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Rebound Page 24

by Rosemary Rey

  I got up from the bed and retrieved an old, large V-neck t-shirt and loose shorts to wear. Matt exited the bathroom. He went to his clothes and started pulling on his jeans. His muscles flexed as he balanced himself to slip on the pant legs.

  “Matt, before you leave. I just want you to know that I respect what we have and I would never do anything to disrespect you by flirting or seeing another man. I don’t know what you’ve experienced in other relationships, but I plan on just being with you. For the last couple of days, you’ve made statements about being yours. We’ve established that. I’ve agreed with that. Yet, tonight, after you found me talking to a male member of the gym, you got caveman on me. All that was needed to complete the caveman scene was you clubbing me over the head and dragging me by the hair.” He looked embarrassed.

  “My ex-wife cheated on me. She denied it, but all the signs were there. She didn’t want me anymore. I gave her all of me and she took away every part of her, piece by piece. I just don’t want that to happen with us.” I wasn’t surprised by the revelation. I’d suspected that he was compensating for his previous relationship.

  “I’ve given you all of me, Matt. My blinders are up when it comes to you because I don’t look at anyone else.”

  “Really? Because it seemed like you’re blinders were down when you were talking to that guy.”

  I knew it. He fucked me because Eric had approached me. “He’s a member. I signed him up. We were talking about the gym. We started talking seconds before you walked in.” I said through gritted teeth.

  “I don’t like the way he looks at you.” His face tensed and his eyes darkened.

  “How does he look at me, Matt because I don’t see what you do? We’ve talked about this before. I don’t see it. I never have, and I probably never will. I’ve only been with one man before you, and now I’m with you. So what’s this look?”

  “He was too close. Almost like he wanted to grab you and fuck you right there in the gym.” He ran his fingers through his hair, turning away from me. “He wants to take you from me.” He was right about the closeness. Also, Eric didn’t keep his interests in me to himself.

  “How about the next time you see a man trying to take me away from you, you point it out to me so I know what you’re talking about. Or better yet, piss on me in front of him so he knows that this bitch is yours.”

  He turned to look at me and said, “Don’t be gross, Perla.” His lips curled in disgust.

  “You pretty much did that. Yet the message was not given to Eric, it was given to me. You have me.” I walked up to him and stroked his chest. My hands slid up to his neck. With my hands around his head, I lifted up on my tip toes and pulled him into a deep kiss. My tongue caressing his tongue, hoping that I could convince him of how I feel, of how he makes me feel, without having to say the three little words that I haven’t said to a lover in years.

  “Your ex-wife fucked up a relationship with a wonderful, gorgeous, giving man. She had issues. You weren’t compatible with her. We can make this work, if we communicate and understand each other. So fuck me because you want me, not because you’re trying to prove a point to someone else whom isn’t even in the room with us.” I demanded. “But you can still tell me that I’m yours. I like that.” I smiled, and kissed him. He kissed me eagerly, groaning with the passion emanating from us.

  He pulled away and brought his forehead to touch mine. “I’m sorry to have mistreated you like that. I just wanted to . . .”

  “Pound into me how you feel?” I asked with a smirk.

  “You have a way with words.” He retorted. I laughed. “Can I stay?” He whispered. I didn’t expect that. I was hoping for space, but it isn’t the time to reject him.

  “No way! That bed is too small for two people. You have to go home and sleep in your king bed because this one is just enough for me.” I said in jest.

  “Oh, come on. We can sleep together like we’re in a college dorm.”

  “Like what?”

  “You know, sleeping in the twin size beds in the dorms. You sleep pressed together. You’ll sleep inside so you don’t fall of the bed, and I’ll sleep outside so I can push you to the wall and take up most of the bed.” He laughed. I looked at him incredulously.

  “I never lived on campus. It doesn’t sound pleasant . . .” I said giving him a kiss. “I’d love for you to press me into the wall and kick me all night, you wild sleeper, you.”

  He held my face and kissed me deeply. I pulled away feeling the tingles in my core. “Okay. Let me see what I have in the freezer that I can make for dinner.”

