Playing Heart to Get: (A Tryst of Fate Series Novel - Book 1)

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Playing Heart to Get: (A Tryst of Fate Series Novel - Book 1) Page 12

by Kara Liane

  I moved up her body and delved into her mouth. I wanted her to taste herself from my tongue, and she moaned in the back of her throat. Our tongues dueled each other for a while. I then moved down to her gorgeous tits and with the scruff of my beard, I ran it across her nipples. She gasped, and her nipples tightened. Next I sucked on each berry tip. I cupped each breast to feel the weight and size, and marveled at her perfection. Her sexy brown hair was in tangles fanned out on the pillow. This woman had the power to blind me, cripple me, and end me. She slowly opened her eyes as if fighting it.

  I said to her in a tone of utter awe, “Let me love you now.”

  She looked at me with trust and acceptance, and I guided my cock to the entrance of her pussy. She was already trembling. I would not—and could not—take my eyes off of her. I didn’t even want to fucking blink. I wanted this moment seared into my fucking mind until I was six feet under. I started to inch forward, and she winced. I was going so fucking slow it seemed like hours were passing.

  She closed her eyes and I rasped out, “Look at me Angel, as I enter you. I need to see you.”

  She complied and gave me a shy smile. I moved forward again and let her adjust to the intrusion. I didn’t want her to be in pain, but I knew so much pleasure awaited her on the other side if I could just get in. Her fucking pussy was so tight and squeezed my dick like a vice—I thought it might even break off. Goddamn, nothing ever felt so good and right. Being bare inside her was like making it to the Pearly Gates. I would never get enough of her.

  “Baby, I’m going to have to get all the way in. I’m going to push through. I’m sorry. I know it will probably hurt at first, but it’s going to be worse if I keep going at this pace,” I breathed out.

  I was trying so hard not to come, and I knew I kept lengthening and thickening each time her pussy spasmed and hugged my cock. This would have to be like ripping off a bandage. Here goes! Deep breath, I thought for both our sakes.

  As gentle as I could possibly be, I surged forward to the hilt. Caylan cried out, but kept her eyes open. She was now completely and irrevocably mine in every sense. I think we both needed a minute to adjust, but finally I told her I had to move. She whimpered at that idea, but I kissed her nose and told her to trust me. Her slippery entrance was like coming home—it was unreal. I began to slowly pull out and then eased back in. She winced again but after a few ins-and-outs, her face turned to one of shock.

  “Oh my God!” she stated in wonderment. I kept moving in and out and she began to match my rhythm.

  “Wrap your legs around me, baby. It’s deeper this way,” I told her in the most strained tone.

  By this point I didn’t even recognize my own voice. My angel locked her ankles around my back after securing her legs, and I slid in deeper. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I couldn’t think of anything else but fuck! I wanted her to come again, but I couldn’t wait any longer.

  “Angel…Fuck! I can’t hold out anymore. I’m going to come inside you. I couldn’t stop it even if I wanted to. I’m sorry if you’re not there yet, but I can’t wait,” I gritted out.

  “It’s okay, let’s both fly,” she replied.

  That was all the confirmation I needed, as I exploded in never-ending spurts. My balls tightened up and my cum erupted into her beautiful pussy in a creamy stream. It jetted on and on and on, and I yelled her name. She moaned and wrapped her arms around my neck, and held on to me for dear life. I finally pumped the last of my seed into her, and collapsed on top of her. I used my forearms to try and keep the brunt of my weight from crushing her into the mattress, but I was so fucking spent. I was breathing so heavy, and she ran her hands up and down my back to soothe me.

  “God Angel,” is all I managed to say.

  She grabbed my face and stilled me, and I knew she wanted my attention. She looked at me lovingly and shattered me right then and there.

  “It was perfect, Alexi. I love…,” she hesitated, “the way you made love to me. It was everything. Thank you.”

  I couldn’t even say anything, I was so overcome. I kissed her lips sweetly and buried my face in her neck, and tears stung my eyes. I didn’t feel like a pussy, though, in this moment—I felt like a fucking man. She made me feel like a fucking man. Caylan had wormed her way into my heart, and now I only prayed I’d never break hers.

