexi had taken one nipple in his mouth and delicately laved it with his hot, wet tongue. Then he sucked on the tip and lightly nipped it, and I screamed. I had no idea what I was saying. I know I was incoherent, and my dialogue was unintelligible. I was so close to climax I just needed a little more…something.

  Whether he sensed it or not, he let go of my nipple with an audible pop. He then took the other nipple in his mouth, and repeated the whole torturous process over again. But this time he added to the process by rubbing the other nipple—he had just abandoned—between his fingers. I was on fire. I tentatively reached down to the juncture of his thighs and ran my hand up and down the length of him. He immediately stilled and let go of my nipples from his mouth and fingers. I was startled out of my hazy sexual euphoria.

  “Fuck! I’m going to end up coming if you touch me like that. I feel like a fucking horny teen around you. I’ve never felt so out of control and feared that I’d spill my fucking seed so quickly,” he admitted.

  He grabbed at his hair as if to demonstrate his level of craziness. I couldn’t believe how brutally honest he was about this situation. I could not believe that I had such power over him. It was like a drug to feel this way. I could sense the lust from him as it was coursing through my own veins. He had to know I wanted to be his. Surely he had to know by now. So he was in for another truth then.

  “Alexi…I’m yours. Take me,” I said breathlessly.

  I heard him groan—so tortured. “I can’t. Not like this. Not here in this tub, Angel” is all he replied.

  Well, that sucked donkey nuts! So much for the itty, bitty pink bikini working its magic. What is the female version of blue balls again?


  What does a girl have to do around here to get laid? I sighed to myself as I sat on the deck. There on the patio was an expensive looking outdoor table, accompanied by comfy chairs. In the middle of the table was a nice fire pit that Alexi had lit for us to keep warm from the cool, evening breeze, that was coming off the water. I loved watching the flames dance across his skin. I was still a little chilled, so I had grabbed an afghan from the linen closet. I didn’t want to go inside just yet. I wanted a little more time to process the events from earlier.

  After the hot tub disappointment, we both got showered and changed; in separate rooms once again. I’m fairly certain we both also took very icy-cold showers to stave off our cravings. I was half tempted to pleasure myself, but I decided against it in the end. Did he? I feel like it would have been wrong and dirty somehow for me to go that route.

  After we were dressed and ready, Alexi treated me to a wonderful dinner to a steakhouse restaurant in town. At dinner, I tried to enjoy myself as much as possible. It was nice for the most part. Now and then there were moments of tension, but otherwise it was friendly and comfortable. Once we pulled into the driveway of the house, though, I could feel something shift.

  Now were sitting here staring at each other in brooding silence. I just kept getting madder and more frustrated by the minute thinking of his earlier rebuff. I didn’t dare turn my head to the left. I knew if I saw that tub again, I’d end up saying something snotty, and that was not in my nature to do so.

  Trying to regroup, I gazed up at the sky. The moon was full and hung over the lake protectively. I could stay here forever, I thought. I pulled the blanket tighter around myself wanting comfort, and hoping that the compression would calm my ragged nerves. I chanced a glance at Alexi out of the corner of my eye. He was fiddling with a pack of matches flipping it over and over again, while staring down at the table. He had a look of deep concentration, so I knew he was a slave to his thoughts like I had been. Well time-out was over for me. I stood up abruptly and the chair screeched across the floor as it moved back. His head came up.

  “I’m going to bed,” I proclaimed. I turned to go, while clutching the blanket tightly as if it was a lifeline.

  I heard him yell out, “Wait! Please don’t go yet, I can tell you’re upset.”

  Gee, I didn’t think I was hiding it, so how observant of him. Goodness, I’m being a snarky one. I took a deep breath but still wouldn’t turn around.

  “Alexi, if you’re not going to take me to bed yourself…then there’s nothing left to say,” I replied sounding very defeated.

