Playing Heart to Get: (A Tryst of Fate Series Novel - Book 1)

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Playing Heart to Get: (A Tryst of Fate Series Novel - Book 1) Page 20

by Kara Liane

  God, I would have asked her a million times by now for her hand, but I didn’t want to push her. I wonder if she even knew how talented she was? Fuck, I’m supposed to be the doctor with some fancy goddamn ivy league school education, and here she was the superior intellect.

  It fucking slayed me that she didn’t know her worth. I would have sat there and read the whole book from start to finish if I had the chance. But I heard rustling from the bedroom and figured she’d be making her way out to me. So I closed the book and replaced it on the end table. I wiped my guilty look from my face when I heard her footsteps approach in the tell-tale sign of heels.

  “How does this work?” she asked as she came into the room.

  I looked her up and down. She was wearing my favorite silver heels, and a bronze colored sleeveless shift dress had her glowing like a beacon of joy. She kept her hair down and her makeup light. She looked stunning, as always.

  “Wow! Where did that little number come from?” I questioned, charmed by her appearance.

  “Oh, this old thing?” she giggled. “Actually this is another dress I borrowed from Meg’s friend, Tara, that first night we went out to dinner. I just forgot to return it,” she said coyly.

  “Fuck, I’ll buy you a million of them,” I breathed, and stood up and walked to her.

  I was so overcome by her written words and the fact that she was standing in front of me. I gave her a scorching kiss on the lips and smacked her ass for good measure.

  “Ready Angel?” I queried.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” was her reply.


  We made it to the restaurant just in time for our 8 p.m. reservation. It was called Tai-Phoon, with an obvious tropical and water theme gracing the establishment. Caylan took it all in and looked around in awe. I loved that about her. Every fucking little thing seemed to make her happy. She was pure happiness, and you just gravitated to that.

  We made it to the table and the guys were already seated with beers all around. A chorus of hellos, hey’s, and fuck you’s greeted us. Caylan was very wide-eyed and timid, but the guys gave me the head nods and looks of approval at the beauty by my side. Already my inner green monster was awakening from slumber. I was hoping she’d be at ease soon. I introduced her to Caleb, Anthony, and Gil, and they each did their variation of a kiss on the cheek, hug, or kiss on her hand. I’m glad they were making her feel welcome. I just had to yell to myself down boy.

  “Do you guys come here a lot?” Caylan asked the group.

  “Yes and no,” Caleb answered flirtatiously, as he sidled up to her right since I was on her left.

  I growled low enough not to be heard. Caylan tucked some hair behind her ear in a shy way. I knew she wasn’t flirting back, she was just trying to adjust to the situation—more of a nervous tic I had come to adore. Fuck, I adored everything she did!

  “I really like it here,” she remarked.

  “Yeah, it’s cool. When we actually want to eat some place we frequent here. The hot bartenders and waitresses know us pretty well. If we’re not here, we’re at clubs,” he spoke nonchalantly.

  I could have smacked him for outing me like that. No, not smacked, fucking punched. I realized Caylan knew I’m not a saint, but I didn’t want to constantly rub it in her innocent face how I always prowled around. As if right on cue, our normal waitress, Courtney, appeared at our table. At some point we’d all slept with her; not at the same time mind you, well at least I didn’t think so. Although, Gil and Anthony had been known to fuck the same woman, or women, together—but hey, to each his own. Courtney was a smoking lady with blonde hair, but she didn’t hold a candle to Caylan—well, no one did now.

  Not being a bastard, but I think out of the four of us guys, Courtney had her eye on me the most from the start. I never wanted anything more than a fuck, so it never went anywhere. She was a hot meaningless fuck like many before her and after her. Boy, she still tried her best to lure me back into bed with her, though. The asshole in me thought been there done that, and not ever again, even before I met Caylan. She had a vindictive glint in her eye and her hooker-red stained lips smiled deviously at me. Immediately I thought of the Joker from Batman.

  “Hey guys! Long time no see. What can I get for you tonight? You know you could have anything,” she purred.