  “Let me order take out.” He said pulling his phone from his belt case.

  “No, babe. I have good food already prepared. I just have to heat it up and it tastes really good, and it’s healthy for you. I found food and reheated it for us.

  After dinner, we prepped for bed. We tried to get comfortable in the twin sized bed. Our bodies were almost on top of each other, which neither of us seemed to mind. We talked, opening up a little more with each other about our feelings and expectations. I told him about my plans with Chelsea’s dress fitting appointment. He convinced me to stay over on Friday night, which I hadn’t intended to, but he said he wasn’t going to take ‘no’ for an answer. I didn’t sleep very well that night. I’m sure he didn’t either. However, I loved that he wanted to be with me despite the tiny bed. His feet dangled from the end, through the slats. Mostly, he slept curled up, pushing me to the wall. We got up early because he had morning appointments, and he needed to get changed.

  For the rest of the week, he stayed at his home, and I stayed at mine. He still drove me home, but respected my need for space. He picked me up at Duration on Friday night, and we got into our domestic and sexual groove. On Saturday morning, I got up early and made us pancakes, bacon and eggs. We ate and talked. I still didn’t ask him to escort me to Chelsea’s wedding. Tonight with his sister will be a sign if I should proceed. After I convinced him that I was okay to go to the fitting by myself, I got dressed. I told him that I would call him when we were almost finished with the fitting so he could pick me up.


  I was nervous all afternoon. I decided to get ready two hours before we were due to leave. Matt said it would take about 45 minutes to drive to his sister’s place up North. I washed and deep conditioned my hair while in the tub. I shaved my legs and underarms. I put on a clay mask, and reclined in the tub and read from the tablet clad in a rubber, waterproof case. After a half an hour of soaking and conditioning my hair, I rinsed everything off and cleaned up the tub. With towel wrapped hair, I moisturized my entire body, deodorized, perfumed, and prepared my skin for makeup.

  I piled on the hair products, and styled my damp tresses. I decided to leave my hair down. I hung up the wet towel, and entered the bedroom nude to retrieve my underwear. When I came in the room, Matt was there getting ready to shower. He was naked and smiling lasciviously at my body. “Don’t get any idea, Mr. Man. I’m fresh and clean. I’m not going to your sister’s house with frizzy hair and smelling of sex.”

  “I can be very careful not to get you all mussed. I just want to taste you.” He said as he came over with his semi hard cock, thickening with each step he took toward me. My nipples hardened as I watched him approach.

  “God, why can’t I resist you?” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. “Please, let’s not start anything. I’m nervous enough and I just want to make a good impression. I promise I’ll make it up to you tonight when we get back.” I rambled in plea. He kissed me.

  “You shouldn’t be nervous. All will be fine. My sister’s going to love you. My whole family will.” He gave me a soft kiss in reassurance. I needed that. “I won’t ravage you, but a promise is a promise and I intend to collect.” He smiled and gave me a peck before going to the bathroom for his shower. I dressed slowly, so as not to work up a sweat. It was rather warm and I didn’t know if it was from too much heat circulating in the apartment
or my nerves. I put on makeup in the other bathroom, not wanting to get frizzed up from the steam in the master bath. He called me when he was ready to go, waiting with my trench in his arms. Meeting his sister would be the next phase of commitment.


  We pulled up to a very up-scale subdivision. The houses were huge and spaced quit far from each other for privacy. Ben and I couldn’t afford to live in this type of community, even with both of us working. We earned a decent living, but Ben’s father expected his children to live modestly because they came from humble beginnings despite the wealth that was later amassed. I was comfortable with our three-bedroom colonial in a postage stamp sized lot.

  Stella’s house was definitely not on a postage sized lot, and was twice the size of the colonial I called home for four out of the six years we were married. Stella’s home was a three storied colonial with dormer windows in the third story. It was wide with an attached three car garage. It was painted white to contrast the dark roof tiles. The front of the windows had hydrangea bushes, which had not yet blossomed. I would love to see the color of the flowers when in bloom.