  I just stood there all huffy. I wanted to cry. I didn’t know how to deal with all these feelings swimming around in the vast ocean of my head. I heard his chair move back, and he came up behind me. He put his hands on my arms and gently turned me around. I didn’t look up at him until he started talking.

  “Okay Caylan,” he sounded resigned. “This ends, or rather begins, now,” he choked out.

  Without any warning, he picked me up and held me in his arms, and attacked my lips at the same time. I was so turned on and frustrated, that one lone tear leaked out from my eye. I moaned and ravished his mouth right back. He carried me across the deck, opened the doors, and entered the bedroom. He tossed me on the bed and pulled the afghan out from under me.

  “I am going to do everything I fucking can to take this slow and easy. You deserve so much more, and I am not worthy of this. I feel like a bastard for even considering this, but I can’t fight it anymore. I am going to make love to you, and I won’t stop until we both pass out. Let me be your wings tonight Angel, and take you there,” he said so poetically.

  I couldn’t even speak. I was so overcome with emotion but managed somehow to sit up on my haunches.

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  I knew I was finally ready to fly!

  Chapter 12: If at First You Don’t Succeed


  I couldn’t think straight for fear of backing out…again. I only needed and wanted to feel. I wanted to wait for her sake, but I knew her emotions were bleeding out. This passion between us was fucking bigger than the both of us. It was evident it was overtaking our world, and taking on a life of itself. I knew she felt like I did. Too overwhelmed to comprehend what was happening to my heart, soul, mind, and body—that’s what the fuck was happening.

  Sex was second nature to me, but making love was new. So in this moment, I felt like my cherry hadn’t been popped either. But I would make this special and memorable for her. I’d try and last as long as I could because my current track record around her was not good. I had to fucking jack off in the shower earlier just as a precaution for this occasion, even though I told myself this wouldn’t happen tonight.

  I didn’t want to make the wrong move here, but I figured she was probably so nervous that I needed to take the lead and direct everything. She looked at me with those big, beautiful blue eyes, and that familiar ache in my chest returned with a vengeance. What I began to discover was that she had trust in her eyes. I didn’t fool myself into thinking that it was implicit trust. No, that type would have to be earned over time. But I knew that she wouldn’t be in this house, in this bed, with me, if she wasn’t ready.

  I was a pussy that I couldn’t yet admit to her that I was falling deeply—and fucking hopelessly—in love with her. I was scared shitless at what this meant, and how much my life would change.

  She was the one.

  But as I said, I wanted to only feel and not think right now. I tucked her hair behind her ears as I caressed her face. She closed her eyes in acquiescence. I kissed her forehead and then moved down to her cheeks, and finally ended with soft kisses to her luscious lips.

  “Angel…,” I breathed out. She still didn’t open her eyes, as if she was lost to the pleasure and sensations.

  “I hate to bring this up, but I need to make sure you’re protected. I assume you’re not on the pill or use other contraceptives. I want to assure you that I have never had unprotected sex. I get tested every few months, which is way more than necessary. But I’m very cautious especially because of being a doctor, and it’s standard in my field to get tested regularly. It’s been a few months since I had sex with a one-night stand, but we should still use a condom. Other than that, I will admit
I had oral sex recently with a fling,” I guiltily admitted in a rush.

  God, it sounded awful even to my ears when I said it. It got her attention in the worst way because her eyes popped open, and her face became tense and confused. I knew she wouldn’t understand. Caylan was the kind of girl that would be monogamous, and I couldn’t ever imagine she would have a fucking one-night stand. She started biting her lip as if to ward off crying. I felt like a big piece of fucking shit for having to discuss this, and once again probably ruining the moment.

  She started to croak out, “Who was the fling, and when was it?”

  Oh fuck, why’d she have to ask that? I was agitated—not at her—but at myself. So I dropped my hands from her face and started clenching and unclenching my fists at my sides to calm myself down. Shit, how to explain?

  “Caylan, every girl before tonight was a meaningless fuck. It was always nothing, and it meant nothing. I know that is probably hard for you to hear and I’m sorry. I will never lie to you, though, so I will tell you that the night I met you I took a girl home. But we didn’t have sex,” I tried to explain.