  She said the last part looking directly at me. I pulled Caylan’s chair closer to me and ignored Courtney. The guys all placed their orders.

  Then I said to Caylan, “Angel, what will you have?”

  I never took my eyes off Caylan and even though I could see her feathers had been ruffled a little, probably from jealously, she didn’t miss a beat.

  She stared at me ignoring Courtney too and announced, “I’ll have a strawberry daiquiri. Virgin, please.”

  She said this while smiling with her eyes and lips. It was our little secret, but any interloper probably could figure out the hidden meaning. I’m sure we weren’t that stealth about the innuendo. I instantly hardened and wanted to grab my dick to alleviate the throb. I swear at that moment even among the heavy scents of Tai food in the air, I could smell her vanilla and cream scent. Fuck, my Angel is the most amazing woman! Courtney huffed and stomped off. One point for Caylan, zero for Courtney.

  Most of the evening went off without a hitch. There was easy banter between the guys and I, and they chatted Caylan up from time to time. She fit in well with her wit and intellect. She was even more mature than people my age, so it was seamless. I could see the guys were instantly taken with her, and had fallen for her like I did. I was relaxing a little more from my jealously streak since I was thinking about her poem. It struck me how she wanted me, not anyone else, but me.

  Fuck, I’d better get down on my knee soon, though, before one of these knuckleheads beat me to it. After eating, and after a while of chatting, she excused herself to go in search of the restroom. Now I was left with my closest friends all wearing similar expressions. Their grins couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than happiness for me.

  “Dude,” is all Caleb said.

  Gil and Anthony just kept on giving me the knowing eye. I knew they meant I had a good one. Yup, I had a keeper for sure—well, more like a lifer.

  “I’m going to ask her to marry me,” I announced to the table.

  All three of my best friends looked at each other first, and then at me. Simultaneously they erupted into congratulations, high fives, and Gil slapped me on the back. I didn’t realize Courtney had walked up to our table and heard my declaration. She seemed dazed for a second and put down the fourth round of drinks. She walked away without a word, and I could just see the streak of dyed purple in her high, blonde ponytail as she fled the scene. Well, it’s just as well, now she really must have gotten the message. One point Alexi, zero point Courtney.



  I’m going to throw up, no I’m not. Yes, I am.

  I couldn’t stop arguing with myself as my throat tightened, and my mouth became flooded with saliva. Yuck. Queasy, queasy, and more queasy. I leaned up against the bathroom stall wall, as I was still locked inside the small compartment. I had already peed, and now I was just waiting for the nausea to pass. It finally did after a few minutes, thank God. Whew, I’ll remind myself not to eat Tai food again. I never really had it before; well I guess ever. There obviously wasn’t much opportunity in Texas to try it. My home state was primarily littered with barbeque joints and Mexican restaurants. Although, I suspected I wasn’t adventurous enough to find places like this anyway back home.

  I liked this establishment, despite the stalking parade of girls that constantly flitted around our table. It was annoying and obnoxious. But the four of them hunks out there I imagined made a scene wherever they went. I knew those floozies would be content with any of the other three guys, but for some reason I felt they all kept targeting Alexi. It was unnerving. I felt I had to stake a claim, so I was constantly touching him and snuggling up to him during dinner. Who knew i
f they got the hint, but I tried my darndest anyway.

  I stepped out of the stall and went to wash my hands, when in walked our waitress. She put her hands on her hips as I proceeded to focus on cleansing my skin. She was pretty I would admit, and I was praying Alexi never slept with her. She was blonde, though, so I guess that was my answer. I didn’t want to ask him at the table as to their status, but I was dying to know. She tried to flirt with him all night, so I knew there was something there at least on her end. God, I’d have to constantly get used to this. Running into potentials, or exes, or flings, or whatever they were to be categorized as. I sighed to myself.