  After driving up a long driveway and parking in front of one of the garage door stalls, Matt put the car in park and said, “We’re here. Are you ready?”

  I gave him a confident smile, summoning up the courage, “Yes, of course. I’m excited.” He smiled, looking relieved that I was comfortable, even if I was pretending for his benefit.

  “Wait right here.” He exited the car and walked around to open the door for me. Since the “claiming” episode where he forgot his manners, he had been really attentive and loving. I exited the car and he took my hand, walking us toward the front door. I took a quiet, deep breath as he knocked.

  Within a minute, a man opened the door. He was tall, handsome with a clean shaven chiseled jaw and bright red hair. He greeted us with a kind smile and welcomed us into the house.

  “Perla, I’d like you to meet Craig Fanning, my brother in law.”

  I extended my hand to meet his, “Nice meeting you.” I smiled.

  “Let me take your coats.” Matt helped me out of my coat and he removed his, handing them both to Craig.

  I heard a voice booming from the right side of the house. “Are they here?” We walked together toward the voice, and found Stella in the kitchen. In a high chair was a beautiful red headed toddler smiling at us. She had soft waves of hair that was held away from her face with cute little clips. She couldn’t have been more than a year old. “Hi, Perla. It’s great to finally meet you.” Stella exclaimed walking over to give me a hug and kiss on both cheeks. Matt walked over to Leona and bent down. She handed over a pinch of food, which he took in his mouth.

  “It’s great to meet you and your family. You have a beautiful home. But I have to tell you that the most beautiful sight is this little girl.” Stella beamed with the compliment as I walked over to Leona.

  “Thank you. She is a good baby.”

  “How old is she?”

  “She turned a year in February. She keeps me pretty busy.”

  “I can imagine. Thank you for inviting me for dinner.”

  “Well, when Matt told me about you, I had to see it for myself be . . . “

  “Hey, don’t say anything I’ll make you regret later.” Matt chimed in. He took Leona out of the high chair.

  “Matt, she just started eating a snack.”

  “I’ll feed her some in the family room. Come on, Craig.” Leona’s little hands slapped his chest in excitement. Craig went to the fridge and pulled out two beer bottles. “You two talk, we men must take the princess to watch baseball. Isn’t that right, preciosa?” He gave her a kiss on her chubby, pink cheeks. She squirmed, tickled by the scruffy beard.

  “Stop kissing her, you’re going to give her a rash with that beard. I don’t know how you can stand it.” She looked at me.

  “I’m sorry?” I blushed, thinking all sorts of wild thoughts.

  “His beard. He grows it out. You can tell he’s aging because of that beard. He has such a handsome face when he shaves. You can see his dimples better with a clean face.” Stella also had dimples. She and Matt looked alike, dark hair and eyes. They had the same olive skin.

  “I actually like his beard. It’s probably my fault that he hasn’t shaved. I’ve asked him not to. I promise that one day soon, I’ll encourage him to shave.” Stella returned to chopping vegetables. “Is there anything I can help you with?” I asked eagerly.

  “No. I’m great here. The roast and potatoes are in the oven. I’m making the salad. Have a seat.” She pointed to the chairs in front of the long center island. “Can I get you something to drink? Some wine?” She asked.

  “Oh, I’ll take water, please. I’m not much of a drinker.”

  “Oh? Okay.” She grabbed a small water bottle out of the refrigerator, and handed it to me.”

  “So, Perla, my brother said you met at a club.”

  “Well, technically, we met at his office when I came in for some treatment for hip pain.”

  “Ahh, he didn’t tell me you’re a patient. He’s a stickler for confidentiality.” I wouldn’t have kept that a secret. It was nice to know that he didn’t discuss private things, such as the fact I’m, was, a patient. “He did say that you’re a sales director at the health club where he’s a member. Sounds interesting.”

  “I am. I’ve worked for Duration for almost a year.”

  “And you never noticed my brother, or he you?”