  “You mean you just had oral sex, is that what you’re telling me?” she asked, still perplexed.

  I replied with a yes. She was trying to process what I was saying. She sat back down on the bed on her bottom, and tucked her legs into her chest, then wrapped her arms around her shins. She was retreating on me. Fuck!

  “Okay…you said it was a fling. But was it with Britney?” she questioned.

  I shook my head indicating no. She wouldn’t even look at me when she spoke, and she started rocking back and forth. I knew what she was doing. She was protecting herself, and this was her defense mode.

  “When was the last time you slept with Britney?” she then hit me with.

  “The night before we met,” I told her. She just nodded as if she was listening to me, but I didn’t know if she actually heard me.

  “Angel, I’m sorry, I don’t know what else to say. If you don’t want to be with me, then I understand. I can’t stand the thought of you being repulsed by me, but I do get it. We certainly don’t live in the same world,” I voiced that a little harsher than I intended.

  Fuck, that’s not how I meant it to come out.

  But I’d already said it. I made it sound like we didn’t belong together, and that I was better than her or something. Christ, that wasn’t my intention at all. Once again, how do I unfuck this situation? She just kept rocking, and now I was getting worried. I sat on the bed and stilled her. She finally looked at me. I had to be honest and try again—with the right words.

  “I get the feeling I am totally screwing this up. This has been a clusterfuck from start to finish. You have no idea how badly I want you and need you. I crave you, Caylan. As you know, I ended it with Britney the night we met. What you don’t know is that I only took a girl home to get my mind off you. I know that sounds rather fucked up, but sadly it made sense at the time. I couldn’t go through with sleeping with that chick, though, because it didn’t feel right. I didn’t even know you yet, but our little tryst in the breakroom solidified it for me that I had to know you,” I conveyed these words with the utmost sincerity.

  A tear slid down her cheek, and I captured it with my finger.

  “Don’t cry baby, it pains me to see you cry...,” I then shuddered and soldiered on. I added, “Especially when you cry because of me.”

  She unwrapped her arms from around her legs and crawled into my lap, straddling me. This was undoubtedly my favorite position with her thus far, since I was blessed to have her like this two times already. She fit so well in every position with me, and I don’t just mean sexually. She cupped my face and lightly kissed my lips. I didn’t dare move. I didn’t want to spook her. Sometimes she was so timid and delicate like glass. I didn’t want to fucking drop her and have her shatter before my very eyes. She ran her fingers through my hair and traced the planes of my face, as if she was studying every feature.

  She practically whispered, “You’ve been so good with me. There’s times I feel like this is all a dream. We only just met, and yet I feel like I know you somehow on a deeper level. It’s like we’re connected in some way. I want to be with you in every conceivable way.”

  She took a moment to compose herself and then continued on. “I have been on the pill for years to help with my cycle. I love that you want to protect me, but right now in more ways than one, I don’t need protection. I want you bare inside me. I want to be able to feel you everywhere with nothing between us. Make me forget about all this other stuff. Make me forget about everything but you and me, right here, right now,” she begged.

  She needn’t beg though. She had me when she said bare. My balls had tightened up so painfully, that I thought I’d bust a nut. I groaned roughly and loudly. God, I didn’t fucking deserve her.

  I was in love with her.

  It was getting easier to say at this point. I didn’t waste any time easing her t-shirt off her gorgeous body. I then took mine off. She rubbed her hands up and down my chest.

  “Lay down, Angel,” I told her.

  She laid down on her back and it was a heavenly sight. She was wearing a black bra that cupped her breasts perfectly. My fingers practically trembled as I ran my hands down her torso to her stomach. She was squirming and making the most intoxicating feminine sounds of appreciation. My fingers skated across her belly and then to her waistband, as I undid the button and zipper on her jeans. This was like unwrapping my Christmas present. I was desperately trying to be patient and take my time—savoring each second.