  The waitress just continued to stand there staring at me with a smirk, and an arched brow. I knew something was up. That was never a good look. The look of a woman saying, I know something you don’t know. It jarred me, but I wasn’t going to show any sign of weakness. I fluffed my hair and pulled out my compact, and began to touch-up my face. She started to tap her foot. I noticed she was wearing platform sandals. How can you work in those? I could feel her simmering with impatience. I would not break first. She wanted to ambush me in the bathroom, so she needed to make the first move.

  “So, Angel is it?” she asked in that fake, sweet way.

  “It’s Caylan, actually,” I replied flippantly.

  She snickered. “Well Caylan, I’ve seen these guys come in here for a few years. You’re one of the prettiest and youngest I’ve seen Alexi with lately, though,” she commented.

  Do not engage, do not engage, I was telling myself. But I couldn’t help myself and had to reply.

  “That’s nice,” was my simple response.

  I knew she wasn’t going to be ignored. This approach seemed to perturb her more. I did not take a class in Pissed Off Female 101. Nothing against my own gender, but women can be worse than men at times.

  She got huffy and came back with, “Honey, word of advice. Don’t fuck Alexi, he’ll throw you away sooner than you think.”

  I was not going to listen to her. He was going to keep me. He more or less said so. I was fidgeting a lot, so I knew she knew she was getting to me. I went back to messing with my hair. Then she fired a shot that was a direct hit.

  “I was a virgin too. I gave it away to him, and look at me now,” she claimed.

  I froze mid-fluffing of my hair. I started to feel queasy again. Lie, it must be a lie. She didn’t look like she was ever a virgin—jeez, I’m nice today. God, obviously she knew her shot-to-kill hit its target because I was shaking.

  She smiled coldly and then cautioned, “Well anyway, good luck and all. Try fucking one of the others when you’re done with Alexi.”

  She scampered out of the bathroom, and I found myself clutching the sink to the point my knuckles were white. I was breathing deeply through my nose. Her words stung, but I would not let them wound. Alexi was not like that. If he had been like that he was not like that now—was he?

  Chapter 21: Rated PG for Parental Guidance


  Before we left the restaurant and said our goodbyes to the boys, I did my best to avoid the awful waitress. I would not look her way—not even once. I knew she tried to bait me and get my attention several times, but I’d surely throw up if I let her win again. I felt like we should be keeping score or something. I was being silly, though, because she knew she already won. So what did it matter at this point? Alexi could tell something was bothering me, but I kept citing the food.

  It was a silent car ride on the way home, and I was grateful for the peace. He seemed lost in thought too, probably trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I just hated these feelings of worry, doubt, and skepticism. It was always two steps forward, and ten steps back for whatever reason. I kept asking myself when would we get a break? We were on a journey, I just had to keep telling myself that. This journey took us on a highway of open road, and I had to stop looking for the exit signs—or detours.

  We made our way out of the car and up to his condo—I mean our condo. He kept telling me that I needed to refer to it as ours. Now this is why on one hand I thought this was forever, and then on the other hand the waitress planted that seed of doubt—I would spit on it if that seed sprouted a flower. Stewing about this was not getting me anywhere but the longer he let me marinate in my own frustration and anger, the more I’d surely cook my own goose!

  He unlocked the door and we made it through the entrance and before I could stomp off, or yell, or do anything, I was in his arms. Holy Hellman’s mayo he attacked me. If this was angry sex or something, I might have to always stay mad. I attacked him right back like a savage beast starved for a meal. We ripped each other’s clothes off right there in the foyer. There was only moaning and groaning. We couldn’t undress fast enough, and we couldn’t get close enough. It was one of those times that sex was the only way to weather this storm—I would learn to dance in the rain, and make lemonade from the lemons, if it meant I got to do this.

  We somehow ended up in the bedroom, but I don’t remember how we got there. I was underneath him in an instant, and so primed and ready to go off. I didn’t realize how much I needed this. My body was greedy and I was so horny, I couldn’t honestly say I was capable of stopping if he asked me to—not that he ever would. My nails suddenly became talons and I was practically clawing him up and down his back. Jeez, it probably hurt, but he took it like the man he is. No complaints from him, just grunts and groans, so basically this was boy language.