  “No. But to be honest, I wasn’t looking. I’ve been divorced for almost a year. And Matt’s marriage ended around that time, as well. I think we weren’t in a place to date other people. I wasn’t even looking when he approached me at the club. He’s been fantastic.”

  “He seems happier lately. I’m sure it has a lot to do with dating you. What part of Massachusetts are you from?

  “I’m from Boston, grew up in Southie. I have two sisters, and there’s my father. My mother died of cancer when I was a teenager. I was a dancer and studied at the Conservatory for a couple of years, until I hung up my pointe shoes and studied business.” I offered all the information before she interrogated me. Time to ask her questions.

  “Matt said you’re an architect.”

  “Yes. Craig and I both are. We’re commercial architects. We’re working on a big project, but we’re on separate teams, but still have to work together on occasion.”

  “I used to work at Parisi Construction before my divorce. My ex-husband’s family owned the company.”

  “Oh, we’ve worked with that company before. Didn’t they sell the company?”

  I was taken aback. I hadn’t heard a thing. It had been a family business for years with no future intention to sell, at least not while I was married to Ben. “Oh. I’m not sure. I’ve been out of touch with him and everyone from the company for over a year. I’m surprised, but these things happen. What firm are you with?” Before she could answer, Matt came into the room.

  “What are my two favorite girls talking about?”

  “We’re just getting acquainted. Go to the fridge and put these vegetables back inside.” She commanded.

  “She makes me work for my dinner.”

  “How’s Leona doing? You didn’t put her to sleep did you?” She turned to me and explained, “Matt has the amazing ability to make my daughter nap when it isn’t nap time. She’ll lay in his arms and fall right to sleep. Every time. She has to eat dinner.” Stella warned.

  “Relax. I played with her on the floor. She’s with Craig watching one of those obnoxious shows you guys put on TV.”

  “Watch it, Mister. One day your baby will be watching those obnoxious shows and you’ll welcome it for five minutes peace.” Internally, I freaked out.

  Matt cleared his throat and deflected the topic. He asked “When’s dinner?”

  “In about fifteen minutes. Why don’t you set the table?”

  “Stella, I’m the guest. I shouldn’t be setting up the table.” />
  “Matt, why don’t I help you set up the table? Come.” I offered walking toward him and taking his arm.

  “You know where the place settings are.” Stella called out as we walked to the dining room. He went to a large antique buffet, pulled a drawer and retrieved all the pieces needed for a setting for four. I helped him arrange everything.

  “How’s she treating you?” He asked.

  I gave him a quizzical look. “She’s great. I didn’t know she worked with my former employer, Parisi Company. Actually, she informed me that the company was sold. I had no idea.” I went about setting the flatware.

  “You don’t communicate with your ex or anyone from the company?” Matt asked hesitantly.

  “No. I cut all my ties. I lost a lot of friends and colleagues when we separated. I just wonder why they sold when they’d hoped to expand.” I shook the thoughts. I had no plans of finding out anything further. I could ask Chelsea because Dougie is still friends with Ben, but I didn’t want to pry. The information could be easily retrieved from the internet. “Your niece is adorable. I love her flaming red hair.”

  “Yeah. That’s definitely from the Irish side of the family. My grandmother, our father’s mother, had red hair, but by the time we knew her she was completely gray. Clearly, Craig contributed.” I laughed.

  “She’s a very sweet baby, and it’s obvious that she adores you.”

  “I try to visit as often as possible because she’s growing up so fast. I also like to give them a break sometimes. Hey, maybe we can babysit one Saturday for them. It’ll be fun.”

  A smile broke out on my face, “I’d really like that.” He returned the smile and continued setting the charger plates. When we were done, we walked back to the kitchen and found Stella plating each dish.

  “Matt, take Leona’s high chair to the dining room. And put it beside my usual seat.”

  “What’s the magic word?”

  “What are you, five? Go do it!” She commanded. I chuckled at their banter. Despite being the youngest, Stella clearly was in charge, and I loved how Matt responded to her.


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