  Chapter 13: Moment of Truth


  The following morning on Saturday, I found myself content and happy. I had a gorgeous woman wrapped around me, and we were tangled up naked in the sheets and each other’s legs. Yup, life was fucking good. My morning erection was pissing me off, but I didn’t want to take her again so soon. So as a distraction, I lazily drew circles in the skin of her arm as she had her head lying on my chest. I couldn’t stop touching her.

  “What do you want to do today, baby?” I finally asked.

  “Hmm. I guess I should study at some point, but I might need some motivation,” she giggled. I fucking loved that sound.

  “Well I’m sure I can motivate you. Tell you what, I’ll quiz you so you can prep for your finals. We’ll make this interesting, though. For every right answer, I’ll kiss you. For every wrong answer, I’ll spank you. If you get an ‘A’ on my test, then I’ll make you orgasm using my tongue. You’ll come so hard that you’ll see stars,” I said wickedly.

  She gasped at my words. As much as I wasn’t into the BDSM scene, I still didn’t mind spanking a woman until her ass was a pretty pinkish-red. Every woman I had been with always enjoyed it, and I imagined Caylan would too.

  “Oh I’ll ace your test doctor,” she replied laughing.

  I kissed the top of her head and playfully swatted her pert ass, and hopped out of bed. She sat up and gave me a murderous look, but it was adorable.

  “Come on, Angel. It’s time I fed my woman,” I told her.

  She reluctantly got out of bed and we both dressed in our Pj’s. She followed me out of the bedroom with a pout, and I just laughed. I adored this woman more than life itself.

  I turned to her as we were going down the stairs to the kitchen and explained, “Angel, I want to fuck you so badly again, but I imagine you’re sore. So my only option is to eat. And I couldn’t help but spank that beautiful ass of yours. You’ll earn extra credit, though, for that.”

  I winked at her and she was struggling to maintain the pout. We got down to the last step and I grabbed her and dipped her back. She yelped and I kissed her so hard, I left her breathless.

  “Now be a good girl and stop being so fucking adorable, and maybe my fucking erection will finally go down,” I admitted.

  I kissed her one more time and then stood her upright, and walked off to the kitchen. I readjusted my cock and balls as I went and hoped my dick would get a break soon from this torment. Maybe if I kept telling myself that, I’d finally believe it.


  After breakfast, I told Caylan to grab her books and we’d go in the living room and have a study session.

  Seriously though, I was really going to help her study. I made us each a coffee, and we were now seated comfortably on the couch getting ready to start. It was nice to have someone to cook for and take care of. She rifled through her books, and I sipped my coffee admiring the view of her in deep concentration. My phone chimed on the side table, so I picked it up. Fucking Britney. This text from her I didn’t give a shit about, but was certainly not going to ignore due to the context.

  At your place. Your neighbor said you went away for the weekend. I’ve been thinking about you and I know you’ve been thinking about me lover. Call me!!!!!!!!!

  My neighbor, Chris, who I’d seen yesterday morning on my way to the hospital, was the only one who I had mentioned to that I was going out of town. He and I had hung out every now and then to have a beer, and I even brought him to the lake last year to fish with me since he was an avid angler. Otherwise, we were more of acquaintances than anything. I inwardly sighed with relief knowing that Britney couldn’t get into my apartment. I never gave her
a key of course. She was really getting on my nerves, and I was so fucking mad at myself for not realizing sooner how attached she was getting. I guess I was in denial. I didn’t even bother to reply. I put my phone back down. By now Caylan had found the materials she wanted.

  So she looked at me with mischief in her eyes and claimed, “I’m ready for my test doctor.”

  God, she was ready for her test, but was I ready for mine?


  She got the answers about half right and half wrong. Although I suspected she knew every single one, the fucking little minx. Either way, I enjoyed spanking her amazing ass and kissing her juicy lips. But I really wanted a taste of her pussy again. Soon, I vowed. I would also love for her to have a taste of my cock, but I knew that would eventually happen too. We had just finished lunch and we were now cuddled on the couch. I played with her hair and had her snuggled down the side of me.