  I squirmed so much under him, he probably wondered where I was trying to go. I needed more of something, but didn’t know what. It was animalistic and insane to be acting this way, but I felt like my body knew better than my brain did at that moment. The body won. I gave over to my base instincts. Oh boy, this was literally going to leave a mark. Who did that? Well, I guess this girl did—with a big thumb and pointer finger aimed right at me.

  Maybe we were on the same page of needing this savagery because he pulled me up and flipped me over, and I got on all fours. I had no clue what I was doing. I never even watched porn before. I think I was channeling every smutty scene I had read about. But it was working because he was rubbing each globe of my butt and it was divine. I’m sure the view from his angle was pleasing because he was speechless. So I am going to take that as a good sign. I was so keyed up and I couldn’t wait for him to do anything—everything.

  He palmed my breasts and rubbed my nipples, and I was so wet. I was trying to rub my butt up against him, and I could feel his cock near the crack of my rear-end. I didn’t know if I was ready for that, but I knew he’d eventually get me there if that was what this was. That was not what this was—another time, perhaps.

  Next, he took his dick in his hand and rubbed it up and down my sex. He was coating it with my wetness. We both sighed in pleasure. He breached my opening, and my pussy lips welcomed him—see, it’s getting easier for me to say. He thrust in hard, and that’s what I needed. I forced myself back on him, and we both moved in tandem in this sexy game of push and pull. So this was doggy style?

  I would bark if that was a part of this. I am certain it’s not, but pfft, whatever at this point. I’d beg, heel, roll over, play dead, and definitely expect to be pet afterwards—if he walked me, then I’d draw the line.

  It was paradise in Alexi’s bedroom. I’m sure he’s an amazing cardiologist, but I’m guessing he could quit and pimp himself out full-time and make more money. Okay, my brain is officially on hiatus. We were moving back and forth at such a rapid pace, I swore the bed moved to the other side of the wall. Dog-gone it was amazing! My body was screaming for release, though. I caved and had to be the first to say something this time.

  “Alexi…I need…I need…,” I tried to get out.

  “I know what you need, Angel,” was his reply.

  He began to rub my clit with expert fingers and precision, and I flew apart. I catapulted to the sky and left him in the wake of my explosive O. I screamed so loud, I thought I’d need to see an ENT for the abuse I had
inflicted upon my throat. He was still pumping in and out of me, but I was only semi-aware of what he was doing. I was too far gone to really grasp the situation. The next thing I knew, he was grabbing me hard at the hips and everything in him was strained and tightened. He then groaned so loud—I thought I’d make an appointment for an ENT for him too. His salty, thick stream probably shot so far up in me, that I should be tasting it. I don’t know if that comment went too far, but that’s the state of mind I was in at the moment.

  He collapsed on top of me, and I fell face-first into the mattress. It was amazing, though. My face smashed into the bed in this manner can only be described as being in a Utopian Society—the society consisting of me, him, and the mattress. I was beyond spent. I needed to rest and recuperate. I couldn’t quite pin-point why I was so up and down lately, but it is what it is—I should get that saying tattooed on my wrist, ha!

  I was drifting, and my mind was in la-la land. Sleep was starting to take me, and Alexi pulled me to him and spooned me. I wish he’d fork me, I giggled to myself. He covered us with the comforter, and the beautiful veil of sleep and darkness finally took me under. I succumbed to R&R and was lulled by the smell and sounds of Alexi. I was now the Sleeping Beauty.


  It was Thursday of the following week, and Alexi had received a phone call from his parents while at work. They invited us to their place in the Hamptons for the weekend. I was nervous, but also looking forward to this next phase of our relationship. I assumed that if I could fit in with his parents, then I was golden. I didn’t think I’d have anything in common with his ex-model mother, or retired plastic surgeon-to-the-stars father, but then again I never thought I’d have anything in common with Alexi.


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