  I peeled the jeans down her incredible, silky legs. Her skin was so soft and dreamy. I would have to spend hours worshipping each part of her body when I finally learned some fucking control. As I was shedding each layer and piece of our clothing, I thought we were both doing the same shedding internally—it was therapeutic. I then took my jeans off and was clad only in my boxers. I moved next to her shoulders where I kissed the spots where her bra straps were. I started to pull the straps down, and kissed whatever skin they touched on their way down.

  I put my hands under her back and undid the clasp of her bra. As I peeled away the undergarment, I became fucking drugged by her. There would never be another woman that would ever hypnotize me like this. She was fucking it! I tossed her bra on the floor to meet her pants and my clothes. Her nipples instantly hardened, and I thought to myself, all in good time my beauties, all in good time.

  I knew if I went for her supple, ample breasts, that I’d never move on. So for now I just kissed the tops of each tit, and moved lower to the most intimate part of her. The black panties covered enough, but they were a tiny little thing. The delicate scrap of material drove my dick crazy—taunting me. Then I was fucking assaulted by the smell of her pussy. I inhaled deeply and was going fucking mad with lust. She moaned when she heard me moan. I placed a whisper soft kiss on her pubic bone, and she bucked off the bed. I put a hand on each side of the panties and pulled them down her legs, and they met the floor too.

  “Beautiful,” I rasped out in amazement.

  God, she was fucking perfect. She wasn’t completely shaved, for there was a tiny bit of hair that was neatly trimmed. It was just enough of a hint of hair to make my dick want to jackhammer the bed. I bent and repeated the same kiss on her pubic bone, but this time without the obstacle of the panties. I then licked that same spot and her smell wafted up to me again. It was in fact an aroma of vanilla and cream—like I had imagined. I gently moved her thighs apart because I had to see her. Her pussy lips splayed before me were beautifully shaped and pink, and all mine.

  “God, this beautiful cunt is mine,” I said aloud, and I could see her pussy clench at my words.

  Her creamy essence was leaking out, and I delicately swiped a finger through it and drew it into my mouth. A fucking cream-sickle she was! She started writhing and gyrating her hips. It was so goddamn erotic. It was a miracle I didn’t come apart. I looked up at her, and her gaze w
as glued to the apex of her thighs. Her eyes widened in anticipation and excitement.

  I placed a small kiss to the center of her opening—right at the heart of her. She moaned and her lids shut. I then licked my way up her slit, and her legs began to clamp shut to trap my head. Fuck! Every sound, every look, every scent, was another zap to my heart. It was like a defibrillator was being used, and 200 joules applied. I had to taste her deeply. I had to also prepare her for taking my cock when the time came. I knew she would need to be stretched and ready. I had a huge cock—it was just a fact. Going down on her would put her at ease. I thrust my tongue into her hole, and then licked my way up to her clit.

  She screamed from my ministrations and after gentle licks, I took the nub into my mouth and softly sucked. She pounded her fists on the bed and ran her hands through her hair wildly, like she was in a crazed state. I stayed right at her clit working her, and then placed one lone finger inside her pussy. She was so fucking wet and slippery—the finger went right in, as there was only slight resistance at first. It was the hottest fucking feeling touching her this way. She was so goddamn tight and clamped down on my finger.

  After a few minutes, I added another finger, and she moaned all over again as if it was the first time. I imagined she was so awash with new sensations. I kept giving gentle bites to her clit by this point, and finally I added a third finger to her pussy, stretching her even more. I turned my fingers and hooked them to find her g-spot, and that’s what did it.

  She screamed louder than I ever heard her, and yelled out my name. She practically flew up off the bed. She came in my hand, and I continued to lave at her nub. After a good while of wringing every last bit of orgasm from her sinful body, I removed my fingers and licked each one clean. I then looked down at her body. She was lying there sated, and practically passed out on the bed. It was amusing and erotic all at once. I didn’t want to disturb her, but I was far from finished. My cock couldn’t take much more waiting.


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