  We were still dressed in our pajamas, and it was nice just lounging. I was so used to keeping up a fucking hectic, crazy schedule between the hospital, women, clubs, gym, and family and friend obligations. So this was fucking amazing just being me for once in my life. Caylan was sharing a lot of firsts with me, and apparently it was reciprocal. You could imagine my surprise when she picked this moment to broach a topic that I thought would be off-limits for a long time. Needless to say, I was not prepared for the accounts that lay ahead.

  She began hesitantly by saying, “I think I’m ready to tell you now about my tattoo.”

  I didn’t think I quite heard her at first because she practically whispered it. I tensed slightly because I didn’t want to worry her.

  “Okay, Angel,” is all I said back.

  She took a deep breath and began to tell her story. “I want to start by saying that only Meg and my parents know the details of what I’m about to tell you. Brenneth doesn’t know, and I’d prefer to keep it that way. If he knew...,” she choked out. Then tried again, “If he knew, he’d go after him.”

  I knew I wasn’t going to like this story, not one bit. The word him made my skin crawl. I stopped playing with her hair and tightly hugged her to my body, wanting to infuse her with some of my strength so she would continue. I wanted so badly to start barraging her with fucking questions. But I knew I needed her to take her time and say what she needed to say—with no interruptions, and complete understanding.

  She took a minute and went on, “Greg was the resident advisor of my dorm. He was a senior, while I was a junior last year.” She swallowed, and I knew this was incredibly hard for her.

  “He asked me out so many times, too many times to count actually. He would write me letters of admiration, send me emails, leave little gifts at my room, ya know, things like that. I hated when he showed up to my door with roses, though. I hate roses. They’re like the flower of death to me. See, he didn’t even know me. He didn’t even know tiger lilies are my favorite flower. Anyway, I’m getting off track here. God, I wasn’t even attracted to him. He was nice, but I just wasn’t interested. There was always something about him that just seemed off. He was just so unbelievably relentless,” she recalled.

  She took a few deep, calming breaths. Then she continued, “Finally, one night I caved. I felt so bad for refusing him so many times, and he made me feel so guilty. He just talked me right into going on a date with him.”

  I began stroking her hair again since that seemed to help reassure her somehow. I was giving her all the time she needed.

  She eventually said, “After we went to dinner, we came back to my room. My roommate was out at the time. In hindsight, that should have put up a red flag for me right there. I only intended for him to walk me to my door, but he talked me into letting him in. He tried to kiss me, but I refused him. It was apparently the wrong thing to do. You didn’t say ‘no’ to Greg.”

  Mother fucking piece-of-shit-for-an-excuse asshole person! I screamed in my mind. Holy fucking Christ. I knew I wasn’t going to want to hear the rest, but I had to hear it. I had to know what happened. She shuddered, and I kissed her head trying to further soothe her.

  “The first punch to my face I barely felt because he pretty much knocked me out. When I came to, I was on my bed with my shirt and pants off. He was on top of me naked. I started crying and yelling, so he punched me again. That second blow gave me a small concussion, so I was in and out of consciousness. What was cruel, though, was that I was awake for the worst of it…so I remember it,” she struggled to say. She was shaking a little harder now.

  “I remember how heavy he was on top of me. He ejaculated on me because I guess he was so excited. It shot up toward my face, and I remember the foul smell. I was getting sick to my stomach, and I ended up throwing up a little. He backhanded me across the face and punched me in the side, telling me how disappointed he was with me. How I didn’t appreciate him, and how I didn’t love him like he loved me,” she sniffled.

  She started sobbing, and I squeezed her so tight she probably couldn’t breathe. My eyes were burning because I couldn’t stand the pain and shame that was bleeding out from her. She was an open wound, and it was spilling out everywhere in front of me.

  After some time, she calmed enough to go on, “At some point, I blacked out again. When I awoke next, he was biting my breasts and squeezing them so hard I had bruises for weeks. It was painful and ugly, and I hated him so much every time I looked in the mirror for those weeks. Finally, I just stopped looking in the mirror even after they faded. Anyway, I tried again to say something to him and he covered my mouth with his hand. By then I realized at that point that my underwear was off. He took his fingers and stuck them inside my vagina so roughly, it hurt so bad. I was crying so hard and bit his hand, but it didn’t even register. He only thrust harder and meaner.”

  God, she was the bravest woman I knew. Is it possible to love someone even more? I didn’t fucking deserve her.

  That’s all I could think about besides wanting to hunt down the mother fucker and kill him. I understood now why she didn’t tell her brother. He would have done the same thing. I knew there was more to the story, though. I was trying so hard to control my breathing. I was clutching on to her harder than probably was necessary.

  She then finished with, “I knew I had a guardian angel when my roommate showed up. She scared the crap out of him when she walked in on us and saw what he was doing. If she didn’t come at that exact moment, he surely would have raped me. I ended up going to the hospital and there were tears to my vagina because of his rough treatment. It took a while to heal, but I knew I was hurt more emotionally, than physically. I just had a cracked rib in addition to the concussion. And of course bruises everywhere he touched. He was arrested but got out on bail. After meeting with lawyers and the school, I told my parents I didn’t want to go to trial and have to relive every painful, embarrassing detail. My parents were so supportive and knew it was my choice. He most likely would have only gotten a slap on the wrist anyway because he didn’t actually rape me. Can you believe that? What kind of a justice system is that? Anyway, he made a deal that we accepted so there wouldn’t be a trial. He did six months in jail, a year of probation, and was expelled from school.”

  My mind was reeling from this information. I had so many questions. She surprised me again when she explained, “I had moved out of the dorms and back with my parents after the attack. I couldn’t keep up with school because we lived too far away. After a few months of trying to act like everything was normal…I knew I couldn’t do it anymore. Greg kept trying to contact me. He was obsessed. I couldn’t take it anymore, even after he was court-ordered not to contact me. I was seeing a therapist who helped me cope a little. She suggested I write about my feelings, and that’s helped some. My parents then offered to move here so I could get a fresh start and finish school at another university. We moved and eventually they sold their house…all for me. That is why I love them, and owe them everything. After we moved here, I got the tattoo.”

  She sat up now and crossed her arm
s over her chest while staring forward. I sat up too and leaned into her to offer comfort.

  “The wings are a reminder that I had an angel that day watch over me. They also symbolize my need to be free. Obviously the saying is because I will never, ever again, allow something like that to happen to me…I wouldn’t survive it,” she admitted.

  “Caylan…,” I choked out, as I gently pulled her to me.

  I hugged her and placed her head on my shoulder. I whispered how sorry I was over and over again. Jesus, it hurt my heart to experience this pain with her.

  “God, baby. You’re so brave and strong. I’m so proud of you for the amazing person you are. I’m so glad you told me. You have no idea how much it means to me that you trust me with this.”

  I took a deep breath and was finally about to say it, out loud. “Angel...I love y…,” I started.

  But before I could finish saying it, the doorbell rang. What the fuck? I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that everything we just built between us was about to come crashing down—brick by brick. Fuck it all to hell!

  Chapter 14: Get the Lake Out of Here


  What was he going to say? Surely he wasn’t going to say “I love you,” right? Why did the doorbell have to ring, was that a sign?

  My nerves were shot, my brain fried, and my heart flayed open. It was surprisingly easy to tell him what happened because I felt so comfortable, but it was still so painful because it took me back to that night. Night…what am I saying? I relived it for months. When we moved here, it got better. Dredging up all that old crap now just made me feel weak and vulnerable, and I didn’t like that debilitating feeling. I could see the rage in Alexi’s eyes when I told him. I knew he wanted blood. I felt so protected by him based on his reaction. It’s probably unhealthy that a part of me is happy he wants revenge, but that’s how I know he’s in this with me.


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